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Ruth King

Biden’s Afghanistan Bungle: Wrong Man, Right Thing, Worst Way Let’s hope in transition from failed Global War on Terror to Domestic War on Wrongthink against dissenters from America Last that those seeking absolute control show same competency here as abroad: Ben Weingarten


When it comes to the fast-accelerating calamity in Afghanistan, President Joe Biden is the wrong man, doing the right thing, in the absolute worst way.

It is for this reason that in his brief, no questions-allowed White House remarks on Monday, the president created the ultimate straw man, defending the decision to withdraw rather than his disastrously executed withdrawal itself.

Afghanistan, and the “Global War on Terror” more broadly, have proven an utter failure in which America frittered away its dominant position in two decades. That failure is a consequence of our ignorance of the enemy, arrogance/naïveté in thinking we could, or should turn Islamic, tribal backwaters into Jeffersonian democracies, pervasive corruption, and the bureaucratic and economic imperative among those invested in this project to keep the charade going.

All of this undermined our national interest.

These and other points ought to be addressed—though they won’t be because our establishment is so overwhelmingly complicit—but they are not the primary issue of the day.

At issue today is the disgracefully botched execution of an exit by a leader who, unlike his predecessor, is self-evidently neither feared nor respected.

At issue today is the failure of the Woke military and intelligence apparatus that the president commands.

At issue today is the propaganda coup our adversaries are enjoying, the strategic vacuum they will now fill and the reality setting in that while Emperor Biden meanders with no clothes, Emperor Xi may well make a move at Taiwan and beyond.

And at issue today, while the administration admits it can’t evacuate Americans, as I write in part, is this:

That the administration is poised to compound this disaster by layering on top of it another refugee-driven immigration crisis only further demonstrates the insane priorities of our current leaders, sure to be seized upon by those who wish us harm. It only further demonstrates that the elites have learned nothing—simply moving from the politically correct naivete of a generation ago to the cynical, Woke “equity” agenda of today.

2021 Afghanistan is not 1975 Vietnam Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger


1. In 1975, the US disengagement from Vietnam fulfilled the goal of the Viet Cong, thus ending the US-Vietnam conflict.

In 2021, the US disengagement from Afghanistan advances – but does not fulfill – the goal of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and therefore does not end the conflict between the US and Islamic terrorism.

In 1975, the vision and strategic goal of the Viet Cong was limited to the territory of Vietnam, consistent with an eventual peaceful-coexistence and cooperation with the resourceful US.

In 2021, the 14-century-old vision and strategic goal of Islamic terrorism is not limited to the territory of Afghanistan. It is driven by fanatic imperialism, striving to subordinate the “infidel” West – and especially “The Great US Satan” – which is perceived to be the key obstacle on the way to Islamic global domination. Islamic terrorism is determined to establish a global Islamic society, ruled by the Quran and Sharia (“divine law”), which is inconsistent with peaceful-coexistence with the “infidel” US, irrespective of its involvement in Afghanistan. In fact, it requires a decisive war against the US, including terrorism on the US mainland.  

In 1975, the US was involved in a Vietnam civil war, faced with the choice of fighting in the Vietnam trenches, or disengage and spare itself a war.  

In 2021, the US is fighting against an intrinsic, anti-US Islamic terrorism, faced with the choice of confronting Islamic terrorists in their own trenches (which is costly), or disengaging and gradually shifting the war to the US trenches (which is dramatically costlier).

2. In 2021, US policy-makers are reminded that the Taliban and all rogue regimes are not impressed by – and are not willing to adopt – the Western values of human rights, democracy, international law and peaceful-coexistence.
Moreover, rogue regimes are not impressed by US diplomacy, as they are by effective US counter-terrorism and posture of deterrence.

Islamic terrorists don’t seek popularity in the international community. They seek to intimidate the international community all the way to submission, peacefully or militarily.

3. The US retreat in the face of Islamic terrorism has severely eroded the US posture of deterrence, heating up the volcanic Arab Tsunami (mislabeled as the “Arab Spring”), which has traumatized the Arab Street since 2010. Furthermore, the erosion of the US posture of deterrence has recharged the fierceness of all rogue regimes (e.g., Iran’s Ayatollahs, Muslim Brotherhood affiliates from Pakistan through the Middle East and Northwest Africa, Yemen’s Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority), as well as the megalomaniacal aspirations of Turkey’s Erdogan. Thus, the US retreat has intensified existential threats to every pro-US Arab regime (e.g., Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco).

Afghanistan Dodge: Biden Hiding Behind the Skirts of the United Nations By Benny Avni


America — the founder of the United Nations, its biggest benefactor, and once its leading power player — now hides behind the skirts of the UN’s diplomats.

Exaggeration? It’s hard to escape President Biden’s attempts, via his aides, to convey a hyped-up, almost comical confidence in the magical powers of the UN to change realities in places like Afghanistan

In the face of horrifying images of deadly chaos at Kabul’s airport and reports of the Taliban conducting door to door executions, Mr. Biden appeared to be unable to slow — or even gauge — the catastrophe that his decisions had precipitated. Instead, he hid at Camp David

So it was the United Nations to the rescue, after a fashion. With Mr. Biden practically AWOL as the largest crisis of his presidency unfolds, Washington officials touted one success: uniting on Monday the 15-member Security Council behind a press statement, its least enforceable form of action. They presented that statement as a silver bullet with which to scare the Taliban into submission.

America’s Turtle Bay ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told CNN, “We have expressed in no uncertain terms here at the United Nations, through a very strongly-worded press statement from the Security Council, that we expect the Taliban to respect human rights, including the rights of women and girls. We have also indicated that they have to be respectful of humanitarian law.”

The State Department spokesman, Ned Price, added in his daily briefing, “The UN Security Council . . . spoke with one voice to underscore that Afghanistan must abide by its international obligations, including to international humanitarian law, and insure the safety and security of all Afghans and international citizens.”

Mr. Biden, meanwhile, spent the crisis at his Delaware home and at Camp David. On Monday he delivered a widely-panned speech from the White House, after which he immediately hightailed back to Camp David. He then spent some more quality time at Delaware before, finally, returning to Washington today.

During that time the commander in chief declined to brief Congress on steps, if any, taken to ease the stress of up to 15,000 American citizens trapped in the Afghan mess that his decisions have created. Also ignored were a number of Afghans that have aided America for 20 years and now face the Taliban’s ire, and likely their bullets, too.

After the press outcry following National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan’s disclosure Tuesday that Mr. Biden has not consulted any foreign leader since the crisis started, the White House hastily arranged a quick phone call with Prime Minister Boris Johnson. That was far from enough to calm global fears about America’s commitment to participate in, let alone lead, world affairs.

At the UN’s headquarters at Turtle Bay, New York, speeches were made, briefings were listened to, and allies united behind meaningless pronouncements. How meaningless? To pass Monday’s statement, all 15 council members had to agree, including Beijing, which earlier had rushed to recognize the Taliban rule and is widely expected to be its top benefactor.

How Obama And Biden Broke History’s Greatest Military


In January of 2009 as Barack Obama and Joe Biden took the oath of office the United States stood at the peak of military power – our country proudly maintained the most lethal, most experienced, best educated, most technologically advanced and most expensive military establishment in history.

How then did we go from that proud moment to being defeated by an irregular force using mostly World War II and Cold War era weapons in a country where we had spent trillions of dollars and more than 2,300 lives and won battle after battle?

The answer to that seemingly complex question may be found in a slim volume Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad by our friend Steve Coughlin.

Coughlin, who is now retired from the Army, had a distinguished career as an attorney, decorated intelligence officer and noted specialist on Islamic law, ideology and associated issues as they relate to terrorism and subversion. In September 2001, right after 9/11, he was mobilized from his private sector career and assigned to the Directorate for Intelligence, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Targeting (JCS-J2T). Over time, his responsibilities evolved into intelligence support to information operations and strategic communications from a targeting perspective.

In 2007, Coughlin was awarded a Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence from the Joint Military Intelligence College / Defense Intelligence Agency on the threat analysis aspects of Islamic law and related doctrines. As a Major in the United States Army (res.), Coughlin was later assigned to USCENTCOM where he served in both an intelligence and strategic communications / information operations role.

From 9/11, to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the “Arab Spring,” and the rise of the Islamic State Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad explains how we got where we are in the war Islam has declared on the West and how we were destined to fail due to the decisions made by Obama and Biden.

What Coughlin discovered once he entered the Intelligence Directorate was that in the Pentagon there was a preference for political correctness over accuracy and for models that were generated not by what the enemy said he was, but for what academics and “cultural advisors” said the enemy needed to be based on contrived social science theories.

And then the 2008 election brought Barack Obama and Joe Biden to the White House, and put ideologues associated with them in charge of the Pentagon, CIA and State Department.

Since New DHS Alert, You’re a Potential Terrorist if You Oppose White House Lies Has our nation sunk to a new low? Gen. Michael Flynn



On Sept. 17, 2021, our nation will celebrate the 234th anniversary of our beloved U.S. Constitution.

The fact that this document has lasted for such a period is a remarkable feat. Legal scholars have reviewed national constitutions that have been adopted since 1789 and concluded that they lasted an average of only 17 years.

But as I travel the country, Americans are asking me, “How much longer do we have before our constitutional protections are wiped away? How long before our nation descends into a real tyranny?” One friend went as far as saying, “If you criticize this administration, they call it hate speech; if you disagree with their actions, they call you a domestic terrorist.”

My friend wasn’t exaggerating, reading the most recent Department of Homeland Security issuance on Friday of a nationwide terrorism alert message titled “National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin.”

To be frank, I was stunned and found myself asking, have we, the United States of America, sunk to a new low? Although we are approaching the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks against our nation, this terrorism alert does not say one word about Muslim extremism being a threat and it barely mentions al-Qaida.

Rather, this terrorism bulletin focuses on the Bidens’ political opponents. Its sweeping rhetoric was so broad that it could put under suspicion more than half of all Americans. Is the Biden administration redefining domestic terrorism? Will having a pro-American set of beliefs and using the word “patriot” get you labeled a domestic terrorist?

The alert focuses on those who resist the Anthony Fauci COVID-19 narrative, stating that “threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions.” I wonder what “perceived” government restrictions they had in mind — aren’t the real restrictions damaging enough?

Biden’s Afghanistan Catastrophe Increases Terror Threat in US Biden administration, meanwhile, focuses solely on “domestic extremists”. Michael Cutler


The twentieth anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 is just a few weeks away.

The first step in solving a problem is to acknowledge that there is a problem.

The good news is that the Biden administration acknowledges that America faces an increased threat of terrorism, especially as the 20th anniversary of the terror attacks of 9/11 by al-Qaida approaches.

The bad news, even as the Taliban has now taken back all of Afghanistan because of the Biden administration’s abysmally failed policies, the Biden administration, incredibly, is entirely focused on the threats posed by domestic terrorists and extremists.  

Biden utterly ignores the failures of the immigration system that continue to undermine national security and public safety in this especially dangerous era. 

On August 13, 2021 the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a press release titled, DHS Issues New National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin.

The focus of the press release, and as you will see, the NTAS Bulletin was Domestic Terrorism without a single reference to possible entry of foreign terrorists into the United States even as it addressed the elevated threats posed by various terror groups as the 20th anniversary of the terror attacks of 9/11 is nearly upon us.

In fact, the above-noted press release included this excerpt:

Under the Biden-Harris Administration, DHS has increased the development, production, and dissemination of intelligence and other actionable information central to countering threats in the current environment.  DHS has established a new, dedicated domestic terrorism branch within the Department’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A).  Further, DHS has established the Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) to help build local prevention frameworks to provide communities with the tools they need to counter terrorism and other targeted violence.   

Where Are the Gays? While the Taliban prepares to execute gays, Western gay-rights groups focus on “gender-reassignment surgery.” Bruce Bawer


In the last couple of days, as the Taliban consolidated its position in the Afghan capital, I had to go all the way to New Zealand to find an English-language gay news website which acknowledged that this lightning reconquista wasn’t exactly a great development for gay Afghans.

Under the headline “Taliban Plan to Crush Gay Men to Death as they Close in on Capturing Afghanistan,” the Gay Express reminded readers that during the years of Taliban rule (1996-2001), adulterers were executed, thieves subjected to amputation, girls over 10 denied schooling, movie theaters closed, Western TV and music banned, women forced into burkas, and men ordered to wear beards.

In what seems a strict violation of the unwritten rule of Western gay media – i.e. never to say anything positive about the U.S., and especially about Republican governments in the U.S. – the Kiwi website noted that “[w]hile homosexuality has always remained illegal in Afghanistan, laws making it punishable by death were repealed when the United States invaded in 2001.”

But that, warned the website, will surely be reversed, given Taliban judge Gul Rahim’s recent assurance, in an interview with Bild (Germany), that gays, under a new Taliban regime, would be “crushed to death by toppling walls.”

But that story was, as noted, an outlier in the gay Anglosphere. When I turned from the Gay Express to other sites, I found nary a word about the Taliban’s grim plans.

At Pink News (UK), the highlighted stories concerned the firing of a gay teacher by a Christian school in Sydney, Australia; a ban on Pride flags at another school in Newburg, Oregon; and the loss of a lawsuit by Hobby Lobby, a chain of arts-and-crafts stores, which had refused to let M-to-F transsexuals use its ladies’ rooms. 

Does Climate Change Cause Extreme Weather Now? Here’s a Scorcher of a Reality Check By Eric Felten


The Pacific Northwest was hit with a record-shattering heat wave in June, with temperatures over 35 degrees higher than normal in some places. On June 28, Portland, Ore., reached 116 degrees. Late last week the region suffered another blast of hot weather, with a high in Portland of 103 degrees. The New York Times didn’t hesitate to pronounce the region’s bouts of extreme weather proof that the climate wasn’t just changing, but catastrophically so.

To make that claim, the Times relied on a “consortium of climate experts” that calls itself World Weather Attribution, a group organized not just to attribute extreme weather events to climate change, but to do so quickly. Within days of the June heat wave, the researchers released an analysis, declaring that the torrid spell “was virtually impossible without human-caused climate change.”

World Weather Attribution and its alarming report were trumpeted by Time magazine, touted by the NOAA website  Climate.gov , and featured by CBS News, CNBC, Scientific American, CNN, the Washington Post, USAToday, and the New York Times, among others.

The group’s claim that global warming was to blame was perhaps less significant than the speed with which that conclusion was provided to the media. Previous efforts to tie extreme weather events to climate change hadn’t had the impact scientists had hoped for, according to Time, because it “wasn’t producing results fast enough to get attention from people outside the climate science world.”

“Being able to confidently say that a given weather disaster was caused by climate change while said event still has the world’s attention,” Time explained, approvingly, “can be an enormously useful tool to convince leaders, lawmakers and others that climate change is a threat that must be addressed.” In other words, the value of rapid attribution is primarily political, not scientific.

Suspected terrorists crossing border ‘at a level we have never seen before,’ outgoing Border Patrol chief says by Anna Giaritelli


Unprecedented numbers of known or suspected terrorists have crossed the southern border in recent months, the outgoing Border Patrol chief said.

The head of the Border Patrol, Rodney Scott, told his 19,000 agents before retiring on Aug. 14 that their national security mission is paramount right now despite the Biden administration’s focus on migrant families and children who are coming across the United States-Mexico boundary at record rates.

“Over and over again, I see other people talk about our mission, your mission, and the context of it being immigration or the current crisis today being an immigration crisis,” Scott said in a video message to agents, obtained by the Washington Examiner. “I firmly believe that it is a national security crisis. Immigration is just a subcomponent of it, and right now, it’s just a cover for massive amounts of smuggling going across the southwest border — to include TSDBs at a level we have never seen before. That’s a real threat.”

TSDB refers to known or suspected terrorists, as identified in the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database.

“Your peers or you are taking criminals, pedophiles, rapists, murderers, and like I said before, even TSDB alerts off the streets and keeping them safe from America,” Scott said. “Even if we processed several thousand migrants that day and even if thousands of them were allowed into the U.S., you still took those threats off the street, and I think that’s worth it. So please don’t ever undersell how important your mission is.”

The surge of migrants from mostly Central American countries has prompted Border Patrol to pull more than 40% of agents from the field to help transport, process, and care for people in custody, meaning fewer agents are able to patrol for national security threats. Often, smugglers send over large groups of families and children to divert agents to one area and then run other contraband or people over the border where agents are not present.

Shortly after taking office in January, CBP told members of Congress that federal law enforcement had stopped four people on the terror watchlist. A CBP news release about these specific encounters was taken down from the government agency’s website hours after going up, prompting complaints from Republicans about the Department of Homeland Security’s transparency.

The congressional briefing confirmed what House Republicans had said during a border tour in Texas in March. House Homeland Security Committee ranking member John Katko, a former federal prosecutor who was based in El Paso, Texas, during his time as a lawyer, said the international cartels were “masterfully” exploiting the border due to an easing of Trump-era border restrictions.

“People they’ve caught in the last few days [in Border Patrol’s El Paso sector] have been under the terror watchlist,” Katko said. “Individuals that they have on the watchlist for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border.”

The four terror watchlist matches represented a greater number than the average total seen in recent years. Although several thousand people are denied entry to the U.S. at airports each year as a result of being on the list, it is unusual for people to be encountered trying to get into the U.S. between land border crossings. The four matches were citizens of Serbia and Yemen.

How Did We Go From Energy Dominance To Energy Begging In Just 8 Months?


In his first day in office, President Joe Biden embarked on a campaign to rein in domestic oil and gas production. On his 204th day in office, he was pleading with OPEC to increase its production to stem the sharp rise in gasoline prices, to which OPEC said no dice.

Virtually overnight, the nation has gone from Trump-era “energy dominance” to a Carter-era energy crisis.

But unlike Jimmy Carter, who blundered his way into gasoline shortages, Biden is intentionally creating the current situation to pay homage to climate “crisis” environmentalists.

During his presidential campaign, Biden promised to “get rid of fossil fuels.” Since taking office, he’s been busy trying to carry out that pledge.

One of the first things he did in office was to call a halt on oil and gas leases on federal lands and off our coastlines, and has yet to resume allowing them even after a federal judge ordered the administration to do so. He shut down construction of the Keystone Pipeline. He blocked energy development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He directed federal agencies to “eliminate fossil fuel subsidies as consistent with applicable law.” He’s promised to add some $90 billion to the industry’s tax burden by eliminating what he calls tax “subsidies.”

Even now, the administration “is preparing to release a blueprint for limiting sales of U.S. drilling rights as rising oil and gasoline prices highlight the risks of curtailing domestic crude production,” reports Bloomberg. “The Interior Department also is expected to limit new leases in some sensitive coastal and Western areas and begin a broad study of the climate effects of oil and gas development on federal property.”