Have you noticed? Lately, Facebook is more confused and more creepy than usual. In that oh-so-tolerant way that today’s Left has, our Facebook Redirect Initiative Overlords continue to work hard flagging people and posts they don’t agree with as “extremists” and “extremist content.”
Early this week, Facebook flagged a post that I viewed as potentially exposing me to “harmful extremist content.” The post (full text below) simply asked a question and mentioned a MAGA hat in the context of the Gwen Berry anthem incident:
Facebook screenshot.
FULL POST TEXT: “How would the Left respond if an Olympian wore a MAGA hat on the podium during the medal ceremony?”
FULL FACEBOOK NOTICE TEXT: “Gwendolyn, you may have been exposed to harmful extremist content recently
Violent groups try to manipulate your anger and disappointment. You can take action now to protect yourself and others.
Get support from experts
Spot the signs, understand the dangers of extremism and hear from people who have escaped violent groups.”
Notice that the supposedly offending post didn’t mention President Donald Trump nor imply or encourage violence of any sort and yet, it’s still deemed “harmful extremist content” from “violent groups” from which I might need protection and “support from experts” to cope with such exposure.
That’s right, the very thought of the acronym for “Make America Great Again” has become such a boogeyman in the leftists’ hivemind, they see it as harmful and extremist.
If you’re anything like me, you’re simultaneously unsurprised at this while also thinking, “What the H-E-double-hockey-sticks is going on here?!” Does Facebook actually believe that all posts and all people who simply view “MAGA” in a post would need to seek support? Really? Does Facebook actually believe every single one of the over 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump in 2020 is a potential “violent extremist” just because he or she might post “MAGA,” wear a red hat, or believe America is great? Sadly as we already suspected, this is what it’s come to and the answer appears to be an unequivocal “yes.”
With that in mind, it’s well past time we remind Facebook and the rest of the leftists who think they speak for America just who the actual online and real-life extremists really are. Let’s look at where the Left stands on three key issues:
We know because the Left has told us ad nauseam that it sees everything through the lens of racism, whether real or perceived. It believes one’s skin color bestows both disadvantages to non-whites and ambiguous privileges to whites. Ironically, it also believes being born in America–the most prosperous and free nation on earth–doesn’t provide significant opportunities for non-whites.