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Ruth King

Suicidal Jews By Joan Swirsky


When individuals kill themselves, we look for answers in their DNA, their environments, their personal reactions to feelings of impotent rage, rejection, disappointment, heartbreak, and mental illness.

But how to explain group suicide?  There are numerous examples, going back to 206 B.C., and these relatively recent cases:

In 1943, in the final phase of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, many of the Jewish fighters besieged in the “bunker” at Miła 18 committed mass suicide by ingesting poison rather than surrender to the Nazis.
In 1945, about 1,000 residents of Demmin, Germany, committed mass suicide after the Red Army had sacked the town.
In 1978, 918 Americans — including 276 children — ingested cyanide in the Peoples Temple, after being exhorted and compelled to do so by their cult leader, Jim Jones, in Jonestown, Guyana.
In 1997, 39 followers of the Heaven’s Gate cult in California died in a mass suicide, believing they would travel on a spaceship that followed comet Hale — Bopp.

Clearly, some groups took their lives en masse for ideological reasons, whereas others — particularly vulnerable people in dire need of a “leader” — simply followed orders.  In all the mass suicides in recorded history, dozens, hundreds, and up to one thousand people took their own lives.

But today, when looking at suicidal Jews, the numbers could be in the millions!

Currently, out of a worldwide population of eight billion people, there are about 15 million Jews — approximately seven million in Israel, almost seven million in the United States, and one million throughout the world.  This is, by any measure, a few grains of sand compared to the massive total population of the world.

According to U.S. voting patterns, Jews are overwhelmingly liberal — up to 80 percent — which means they vote in huge numbers for leftists like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden.  These people’s staffs have comprised, almost exclusively, career antisemites, who have done everything in their power to effect anti-Israel policies like the Iran nuclear deal, knowing that the fanatical mission of the mullahs in Teheran was — and is to this day — to wipe Israel off the map and exterminate every Jew in existence.

As Karin McQuillan explained in “Leftist Jew Hatred Has Come to America,” “the Left began with blacklisting and boycotting conservatives.  Now American Jews are in the crosshairs, no matter how liberal their politics.”

Guterres stands by UNGA resolution calling for Jews to be removed from Jerusalem’s Old City Mike Wagenheim


A spokesman for the secretary-general told JNS that António Guterres “has called for an end to the occupation, and he has called for the end of settlements.”

Prior to the U.N. General Assembly’s vote on Wednesday calling for Jerusalem’s Old City, Judea and Samaria to be free of Jews, António Guterres, the global body’s secretary-general, told reporters that he would back implementation of the resolution should it pass.

The Palestinian-drafted resolution, which passed by a 124-14 margin with 43 abstentions, is meant to give force to the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion in July, when the U.N. high court in The Hague declared Israeli presence to be illegal in any area over the 1949 armistice line.

JNS asked Guterres’s spokesman Stéphane Dujarric during a press briefing on Thursday whether the secretary-general now backs the resolution, calling for the Old City in Jerusalem to be Judenrein, which he said he would report.

Zion: A Place Worth Defending by Nils A. Haug


In essence, Zionism is simply an attempt to re-establish their ancestral home, their place of refuge and sanctuary in an alien world which largely despises them. Zion (now Israel), is a place they can gather to practise their faith without persecution. The six ancient cities of refuge were located only within the Land of Israel, just as, in a microscopic sense, the family is a city of refuge.

The world desperately needs Jewish values and wisdom — those detailed in the holy scriptures. Jewish wisdom was among the first, after the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi (c. 1,755 BCE), to present the world with social justice — not only in the Ten Commandments — but also in how we treat our fellow creatures:

“But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your ox, your donkey or any of your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns, so that your male and female servants may rest, as you do” (Deuteronomy 5:14);

“Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk” (Deuteronomy 14:21);

“If you come across a bird’s nest beside the road, either in a tree or on the ground, and the mother is sitting on the young or on the eggs, do not take the mother with the young” (Deuteronomy 22:6);

“You shall not oppress a hired worker who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brothers or one of the sojourners who are in your land within your towns” (Deuteronomy 24:14);

“You shall give him his wages on the same day, before the sun sets – for he is poor and counts on it” (Deuteronomy 24:15);

“You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbour” (Leviticus 19:15);

“You shall not mistreat any widow or fatherless child” (Exodus 22:22).

Jews have historically defended liberty against tyranny and moral confusion…

The true calling of the Jews, with “the world’s most moral army,” as the IDF is referred to by military expert Col. Richard Kemp, as they now wage a war that was forced on them, is to bring eternal values such as those above, found in the Torah, to the world at large. The Jews remain, after all, a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” They are entitled to their land, a place historically theirs — Zion, Israel, their ancestral home. This land was promised to the Jewish nation forever. It is a place worth defending.



Israel, a nation of about 9,400,000 people gets more news coverage than Brazil with a population of 211,140,729 people. Unfortunately, most of it is biased and low information, particularly during a war occasioned by barbaric enemies. As Michael Ordman details in weekly postings, what the biased media ignores is the outsize and remarkable contributions Israel makes in science, medicine, technology, agriculture and water recycling and preservation, to name a handful, to the entire world. Read it all. rsk

On a mission. Technion alumna Maya Shnur is a business manager at Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. “When the sirens start and I take my little boy down into the bomb shelter, I say ‘thank you Rafael for saving our lives.’” Maya contributes to Israel’s security and raises the profile of women in the workplace.
Cowboys don’t run away. (TY Israel21c) There are some 50 cattle ranches in Israel’s Golan Heights, under fire from Hezbollah rockets and drones. One, Merom Golan, has around 1,500 head of cattle. Shay Zerbib owns another ranch; he says, “Someone has to take care of the animals; they need to get fed no matter what,”
Doctors answer the call. (TY Yanky) Since Oct 7, some 400 doctors and 30 health professionals from the US and other countries have arrived in Israel to assist in treating the large number of injured or to fill in for Israeli medical staff who are called to military duty.  Read about five of them here.
Christian support for the South. (TY Yanky) The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem visited the south and asked Rafi Babian, security chief of the Sadot Regional Council, what he needed. “Paramedic kits for all 16 communities under my watch, please,” he replied. The life-saving kits have now been delivered.
Montana retreat helps heal IDF vets. (TY Yanky) Healing in Nature (HIN) runs weeklong retreats on an isolated Montana ranch for IDF combat vets traumatized by their Gaza experience. Tel Aviv University psychiatrist Dr Roi Sar-el, uses biofeedback to track soldiers’ vital signs before, during and after the ranch trip.
Underwater protection. The IDF Navy’s Underwater Missions Unit (Yaltam), protects Israel’s maritime borders, performs complex rescue operations, and neutralizes underwater threats. Since Oct 7, its missions included neutralizing and removing vehicles, devices, and weaponry from attempted sea infiltrations.
How female soldiers saved lives on Oct 7. We read about how female IDF intelligence soldiers were ignored when they warned of Hamas Oct 7 invasion preparations. This video tells of an all-female unit that helped defend beleaguered Israeli communities on that fateful day.
IDF father and daughter reunite in Gaza. Another emotional family reunion on the battlefield.
Rebuilding the South & North. A historic agreement between the two largest Zionist organizations KKL-JNF and Jewish National Fund-USA has established a joint venture for reconstruction and renewal in Israel’s southern and northern regions. Each organization will contribute $25 million for each rebuilding project.
Can we talk? Researchers at Israel’s Sheba Medical Center have created LIV – a new generative AI-based platform offering personalized patient interactions and effective diagnostics to people with PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. It reduces bottlenecks from an acute shortage of mental health experts.
Pain relief is also anti-inflammatory. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s PainReform (see here previously) has developed new improved anti-inflammatory properties for its PRF-110 pain relief treatment. These have then been successfully tested in a Phase 3 multi-site US trial of 443 patients undergoing bunionectomy surgery.
https://painreform.com/releases/painreform-announces-positive-safety-profile-for-prf-110-in-phase-3-bunionectomy-study/  https://painreform.com/releases/painreform-announces-development-and-successful-manufacturing-of-new-formulations-providing-anti-inflammatory-and-extended-analgesic-effects/
Hope for hypothyroidism sufferers. Israeli researchers have discovered that a common pollutant (perchlorate salts – found in pesticides and automobiles) interferes with the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, leading to hypothyroidism. They built a detection device that uses a receptor molecule to alert to pollutant’s presence.
Positive thoughts can heal the heart.  At least it can in heart-diseased mice.  Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute induced positive emotion and motivation, resulting in an immune response that helped heal cardiac scarring, increased blood vessel formation, and improved cardiac performance. So pass on my positive news!
Predicting and preventing brain diseases. Researchers at Israel’s Technion Institute have developed a model to predict problems involving proteins that can lead to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other brain diseases. This model could serve as a basis for designing new proteins that can treat these diseases.
Shape-shifting pill gets US approval. Israel’s Epitomee (see here previously) has received US-FDA  marketing approval for its pill that expands in the stomach, making it feel full and discourage overeating.
Life-saving deliveries. (TY Hazel) Israel’s Magen David Adom is training some 1,000 Wolt delivery drivers in CPR, treating injuries, how to stop bleeding, etc., and giving them life-saving first aid tools. Wolt drivers often encounter emergencies all over Israel, in which first aid training could be vital.
Even smarter. (TY Hazel) Israel’s Sheba Medical Center was ranked 10th in Newsweek’s latest list of the world’s smartest hospitals, having risen from 13th (see here previously). Sheba’s standout categories were Robotics and Telemedicine.
https://www.jewishpress.com/news/health-and-medicine/sheba-medical-center-ranked-10th-smartest-hospital-worldwide/2024/09/18/  https://www.newsweek.com/rankings/worlds-best-smart-hospitals-2025

The West’s Self-Assisted Suicide Michael Galak



Instead of the leaders with iron resolve we got terribly Democratic and profoundly weak Joe Biden, a succession of the UK PMs whose names nobody can remember, former GDR Young Communist League member Angela ‘Mutti’ Merkel, ex-Secretary-General of the Portuguese Socialist Party Antonio Guterres and the ever-elegant Emmanuel Macron, addicted to long chats with Vladimir Putin. In keeping with the trend, Australia has granted itself the honour of being governed by Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong.

It seems the proudest achievement of the human species, Western Civilization, is quietly expiring under the assault of resentful and determined enemies. Sensing weakness, they are gathering for the kill. In too many instances the West facilitates its own demise, aiding and abetting those who would destroy it.

Those who are as old as I might remember big buttons proclaiming “Nuclear? No thanks”. Ubiquitous, they were a visible aspect of the unilateral disarmament campaign orchestrated by Moscow and conducted by the front organisations such as People for Nuclear Disarmament, the World Council of Churches and the like. Motivating this campaign was the Soviet fear that the Western nuclear deterrent might succeed in defeating Moscow’s conventional arms assault on Western Europe should push ever come to shove.

Now, the “protest” movement is more sophisticated – it fights for the clean environment, nothing political, you see. The neo-Marxist movement has weaponized ecology and, under the guise of saving the planet, undermines the West. They do it by posturing as “green” movements, fighting to stop fossil fuels production in the West. The result has been spectacular. We are forced to buy the necessary fuel from OPEC and Russia, countries have no homegrown protest movements which can pump oil to their hearts’ and treasuries’ content. According to the July issue of the Foreign Policy, before its assault on Ukraine, Russia was getting around $US1 billion US dollars every day in oil revenues. After the Western sanctions that figure declined to $720 million dollars per day — a decrease certainly, but still more than enough to wage war on Ukraine, finance anti-Western activities while keeping things on the homefront relatively content.

The death pains of the European Union Even arch-Eurocrats are admitting that Brussels is leading Europe to ruin. Fraser Myers


The largely unspoken trade-off involved in membership of the European Union is that democracy and national sovereignty are sacrificed in return for economic prosperity. Member states give up much of their control over critical policy areas to an unelected, technocratic elite who are entrusted with delivering higher living standards and productivity. But Brussels is not keeping its part of the bargain – and hasn’t for some time.

Worse, the EU economy is about to endure decades of ‘slow agony’. This is the grim prognosis not of a Eurosceptic or populist, but of one of Europe’s most senior technocrats, Mario Draghi, the former head of the European Central Bank and ex-prime minister of Italy. Last week, Draghi unveiled a 400-page doorstopper report, commissioned by the EU, on the ‘future of European competitiveness’. Without radical economic reform, he warns, EU member states will suffer from stagnant living standards, technological backwardness and geopolitical impotence.

As Draghi’s report makes clear, the EU has been in deep economic trouble for some time now. At the turn of the century, the EU and US were on a relatively equal footing. But, on a per-capita basis, real disposable income in the EU has grown at only half the rate of the US since 2000. The US now massively outperforms the EU in advanced technology. Only four in the world’s top-50 tech firms are European. Almost a million manufacturing jobs were lost in the EU in the last four years alone. For too long, Draghi argues, policymakers have viewed the growing gap between the EU and US as merely an ‘inconvenience’, rather than the ‘calamity’ it really is.

In truth, Draghi’s bleak assessment actually underestimates the scale of the EU’s economic malaise. Looking at averages across the 27-member bloc obscures the depths of the crisis. Astonishingly, the economies of Italy, Spain and Greece, having been battered by the Euro crisis and EU-mandated austerity, are actually smaller than they were in the late 2000s. Germany, traditionally the EU’s economic powerhouse, is rapidly deindustrialising. In France, the EU’s second-largest economy, debt is spiralling to the kind of levels seen in Italy just before the Euro crisis. The cost of all this foregone growth is a diminished quality of life, stretched public services and decaying infrastructure.

Our So-called ‘Experts’ and their Silly Group-speak Letters As a general rule, anytime we read an election-cycle solicited letter from retired functionaries, replete with their grandiose former titles, we should completely discount it. By Victor Davis Hanson


One of the most preposterous recent trends has been the political use of supposed expert letters and declarations of support from so-called “authorities.”

These pretentious testimonies of purported professionalism are different from the usual inane candidate endorsements from celebrities and politicos.

Instead, they are used by politicians to impress and persuade the public to follow the “expertise,” “science,” or “authorities” to support all sorts of injurious initiatives and policies—of dubious value and otherwise without much political support.

Think of all the health experts who collectively swore to us that the COVID mRNA vaccinations would give us ironclad and lasting protection from being either infectious or infected and were without any side effects.

Other “authorities” assured us the first nationwide lockdown in U.S. history would stop COVID without hurting the social or economic life of the country.

Ditto testimonies about the pangolin-bat origins of COVID or the authenticity of the bogus Steele dossier.

Do we still remember the 1,200 healthcare “professionals” who in June 2020 told us that hitting the streets in mass numbers to protest during the post-George Floyd riots was a legitimate exemption from their own prior insistence on a complete nationwide quarantine? Or as these ideologues lectured us as “experts”:

“We wanted to present a narrative that prioritizes opposition to racism as vital to the public health, including the epidemic response. We believe that the way forward is not to suppress protests in the name of public health but to respond to protesters demands in the name of public health.”

To convince the public to get behind the agendas of politicians—increasingly on the left—ideologues round up groups of politically kindred professors, researchers, retired officials, and former bureaucrats to show off their supposed expertise and convince the public by means of their “authority”.

Perhaps one of the most notorious examples was the “70 arms control and nuclear experts,” who in 2015 were gathered together by Obama subordinates to persuade Americans to support the administration’s bankrupt Iran Deal—the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

UN Official Denounces Use of ‘Human Shields’ A sound message to the establishment media. by Hugh Fitzgerald


Seldom does a UN official denounce Hamas for the way it fights its war, so that when it happens, it ought to be carefully noted in the media. But that isn’t what happens. Instead, the mainstream media either downplay, or leave out altogether, any denunciation of Hamas by UN officials. On September 10, the UN’s Tor Wennesland, the UN’s Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, delivered a statement, critical of Israel for the IDF’s bombing of a Hamas command and control center that was embedded in a humanitarian zone in Khan Younis. Amazingly, however, Wennesland also stated that Hamas must stop using human shields. It was a rare case of an attempt at “balance” by a UN official. More on his statement can be found here: “A UN official said Hamas must stop using human shields. International media ignores it.” Elder of Ziyon, September 11, 2024:

UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, issued a statement condemning the IDF  airstrike in Khan Younis yesterday condemning Israel for hitting a civilian area. But his statement was unusually balanced for a UN official:

While the IDF said it struck Hamas militants who were operating in a command-and-control center embedded inside the Humanitarian zone, I underline that international humanitarian law, including the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precautions in attack, must be upheld at all times. I also emphasize that civilians must never be used as human shields.

Yet again, such actions only underscore that nowhere is safe in Gaza.

Wennesland appears to have added the statement about human shields to appear even handed. His tweet on the statement didn’t mention that part of it.

But Wennesland emphasized that using human shielding is unacceptable and said that was one of the reasons that “nowhere is safe in Gaza.”

And almost no one reported on this part of his statement.

Climate Hysteria and the End of Hope We are a civilization embracing suicide. by Mark Tapson


Recently the reliably Left-wing rag The Los Angeles Times published an opinion piece that wrestled with a question no one in history ever thought to ask themselves until our own time, when it has become a common refrain among young generations: Is it morally right to bring children into a world so fraught with dangerous uncertainty?

“Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question” is an excerpt from a new book by Jade S. Sasser, an associate professor in the – wait for it – Department of Gender & Sexuality Studies at UC Riverside. The book is called Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question: Deciding Whether to Have Children in an Uncertain Future.

Yes, climate anxiety is a thing. Psychotherapist Natacha Duke describes it thusly: “Also known as ‘eco-anxiety,’ ‘eco-guilt’ and ‘eco-grief,’ climate anxiety is characterized by a chronic fear of environmental doom that’s often paralyzing and debilitating.” It is one of the most effective and widespread psyops of our time, having traumatized an entire couple of generations into believing that we must take immediate, radical action to completely dismantle the capitalist, systemically racist, heteronormative, fossil-fueled power structures and exploitative mentality that purportedly have driven us to the brink of planetary annihilation.

The Times excerpt centers on a series of interviews Sasser conducted in 2021 and 2022 with millennials and members of Generation Z, “all of them people of color. Some of them identify as queer… which shapes their sensitivity to discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.” All were college-educated, most having taken environmental studies classes. At least two of them have degrees in sustainability, whatever that means.

Call It Greenflation — And Kamala Wants More Of It


Every American should see (and share) the chart before they vote in November.

For families struggling to make ends meet, Kamala Harris claims she has a plan to lower energy costs. What she will deliver is more pain. Just ask anyone paying energy bills in a state her party controls.

On Harris’ campaign website, she pays lip service to reducing energy costs, but then rattles off a long list of plans to tackle the “climate crisis.”

We already know you can’t have one with the other.

At a congressional hearing last week, members of the House Budget Committee heard from witnesses about how Biden-Harris policies have fueled today’s energy crisis. One of the witnesses, Diana Furtchgott-Roth of the Heritage Foundation, presented lawmakers with a chart that deserves to be seen by anyone and everyone paying utility bills.

The chart ranks states based on the cost of electricity, as well as the cost of a gallon of gas.

Looking at the chart, you immediately notice something. Of the 16 states where electricity costs are higher than the national average, Republicans control only two. All the rest are either completely or partially run by Democrats.