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Ruth King

A Historical Perspective on Kristallnacht By Alex Grobman, PhD


Between the late evening hours of November 9 and the early morning of November 10, 1938, gangs of German brownshirts and the SS publicly destroyed and firebombed 267 synagogues throughout Germany, Austria and the Sudetenland. Historian Richard Evans noted that Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the Reich Security Main Office, the SS and police agency most responsible for implementing the Final Solution, instructed the police and the SS not to stop the destruction of Jewish property or restrain those committing violent acts against German Jews. At the same time, looting was prohibited, foreign nationals were to be unharmed even if they were Jewish, and German properties had to be shielded from being damaged, which meant no fires were to be started next to Jewish stores or synagogues.

In addition to burning down synagogues, Evans said stormtroopers shattered shop windows of an estimated 7,500 Jewish-owned commercial businesses and their wares looted or left strewn on the pavements outside, coated with broken glass. Before Heydrich directed the security police to thwart looting, there were many robberies; ledgers recording mortgages and unsettled debts owed to Jews were destroyed, wrote historian David Cesarani. Extortion burgeoned under the pretext of implementing Aryanization and creating areas free of Jews. In Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Bavaria, Jews signed a “declaration of their intent to leave the district immediately and never to return…”

Evans adds that Jewish homes and apartments were ransacked, and the contents, including jewelry, radios, cameras, electrical equipment and other consumer products were stolen. Furniture was smashed, books and valuables were tossed everywhere, and the residents were terrorized and beaten. In many towns, gravestones in Jewish cemeteries were trashed.

The ‘Degradation Ritual’

Systematic public humiliation became a harrowing part of this uncontrolled, disorganized and anarchic pogrom, according to Cesarani. In dozens of cities and towns, the “degradation ritual” took different forms: as their synagogues burned, Jews were forced to watch while it went up in flames; others were compelled to dance around it or kneel in front of it. Torah scrolls and prayer books were vandalized, frequently by German youth. In Vienna, many rabbis had their beards cut.

Loss Method Share Tweet Gab Share TelegramTelegram ClouthubShare Email More Fraud in New Jersey’s Election Uncovered – Voting Machines Would Not Allow Citizens to Vote for Republican Governor Candidate By Joe Hoft


Two incidents of voters being unable to select the Republican candidate for governor in New Jersey have been unearthed.

Two separate videos are being shared on social media where the voter on the voting machine is unable to select the Republican candidate for governor in New Jersey.

One video surfaced of an individual who is not able to choose the Republican candidate for governor.  The machine prevents this selection from being made.

 A second video has also been uncovered showing the same thing.

Palestinians gear up to renew international fight against Israel Feeling ignored by the Biden administration, Palestinian Ministry of Justice has reconvened a panel of legal scholars charged with compiling international lawsuits to be filed against Israel as well as specific Israeli military and civilian officials. By Daniel Siryoti


After a few months of quiet, the Palestinians are preparing to renew their international campaign against Israel.

Now that the Palestinians have joined the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, they can be expected to reach out to international organizations and demand that they condemn Israel, or even seek to have Israel suspended from international organizations and institutions.

The Palestinians’ claim is a familiar one – they are alleging that Israel is an occupying entity in land belonging to the Palestinian Authority and is acting in violation of international law. They claim that Israel confiscates privately owned Palestinian land to expand settlements; restricts freedom of movement for the Palestinian population in Judea and Samaria; prevents access to potable water and water for agricultural purposes; does not allow Palestinians to work farmland that they own; and regularly violates Palestinians’ civil rights.

The PA has already begun to take steps against various Israeli groups, particularly the Regavim association and the watchdog group NGO Monitor, both of which the Palestinians have declared to be “terrorist organizations” in response to a decision by Defense Minister Benny Gantz to label six Palestinian rights organizations terrorist groups.

US President Joe Biden’s transitional team sent the Palestinians messages that the new US administration expected the PA to keep a low profile with its demands for an ICC investigation into Israel and the IDF, and its demands that Israel be suspended from international entities.

The Palestinians acquiesced to the American request, but according to one official in Ramallah, the PA saw approval for some 3,000 new settlement housing units as a “deal breaker,” on top of the little attention the Biden administration has devoted to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Biden has yet to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, and Israel and the PA are not expected to renew peace talks any time soon.


Now there is a question that has occasioned a furious debate.
First, there are too many invidious Holocaust metaphors. Dr. Fauci, for all his undebatable flaws is not a Nazi, lock-downs are not concentration camps, masks are not yellow badges, and the jabs are not poisonous gas as some overwrought opponents have posted.
Other opponents, respected friends among them, cite statistics that are fatuous at best. The average daily death rates in America range between 7500 to 8500 per day. To attribute thousands of deaths to vaccinations in seniors with complications from adult-onset illness is needless scare mongering.
During the HIV epidemic many epidemiologists dismissed vaccines and focused the research on therapeutics which proved very effective. We should have done the same, but the media and too many politicized health professionals detoured all the legitimate research and statistical evidence of the efficacy of many drugs.
I respect skepticism about a new modality in vaccinations that were developed at Mach speed. Weighing the risks, I took the recommended doses of vaccine. The cases and mortality subsided. Whether it was herd immunity, natural immunity, or the vaccines, is something we will never know.
Histrionics and conspiracy caterwauling only muddy the waters and, alas, there is no real science to follow. rsk

The Year Of The Parent Battle lines have been drawn, the war is on, and the great parent awakening of 2021 will have permanent consequences. By Larry Sand


Back in the 1950s and early 1960s, my parents could send me off to school and assume I would be taught by people who shared their values. As the recent Virginia election demonstrated, however, those days are long gone. To be sure, most educators today work hard, and do their best to give kids a balanced education. But there are too many who don’t, and parents, who are rightly worried, are now speaking out. In fact, according to a Fox News survey, 80 percent of parents are “extremely” or “very” concerned about what our public schools are teaching. Whether it is the sexualization of six-year-olds, white kids being told they are oppressors, or children being forced to chant Aztec prayers, many parents are fed up. A few recent examples:

In Broward County, Florida, a teacher took her elementary school students to a gay bar as a way to learn about the homosexual community.

In eastern Kentucky, students gave lap dances to the staff as part of Hazard High School’s homecoming week festivities.

In Loudoun County, Virginia, a high school boy wearing a dress has been accused of raping a girl in the women’s bathroom, the second time he has been accused. Neither case was pursued by the district superintendent, who, when asked about why he didn’t act, incoherently blamed Donald Trump’s rejiggering of Title IX regulations. One particularly insightful student put things into perspective: “If you can make a child stay home for refusing to wear a mask, you can also make a child stay home for raping another student.”

With parents now awakening, there is a campaign afoot to diminish their input on what children are learning in school. After the National School Boards Association sent a well-publicized letter to Joe Biden on September 29, in which the organization contended that there is a serious threat to our “schools and its [sic] education leaders” due to a “growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation (at school board meetings) occurring across the country,” the organization was rightly excoriated for it, and on October 22 issued an apology. It seems that the communiqué was the work of NSBA CEO Chip Slaven and president Viola Garcia, with no board input. But apparently, there’s more to the story.

Teachers Unions: The Serpent in the Cradle of America’s Duplicitous Educational System When education morphs into indoctrination, students become targets. Jim McCoy and Lloyd Pettegrew


Abraham Lincoln once warned us that “The philosophy of the classroom in this generation will be the philosophy of politics, government and life in the next.” It is no secret that the founding fathers had grave concerns about the new emerging federal government becoming too large and intrusive in the lives of our nation’s citizens. In fact, over-reach by those serving and administering in the central government almost seemed to be a predictable outcome.  As a result, the founding fathers took very specific steps to limit the powers of the new federal government. The Supremacy Clause of our Constitution is found in Article VI, Section 2, specifying which powers the federal government has and which powers are retained by the state and local governments.

President Andrew Johnson signed legislation creating the first Department of Education in 1867. Its main purpose was to collect information and statistics about the nation’s schools. However, due to concern that the Department would exercise too much control over local schools, the new Department was demoted to an Office of Education in 1868. Until 1979, the organization and administration of education in America was solely in the hands of each state government and its local communities. With this model, America’s public education system became the envy of the world…until October 1979, under the Jimmy Carter Presidency, when Congress passed the Department of Education Organization Act (Public Law 96-88), amalgamating offices of several federal agencies, and creating our present serpent in the cradle—the DOE in May 1980. This has become the mindless federal bureaucracy beholden to national teacher unions.

A true political democracy in America requires an educational system and processes that are free from overt political pressures and prejudices. As Thomas Sowell recently pointed out, the social and political institutions and traditions need to be objectively taught, along with science, mathematics and the language arts. Screed like Marxism and CRT have no place in state-sponsored schools. An example of the teacher union mindset comes from New York School Talk that pushes the educational union point of view. They say, ”Every adult in a school building gets a union. Most are members of the United Federation of Teachers, and together they are incredibly powerful and effective. They negotiate all the rules. They can influence hiring and firing procedures, and everything about teaching.” Absent in their “objective” talk line is anything about students’ and parents’ educational interests.

Anni Cyrus Video: Inside the World of Sharia Child bride survivor explains how Sharia is a supremacist law system and a tool of war.


This new Glazov Gang episode features Anni Cyrus, an artist, founder of Live Up To Freedom and producer of The Glazov Gang,

Anni discusses Inside the World of Sharia, revealing how Sharia is a supremacist law system and a tool of war.

Don’t miss it!

Pakistan: The Anti-American “Ally” by Lawrence A. Franklin


In an interview aired in the US in June 2021, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan announced that Pakistan will deny US use of its territory for “over-the-horizon” surveillance of possible terrorist activity in Afghanistan. Now, there are negotiations for the US to use Pakistan’s airspace for military operations in Afghanistan, but is this really an ally on which the United States can count?

Pakistan helped bankroll and arm the largely Pashtun Taliban terrorist movement, and Pakistani anti-personnel and anti-vehicle landmines were prevalent in Afghanistan. Often, Taliban fighters were extended refuge in sites established by the Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agents. Islamabad’s pro-Taliban stance could also be seen in ISI’s construction of logistical re-supply depots and training camps for Taliban fighters. Moreover, on occasion. Pakistani military officers, provided direct military support to the Taliban.

At times, it seemed as if Musharraf was Pakistan’s face for the Americans, while other generals continued supporting

In the months before 9/11, it became clear that US counterterrorist policy was focused on the eventual takedown of the Taliban’s and Al Qaeda’s ever-widening support for jihadi terrorists. It was then that the ISI cold-shouldered Washington by sponsoring huge pro-Taliban rallies in Pakistan’s main cities of Peshawar and Lahore. Even then, it proved difficult for CIA field officers and Station Chiefs to fully shut down their ties to their old ISI counterparts. Reportedly, the CIA Station Chief in Islamabad caustically objected to the US decision to assist anti-Taliban Northern Alliance forces in Afghanistan, because, the officer stated, it would infuriate the ISI.

Pakistan ultimately may pay dearly for enabling Afghanistan’s Taliban. The group consists of diverse movements, such as the so-called Pakistani Taliban (Tehrek-e-Taliban) , a coalition of at least ten terrorist organizations dedicated to overthrowing Pakistan’s regime. Its recruits include former Taliban members from Afghanistan who had assessed that their former organization was too indulgent of infidels.

Pakistan has not really been an ally of the West for decades. It was Islamabad that gave Osama bin Laden asylum until he was brought to justice by US Special Operations forces in 2011. Now, the Pakistan’s government seems to have positioned the country into China’s sphere of influence.

Pakistan, once presumed an ally of the US, has been willfully responsible for the slaughter of many US and NATO troops by having massively assisted enemy jihadists in Afghanistan. Throughout the 20-year presence of US forces in Afghanistan, Pakistani intelligence operations have included the recruiting, training and arming of the largely ethnic Pashtun Taliban.

Ten Months Later The Washington Post finally reveals sketchy details on “pipe bombs.” Was it just another stunt to fuel panic and outrage about January 6? By Julie Kelly


Several storylines related to the events of January 6 have crumbled under closer scrutiny over the past 10 months: the “fire extinguisher” murder of Officer Brian Sicknick; the notion it was an “armed” insurrection and a grand “conspiracy” concocted by right-wing militias; claims that the building sustained $30 million in damages, and so on.

In the meantime, the Biden regime has attempted to cover up key aspects of that day, including the name of the officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, which was only recently revealed. Justice Department lawyers continue to resist the release of 14,000 hours of surveillance video and the U.S. Capitol Police refuse to publish an 800-page internal investigation on officer misconduct as well as internal communications before and after the Capitol breach.

But a deep dive by the Washington Post, published last weekend, raises new questions about the alleged “pipe bombs” discovered just before Congress met on January 6 to certify the results of the 2020 Electoral College vote. Like so many supporting scenes, the veracity of the pipe bomb tale is in doubt after the Post revealed eyebrow-raising details about those involved.

And starting with the justified premise that nothing about January 6, especially anything bolstered by official government agencies in the nation’s capital, should be accepted at face value—to wit, all claims should be met with deep skepticism—the pipe bombs appear to be more stagecraft with no connection whatsoever to Trump or his supporters.

On the eve of January 6, a shadowy figure caught on video allegedly planted two pipe bombs outside the headquarters of the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee, both located close to the U.S. Capitol building. 

Security camera footage posted by the FBI shows a man in a gray hoodie, wearing a face mask and gloves, carrying a backpack in the same vicinity between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on January 5. (Video and photographs posted by the agency, however, do not show the suspect actually placing devices near the buildings.)

The bombs were made of “1×8-inch threaded galvanized pipes, a kitchen timer, and homemade black powder,” according to an FBI bulletin.

The Danger to the International Community of the Two-State Solution Why it will only continue to fuel conflict. Dr. Shmuel Katz


The conflict in the Middle East between some Arab states and the State of Israel did not start yesterday. Unfortunately, people who are not familiar with the reality on the ground may think that there are easy solutions to the conflict.

One of the superficial ideas which was offered to solve the problem was to create two states for two peoples. Unfortunately, drawing these lines in the sand did not solve the problems, and in fact this solution has already failed in the past because it did not address the core problems that are at the heart of the conflict. They did not address seriously, for example, radical Islamic fanaticism, self-serving power trips, financial corruption, or fearful self-preservation of evil leaders.

The Ottoman Empire, which controlled the Middle East for about 400 years, crumbled during World War I, and the League of Nations created the British and the French mandates, which oversaw the transfer of the land in the Middle East to their rightful owners.

The territory that came under the Mandate of the British included the Land of Israel (including Judea and Samaria), the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people, which had been renamed “Palestina” by Roman invaders about 2,000 years earlier.

The 1917 Balfour Declaration, and the legally binding ruling by the international community at the 1920 San Remo conference, recognized the historical connection of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland; there was a recommendation to help the Jewish people settle in their ancestral homeland, and at the same time to respect the human rights of all local inhabitants in the land of Israel.