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Ruth King

Is Apple Gearing Up for China-Style Internet Control in the U.S.? By Janet Levy


Recently, Apple announced that it will deploy a new algorithm, NeuralMatch, to monitor iMessages and images on its devices. The ostensible purpose is to scan for photos containing nudity sent by or to children and also for photos of nude or seminude children. If a number of suspect images are backed up to an iCloud account, they will be decrypted and inspected, and the user reported to law enforcement. Police could then investigate or prosecute the user for possession of child pornography or for child sex abuse or other offences. But, well-intentioned as the motive may sound, this is a matter of grave concern for privacy. Once such surveillance is begun, it opens the gates for other tech firms to follow suit, and worse, for warrantless scans for nefarious government purposes.

Coming as it does from Apple, this is a curious development in the U.S. For although Apple has bent over backwards to please the Chinese government on its surveillance and censorship needs, it has vehemently resisted assisting the U.S. government. It has refused to unlock cellphones for criminal investigations and prosecutions, citing concerns about protecting the data and privacy of its customers. It has received — and objected to — at least 10 requests from federal courts for extracting date from locked iPhones. But now, in a complete turnabout, if Apple thinks (or its algorithm decides) that certain images are illegal, it will cooperate with the authorities.

In 2016, the FBI asked Apple to unlock a phone used by one of the Islamic terrorists who attacked the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, murdering 14 people and injuring 22. Apple declined, citing a corporate policy to never undermine the security features of its products. Following another terrorist attack at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida, in 2019, Apple again rejected a government request to unlock the perpetrator’s phone. Then-Attorney General William Barr insisted that tech companies have an obligation to give law enforcement access to encrypted devices, but Apple refused. It said doing so would weaken encryption and thus jeopardize the data security of its customers.

So much for Joe’s threats: Taliban IGNORE Biden’s demand to let civilians into Kabul airport and westerners are beaten.


By Sam Baker and Chris Pleasance for MailOnline and Elizabeth Elkind, U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com and Wires

 US airlifts more than 19K in 24 hours as desperate Afghans cause a STAMPEDE at the airport amid fears of an ISIS-K attack
Desperate Afghans waded through sewage at Kabul airport today in a last-ditch effort to escape Taliban rule 
Evacuees said they had been attacked by the Taliban and prevented from getting to Kabul airport 
The reports emerged less than 24 hours after President Biden said the Taliban needed to let people leave  
Fears are growing that crowds could try to storm the airport or that opportunistic terrorists will launch an attack – fears that will only grow as troop numbers dwindle
Those not already at airport now have little chance of escape, as Taliban stop all Afghan citizens reaching it
Members of the GOP said on Tuesday night that Biden has ‘blood on his hands’ because of who is left behind 
Taliban has warned President Biden that there will be no extension to the August 31 evacuation deadline
US evacuated 19,000 people from Kabul, across 48 different flights, over the last 24 hours, White House says 
Two Congressmen who travelled to Kabul to witness the chaos say: ‘We won’t get everyone out on time’
Pentagon commanders have also warned of Islamic State-offshoot called ISIS-K who are targeting planes
Afghanistan’s former interior minister claims he Taliban are killing innocent children in power consolidation

Thousands converged on Kabul airport on Wednesday in a desperate bid to leave Afghanistan amid reports the Taliban are stopping westerners getting in, less than 24 hours after President Joe Biden said he would only pull troops by August 31 if the insurgents allow safe passage.

The U.S. has ramped up its airlifts and has evacuated 19,000 people in the last 24 hours and has already started pulling out military forces with just six days until the deadline, which Biden has promised to stick to. 

But the Taliban has ignored the president’s threats and is beating up people trying to leave, according to reports, and both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have said there isn’t enough time to get everyone out. 

My Grandfather’s Crimes Against Humanity A family memoir gets surprising reactions from Lithuanians, Russians and Jews. By Silvia Foti


I grew up the proud granddaughter of a Lithuanian war hero who fought against communists. My grandfather, Jonas Noreika, has a school and streets named after him. When my mother, on her deathbed in 2000, asked me to write a story about her heroic father, I enthusiastically agreed.

Unfortunately, as I dug deeper, I discovered to my horror that my grandfather was also a Holocaust perpetrator involved in murdering at least 8,000 Jews. On my story’s release, Russians wanted to use me, Lithuanians vilified me, and Jews embraced me.

Ms. Foti’s grandfather Jonas Noreika.
Photo: Courtesy of Silvia Foti

My grandfather wrote an order on Aug. 22, 1941 to send thousands of Jews to a ghetto in Zagere, where they were slaughtered. My family story has brought this to the forefront, toppling Lithuania’s image as an innocent bystander in the Holocaust.

As a result, Russian TV, radio, newspapers and even the press secretary from the Russian embassy in Washington begged me for interviews, promising an audience of millions. They gushed that my story was important because it overturns the heroic story of a Lithuanian partisan. I had to say no. The last thing any Lithuanian wants to hear is a lecture from the Russians on mistreating innocent people.

What Are Joe Biden’s Fixed Principles? A crisis reveals a president with little introspection and even less penetration into the world’s problems. By Joseph Epstein


Joe Biden is the 46th U.S. president, the military’s commander in chief, leader of the free world. So why can’t I take him seriously? When he steps out to make a speech or give a rare press conference, he looks as if he is setting out to do a commercial to sell me gutters or roofing shingles. Mr. Biden strikes me as the Borax Man—a term from my Chicago youth for that slick salesman, whom you are always mistaken to allow in your house.

The Borax Man was a familiar type when I was growing up. So familiar that I dropped such a character, whom I named Sy Bourget, into a short story of mine called “Kaplan’s Big Deal.” In that story I wrote: “Bourget—he didn’t pronounce the t in his name—was so good, it used to be said, that he could sell aluminum siding to people who lived in high-rise buildings.” A main chancer, he studied human motives “toward the end of manipulating others to say yes.” Everyone, he believed, “was an operator, or at least wanted to be, and the only difference between people was that there were those who operated successfully and those who didn’t. Winners and losers, the old story.”

The problem Mr. Biden presents is that it is difficult to believe anything he says. The reason is that it is hard to believe that he himself really believes in much of anything, except getting ahead. As the American president—thanks to his good luck in having Donald Trump for an opponent—he has now surely accomplished this in excelsis.

Yet Mr. Biden lacks the convincing solemnity of manner, the gravitas that all world leaders, the fate of millions riding on their decisions, require. Instead he comes off as a man with little introspection and even less penetration into the problems facing the world. At a moment of crisis, these deficiencies carry grave consequences.

The Coming Afghan Migration Crisis Europe understandably fears a refugee surge like the one from Syria.


The immediate crisis in Kabul will end when U.S. forces depart, but President Biden’s surrender to the Taliban will have deleterious effects far beyond Afghanistan. Another migration crisis in Europe could be among the most consequential.

“Migrants and refugees from Syria, Iraq and Libya will be joined by people from Afghanistan,” Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko saidMonday. “Even though they are going to end up in the West, they will be going and flying through Belarus.”

Mr. Lukashenko, isolated after his brazen theft of last year’s presidential election, has been facilitating illegal immigration into Europe. So far more than 4,000 have crossed into neighboring Lithuania this year, up from a few dozen in 2020. Poland and Latvia also have had to reinforce their borders with Belarus as they cope with thousands of illegal crossings.

The strongman has made clear that Minsk is weaponizing the migrants over the European Union’s sanctions on his government’s elites and some Belarusian industries. He told the U.S. and U.K. to “choke on your sanctions” earlier this month. Mr. Lukashenko has plenty of reason to believe he can behave with impunity.

The International Monetary Fund this week granted the regime a nearly $1 billion lifeline through “special drawing rights.” (See nearby.) Mr. Biden and his European counterparts, overwhelmed in Afghanistan, never organized effective opposition to the move despite their influence at the IMF.

Here Comes the New York Gerrymander The new Governor says she’ll help Democrats carve up the state.


New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s moderate reputation may not last long. In her first day in the office vacated by Andrew Cuomo, Ms. Hochul promised to help gerrymander the Empire State to the benefit of Democrats in Washington, D.C.

The New York Times asked Ms. Hochul in an interview, “Do you plan to use your influence to help Democrats expand the House majority through the redistricting process?” Nice leading question. She answered: “Yes. I am also the leader of the New York State Democratic Party. I embrace that. I have a responsibility to lead this party, as well as the government.”

She added, in response to the next question, that “I have to help make sure there are more Democrats there to help Joe Biden get his agenda through the Senate.”

By a 15-point margin, New Yorkers in 2014 passed a constitutional amendment creating a bipartisan commission to take the lead on redistricting. The commission is slated to publish an outline of its first proposal by Sept. 15.

Yet after Democrats took control of both chambers of the New York Legislature in 2018, they began to look for ways to undermine the new commission. Another redistricting amendment on the ballot this November would do precisely that. It would implement complicated rule changes in the redistricting process ahead of the 2022 elections, but the main objective is to reduce GOP leverage.



To say of someone they “have a green thumb” is to note everything in their garden grows and blossoms.  Joe Biden’s thumb is not green – it is brown.  Everything he has touched since entering office has turned to feces.

None of his blame-gaming, none of his distortions, none of his fantasies and unreality can mask that truth.


Seven months ago, Afghanistan was relatively quiet—with about 10,000 vestigial NATO troops, including 2,500 Americans, anchored by the Bagram Airfield. They were able to provide air superiority for the coalition and Afghan national army.

With air power, NATO forces, if and when they so wished, could have very slowly and gradually withdrawn all its remnant troops—but only after a prior departure of all American and European civilians, coalition contractors, and allied Afghans.

The transient calm abruptly imploded as soon as Joe Biden recklessly yanked all U.S. troops out in a matter of days. Many left in the dead of night, leaving no one to protect contractors, dependents, diplomats, and Afghan allies. In Biden’s world, civilians protect the last Western enclave while soldiers flee.

Three weeks ago, Joe Biden and a woke politicized Pentagon were assuring us that Afghanistan was “stable.” Now the country is reverting to its accustomed premodern, theocratic, and medieval chaos. It will likely soon reopen as the world’s pre-9/11-style terrorist haven—an arms mart of over $50 billion in abandoned U.S. military equipment.

Thanks to the president of the United States, terrorists and nation-state enemies can now shop for arms and train there without hindrance.

The “NATO coalition-builder” Biden also dry-gulched his European allies, whose soldiers outnumbered our own. The humanitarian “good ole Joe from Scranton” deprecated the thousands of Afghan military dead who had helped the Americans.

The families of the American fallen and wounded of two decades were all but told by Biden that the catastrophe in Kabul was inevitable—no other way out but chaos and dishonor. Why did he not tell us that earlier, when he was vice president, so many dead and wounded ago?

Biden Sank the Ship and Now He’s Bragging About the Number of Lifeboats Jim Treacher


As a wise man once said, you should never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. But when it comes to current events in Afghanistan, the Biden administration is spewing out plenty of both.

Biden gave yet another “press conference” Tuesday, although none of them have been actual press conferences. He just reads off a teleprompter for a few minutes, and then turns around and walks right out as the press yells at him.

We’re getting used to this image by now:

Literally turning his back on Americans in trouble is becoming a daily ritual for Biden. If he knew we’d be seeing so much of him from this angle, he would’ve gotten some more of those plugs on top.

Biden was five hours late to his own scheduled “press conference,” and there was no point in having any reporters there in the first place. The only time he’s answered any questions about this Afghanistan debacle was when he humiliated himself in front of George Stephanopoulos, of all people.

Jen Psaki did take questions from the press, for all the good it did anyone. Remember when she got all theatrically outraged at the very idea that Americans are stranded in Afghanistan? That was Monday. The very next day, she admitted that yes, there are Americans stranded in Afghanistan:

Is it just me, or does she seem very nervous and twitchy?1 If she keeps yanking at her hair like that, she’ll have a big bald spot like her boss. The way this Afghanistan debacle is going, it’ll take a lot more than Democrat operatives making #PsakiBomb trend on Twitter to fool people into thinking she’s popular.

The Biden-Soros: Paradox Ira Stoll


Americans elected President Trump in 2016 and President Obama and Vice President Biden before that on, in part, promises to end “endless wars” and bring our troops home. Now that Mr. Biden is following through on that in Afghanistan, polls show his job-approval sinking.

How to explain the apparent paradox? Americans seem to want to end wars and bring the troops home, but when they see the actual consequences of doing that, they blame the politicians.

Part of the apparent contradiction is in the incompleteness of the rhetorical framing, whether from the politician or a pollster. No presidential candidate who wants to get elected runs around Iowa and New Hampshire saying, “I’m going to end the wars and bring the troops home, even if that means the countries the troops were in revert to their previous status as terrorist bases and even if that means women’s rights in those countries are set back to the dark ages.”

No pollster asks, “How many two-year-old children trampled to death on the chaotic outskirts of the Kabul airport are an acceptable tradeoff for bringing the troops home?”

The most conflicted is the billionaire George Soros. The Washington Free Beacon illustrated its editorial on the Afghanistan humiliation with a photo of Mr. Soros, noting that he had funded, in the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, a group that aimed to “bring the forces against endless war on the Left and the Right together.”

Yet Mr. Soros himself tweeted August 17 that his Open Society Foundations had created “a $10 million Afghanistan emergency fund to support Afghans in grave danger — including champions of human rights, women’s rights, and journalists.”

The press release quoted the president of the Open Society Foundations, Mark Malloch-Brown, as insisting, “We remain deeply committed to Afghans and their efforts to help the country advance toward a more open society. We call on funders to join us in our response to this urgent humanitarian crisis. There is truly not a moment to waste.”

The “urgent humanitarian crisis” erupted after Mr. Biden followed the policy course that the Soros-funded Quincy Institute advocated. I’m not sure whether the right word for it is hypocrisy or tragedy.

The Open Society press release said the money would “support sponsorship for humanitarian parole programs in the United States that provide a pathway to temporary refuge for those in harm’s way… bolster international relief organizations in their efforts to support Afghan citizens fleeing the Taliban advance.” The money would also “aid other efforts to deliver humanitarian relief to internally displaced Afghans and those fleeing to other countries taking them in.”

UNRWA’s Jihad against Israel (Part Three) Andrew Harrod


The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has turned “their plight into a political tool” for Israel’s destruction, Center for Near East Policy Research (CNEPR) Director David Bedein noted in 2014. His book, Roadblock to Peace: How the UN Perpetuates the Arab-Israeli Conflict—UNRWA Policies Reconsidered, is essential for understanding UNRWA’s cruel exploitation of humanitarianism in order to wage war on Israel.

As previously discussed, over five million Palestinian “refugee” descendants of Arabs who lost their homes in what became Israel during its 1948-1949 War of Independence are the wards of UNRWA. This outsized agency uniquely exists outside of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which cares for all other refugees worldwide. UNRWA has also uniquely emphasized a “right of return” to modern Israel as a permanent solution for Palestinian “refugees.”

They “are the only ones in the world who have sustained their status as refugees across four generations; and their misery has been utilized as a weapon against Israel,” Bedein wrote. Any “right of return” influx would demographically inundate Israel. Thus, “Israel understands that ‘return’ is a code word for destruction, something the Jewish state will never permit,” he added.

Indeed, Bedein quoted Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Muhammad Saleh Ed-Din to this effect. He wrote in 1949 that “in demanding the restoration of the refugees to Palestine, the Arabs intend that they shall return as the masters of the homeland” and “annihilate the state of Israel.” As Bedein reviewed, the

‘Right of Return’ issue was often mentioned in Arab forums within the wider context of the discussion of Israel’s liquidation. In Israeli eyes, therefore, the continued persistence on the ‘Right of Return’ by any Arab party betrays that party’s desire to wipe Israel off the map.

“Tragically, UNRWA emphasis on ‘right of return’ provides Palestinians with a rationale for their war against Israel,” Bedein observed, and correspondingly UNRWA “camps, quite simply, function in a pro-terrorist environment.” “Terrorist activity in the UNRWA refugee camps has been extensively documented” by monitors such as the Israeli Shin Bet intelligence service, he wrote. Shin Bet has “documented how UNRWA schools are used for storing ammunition, as well as for hiding suspected terrorists,” while UNRWA vehicles and ambulances also transport terrorists and ammunition.