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Ruth King

Critical Race Theory Is About to Face Its Day(s) in Court By John Murawski,


As recently as last summer, few people outside academia had heard of critical race theory, whose central claim is that racism, not liberty, is the founding value and guiding vision of American society. Then, President Trump issued an executive order last September banning the teaching of this “malign ideology” to federal employees and federal contractors.

Trump’s ban was blocked by a federal judge in December and immediately revoked by Joe Biden upon occupying the White House in January. Since then, federal agencies and federal contractors have resumed staff training on unconscious bias, microaggressions, systemic racism and white privilege – some of the most common but also most disputed concepts associated with the four-decade-old academic theory.

Now critical race theory is about to face a major real-world test: a spate of lawsuits alleging that it encourages discrimination and other illegal policies targeting whites, males and Christians. But unlike Trump’s executive order, which ran into First Amendment problems by prohibiting controversial speech, the lawsuits name specific policies and practices that allegedly discriminate, harass, blame and humiliate people based on their race.

The common thread of these legal challenges is the inescapable logic that making accommodations for critical race theory will erode the nation’s anti-discrimination law as it has developed since the 1960s. This would mean replacing the colorblind ideal of treating all people equally, which has been widely viewed as the crowning achievement of the civil rights movement, with a contrary strategy: implementing race-based policies, which can range from affirmative action to reparations for compensating African Americans for the injustices of the past and for producing equitable outcomes in the future.

“Critical race theory is a Trojan horse of sorts,” said David Pivtorak, a Los Angeles lawyer representing two white men who are suing two California state environment agencies. “It disguises itself as the gold standard of fairness and justice but, in fact, relies on vilification and the idea of permanent oppressor and oppressed races. Its goal is not ensuring that all people play by the same rules, regardless of race, but equity, which is a euphemism for race-based outcomes.”

About a dozen lawsuits and administrative complaints have been filed since 2018, with another wave planned this summer by conservative public interest law firms and private attorneys. Their goal is to draw attention to some of the more pronounced practices and win court judgments to slow down the spread of CRT in K-12 schools, government agencies other organizations.

The Tribalist Left When will the “antiracists” start rooting out the bigots in their own ranks? Dave Seminara


Most Americans agree that racism in any form is abhorrent. But in recent weeks, far too many who call themselves “antiracists” have inflamed racial tensions with antiwhite bigotry that’s every bit as disgusting as what they claim to oppose. When will the antiracists start rooting out the bigots in their own ranks?

When Robert Long, a 21-year-old Georgia man, killed eight people, six of them Asian, at three spas on March 16, prominent figures on the left reflexively branded it an anti-Asian hate crime. In a piece for The Root titled, “Whiteness is a Pandemic,” Damon Young wrote after the Georgia killings, “Whiteness is a public health crisis. . . . It shortens life expectancies, it pollutes air . . . it devastates forests, it melts ice caps, it sparks (and funds) wars . . . and it kills people.”

There was a palpable sense of disappointment in the media when Georgia police threw cold water on the theory that Long was motivated by animus toward Asians. Many on the left stuck to this story against all evidence, pretending that statements by police and others who knew Long well must have been wrong. Days later, when early news leaked out of Boulder, Colorado that ten people were killed in a mass shooting, a CNN anchor rushed to assert that “another white male” appeared to be responsible. Meena Harris, a prominent lawyer and Vice President Kamala Harris’s niece, wrote in a now-deleted tweet, “Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country.”

The Nation published a piece by a woman who wrote, “One of the principal benefits of the pandemic is how I’ve been able to exclude racism and whiteness generally from my day-to-day life.” And how about the bizarre poem penned by the (Democratic) mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia, who lambasted her city as a place “anchored in white supremacy” that “rapes you” and “suffocates your hopes and dreams.”

When the Boulder assailant turned out to be a Syrian immigrant, progressives pivoted to their second favorite obsession after race: gun control, because every tragedy must be exploited to advance preferred narratives. Police shootings aren’t noteworthy unless the cop is white and the victim is black. The Oregonian all but acknowledged this recently after Portland police killed a white man, tweeting that it was identifying his race “in light of social unrest prompted by police shootings of Black people.”

America Is In The Hands Of Its Most Foolish Rather Than Its Finest


Mark Jan. 20, 2021, as the day the U.S. fell under the control of the lousiest presidential administration of our lifetimes, if not our history. Heaven help us to get past this bunch in Washington that is either so inept, or so blinded by its radical ideology, that it’s ushering the country into an era of decline.

Where to begin? How about with John Kerry? President Joe Biden’s climate envoy believes that “even if we get to net zero, we still have to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.” So no CO2, get rid of it all? Was this a slip of the tongue? A misstatement that can happen to anyone? Or simply yet another politician on the left gone mad?

More likely the latter. As our friend Steve Milloy at junkscience.com pointed out, Kerry actually made the same nonsensical statement twice at last week’s virtual climate summit to emphasize his point.

Another friend, Anthony Watts of the world’s most widely read global warming website, reminds us Kerry “said essentially the same thing back in 2015” when arguing – correctly – that no matter what the West does, carbon emissions will still be pouring out of the developing world.

Whether or not Kerry was making this exact same point last week, or was absurdly suggesting a zero-CO2 Earth, matters little. The inanity, however, does. How did we allow ourselves to be saddled with such a character?

Likewise, Kerry’s behavior as secretary of state under Barack Obama indicates he’s a man who cannot be trusted. He reportedly warned Iran about hundreds of Israeli covert attacks on the terrorist regime’s interests in Syria while working for that administration. If reports are accurate – and given the history of Democrats in general and Kerry in particular, there’s good reason to believe they are – then he provided aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States. None from the America-after-all-others administration dare call it treason, though.

Biden’s Post-Trump Honeymoon He’s riding the end of the pandemic to pass a radical agenda.


When President Biden addresses Congress Wednesday evening, he won’t salute his predecessor but he should. Donald Trump’s raucous Presidency has let the Democrat sell a radical agenda in the soothing tones of a return to normal, while the vaccine project known as Operation Warp Speed has teed up the end of the pandemic and an economic revival. This is the main story of Mr. Biden’s first 100 days.


Mr. Biden won the White House as the anti-Trump, and he has continued to benefit from that persona in his first months. Half the country is relieved merely to have a President who isn’t constantly brawling on TV in their living rooms. Whether by design, or necessity due to his reduced capacities, the decision to husband Mr. Biden’s public appearances has been shrewd. He’s the calm after the four-year Trump storm.

The Democrat has also been lucky in timing, as he took the oath of office as the Covid-19 vaccines were coming online. The White House pretense that it inherited a Covid mess is nonsense. The vaccine production was pre-planned. While some state rollouts were bumpy when there was more vaccine demand than supply, the main job of the Administration was to accelerate the distribution that was already underway.

The same goes for the economy, which has been growing since last July, and its acceleration was inevitable as people returned to normal commercial and social life. As New York, Michigan and California have followed the leadership of Texas and Florida in lifting their lockdowns, the inevitable post-pandemic boom has arrived. The same would have happened if Mr. Trump had won.

What is malignant normality and why should you care? Diane Bederman


Whoever thought it possible that one day an American theology professor, Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes, whose mission is to serve as a catalyst for healing, justice, and reconciliation would write this prayer to God to help her:

“I want to stop caring about them (white people), individually and collectively. I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls, to stop believing that they can be better, that they can stop being racist.”

This is possible because the Progressive left is shaming, shunning, cancelling, and silencing anyone who does not agree with their views on critical race theory, white privilege, their new definition of family.

We have been down this road, before.

The world watched as Germany  morphed from a country renowned for its Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, with authors like Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Immanuel Kant, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe into one taken over by Hitler. Citizens of all classes followed the orders of Adolph Hitler, snitching on neighbours, turning in Jews, murdering Jews for being different as well as standing by while mentally and physically disabled people were taken away. How was this possible?

The answer may be malignant normality: the way average people—most of us—drift or slide or shuffle or stumble into moral corruption. Malignant normality thrives by silencing opposition and promoting submission to the new value system.

Psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, most famous as the author of The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide  suggests we are socialized into “malignant normality.”

“They Sent a Team of 100 Lawyers to Stop It Because They Know What the Result -Will Be” – President Trump Slams Democrats in Latest Statement on AZ Audit By Jim Hoft


President Trump released a new statement on Tuesday on the ongoing Arizona forensic audit of the 2020 Maricopa County election.

President Trump slammed Democrats over the continued efforts to shut down the forensic audit.

Trump says Democrats KNOW what the result of the audit will be – which explains their actions to stop it!

The Radical Left Democrat Party has gone absolutely INSANE in fighting the Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, right now taking place in the Great State of Arizona. They sent a team of over 100 lawyers to try and stop it because they know what the result of the Arizona Senate sponsored audit will be—and it won’t be good for the Dems. The audit is independently run, with no advantage to either side, but the Democrats don’t want to hear anything about it because they know that they lost Arizona, and other scam election States, in a LANDSLIDE. They also know that the Arizona State Legislature approved virtually none of their many election requests, which is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The people of Arizona are very angry, as are the people of our Country. If we can’t have free and fair elections, we don’t have a Country. The audit must continue. America deserves the TRUTH!

NPR Issues Outlandish Disclaimer About the Columbus Shooting That Summarizes Contemporary Journalism Brad Slager


The shooting by police of Ma’Khia Bryant in Columbus Ohio as she was engaged in the act of attempted murder has brought out all of the worst in our media complex. False claims, narrative-pushing reports, misinformation, and emotional activism have all been prevalent. The miscarriage of journalistic ethics has been stark then, as it appeared the press had reached its nadir last week, in stepped National Public Radio to dig themselves in even deeper.

Bodycam footage shows Ma’Khia inches from sending a long-bladed knife into a potential victim just as she was shot, after refusing police orders. The mainstream media has been all over the map in their coverage of the shooting, with very few ever accurate. The Daily Beast did little in the way of investigating, relying solely on a family member of Bryant for details. MSNBC guest Ben Crump claimed that Bryant was unarmed when she was shot. Huffington Post gave a video synopsis that seems to indicate a knife mystically materializing near the fallen Bryant. 

Worse yet was The Washington Post, with its coverage of the event — posted after the police video had been released the night prior. Police said at a late news conference on Tuesday that the girl had threatened two others with a knife before the shooting. Uh, no WaPo  — police showed that she threatened the others. The knife is clear, in her hand, as she is lunging at another girl. Despite these obvious visuals the gaslighting continued, as the outlet also told the magical knife tale. Playing segments of body camera video that showed the victim lunging toward someone in a driveway before an officer fired four shots. A knife is visible in the driveway next to the girl as police perform CPR on her.

The Air Force Is About To Lower Its Already Low Standards . By John Venable


Air Force standards for flight training and promotions have been on a downward spiral since the Cold War ended in 1991. Incredibly, the service’s senior leaders are about to accelerate that dive. 

Before we explore these latest moves and their repercussions, let’s take a minute to revisit the journey that brought the Air Force to where it is today.  

During the 1980s, the U.S. faced a potential conflict with the Soviet Union. Soviet air-to-air capabilities and surface-to-air missile systems presented a formidable threat.  The U.S. Air Force, therefore, designed standards and a training pipeline that prepared pilots to excel in that environment. That pipeline incrementally stepped their skill levels by presenting an ever-growing number of tasks and increasingly complex systems and missions they were expected to master. 

Training is expensive, but those costs rise steeply after flight school, making it the most economical point to screen out poor performers.  Student failures at every level beyond becoming more and more burdensome; however, the costliest failures take place, not in training but in the unforgiving environment of combat. There, mission success and the lives of others rely on the faculties and the confidence of our pilots. 

To ensure mission success, screening at all levels was intense.  The washout rate for flight school in the 1980s was high—just three out of every four students got their wings. And the demand for proficiency elevated with every level of training beyond.  A few more washed out of fighter lead-in training, front-line fighter training, and even Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun).

A Fitting Coda to John Kerry’s Career Editors


The claim by Iran’s foreign minister that Secretary of State Kerry squealed to him about Israeli covert operations in Syria is not, considering the source, necessarily credible. Mohammad Javad Zarif is too oleaginous and wily — and hostile. Then again, too, Mr. Zarif’s allegation is susceptible to such a shocking interpretation that Mr. Kerry and President Biden at least owe their countrymen a full explanation.

The story comes from what the New York Times calls a “leaked audiotape.” It is, the Times reports, of a conversation last month between Mr. Zarif and an economist and ally, Saeed Leylaz. The tape, the Times says, was leaked to a London-based news channel, Iran International, which shared it with the Times. The Times reckons the tape was not meant for publication — or, at least, Mr. Zarif says as much on the audio.

The Times focuses on the glimpse the tape provides into the “behind-the-scenes power struggles of Iranian leaders.” Mr. Zarif complains that the Revolutionary Guards Corps “call the shots,” as the Times summarizes his remarks, “overruling many government decisions and ignoring advice.” The Times notes that in “one extraordinary moment” Mr. Zarif “departed from the reverential official line” on Qassim Suleimani.

Suleimani was the Iranian general whom America, in January 2020, slew with a drone. The Trump administration had caught Suleimani traveling in violation of U.N. sanctions. His vast operations had claimed hundreds of American lives. The Iranians are apparently flabbergasted or infuriated at Mr. Zarif’s remarks about the general. The Times reports that Iran’s foreign ministry isn’t disputing the authenticity of the recording.

Instead, it says the foreign ministry in Tehran is questioning the motive for the leak. The Times quotes a spokesman for the ministry as calling it “unethical politics” and says, as the Times put it, “the portion of the audio released did not represent the full scope of Mr. Zarif’s comments about his respect and love for General Suleimani.” Then again, too, Mr. Zarif’s remarks about the military undermine the entire Iran deal.

They Shouldn’t Have Died; That Doesn’t Make Them Innocent Jane Menton


Two weeks ago, Daunte Wright’s death sparked another round of protests and calls to defund/abolish the police. A week later, Derek Chauvin’s trial resulting in a guilty verdict has given the U.S. a reprieve from another round of violent riots. Both of these outcomes could have been anticipated: every time a black civilian dies in an encounter with the police, the conversation immediately becomes about police brutality and police reform. I agree there are many things we could do to reform policing in this country — I have discussed a few possibilities here and here. But while excessive policing is a problem, there are two other aspects to the BLM conversation that are ignored by the mainstream: we will always need some policing and law enforcement to protect civilians from criminal behavior, and many of the recent victims who have been held up as martyrs of the BLM movement had been engaged in criminal behavior. 

Daunte Wright had a warrant out for his arrest for carrying an illegal firearm and attempted armed robbery. George Floyd had served several stints in prison. Both men had been accused of armed robbery, attempted in one case and executed in the other. Their final encounters with the police were for non-violent infractions, but their histories of criminal behavior tell a different story. Those histories also indicate that future run-ins with the police were not unlikely.

Ma’khia Bryant, a 16 year old girl shot dead by police in Columbus, Ohio, had been trying to stab another woman. 13 year old Adam Toledo had been firing a handgun in the middle of the night when police were called to the scene. Jacob Blake, left paralyzed from the waist down after an encounter with the police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was attempting to kidnap his children from their mother, who had been awarded custody. In these scenarios, police intervention was warranted.  

There is a difference between overcriminalization and excessive policing on the one hand, and situations where there is a threat of violence and the police are called to protect innocent civilians on the other. As a society, we need to be able to distinguish between the two. Instead we are creating a dichotomy in which the police are always wrong. Over time, this will result in more leeway for criminal behavior and less protection for law-abiding citizens. Meanwhile, with the public poised to distrust the police, odds increase that people will be more likely to resist arrest, and that fraught encounters with the police are more likely to turn violent.