Corrupt. Incompetent. Pathological. Criminal. Treasonous.
Those are just a few of the (printable) adjectives that aptly describe the illegitimate gang of idiots currently running our country. Joe Biden, the so-called president, is nothing more than a marionette controlled by a gaggle of career bureaucrats and academics, none of whom has ever contributed anything substantial to our once vibrant society. Indeed, they are nothing more than destroyers, power-mad ideologues who use a demented old grifter as a mouthpiece while they dismantle, piece by piece, our once great Republic. Globalism is their ultimate goal, and the nightmare we’re experiencing brings us ever closer to that frightening reality.
Biden is a figurehead for the Marxist madness that’s corrupting our schools, destroying small business, and slowly but surely eliminating our nation’s sovereignty. The current push to force Americans to “register” their firearms under a United Nations gun-grabbing scheme is just one example of the ongoing attack on our cherished freedoms. Another glaring example is the fascist collaboration between the ruling elites and Big Tech to silence dissent, a clear violation of the First Amendment.
If the Marxist drive continues, it will go on and on until the Bill of Rights is little more than a footnote in a long forgotten history. After all, it’s hard to teach real history when tyrants control the schools and certain “undesirable” books are banned. Don’t scoff. On our present course, it’s not only possible, but likely. And don’t think the internet can save any documented evidence of real history, because the algorithms Big Tech uses and the Thought Police (i.e., “fact-checkers”) they employ can control virtually everything online…including Cloud, or whatever files you use to store data. Privacy is virtually nonexistent nowadays, and that includes your bank accounts, business sites, photo files, and email accounts, just to name a few. (Ask Tucker Carlson.)
But as smart as they think they are, progressives are actually pretty dumb. And arrogant. The hubris in our ruling elite sometimes opens a door where their stupidity, ineptitude, deceit, and downright hatred of our founding principles are on full display…for anyone who cares to look, anyway. The ongoing disaster created by their surrender to the Taliban — laughingly referred to by certain talking heads as a “successful withdrawal” — is a prime example. Even the compliant media, which normally spin or ignore the administration’s boatload of disastrous mistakes, had to scratch their respective heads over this one. It’s truly one of the worst military debacles in our nation’s history, costing innocent lives, abandoning American citizens, and handing over almost a hundred billion dollars in high-tech equipment and weapons to a murderous gang of cave-dwelling lunatics.