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Ruth King

Democrats’ Defund-the-Police Debacle Charles Lipson

It’s easy to find politicians saying dumb things. Television news gives them plenty of coverage. Viewers like colorful voices, which are often the most extreme. The resulting Kardashianization of politics doesn’t matter much unless these caricatures tarnish an entire political party, define its public perception, and compromise its chances of passing legislation and winning elections.

That’s the Democrats’ problem with “the Squad,” led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. This problem arose again last week when squad member Cori Bush told a national TV audience how eager she is to defund the police. She said nothing to convince anyone who rejects her views. She probably made matters worse with her transparent hypocrisy, defending her right to hire expensive private security guards while advocating less police protection for everyone else.

Rep. Bush hasn’t learned the single most important lesson about being stuck in a hole: Stop digging. The St. Louis Democrat doesn’t dig with shovels, either. She bought an industrial-size excavator and went to work. The hole she’s digging is “defund the police,” and polls show she’s mining for fool’s gold. The defund movement may be popular with some wealthy (white) elites, activists on the extreme left and, at least temporarily, some African Americans in congressional districts like Bush’s, though its popularity even in those precincts will fade as violence continues to rise. Everyone else is already staunchly opposed. They fear, quite reasonably, that defunding will lead to more crime, not only because there will be fewer cops on the beat but because those who remain will limit their active policing because they lack political support.

A new poll, just completed by Harvard’s Center for American Political Studies and Harris Poll, shows that 75% of respondents want more police and only 25% want less. About the same number, 72%, oppose defunding the police. A slight majority even favors restoring “stop and frisk” policies to “deter gun crime,” something New York did under Mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg before ending the practice because so many young minority men were being searched.

Pollster Mark Penn, co-leader of the Harvard/Harris survey, now says rising violence is the single most important issue for the 2022 midterms. “Crime is becoming the next crisis in America,” he concluded, “with overwhelming numbers seeing an increase in crime and Americans want stricter, not looser, enforcement of laws.” There’s no question which party has the advantage on that issue. The question for Democrats is: What can they do to recover?

Of course, many voters also want to see police reforms and greater transparency. Both are being put in place across the country. Most of all, Americans want police, prosecutors, and judges to do their respective jobs and protect them from predators. That means the left’s push to slash police funding has become a major electoral liability for mainstream Democrats, both nationally and locally. One sign that the political winds have changed is that two progressive cities, Seattle and Minneapolis, which gutted their police budgets last year, now want to increase them. They are not alone.

In the Trial By Headline era, we’re quick to judge, and slow to spot real evil Matt Taibbi


I reread Lolita this weekend, as I do every few years or so, usually when I’m down or uninspired or feeling like I’ve forgotten why people choose the writing life. I revere the book for a hundred reasons, most having to do with its extraordinarily savage humor, but this time around, affected by depressing thoughts I’ve had reading news of late, I found myself asking a new question: how can I like Humbert Humbert?

Vladimir Nabokov was obsessed with puzzles, tricks, and ploys. All his novels make treasure-hunts out of his effusive wordplay (“We had breakfast in the township of Soda, pop. 1001”), and his fascination with chess is such an overt theme that one starts to feel the logic of the game everywhere. When protagonist Humbert incautiously dismisses the danger of recording his pedophilic fixations in a diary by saying, “Only a loving wife could decipher my microscopic script,” and a short time later comes up with his too-clever-by-half plan to rape the daughter by way of marrying the mother, it hits us like revealed check when Charlotte Haze really does discover, and read, the devastating journal — the twist was sitting there all along. Humbert was a laughably clumsy criminal, but a flawless narrator whose confessional is a succession of such devious gambits and traps, in which he exults in thinking nine moves ahead of his reader-judges. Is conspiring to trick us into sympathy with the unforgivable another of his ruses?

It isn’t. In a story that piles word-games atop word-games — the whole subplot involving Humbert’s Dostoyevskian opposite Clare Quilty is a chess match, in which Humbert loses his queen — the most confounding plot device of all, the question of how we can not only tolerate but become fast friends with the book’s demonic narrator, is no manipulation. Humbert Humbert is nearly a purely evil character, who not only kidnaps and rapes his “darling” twelve year-old Lolita but conspires to have a baby with her and rape that child. His “confession” is nothing of the sort. He’s not retelling his breathless story to expiate guilt, in the Christian sense (the idea would have bored him to neuralgia). That he presents his appeal to the “winged gentlemen” of his cosmic jury as such is another of his chess-ruses, and a particularly disgusting one. He recounts the vilest scenes of his crime spree in such ecstatic slow motion that we realize he’s conned us, like a serial killer who, having led police to his burial ground, pants and grabs at himself with pleasure.


New York State has no term limits for governor. The Dems fear a big loss in the state if Cuomo runs again, and the latest scandal is an effort to thwart him while the wannabes, including the Attorney General Letitia James line up.

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-  NY District 1)  member of Congress, and officer in the United States Army Reserve is a splendid choice for New York State.  Stay tuned:


Dems Try to Disqualify DeSantis As RINOs Disqualify Themselves Kurt Schlichter


You can feel the cold terror of the Dems as Ron DoomSantis strides across the American political stage laying waste to the puny mortals nipping at his ankles, President Asterisk among them. The doddering old pervert might have thought he was cunning when asked by a reporter about the Lord Humungous of Florida by asking back “Governor Who?” Of course, the question became whether or not that mush-junkie Matlock superfan was trying to high-hat the competition or whether he really had no idea who the reporter was talking about when DeSantis riposted, “I’m not surprised that Biden doesn’t remember me . . . The question is what else has he forgotten?” Way to turn your diss gambit into a massive self-own, Crusty.

The media is pulling out all the stops to knee-cap DeSantis before he becomes unstoppable through his combination of competence and not caring. So suddenly, according to the regime-licensed media, Florida is a smoldering wasteland of hacking, dying victims of Governor Grim Reaper. Except DeSantis has been out there pushing the vaccine – for people who want it – and the whole “DeSantis is anti-vaxx” kind of contradicts the prior narrative about how DeSantis was colluding with big donors to monopolize the vaxx to line their pockets. Pro-Tip, Lil’ Goebbels Gang – you should try to at least keep your lies consistent. After all, everyone’s not as dumb as your Democratic constituents.

Why is DeSantis invulnerable to their slings and arrows? The not caring is a big part. At some level, Trump still wants to be accepted by the elite – this is why he baffles us by still giving interviews to the shabby likes of Maggie Haberman and Bob Woodward even though they treat him like a Boy Scout trying to earn a Lincoln Project merit badge.

Not DeSantis. He doesn’t care. He’s not about mean tweets. He’s about ripping out their throats by accomplishing things that make them cry.

He’s the future, and the future will hurt, libs. 

Gov. Cuomo Is Entitled to Due Process by Alan M. Dershowitz


The report and its conclusions are based on a one-sided investigation that does not include cross examination or other truth-testing mechanisms that are essential to due process.

Cuomo has categorically denied all of these charges and, until the contrary is proved, he must be presumed innocent….

The third category is extremely dangerous to civil liberties and could seriously undercut the credibility of the report as a whole. It alleges that Cuomo “looked” at women in a creepy way, focusing on particular parts of their body and looking them up and down. This is neither a crime nor a tort, nor is it subject to proof or disproof. It is literally in the eye of the beholder and the beholden. It does not belong in a serious report about possible criminal and harassment behavior.

Its inclusion demonstrates potential bias by the investigators, the attorney general, and perhaps some of Cuomo’s accusers…. The government should not be telling people who or what to look at…

The rule of law requires that Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) be accorded the opportunity to challenge the serious allegations made against him in a report commissioned by New York State Attorney General Letitia James. The report and its conclusions are based on a one-sided investigation that does not include cross examination or other truth-testing mechanisms that are essential to due process.

The allegations in the report fall into three distinct, if somewhat overlapping, categories.

The first and most serious are allegations which, if true, might well warrant criminal investigation and prosecution. An anonymous accuser has alleged that Cuomo put his hand under her blouse and inappropriately cupped her breast without consent; if true, this would constitute a crime. But this serious accuser remains anonymous, and Cuomo must be presumed innocent of this charge until proven guilty in a court of law. The same is true of other serious charges of nonconsensual physical touching. Cuomo has categorically denied all of these charges and, until the contrary is proved, he must be presumed innocent of the serious charges in the first category.

US-Iranian Nuclear Talks Come Unglued by Lawrence A. Franklin


One significant aspect of a newly invigorated JCPOA is whether the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) would be granted total access to known and suspected Iranian sites associated with the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. Better not count on it.

Part of the problem may have been the new Iranian presidency, which began last week, of a Ebrahim Raisi, “the Butcher,” apparently a destruction machine who reportedly murdered thousands of Iranians, some of whom were not even sentenced to death… Although it is Iran’s Supreme Guide Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who makes all final decisions, the US, to its credit, seems to have concluded that no deal just now would be better than “any” deal.

It now looks as of Iran may be happier with no agreement, and just sprint for unlimited nuclear capability without any Western strings attached. There also apparently exists, with good reason, insufficient trust on the Western side that the Islamic Republic would ever actually be in compliance.

Negotiators at the Vienna-based talks on re-establishing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) have reportedly drafted an agreement and returned to their respective capitals, apparently in the hopes of securing an endorsement for the revived “nuclear deal” with Iran, which by the way Iran never signed. While some differences still remain, the P5+1 nations (the US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany) were trying to restore the JCPOA deal before the new Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi took office last week.

President Biden’s negotiating team, to win the support of Iran’s hardline dominated regime, had reportedly agreed to a substantial lifting of Trump administration-imposed sanctions on Iran.

The JCPOA, which was falsely touted as preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability, had in reality only postponed it a bit; and never addressed at all Iran’s manufacture of ballistic missiles to deliver such nuclear weapons.

Muslim Congressional Candidate Attends Radical Mosques, Singles Out Israel for Attack Barbara Sharief says Islam is peaceful religion, then cavorts with terror-linked Islamists. Joe Kaufman


Broward County Commissioner Barbara Sharief has the distinction of having been Broward’s first black female mayor and first Muslim mayor. For the past 12-plus years, since she has held different elected political offices, she has, for the most part, kept a distance between herself and Islamist groups, of which there are many in South Florida. In fact, in 2016, it was reported that Sharief had not “been in a mosque since she was a teenager.” As a current candidate for US Congress, though, things have changed, as she now appears to have embraced radical Islam in a big way. This article was written to expose the potential danger she poses to the community.

Barbara Muhammad Sharief, in her youth, had a close relationship with the Nation of Islam (NOI), the black separatist group headed by rabid anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. Sharief had been a student at NOI’s Clara Mohammed School (CMS), located in Miami, and she, her mother Bobbie, and her late father James, had been active members of Masjid Al-Ansar (MAA), the mosque where the school was and still is housed and where boxing champion Muhammad Ali reportedly worshiped during his earliest days as a Muslim. According to the South Florida Times, Sharief gives “credit for her success in part… to the Clara Mohammed School system.”

This past April, Sharief, in her capacity as Broward Commissioner, read and presented a proclamation to representatives of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) designating April as ‘Muslim Heritage Month.’ The ceremony was held at the Islamic Foundation of South Florida (IFSF). In April 2014, IFSF hosted a talk by Mazen Mokhtar, a former admin for the now-defunct al-Qaeda recruitment site, qoqaz.net, and supporter of suicide bombings. IFSF’s ex-Youth Director Abdur Rahman al-Ghani, on Facebook, called Jews “demonic” and the US the “World’s Number One Terrorist Organization.” He threatened, Islam “will overtake the world in numbers.”

Itamar Marcus Video: The World of the Palestinian Child How the PA indoctrinates young children to see Jews as a dangerous force in the world.


This video is brought to you by a Freedom Center-Glazov Gang collaboration on a new exclusive webinar series, Teach-Ins for the Twenty-First Century. Join us as some of the leading thinkers and pundits on the scene today discuss key issues related to the coronavirus pandemic and its ongoing implications, confronting the Left, the jihad terror threat, and much, much more. And make sure to ask your own questions of our experts.

This new webinar features Itamar Marcus, founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch. One of the foremost authorities on Palestinian policy and ideology, Marcus has been instrumental in exposing the PA duplicity, hate and terror promotion. He has presented PMW’s findings to members of government and parliaments of over 30 countries, leading to a major drop in foreign funding to the PA, with 4 countries cutting off all funding. His book Deception, co-authored with Nan Jacques Zilberdik, was acclaimed by the founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert Bernstein, as “one of the most important books you handle in your lives.” He was recognized as being among the world’s “top 100 people positively influencing Jewish life or the State of Israel,” by The Algemeiner newspaper.

Itamar discusses The World of the Palestinian Child, revealing how many Palestinian terrorists in recent years are teenagers including some as young as 13-year-old. He explores how the PA successfully indoctrinates even young children to see Israelis/Jews as a powerful and dangerous force in the world — turning even good people and children into terror supporters.

Don’t miss it!

Australia is a Penal Colony Once More Only this time the inmates are Australians themselves. Katie Hopkins


Australia is in a very dark place.

The army has been drafted in to force people to stay in their homes, going door-to-door to check for compliance. Police helicopters circle overhead, threatening anyone in parks or public spaces with police action and fines; there is genuine fear over being caught outside without a permissible excuse.

No one is allowed more than 5 kilometers from their home address, only one person per household may leave to purchase supplies once a day, and Sydney-siders are not permitted to speak to friends or stop to browse; they may only get what they need and return home.

And this is all for 239 cases from 110,000 tests.

Other states are not faring much better. Queensland just locked down over five cases. Melbourne has been brutalized by its leader, Dan Andrews, who sees himself as something of a leader among tyrants, setting the bar for just how bad it can get and how harshly you can treat people and force them to comply.

And not a word of dissent is permitted. Not a single alternative viewpoint has made the editorials or commentariat.

The best effort has been made by Sky News Australia, loved by many as the last bastion of real talk. I made lunch plans with Rowan Dean of the popular show Outsiders when I knew I would be in Sydney. He is a good man, and is trying to keep some semblance of honesty in TV programming. For the crime of offering different opinions, Sky News Australia has been banned from YouTube for a week.

Videos from Alan Jones and the Outsiders program discussing hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin have been deleted by YouTube for violating community guidelines.

Others have been deleted by Sky News itself, including a September 2020 Outsiders clip of host Rowan Dean stating that “the jury is in on hydroxychloroquine – it saves lives,” and Jones saying there had been “rank dishonesty” around hydroxychloroquine and Australians were being denied access.

I am reminded of “The Scream” by Edvard Munch. I was deported from the country for my efforts to highlight the cruelty of keeping 35,000 people separated from their loved ones, and with them now banning media for non-compliance there is no one left to speak out for ordinary Australians.

I posted this brief explainer on my YouTube channel in support of those being imprisoned in their homes under this unofficial Marshall law.

Disloyal New Freedom Center booklet exposes the military brass’s betrayal of our country.


In this new Freedom Center booklet, Disloyal: How the Military Brass is Betraying Our Country, author Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, reveals how the U.S. Military’s promotion of Critical Race Theory and efforts to purge “extremists” is endangering America’s future. Greenfield documents the shocking penetration of Critical Race Theory and woke leftist ideology into numerous branches of the American military. He describes how these recent attempts to divide the military by race and condemn the nation it exists to defend, have undermined unit cohesion and military readiness while having a devastating impact on troop morale.

“Disloyal” lays bare the disturbing actions and statements of some of America’s leading military leaders who have capitulated to America’s ideological enemies before even entering the field of battle. Among these are Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who has required both Critical Race Theory and the ahistorical and un-American 1619 Project as core elements of the Pentagon’s military training programs. Also unmasked is Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who vocally rejected the use of the military to put down violent BLM/Antifa riots and later defended the military’s adoption of CRT to Congress, stating, “I want to understand white rage and I’m white, and I want to understand it.”

Nor does the rot stop there. Greenfield reveals how Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Michael Gilday, in an effort to radically transform the U.S. Navy, created “shared” video “conversations” featuring Navy officers lamenting America’s “systemic racism” and “implicit bias.”  Under the leadership of Chief of Staff Charles Q. Brown Jr., the Air Force also now produces official videos promoting CRT struggle sessions and the idea that all enlisted men must confront their “unconscious bias.”

“In a military led by disloyal commanders, America becomes the enemy,” Freedom Center Founder David Horowitz states in the introduction to Disloyal.

“Tragically for our nation, the Biden administration is continuing Clinton and Obama’s destruction of the military,” echoes Greenfield. “Our country is barely surviving a woke government and woke corporations, it will not survive the disloyal military leaders of a woke military.”

This new Freedom Center booklet is an urgent and vital read. [Read in PDF form: HERE.]