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Ruth King

Hating and Hounding Jews on Campus Tony Thomas AUSTRALIA


‘I made a workplace complaint to the police about students [who performed Nazi salutes], and then suddenly, my contract wasn’t renewed.’ — Jewish academic in Senate committee submission

At the weekend I began reading the submissions to the Senate committee on a Bill for a judicial inquiry into anti-Semitism at universities. I had no idea how intense the Jew-hatred is, how it’s tolerated, and even fostered by administrators.

My mother when a young Perth journalist, honeymooned to Holland and Germany in 1938. She wrote,

“At Aachen we had our first contact with Nazis, swastikas crawling like black spiders on the uniforms of the border guards. In Berlin we tried to read Dr Goebbel’s noticeboards with their hideous anti-Jewish cartoons. ‘Juden verboten’ signs on the public toilets were clear enough. English-speaking Germans would sometimes make a cautious approach, begging us to tell the outside world how their relatives had disappeared in concentration camps…”[1]

The same elements — swastikas, Nazi-style cartoons, “Jews unwanted!” signs — can be found at Australian universities today. In place of concentration camps and gas chambers, there are omnipresent chants of “from the river to sea” for exterminating Israel and its citizens.

Jewish students and staff are “disappearing” from our universities because of hostility and anti-Semitism in tutorials, classes and social life. Jewish Liberal MHR Julian Leeser says,

“Jewish tradition values education as one of the highest virtues. Jews are taught to have arguments for the sake of heaven – to arrive at truth through debate and discussion. This is the essence of a university. There is a particular tragedy about campus antisemitism which seeks to exclude Jews from the intellectual life of the nation. What happens on campus today sets the tone for the Australia of tomorrow…

It’s tempting to think of antisemitism as the domain of the uneducated. But history tells us that antisemitism also lives in the minds of society’s best educated. More than half of the people who attended the Wannsee Conference that developed the ‘final solution’ were either doctors or had PhDs.

From last August 5 to September 6, the federal government’s Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism,  Jillian Segal, organised interviews of 65 Jewish students and academics nationally. To protect subjects from reprisals, she was unable to publicise the most harrowing and confronting testimonies. What she does spell out is so traumatic I have to wonder what she had to omit. One para really hit home:

Several students and staff who were interviewed reported seeking medical assistance and being prescribed anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication to manage their response to the rise in antisemitism in their university environment. Approximately half of those interviewed were visibly teary during their interview…A culture that excludes one group, intimidates, traumatises and makes them feel unsafe is contrary to the mission of universities and contrary to the best interests of the nation.” 

Israeli Innovation Exposes Ineffective American Defense Sector Israel’s recent operation involving the use of beepers rigged with remotely triggered explosives highlights the stark contrast to the inefficiency seen in American intelligence and defense operations. By Christopher Roach


Israel’s recent attack using beepers containing remotely triggered explosives stands out as an incredibly innovative and daring operation. Nothing like it has previously taken place, and it has undoubtedly disrupted the security of its enemies in Hezbollah.

Israel has long been at war with its neighbors, including both nation-states and terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Whether the current war in Gaza, earlier wars in Lebanon and the Sinai, or the long-simmering war with extreme elements among the Palestinians, it is unclear whether their recent operations will have much long-term impact. In other words, these conflicts seem fated to continue indefinitely.

The operation may even backfire slightly. Recall that Osama bin Laden stopped using satellite phones after revelations of American tracking. The now-apparent risk from the simplest cellular technology likely means that Hezbollah’s fighters will be even less able to use modern technology, whether email, phones, texting, or otherwise. This will reduce Israel’s ability to use signals intelligence to determine their actions in the future, but will also reduce operational efficiencies for Hezbollah. Like everything in life, there are tradeoffs.

Our Country is Falling Behind

As an American who contributes taxes so that the CIA and Defense Department can consume a trillion dollars or more of our money every year, it is hard not to feel some envy at the imagination behind Israel’s operation, the incredible skill and secrecy required to pull it off, and the true “shock and awe” it delivered to Israel’s enemies.

Jet Blue Effaces Israel From Its In-Flight Maps Replaced by “Palestinian Territory”. by Hugh Fitzgerald


The airline Jet Blue has recently changed its in-flight maps. Now on its screens appears a map wherein the word “Israel” has been completely overlaid, in text of a much larger size, with the words “Palestinian Territory.” No explanation for the change has been given by Jet Blue. More on this disturbing toponymic effacement can be found here: “JetBlue Airways changes Israel’s borders and name to ‘Palestinian Territories,’” Jerusalem Post, September 4, 2024:

American airline JetBlue Airways has updated their in-flight map to show the words “Palestinian Territories” in significantly larger text than the word “Israel,” to the point where it is overlaid on the entire state of Israel, N12 reported Tuesday evening.

Hodaya Knafo, an Israeli woman studying in the United States, told N12 that she was on a domestic flight from Miami to San Diego when she tried to show another passenger where Israel was located on her seat’s personal screen. “The label was prominently displayed in a way that didn’t seem innocent,” she said, and additionally, the borders were incorrect.”

According to the map, Israel’s northern border does not include the Golan Heights….

Someone at Jet Blue decided to remove from its screen map of Israel the Golan Heights, which was annexed by the Jewish state in 1981. This was not an accident, but a clear political statement: the Golan annexation is illegitimate, and we refuse to show it as part of Israel.

Wanting to show a seatmate just how small her country was, Ms. Knafo was shocked to see it even smaller than she knew it to be, stripped of the Golan Heights. And what’s more, the overlaid large-text “Palestinian Territories” made it almost impossible to make out the small-text toponym “Israel.”

Wake Forest University to Host Pro-Hamas Speaker on October 7 Haley Strack


Wake Forest University will host a pro-Hamas speaker on October 7, one year after the terrorist organization attacked Israel, to discuss “One Year since al-Aqsa Flood: Reflections on a Year of Genocide and Resistance.”

Rabab Abdulhadi, who will deliver the talk, is slated to speak at Wake Forest on the evening of Monday, October 7, according to a poster obtained by National Review. The school’s Humanities Institute, Department of Politics and International Affairs, and Middle East South Asian Studies Program are co-sponsoring the event. Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups named the operation, during which terrorists invaded Israel and murdered 1,200 civilians, “al-Aqsa Flood.”

Abdulhadi is a Palestinian scholar who is an associate professor for San Francisco State University’s ethnic-studies program. On October 8, Abdulhadi responded to Ilhan Omar’s statement on the attacks, in which the congresswoman condemned Hamas’s “senseless violence” and “horrific acts.”

“Seriously @IlhanMN? ‘Senseless,’” Abdulhadi said in response. “#PalestineUnderAttack are merely defending themselves. Are you saying that #Palestinians should be exceptionalized from the right to defend themselves against colonial & racist violence? Check your facts! #FreePalestine #IsraeliCrimes.”

On October 7, the professor said on social media that “it‘s worth remembering how vicious colonists act when the colonized dare #breaktheirChains from @Palestine . . . No innocent bystanders here.” 

Panetta Accuses Israel of Carrying Out ‘a Form of Terrorism’ with Beeper Operation Andrew McCarthy


Leon Panetta, one of the 51 former national security officials most connected to the Obama-Biden administration, who sullied his reputation by falsely claiming in a partisan pre-election open letter that the Hunter Biden laptop reporting bore the hallmarks of a Russian influence operation, has joined his co-author, John Brennan, in condemning Israel’s “Grim Beeper” operation.

As I detailed on Saturday, Brennan, who eventually succeeded Panetta as Obama’s CIA director, told NBC News last week that Israel’s infiltration of the communications of Hezbollah — which began bombing Israel in conjunction with Hamas’s October 7 atrocities — was an unacceptable form of warfare.

Panetta, who also served as Obama’s defense secretary, has one-upped Brennan, accusing Israel of executing “a form of terrorism.”

To reiterate what I contended in the column, it is difficult to quantify how idiotic such allegations are. Israel’s attack was narrowly targeted, discriminate, and proportional. To state the obvious, its targets were the operatives of a terrorist organization, which (a) has murdered hundreds of Americans and (b) has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization under federal law for 30 years.

Israel’s explosions were ingeniously designed to harm only the terrorist operatives to whom the terrorist organization distributed pagers in order to facilitate the planning of terrorist operations. Yet, according to Panetta’s meandering in a CBS interview on Sunday, this could amount to “a form of terrorism” because it is the exploitation of common communications devices: “The ability to place an explosive in technology that is very prevalent these days, and turn it into a war of terror” — indeed, “the battlefield of the future.”

Where to begin?

Renu Mukherjee Affirmative Action Doesn’t Work, and MIT Knows It University officials have acknowledged that racial disparities in academic preparation begin at the K–12 level.


Several highly selective colleges and universities in the U.S.—including MIT, Yale, Princeton, and now Harvard—have finally revealed the racial makeup of their incoming freshmen, the Class of 2028. This is the first group to be admitted since the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action, in Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College (SFFA), last year.

Supporters of racial preferences anticipated that the ruling would lead to a decline in black and Hispanic enrollment at America’s top schools. Opponents anticipated the opposite, contending that progressive university officials would find ways to evade SFFA and continue discriminating in favor of underrepresented minorities.

Both groups now have data that seem to vindicate their arguments. At MIT, the percentage of black enrollees in the freshman class dropped to 5 percent from 15 percent in the previous year; the percentage of Hispanic enrollees dropped to 11 percent from 16 percent; the percentage of white enrollees dropped to 37 percent from 38 percent; and the percentage of Asian enrollees rose to 47 percent from 40 percent. Yet at Duke, the combined share of black and Hispanic freshmen increased (compared with last fall), while the share of white and Asian freshmen fell. Meantime, at the University of Virginia, the racial makeup of the Class of 2028 remained virtually unchanged from that of the Class of 2027. Clearly, some universities, such as MIT, are taking SFFA more seriously than others.

Indeed, MIT’s President Sally Kornbluth and Dean of Admission Stu Schmill directly attributed the decline in black and Hispanic freshmen at the university to SFFA. Kornbluth, in a recent announcement to the MIT community, said: “The class is, as always, outstanding across multiple dimensions. What it does not bring, as a consequence of last year’s Supreme Court decision, is the same degree of broad racial and ethnic diversity that the MIT community has worked to achieve over the past several decades.” Similarly, Schmill told MIT News during an August 21 interview: “I have no doubt that we left out many well-qualified, well-matched applicants from historically underrepresented backgrounds who in the past we would have admitted—and who would have excelled.”

Non-citizens added to states’ voter rolls through DMV, even after admitting lack of US citizenship “We have hundreds where they actually mark on the form, ‘hello, not a citizen,’ and they still get registered to vote,” J. Christian Adams explained.


Non-citizens have been added to several states’ voter rolls largely through motor vehicle departments, sometimes even after they have explained that they are not U.S. citizens.

States have been discovering non-citizens on their voter rolls over the years, with many being added through the “motor voter” process at motor vehicle departments that began with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). If non-citizens are seeking to become naturalized citizens, then being illegally registered to vote can prevent that from occurring.

An election integrity group has examined states’ voter rolls for years, finding many non-citizens who are illegally registered to vote across the country.


J. Christian Adams, president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), said on a Just the News special report with The Association of Mature American Citizens to be aired Tuesday that non-citizens had been registered to vote in Pennsylvania for decades.

The EV Graveyard


Last week, the House approved a resolution to block the Biden administration’s emissions rule that would require more than half of the automobiles sold in the new-car market to be electric by 2032. The 215 representatives who voted for the bill, including eight Democrats, are far more in tune with most of the country than the White House. The “deplorables” and “bitter” clingers of the industrialized world are rejecting electric vehicles.

Nationwide, the inventory of unsold EVs had grown by nearly 350% over the first half of 2024, creating “a 92-day supply — roughly three months’ worth of EVs, and nearly twice the industry average,” says Axios, which is 54 days for gasoline-powered vehicles.

Ford, which lost nearly $73,000 on each EV it sold in the second quarter of 2023, continues to yield to reality, now ditching its plans to build a large electric SUV. This “course change,” says Just the News, “comes amid lower-than-expected demand for electric vehicles.”

The company has also “pushed back to 2027” plans for “another electric vehicle project for a pickup truck.”

“Based on where the market is and where the customer is, we will pivot and adjust and make those tough decisions,” said John Lawler, Ford’s chief financial officer.

And here’s the market’s message:

“Of the U.S. consumers planning on purchasing a new vehicle in the next 24 months, only 34% intend to purchase an EV, down 14% from 48% in the 2023,” says Ernst & Young’s Mobility Consumer Index, “a global survey of almost 20,000 consumers from 28 countries.”

Mission: Preserve the Republic: Sydney Williams


Elizabeth Willing Powel: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”Benjamin Franklin: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”      Philadelphia, September 17, 1787


That exchange took place 237 years ago outside Independence Hall, where delegates had met to discuss weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation, as they pertained to the central government. It was recorded in the journal of Maryland delegate James McHenry (1753-1816), a journal now in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress. (The Articles of Confederation, agreed to in 1777, were replaced a decade later by the United States Constitution, which provided for a stronger central government.)

Democrats have seized the expression “save democracy,” which means elect them, not Republicans who they argue would destroy democracy. They express concern of storm troopers led by Donald Trump who they say would tear down our democratic institutions. But might this be an example of projection?

Our Founders were concerned about despotism, including what James Madison called “the tyranny of the majority.” So they constructed a Republic, with checks and balances, a federal government with three equal and independent branches – legislative, executive and judicial – to protect the rights of both the majority and the minority.

In a recent op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, George Washington University law professor Jonathon Turley wrote: “In an October 2020 interview, Harvard law professor Michael Klarman laid out a plan for Democrats should they win the White House and both congressional chambers. They would enact ‘democracy-entrenching legislation.’ But what does that mean? They have called for the elimination of the Electoral College. They want to increase the size of the Supreme Court, and widen the reach of the federal bureaucracy through new administrative agencies.

Suicidal Jews By Joan Swirsky


When individuals kill themselves, we look for answers in their DNA, their environments, their personal reactions to feelings of impotent rage, rejection, disappointment, heartbreak, and mental illness.

But how to explain group suicide?  There are numerous examples, going back to 206 B.C., and these relatively recent cases:

In 1943, in the final phase of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, many of the Jewish fighters besieged in the “bunker” at Miła 18 committed mass suicide by ingesting poison rather than surrender to the Nazis.
In 1945, about 1,000 residents of Demmin, Germany, committed mass suicide after the Red Army had sacked the town.
In 1978, 918 Americans — including 276 children — ingested cyanide in the Peoples Temple, after being exhorted and compelled to do so by their cult leader, Jim Jones, in Jonestown, Guyana.
In 1997, 39 followers of the Heaven’s Gate cult in California died in a mass suicide, believing they would travel on a spaceship that followed comet Hale — Bopp.

Clearly, some groups took their lives en masse for ideological reasons, whereas others — particularly vulnerable people in dire need of a “leader” — simply followed orders.  In all the mass suicides in recorded history, dozens, hundreds, and up to one thousand people took their own lives.

But today, when looking at suicidal Jews, the numbers could be in the millions!

Currently, out of a worldwide population of eight billion people, there are about 15 million Jews — approximately seven million in Israel, almost seven million in the United States, and one million throughout the world.  This is, by any measure, a few grains of sand compared to the massive total population of the world.

According to U.S. voting patterns, Jews are overwhelmingly liberal — up to 80 percent — which means they vote in huge numbers for leftists like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden.  These people’s staffs have comprised, almost exclusively, career antisemites, who have done everything in their power to effect anti-Israel policies like the Iran nuclear deal, knowing that the fanatical mission of the mullahs in Teheran was — and is to this day — to wipe Israel off the map and exterminate every Jew in existence.

As Karin McQuillan explained in “Leftist Jew Hatred Has Come to America,” “the Left began with blacklisting and boycotting conservatives.  Now American Jews are in the crosshairs, no matter how liberal their politics.”