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Ruth King

Cori Bush Wants to Defund the Police. My Neighbors Have Other Ideas.Leighton Woodhouse


The congresswoman can afford private security. Those who live in Oakland, California, don’t have that luxury.

Leighton Akira Woodhouse is a documentary filmmaker and journalist whose work spans factory farming, animal rights, immigration, the alt-right, and pompous European social theory.

I first came across his work in The Intercept, but he’s written for Newsweek, The Nation, The New Republic and Gawker. (I try not to hold that last one against him.) Leighton also lives in East Oakland, where he’s been reporting on the movement to defund the police — and its passionate opposition.

So when Cori Bush, the Democratic congresswoman from Missouri, was roundly criticized for defending her private security detail and defunding the police in the span of a single minute, I was keen to find out what Leighton had to say about the matter. — BW

…..”In February, a mile and a half from my house, at a park featuring an “I Can Do Anything” mural, a 38-year-old basketball coach named Reuben Lewis was gunned down in front of dozens of children. Two of his three sons, who he was picking up from football practice, watched him die.

In March, about four miles from that park, a 58-year-old man named Andre Weston got into an argument with a homeless man named William Vann. He doused Vann with an accelerant and lit him on fire.

September 11 20th anniversary – acumen Yoram Ettinger


1. September 11 was the zenith of anti-US Islamic terrorism, which has afflicted the US since the 18th century. At that time, the Barbary Muslim pirates routinely assaulted US merchant ships, triggering the 1801-1805 US Navy and Marines offensive against the Barbary headquarters in Tripoli.

The following are recent examples of the sustained anti-US Islamic terrorism: three US Navy sailors were murdered in December 2019 by an Islamic terrorist in Pensacola, FL; eight people were murdered in October 2017 by an Islamic terrorist in Lower Manhattan, NY; 49 people were murdered in June 2016 by an Islamic terrorist in Orlando, FL; 14 people were murdered in December 2015 by Islamic terrorists in San Bernardino, CA; 13 US soldiers were murdered by a Muslim terrorist in Ft. Hood, TX; etc. 

Thus, Islamic terrorism has haunted the US irrespective of US policy and independent of US-Israel relations: during Presidents Trump and Obama; during President Clinton’s pressure on Israel and embrace of the Palestinians (e.g., 300 people murdered when the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were demolished by two Islamic car bombs in August 1998); seven days following President Reagan’s recognition of the PLO (257 passengers murdered when PanAm-103 was blown up over Scotland in December 1988); despite President Carter’s critical support of Iran’s Ayatollahs’ toppling of the pro-US Shah of Iran (63 US personnel were held hostage for 444 days after Iran’s Ayatollahs seized the US Embassy in Teheran); etc.     

2. September 11 underscores the determination of Islamic terror regimes (e.g., Iran’s Ayatollahs, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, Al Qaeda) to engage the US in their battle to bring the West to submission, irrespective of the US’ intent to disengage from the Middle East.  These regimes view a potential US disengagement and isolationism as a symptom of Western battle-fatigue and erosion of posture of deterrence, energizing them to shift the battle gradually away from their own turf to Western turf.

3. September 11 implemented a central theme of the school curriculum of Islamic/Arab regimes (e.g., Iran and the Palestinian Authority), which highlights the 1,400 year old central Islamic precepts of “holy war” (Jihad) and “martyrdom” (Shuhada’) as prime commitments to Islam/Allah, guaranteeing each martyr 72 virgins in paradise.

The NSA’s independent investigator, Robert Storch, is a long-time D.C. bureaucrat, making it unlikely he’d formally investigate frivolous allegations of “unmasking.” Glenn Greenwald


The NSA’s independent investigator, Robert Storch, is a long-time D.C. bureaucrat, making it unlikely he’d formally investigate frivolous allegations of “unmasking.”

The independent watchdog agency which investigates potential wrongdoing by the National Security Agency (NSA) announced on Tuesday morning that it has opened an investigation into “recent allegations that the NSA improperly targeted the communications of a member of the U.S. news media.” Though the oversight unit, the NSA’s Office of the Inspector General, did not specify the journalist in question, the statement leaves no doubt that the investigation pertains to news reports that the identity of Fox News host Tucker Carlson had been improperly “unmasked” and illegally revealed within the intelligence community.

The full statement from the Inspector General reads:

The NSA’s Inspector General, Robert P. Storch, is a long-time Executive Branch functionary. He was first appointed to this position by President Obama in 2016 but failed to receive Senate confirmation. He was then re-appointed by President Trump in 2018 and the Senate then confirmed him. A widely respected bureaucrat in Washington, he also previously served as deputy Inspector General in Obama’s Justice Department, and, prior to that, was a federal prosecutor. It is, to put it mildly, difficult to imagine him opening an investigation into frivolous allegations.

$3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Package Includes Mass Amnesty for Millions of Illegals By Eric Lendrum


The Democrats’ massive budget reconciliation package, finally revealed on Monday, includes a plan to give mass amnesty to “millions of” illegal aliens in the United States, according to The Hill.

The $3.5 trillion spending package will provide $107 billion for the Senate Judiciary Committee to determine the fastest route for providing blanket amnesty, with a deadline of September 15th to come up with such a solution. The bill itself does not single out any particular group of illegals or preferred methods, but instead orders the committee to provide “lawful permanent status for qualified immigrants,” as well as handing out green cards to “millions of immigrant workers and families.”

The bill’s proposal represents a drastic expansion of Democrats’ prior amnesty efforts, which previously only covered so-called “Dreamers,” illegal aliens who came to the United States as minors. New proposals put forward by Democrats in the House of Representatives have also called for giving amnesty to illegals who work on farms, illegals who hold jobs that have been declared “essential” during the pandemic, and illegals who have already been granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS). This would ultimately account for roughly 10 million illegals who would immediately be given amnesty under the new plan.

Republicans in the Senate have tried to negotiate the amnesty down to just 700,000 by encompassing only those who would have qualified under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) plan, an executive order signed by then-President Barack Obama which was recently overturned by a federal judge in Texas. Senators John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) have specified that their counter-proposal would only affect the 700,000 who applied during the Obama Administration, and not the 1.3 million who attempted to apply during the Trump Administration.

In response, Democrats referred to debunked economic arguments claiming that illegals are good for the economy, with Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) saying that “the deportation of hundreds of thousands of DACA recipients who are helping our nation’s economy recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic makes little sense.”

Appellate Court Overturns Pre-Trial Detention for J6 Detainee Julie Kelly


In a stunning but well-deserved rebuke, the D.C. Court of Appeals on Monday ordered that the pre-trial detention of George Tanios, one of two men accused of spraying Officer Sicknick and others on January 6, be reversed.

The brief ruling, which did not include the usual opinion explaining the court’s decision, bluntly stated:

“ORDERED and ADJUDGED that the district court’s May 12, 2021 order be reversed and the case remanded for the district court to order appellant’s pretrial release subject to appropriate conditions, including home detention and electronic monitoring. On this record, we conclude that the district court clearly erred in determining that no condition or combination of conditions of release would reasonably assure the safety of the community.”

Tanios and his friend, Julian Khater, were arrested in March. A grand jury indicted the men with numerous felonies including conspiracy and assaulting an officer with a “dangerous or deadly weapon.” Tanios and Khater brought chemical irritants, including bear spray, to the capital in anticipation of scuffles with leftist agitators. Tanios, however, is not accused of spraying his key chain pepper spray container. Their arrest and indictment are aimed at keeping alive the lie that Sicknick was killed in the line of duty by Trump “insurrectionists,” a falsehood repeated in the news media and by Joe Biden as late as Thursday at the White House.

Biden’s Justice Department asked the court to keep Khater and Tanios behind bars awaiting trial. They have been incarcerated in the harsh D.C. Deplorable jail since March; Tanios has no criminal record, operated a college campus sandwich shop (which is now shuttered) in West Virginia, and is the father of three young children.

Why Andrew Cuomo had to go The New York governor was finished as soon as other Democrats no longer feared him Charles Lipson


The announcement that Andrew Cuomo will resign in two weeks follows the total collapse of his political support among Democrats in New York State and Washington. His advisers told him impeachment was now certain, and he resigned just ahead of the inevitable, as President Nixon did when he was given the same message by his erstwhile congressional supporters.

The headlight of that oncoming train has been visible in Albany for months. The crash became certain when Attorney General Letitia James of New York issued her damning report on Cuomo’s behavior, buttressed by testimony from 11 accusers. After James’s report and press conference, all the top Democrats in the state and country began calling on Cuomo to resign. The major papers, which always support Democrats, did the same. How could any of them do otherwise in an environment where sexual harassment is, quite rightly, a prominent issue commanding bipartisan agreement?

As Cuomo’s defeat became inevitable, his enablers and enforcers began jumping ship or being thrown overboard. Since Cuomo had always ruled by fear, he was finished as soon as other Democrats no longer feared him.

Cuomo’s announcement leaves cable news with hours of airtime to fill. It’s obvious how they will fill it — and how they won’t. They could tell you about the Senate passage of a pork-laden $1.2 trillion bill, and the progressives’ demand, echoed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, that the bill is too small and that she will only move it forward if it is coupled with another tax-and-spend bill that is three times as large.

We all know that won’t be their focus, and we all know why. T-and-A is a much bigger ratings draw than roads-and-bridges. The latest evidence for that eternal truth is that Cuomo was brought down by his grabbing and kissing, not his deadly mistake in sending COVID-positive patients back to nursing homes and then covering up what had happened and what he knew about it. That whole subject was far less interesting to news channels than harassment, and far less damaging to the governor. So, the cable channels will fill hours of air-time with predictable commentary about Cuomo’s fall, his misbehavior in the workplace and the end of a two-generation political dynasty.

The Elite Beltway Pedigree of Officer ‘Redneck’ The only question now is which book publisher will give Fanone a multi-million- dollar advance. By Julie Kelly


Officer Michael Fanone plays the part well.

He speaks with what most Americans would consider a rural drawl. He wears flannel shirts during CNN interviews and photo shoots. Large tattoos bedazzle his neck and arms; he has a beard. In a swooning front-cover profile for Time magazine, Fanone told Molly Ball he considers himself to be one of the “rednecks” who voted for Donald Trump.

But a few overlooked yet eye-popping details in Ball’s piece undermine Fanone’s public persona as the besieged D.C. undercover narcotics officer who donned an official uniform for the first time in 10 years to help rescue his colleagues from bloodthirsty Trump “insurrectionists” on January 6. Fanone has been on a nonstop publicity tour for seven months, stalking Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill and confronting his police union for its lack of support.

It all has a familiar ring; a photo posted last week by Alexander Vindman, now on a nationwide media blitz to promote his book about his role in Donald Trump’s first impeachment trial, was more than ironic. (Vindman is the national security officer who listened to Trump’s call with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky and helped shape the conversation as an impeachable “quid pro quo.”)

The pair illustrates how D.C. partisans will go to any extreme to destroy Trump and now, his supporters.

Fanone, like Vindman, has deep ties to the Beltway establishment. He was born in D.C. in 1980 and raised in the suburb of Alexandria, Virginia, situated in one of the wealthiest counties in the nation and home to much of the capital elite. Far from the rough-and-tumble life he projects on CNN interviews, Fanone grew up a rich kid.

Ball’s article vaguely described Fanone’s father as a lawyer, “a partner in a big firm” in Washington, D.C.. Fanone, Ball claimed, “hated the stuffy status-grubbing of fancy-pants D.C.”

She does not disclose his father’s name—and there’s a reason why.

Fanone’s father appears to be Joseph Fanone, senior counsel for Ballard Spahr, a Democratic Party-connected firm based in Philadelphia. (A search of past residences and other open source information seems to confirm the relationship. News organizations like Time have refused to name Fanone’s father.)

According to a campaign disclosure website, Ballard Spahr donated 88 percent of its total political contributions to Democrats in 2020. One of the firm’s partners served as a legal advisor to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign last year. Ed Rendell, the former Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, is now a special counsel at Ballard Spahr.

In January 2019, Ballard Spahr opened up a government relations office in Washington, D.C. A few months later, the head of the lobbying shop, Ken Jarin, co-hosted Biden’s first official fundraiser. The event raised more than $6 million.

Lawyers for Ballard Spahr helped defend Pennsylvania’s rogue election rules for the 2020 presidential election. “We defeated more than a half-dozen lawsuits by the Trump campaign—represented by Rudy Giuliani and others—and a handful of Pennsylvania Republican Congressmen against the state and Boards of Elections in various counties, challenging mail-in voting practices and absentee ballot validity,” according to a post on the firm’s website. “In Delaware County, the Ballard Spahr team was successful in both state and federal courts. Our work helped secure the Third Circuit decision that cleared the path to election certification in Pennsylvania.”

Don’t let Dems bury Cuomo’s nursing-home horrors by ousting him only for sex charges By Jonathan S. Tobin


It seems justice is finally going to be served to Gov. Andrew Cuomo. State Attorney General Letitia James’ report detailing Cuomo’s record as a serial sex-harasser delivered what may be the death blow to his time in office, forcing the desperate Love Gov to resign or suffer the indignity of impeachment.

Yes, it’s great to watch a man whose thuggish character was apparent throughout his tenure finally being called to account. But there’s something troubling about the way Cuomo is being hustled out of office: Obscured amid the details about his gross behavior and the way his aides and liberal feminist enablers tried to discredit the victims is the fact that Cuomo remains responsible for the deaths of perhaps thousands of elderly New Yorkers during the early months of the pandemic — and for his administration’s ongoing, illegal coverup of the numbers highlighting that fact.

Even as critics like Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean courageously spoke out about the issue, the governor spent most of 2020 as a national idol, venerated by the mainstream media for what President Joe Biden called the “gold standard” for coronavirus crisis management. The nation was riveted by his daily press briefings; he actually won a special Emmy for them.

It was not until James issued a report in January stating Cuomo underestimated the number of nursing-home deaths by as much as 50 percent that he began to feel any real heat. His problems worsened when an aide admitted his staff had deliberately hidden the true number of deaths to shield Team Cuomo from scrutiny. And, as The Post noted last week, the coverup hasn’t even ended yet, as the state continues to stall on releasing documents about his COVID record.

Eyes Wide Shut: AB 101 Bill Poses Danger for California Students California legislators must open their eyes to the unintended but inevitable consequences of AB 101, and the dangers they pose for California students.Tammi Rossman-Benjamin


“High school students want to see themselves reflected in history,” said Assemblymember Jose Medina, as he introduced his signature ethnic studies graduation requirement bill, AB 101, to colleagues on the Assembly floor.

Several of the bill’s numerous co-authors expanded on Medina’s sentiments in championing the bill: “It’s important that our students have every opportunity to learn about the history, accomplishments and contributions of diverse communities and leaders that call California home,” stated Assemblymember Robert Rivas. “It’s going to strengthen the diversity in our state,” affirmed Assemblymember Evan Low. “This bill,” promised Assembly member David Chiu, “is the next step to a more inclusive society, one that is reflective and supportive of students of all backgrounds and communities in our state.” And after noting that California is the most diverse state in the nation, Assemblymember Akilah Weber pleaded, “Let us prepare our children for a better future by empowering them with the knowledge of their history and the history of their classmates.”

After hearing these impassioned and moving speeches, one could hardly disagree with Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, who wondered incredulously “why anyone would vote against this bill.”

What gives many Californians pause, however, is that the multicultural and inclusive vision of ethnic studies praised by lawmakers and embraced by the vast majority of Californians—one that celebrates the state’s diversity and offers students a non-politicized, fact-based understanding of the history, accomplishments and challenges of all Californians—is a far cry from the vision of ethnic studies proposed by the educators responsible for developing the curricula most likely to be used in schools.

No one understands this better than AB 101’s own author. In August 2019, after an enormous controversy erupted over the first draft of the state-mandated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC), Medina immediately joined 13 members of the Legislative Jewish Caucus in publicly opposing this draft. He stated that its antisemitic bias would “marginalize Jewish students and fuel hatred and discrimination against the Jewish community.” He understood that the first draft, which included overtly anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist material, would inevitably incite bigotry and hostility, especially antisemitism, in California classrooms. He also decided to postpone his graduation requirement bill, the precursor to AB 101, in the hope that a re-do of the ESMC would be consistent with the author’s desire for “a curriculum that is inclusive of all of our cultures and backgrounds.”

A massive dose of common sense about January 6 By Andrea Widburg


I am a huge fan of Dov Fischer. He’s smart, funny, and very insightful. I shouldn’t be surprised then that Fischer has written what I think is the best article putting the events of January 6 in their proper perspective. The premise is a simple one: “I remain adamant that January 6 was not an insurrection. To say otherwise is a despicable lie.”

This is an important point. By calling events on January 6 an insurrection, the Biden administration is getting away with grossly abusing the rule of law and the Constitution to punish the people who were present at the Capitol on January 6.

Worse, this is happening even as the federal government has consistently given a pass to leftists (whether BLM or Antifa) who, for more than a year, have destroyed public property; looted and terrorized whole communities; set fire to buildings; attempted to kill or maim city, state, and federal law enforcement officers; injured ordinary people, and committed murder. And shame on every Republican in Congress who is silent about this two-tiered justice system and the creation of political prisoners in America.

But it’s not just that the label “insurrection” is allowing the Biden administration to justify fearsome punishments for those who were there on January 6. While I cry shame on the Republicans in Congress, the fact is that they’re cowed by that word “insurrection.” Ordinarily lacking in courage to begin with, these Congress critters have turned into lily-livered, quaking milquetoasts, afraid to stand for their principles on the floor of Congress.