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Ruth King

John Fetterman Has No Regrets Once a party darling, the senator’s pro-Israel stance has led to protests outside his home and detractors inside his office. Now, he tells Peter Savodnik, he’s skipping the DNC… By Peter Savodnik


John Fetterman is skipping this week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and, to hear it from him, it has nothing—literally nothing—to do with him scotch-taping photos of the Israeli hostages to his Senate office walls. Or attacking fellow Democrats Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar for falsely blaming a hospital bombing in Gaza on Israel. (“It’s truly disturbing that Members of Congress rushed to blame Israel for the hospital tragedy in Gaza. Who would take the word of a group that just massacred innocent Israeli civilians over our key ally?”) Or comparing the pro-Hamas encampment at Columbia to a neo-Nazi rally (“Add some tiki torches and it’s Charlottesville for these Jewish students,” he tweeted). 

Nor is it about “Fetterman Alumni for Peace”—a group of former Fetterman campaign staffers—publicly scolding their old boss: “It is not too late to change your stance and stand on the righteous side of history.” 

“I’ve got three young kids, and they’re out of school,” the Pennsylvania senator said of his absence this week in Chicago, waving off the suggestion that he might not be welcome there. “That’s four days I can spend with my children.”

The choice to skip the convention “was made well before that debate,” Fetterman told me in a one-hour conversation via Zoom—the senator at home, in the not quite one-square-mile, ex–steel town of Braddock, twenty minutes outside Pittsburgh; me in Los Angeles. He was referring to the June 27 Joe Biden–Donald Trump showdown that led the president to step aside and Vice President Kamala Harris to snag the Democratic nomination.

It’s All About the Revolution: Ten Techniques Marxists Have Deployed to Gain Influence By Janet Levy


For an ideology born in a library to an loathsome scholar, Marxism has never shied from world conquest.  Its earliest proponents, Marx and Engels included, were committed to inciting revolution in all countries.  And Lenin, a man of praxis and internationalism, believed that besides revolution and warfare, the way to defeat capitalism was through propaganda.

To that end, the Left in America has engaged in cultural warfare – a “whole of society” revolution to destroy Western civilization.  Critical Theory, wokeism, DEI, and ideas about gender fluidity – these are all distortions of reality deployed to change our system of values, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences.  Leftists believe that by doing so, they will cause existing social structures to crumble.  They think anarchic socialism will then become viable, emerging from the chaos of a society without order and values.

The following ten are among the techniques of influence the Left uses regularly.  The list is by no means exhaustive, nor without a degree of overlap.  Some methods are as old as time, but some are unique to Marxists.  Awareness of them could help thwart the Left’s malign intentions.

Manipulation of language:  In his essay ‘Politics and the English Language,’ as well as in the novel 1984, George Orwell described how communist dictatorships have used language for controlling people by manipulating perception. 

Examples abound in America today.  Abortion supporters are described as “pro-choice,” sanitizing the extinguishing of a life.  Illegal border-crossers are called “undocumented migrants,” absolving them of criminal intent.  New sets of pronouns, laughable concepts such as “sex assigned at birth,” and dangerous euphemisms like “gender affirming care” disrupt reality while pretending to preserve human dignity.

Pro-Hamas protesters are heirs to decades’ worth of anti-West propaganda By Ruth Wisse


Oct. 7 is widely recognized as “the deadliest day for the Jews since the Holocaust,” yet some Americans — notably the tens of thousands marching on the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this week — are celebrating the cloning of Nazism.

Last century, the United States led the fight against those massacring the Jews. Yet today’s college students are cheering on Hitler’s successors.

Many American Jews were “shocked, but not surprised” when antisemitism shot up virulently here on Oct. 8.

Campuses that should have protested the mass murder, rape, infanticide, torture, beheading and kidnapping of peaceful civilians rallied instead against Israel, home to almost half of the Jews left in the world.

It was the same antisemitism we have seen for more than a century — so no surprise — but a shock to many when the rhetoric came from the political left.

In the early 20th century, fascists won American adherents by appealing to ultra-nationalism, the same impulse that brought Hitler to power and made him chancellor of Germany in 1933.

Antisemitism, an anti-liberal movement conceived in the 1870s, accused Jews of exploiting emancipation and citizenship to “conquer Germany from within.”

America On Fire Andrei Bogolubov


The Democrat Party agenda has not so much transformed America as set it ablaze.

After a catastrophic debate and backstage power struggle, Joseph Robinette Biden told the American people that the time has come to pass the torch. And as his anointed successor would say, that time is now, in a historic concession speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Torch is apt as a metaphor for the agenda that has been pried from Biden’s grasp and passed to Kamala Harris. As carried out under two presidents over 16 years, the Democratic Party agenda has not so much transformed America as set it ablaze.

Inflation — Financial Insecurity

Massive overspending by the Biden administration unleashed inflation that is crushing the finances of working people and middle-income families. Wages have not kept pace with prices and Americans are struggling to pay for food and gas. They have taken on debt, tapped savings and retirement accounts while living precariously from paycheck to paycheck. High interest rates designed to tame inflation have wreaked further havoc on personal finances. For many, the dream of home ownership has gone up in smoke.

Violence And Crime

Iran’s Gaza War: Ceasefire? What Ceasefire? by Bassam Tawil


Hamas is now in dire need of a ceasefire because its leaders want to hold on to power in the Gaza Strip.

If the Biden-Harris administration and its Iranian, Qatari and Egyptian allies manage to impose a ceasefire on Israel, it will be viewed by many Arabs and Muslims not only as a reward for the October 7 massacres, but specifically as a lifeline for Hamas.

Hamas officials, however, were more honest than the Americans, Egyptians and Qataris. These officials were quick to deny any progress in the ceasefire talks and described them as “a waste of time.”

According to reports, Hamas has demanded that the Israeli army completely withdraw from the Philadelphi Corridor between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. Until recently, Hamas maintained exclusive control over the border, which allowed it to smuggle weapons and ammunition into the Gaza Strip over the past two decades.

Hamas, in addition, insists on releasing the Israeli hostages in phases. It clearly wants to hold on to as many hostages as possible as an “insurance policy” to avoid being targeted by Israel in the future. Hamas apparently wants the negotiations over the hostages to continue forever, so it can use the time to rebuild its terror infrastructure and prepare for more attacks on Israel.

In Israel, meanwhile, the plight of the hostages has been hijacked by the political rivals of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They are inciting the families of the abductees to demand a deal with Hamas at any cost, including surrendering to Hamas to end the war, and a full Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

[I]f Israel is forced to relinquish control of the Philadelphi Corridor, it will effectively lose the war. Such a move would mean a return to the pre-October 7 era, when Hamas and other Iran-backed terror proxies controlled the border with Egypt and used it to smuggle weapons and ammunition into the Gaza Strip.

A ceasefire now will just allow Hamas to regroup, rearm and prepare for more attacks against Israel. A ceasefire does not mean that Hamas would abandon its plan to eliminate Israel and replace it with an Islamist state.

The Biden-Harris administration is, sadly, dead wrong if it believes that a ceasefire will open the door to security and stability in the Middle East. A ceasefire would simply give the Iranian regime and its terrorist allies more confidence, especially when they have nuclear weapons, to pursue their Jihad (holy war) against the Jews and Israel, and then their neighbors in the Gulf.

The Words We Need to Win in ’24 By Joan Swirsky


Living in one of the most far-left communities in the United States for the past many decades, I am intimately familiar with the mindset of the left — the liberals, leftists, progressives, or whatever they’re calling themselves today.

And as the entire world has witnessed over the past eight years, since the man they used to lionize and admire — and rewarded with a 15-year boffo success TV show, The Apprentice — descended the escalator in Trump Tower in 2015 and announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States, a true mass hysteria erupted to denounce, vilify, degrade, reject, and ultimately try to destroy — including with a bullet! — one Donald J. Trump.


The primary reason was because America had just survived the eight-year hate-America regime of Barack Obama, whose communist leanings had successfully ushered in socialized medicine via Obamacare and socialized education via the Common Core Curriculum — both disastrous contributions to the devolution of America.  The left fully anticipated that presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would spend the next eight years completing the left’s hundred-year mission to turn our dastardly capitalistic system with its allegiance to the horrific Constitution of the United States into the communist paradise on earth they all so fervently believed in…and do to this day!

The Trump Imprimatur

In spite of non-stop harassment, bogus accusations, and vicious lawfare suits, President Trump ushered in — this is the very short list — low taxes, low regulations, low food prices, low gas prices, sky-high employment across all demographics, a challenge to our NATO partners to pay their fair share (which they had never done, but complied with immediately), energy independence for the next thousand years, unprecedented success with peace initiatives via the Abraham Accords in the Middle East, and — ta-da — no wars!

It will be amusing to watch this stellar record go up against the Harris-Walz slate, which features virtually not a single policy or action that has benefited America.

Yes, they will have non-stop positive coverage from a craven media, but the Trump team will have what to liberals is the most terrifying lethal weapon imaginable: cold, hard facts!

Just a Few Examples

Five words: Darfur, Yemen, Myanmar, Ukraine, Israel — all raging wars that did not exist four years ago.  These are the sole responsibility of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — and are costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars.

The Myriad Projections of the 2024 Campaign If you don’t want what the people want, you have to project. By Victor Davis Hanson



Projection is a Freudian psychological term. It describes a particular defensive mechanism, when people, often unconsciously, attribute their own (usually undesirable) behaviors to others who do not have them.

These mental gymnastics are intended to alleviate one’s own guilt or sense of inadequacy at the expense of another.

Sound familiar?

But in the political sphere, projection involves more overt dissimulation. It is increasingly common for leftist candidates or political parties to falsely accuse their opponents of the very destructive behaviors and unpopular agendas that they themselves embrace, but out of political necessity must deny.

Rather than an unconscious Freudian defense mechanism, political projection is usually a conscious strategy of hiding one’s own negatives by fobbing them off on antagonists.

Projection often proves a quite successful ploy.

After all, the political projectionist knows best his own hazardous or off-putting conduct and policies. And so, he can most skillfully attribute just these liabilities to those who have had no experience with them.

Our Leftist Projectionists

The 2024 Harris-Walz campaign is turning out to be projectionist to the core. How?

First: Kamala Harris and her new running mate Governor Tim Walz have long advanced fringe leftist political agendas. (Her “everyone needs to be woke” and his claim that riots happen because society doesn’t prioritize “equity and inclusion.”)

They have been loud in their fringe cultural commentaries, which are not just unpopular but roundly rejected by the majority of the electorate. And they know that if they become open and honest about what they have done, they will likely be defeated.

Second: On a more personal level, both are attacking the behavior and conduct of their rivals as a way of deflecting attention from their own weaknesses on that score.

Thus, this kind of projection, about both policy and personal behavior, is more common on the left because its ideology is fundamentally far more distant from the views of most voters.

Liel Leibovitz Send in the Clowns Columbia’s former president is out, and her successor seems not to have learned a thing from this year’s anti-Semitic demonstrations.


Earlier this week, Minouche Shafik, Columbia University’s president, unexpectedly resigned her post. You would think that the departure of an Ivy League leader less than three weeks before the start of the fall semester would be a cataclysmic event, an indication that the institution and its board are ready to account for the series of unfortunate events that led the august school to this low point, a string of catastrophes that began with a temperate embrace of the anti-Semitic marauders who occupied the campus and harassed their Jewish classmates and ended with the shameful resignation of three deans who were caught exchanging text messages disparaging Jewish students concerned about said harassment. You’d expect something close to soul-searching, something approximating an apology, something approaching a promise to do better when thugs brandish the Hamas flag and threaten Jewish students that they’re next on the terror group’s kill list.

Welcome to American academia: what we got instead this week were two statements, one from Shafik and one from her interim replacement, Katrina Armstrong, that are so dazzling in their moral, intellectual, and emotional vacuity that they deserve to be read closely and carefully. Call these twin missives the ur-texts of our academic Armageddon, proof that from the crooked timber of contemporary American higher education no straight thing may ever be built again.

First, Shafik’s resignation. Here is its first paragraph, in full:

I write with sadness to tell you that I am stepping down as president of Columbia University effective August 14, 2024. I have had the honor and privilege to lead this incredible institution, and I believe that—working together—we have made progress in a number of important areas. However, it has also been a period of turmoil where it has been difficult to overcome divergent views across our community. This period has taken a considerable toll on my family, as it has for others in our community. Over the summer, I have been able to reflect and have decided that my moving on at this point would best enable Columbia to traverse the challenges ahead. I am making this announcement now so that new leadership can be in place before the new term begins.

Sadness? Appropriate. Progress in a number of important areas? No evidence is provided, but let us, in the spirit of human kindness, nod right along. But then we get to the heart of the matter: “a period of turmoil where it has been difficult to overcome divergent views across our community.”

Harris/Walz: Mostly Peaceful By J.B. Shurk


Walz lazily watched as Black Lives Matter and Antifa arsonists burned parts of Minneapolis and Saint Paul to the ground during 2020’s “summer of love” riots.  (His wife enjoyed the carnage so much that she spent her nights getting high from the smell of incinerated businesses.)  Not to be upstaged, Harris encouraged people to donate to sketchy groups bailing out criminals who had been arrested for vandalizing property, looting stores, torching police precincts, and attacking citizens unfortunate enough to reside within Walz’s Twin Cities.  This is what the Democrap Party sees as stand-up leadership these days: a couple of terrorist sympathizers willing to promote violence against Americans for personal political gain.

Call me crazy, but I don’t think politicians who fail to protect cities should be put in charge of protecting nations.  On the other hand, if the goal is to “let America burn,” Walz and Harris make perfect sense.  Walz is an out-and-proud Maoist who enjoys vacationing in China (including celebrating his nuptials in Tiananmen Square).  Harris not only supercharged inflation by casting the deciding vote for the Green New Deal boondoggle but also plans on using government force to further manipulate food, fuel, and housing markets.  If Tim and Kam get the chance, they will do everything they can to transform the United States into Maduro’s Venezuela.  They will light the whole country ablaze and leave America in “mostly peaceful” ashes.

Coalition of 15 States Sues Biden-Harris Regime Over Plan to Force States to Provide Public Benefits to Illegals By Debra Heine


A coalition of 15 states have filed suit against the Biden-Harris regime over its new rule that will require states to pay public benefits to illegal immigrants, including healthcare benefits.

The rule, which is set to go into effect on November 1, would force states “to expend limited resources on illegal immigrants,” said Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey in a press release Thursday.

“Not only is the Biden-Harris Administration responsible for bringing illegal aliens into Missouri, they are also giving illegal immigrants access to citizen benefits for free, encouraging them to remain here illegally on the taxpayers’ dime,” said Bailey. “The American people are already struggling to make ends meet in the current economy; their paychecks should fund their own healthcare, not the healthcare of those here illegally. I will continue to use every tool at my disposal to ensure that Missourians’ hard-earned dollars are not funding illegal immigration.”

In addition to Missouri, the attorneys general of Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and Virginia have joined the lawsuit.

According to Bailey, “there are 77,000 to 104,000 illegal aliens currently residing in Missouri, costing taxpayers between approximately $342 million and $462 million per year.”

According to a report from the House Homeland Security Committee last November, the U.S. government was already spending $451 billion a year to house and care for “asylum seekers” nationwide.