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Ruth King

There will be no riots protesting the shooting of 7-year-old Jaslyn Adams By Thomas Lifson


The shooting death of 13-year-old Adam Toledo in a Chicago alley is a horrible heartbreak, but what about the death of 7-year-old Jaslyn Adams?  Adam Toledo’s death has sparked protests and riots in Chicago and all over the country, but I suspect Jaslyn’s will be just another statistic.

Madeline Kenney, Jermaine Nolen, and Cindy Hernandez of the Chicago Sun-Times report:

A 7-year-old girl was killed and her father was seriously wounded in a shooting Sunday afternoon as they were getting food at a McDonald’s drive-thru in the Homan Square neighborhood.

The father, Jontae Adams, 28, and his daughter, Jaslyn, were in a silver Infiniti about 4:20 p.m. at the McDonald’s, 3200 W. Roosevelt Road, when they were shot, Chicago police said. A McDonald’s employee, who asked not to be named, said two people got out of a gray car and started shooting at the victim’s car. (snip)

Police said the shooting was believed to be gang-related, and less than three hours later, two people were shot in their car at a Popeyes in Humboldt Park, which investigators believe is connected to the McDonald’s shooting.

There is no police body cam video of Jaslyn’s death, of course, because it was gangbangers who likely killed her as collateral damage.  Gangs are killing hundreds of people in Chicago each year.  The latest figure (from April 14) I can find for shootings in Chicago (the overwhelming number of which are gang-related) is 864 people so far this year, 218 more than last year.

Some Real Truths About Fake News Peter Roff


The folks who came up with the term “fake news” – no one has ever claimed credit for it – probably rue the day they did. Originally the term was going to be used to discredit anything that appeared in an outlet that wasn’t part of the media elite which contradicted the dominant liberal narrative or painted progressives and their policies in an unfavorable light.

Oh, for the schemes of mice and men, as Robert Burns put it.

Before those behind this grand experiment in thought control could get all the fact-checkers, news outlets, and academics ready to make it work, Donald Trump appeared on the scene and expropriated the term. In the blink of an eye, what was supposed to be an ad hominem attack on Fox News and other conservative outlets came to be synonymous with liberal media distortions of the day’s news. 

Now, say published reports, it appears “fake news” is a real thing and, just as the liberals alleged, there are a couple of Murdochs behind it all. Only it’s not Rupert. It’s his younger son from his first marriage James who, along with his wife Kathryn reportedly made significant contributions to a political action committee linked to a genuinely fake news operation allied with the Democrats.

The younger Murdoch, who at one time occupied senior management positions in companies owned by his father as well as a member of the News Corp. board of directors, severed his ties with the family business several years ago, allegedly over concerns of information bias. How odd it is then that he and his wife are now linked to a $500,000 contribution to Pacronym, a super PAC that, according to its website is “affiliated with ACRONYM” – a group that Federal Elections Commission records indicate funded a pseudo-news outlet called “Courier Newsroom,” which circulated Democratic Party and anti-Trump propaganda disguised as legitimate reporting.

GOP Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT-District 4 “Projection” By Democrats About Voter ID Is “Self-Bigotry Of Low Expectations” Posted By Tim Hains


Clarence Burgess Owens is a Republican politician, and former professional football player elected in 2020.

Rep. Burgess Ownes testified at a Senate hearing on whether voter ID laws represent a “New Jim Crow,” particularly mentioning that he is insulted when Democrats characterize black voters as “not smart enough” to get identification.

“The true racism is this: the projection of the Democratic party on my proud race. It’s called the self bigotry of low expectation,” Rep. Owens said Tuesday. “President Biden said of the Georgia law ‘This is Jim Crow on steroids.’ With all due respect, Mr. President, you know better.”
This Week


“What I find extremely offensive from the left is the narrative that black people are not smart enough, not educated enough…to do what every other culture does in this country —get an ID,” Rep. Owens says in a congressional hearing about voting rights. https://abcn.ws/2QbCft8

Chauvin Found Guilty on All Counts in George Floyd Trial By Zachary Evans


Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of all charges on Tuesday in the killing of African American resident George Floyd during his arrest in May 2020.

Chauvin was convicted of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. Jury deliberations lasted just over ten hours, making for a relatively speedy verdict. The jury members were kept anonymous during the trial to protect their safety.

The charge of second-degree murder carries a maximum penalty of 40 years in prison, while third-degree murder carries up to 25 years in prison and second-degree manslaughter up to ten years in prison. Chauvin was remanded into custody of the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office with bail revoked.

Sentencing will occur in roughly two months, according to the judge in the case.

Media and demonstrators gathered outside the courthouse in the hour before the verdict was proclaimed. Demonstrators also converged outside the convenience store where Floyd was arrested, with local media reporting elation among the crowds.

Video of Floyd’s arrest went viral last year, sparking riots in cities across the country and resulting in Chauvin’s dismissal from the Minneapolis police department. The video showed Chauvin using his knee to pin Floyd to the ground for more than nine minutes, persisting even after Floyd lost consciousness.

Floyd was pronounced dead at the scene of his arrest. The trial largely focused on the degree to which Chauvin’s actions caused Floyd’s death in combination with other factors, such as a history of hypertension and Floyd’s ingestion of a fentanyl/methamphetamine combination sometime before the arrest.

Never in America-Right? Cherie Zaslawsky


In a recent broadcast, Tucker Carlson featured a story destined to send shockwaves throughout America. In discussing Canada’s new policy of mandatory detention of people who test positive for Covid in “government facilities,” Tucker referred to these “facilities” as “internment camps.” He’s right, of course, and using the correct terminology brings the euphemistically camouflaged truth out into the open.
But could something like this be done in America?

The CDC’s Alphabet Soup

Well, if you go to the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) website and look up Legal Authorities for Isolation and Quarantine, you may be surprised by what you find under the heading of Federal Law: The federal government derives its authority for isolation and quarantine from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

According to the Heritage Foundation, “Over the course of the last decades, the Commerce Clause has been used as a primary source for the regulatory expansion of the national government.” It seems the Commerce Clause could well win a popularity contest as the most often used rationale for unconstitutional shenanigans. So let’s take a good look at it.

Hmmm…. In my copy of the Constitution, the “Commerce Clause,” as an item in what is essentially a bulleted list, reads thus: “The Congress shall have the power…to regulate commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes.”

Funny, I don’t see anything there about running a medical dictatorship, depriving citizens of their rights and liberty through mandatory “lockdowns,” “house arrests” or quarantines, let alone forced isolation of American citizens in FEMA camps and the like.

That part must have been discovered in a penumbra or in emanations, along with most other tyrannical usurpations of our rights, as they were originally laid out by the Founders in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. That’s independence not only of our nation, but of We the People as sovereign individuals.

‘Unbearable’ conditions push Biden administration to close Houston migrant center The group in charge didn’t provide adequate living conditions, sources say.


ByCecilia Vega,Soo Rin Kim,Lucien Bruggeman,James Scholz, andMike Levine

The Biden administration over the weekend shuttered a Houston warehouse that housed unaccompanied migrant children following allegations that the nonprofit organization running the site failed to provide adequate living conditions for hundreds of young girls, multiple sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) opened the warehouse early this month in response to the surge of migrants arriving at the southern border.

Exclusive video shot by ABC News showed buses removing more than 100 girls from the emergency intake center on Saturday. Until its closure, the facility had been run by a Houston-based nonprofit with no prior experience housing unaccompanied migrant children.

Sources familiar with the facility’s operation said the girls housed there, aged 13-17, were at times instructed to use plastic bags for toilets because there were not enough staff members to accompany them to restrooms. A spokesperson for the nonprofit would neither confirm nor deny these allegations to ABC News.

A lack of outdoor space meant girls spent most of the day on makeshift cots surrounded by boxes intended to offer some semblance of privacy, according to the sources. The facility also suffered from overcrowding and failed to comply with pandemic-related distancing measures, the sources said.

Cesar Espinoza, the executive director of migrant civil rights organization FIEL, toured the facility in recent weeks as part of his work to ensure humane treatment for migrants, and said he saw “desperation” in the girls’ faces that was “unbearable and incredible.”

Espinoza said the warehouse space was “filled just with cots, where the girls were not allowed to get up, unless it was to shower, or to use the restroom. Even their meals were delivered to their cots.”

Woke Medicine Comes to New York City Aaron Sibarium


Medical workers tend to a patient at a Brooklyn hospital that has seen a rise in coronavirus-related cases on December 15, 2020 in New York City. / Getty Images

A pair of doctors at Brigham and Women’s Hospital last month outlined a pilot program that, they said, would offer “preferential care” to patients of color. The proposal, published in Boston Review, accuses hospitals across the country of practicing “medical apartheid”—something they said must be addressed through “race-explicit interventions.”

Those interventions may violate civil rights laws, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital assured the Washington Free Beacon that they are “not currently underway at the hospital.” That hasn’t stopped one of its authors, Dr. Michelle Morse, from moving on up: She is now the chief medical officer of New York City.

In her new post, Morse will wield enormous influence over New York’s hospital system, and she has promised to use it to “advance health equity.” Part of her job will be serving as a liaison between the health department and local medical centers, including three she singled out as examples of “apartheid”: Montefiore, New York-Presbyterian, and Mount Sinai. She was also named the deputy commissioner for the Center for Health Equity and Community Wellness, a division within the New York City health department.

Asked how her office would address apartheid at local hospitals, Morse did not respond to a request for comment.

China and Russia: The Guns of April by Gordon G. Chang


Russian troops are massing on the Ukraine border, Chinese vessels are swarming Whitsun Reef of the Philippines in the South China Sea, and China’s air force is flying almost daily through Taiwan’s air-defense identification zone. Chinese troops for almost a year have been dug in deep in Indian-controlled Ladakh in the Himalayas. Two large aggressors are threatening to break apart neighbors and absorb them.

American attempts to de-escalate flashpoints are seen in Russian and Chinese circles as failures of resolve.

The Global Times, an unofficial Communist Party tabloid used by Beijing to signal new policies, on April 12 posted a video of Hu Xijin, its editor-in-chief, warning that Beijing would overfly Taiwan—in other words, fly into Taiwan’s sovereign airspace—to “declare sovereignty.”

Chinese leaders speak provocatively because, among other reasons, they do not believe the United States or others will come to Taiwan’s rescue…. In effect, China’s leaders are saying they do not believe President Joe Biden would defend Taiwan.

In a propaganda blast on April 8, China’s regime said Taiwan “won’t stand a chance” if it decides to invade the island. This Chinese self-perception of overwhelming strength is extraordinarily dangerous….

[W]e have already passed the point where just declarations and warnings will suffice. The Biden administration has yet to impose costs on China for aggressive actions jeopardizing America’s security and that of allies like Japan. Chinese leaders, while hearing the mild warnings from the Biden administration, must be asking one question: “Or what?”

Vladimir Putin in 2019 said that Russia reserved the right to protect ethnic Russians outside Russia. This month, Dmitry Kozak, deputy head of Russia’s presidential administration, said his country might intervene to “defend” its citizens. If it did, he suggested, Ukraine would not survive because it would not be “a shot in the leg, but in the face.”

The American response has not been adequate. Russians perceive Biden as feeble. “In Putin’s game of brinkmanship, Biden blinked first,” said journalist Konstantin Eggert to the BBC, referring to the American president proposing a meeting to his Russian counterpart. Biden’s “nerves,” he said, “had failed him.”

That assessment may be correct. In the face of threats directed at Washington by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, the U.S. Navy did not, as many had expected, send two destroyers through the Bosporus into the international waters of the Black Sea. Politico reported that “two U.S. officials familiar with the plans” said the cancellation was due to American concerns about inflaming the Russia-Ukraine situation….

the ultimate decision to stay away made it look as if the U.S. had backed down.

The Dragon and the Bear appear to be coordinating moves, as they have for some time. At the very least, each is acting with an eye to what the other is doing. Once one of these aggressors makes a move, the other large state, taking advantage of the situation, will almost certainly follow. Biden also has to be concerned about Moscow or Beijing acting through proxies Iran and North Korea.

All the elements for history’s next great conflict are now in place.

Russian troops are massing on the Ukraine border, Chinese vessels are swarming Whitsun Reef of the Philippines in the South China Sea, and China’s air force is flying almost daily through Taiwan’s air-defense identification zone. Chinese troops for almost a year have been dug in deep in Indian-controlled Ladakh in the Himalayas. Two large aggressors are threatening to break apart neighbors and absorb them.

Why Aren’t We All Socialists? The Left is no longer on the outside looking in. They’re running the show. They can’t stick it to the man anymore because they are the man. By Dan Gelernter


In 1984, a defecting KGB propagandist named Yuri Bezmenov gave an astounding interview which remains one of the most trenchant in the history of American politics. Espionage and microfilm, he said, are a minor part of the KBG: 85 percent of their manpower and money are spent on “intellectual subversion,” a four-stage plan to replace democracy with socialism by destroying America’s ability to defend its democractic ideals. 

Stage one, demoralization, takes 15-20 years, because that’s how long it takes to pump Leninism-Marxism into the “soft heads” of a generation of American students. They graduate to become half-baked intellectuals running the government, the civil service, the mass media, and education. They are, as Bezmenov says, permanently contaminated: “A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information—the facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he’s going to refuse to believe it.”

“This,” Bezmenov warned, 

is what will happen in the United States if you allow all these schmucks to bring the country to crisis: To promise people all kinds of goodies and a paradise on earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition, and to put a big brother government in Washington, D.C., with benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale, who will promise lots of things—never mind whether the promises are fulfilled or not. He will go to Moscow to kiss the bottoms of a new generation of Soviet assassins. . . .

From ‘Insurrectionists’ to ‘Interruptionists’ More than 100 days after the January 6 melee at the Capitol, promises of high-powered sedition charges have yet to materialize. By Julie Kelly


Well, this is a bummer for the sedition-baiting crowd.

The Biden Justice Department last week announced its first plea deal related to the January 6 protest on Capitol Hill: Jon Ryan Schaffer pleaded guilty to two charges—obstruction of an official proceeding and entering the Capitol with a dangerous or deadly weapon.

Schaffer, who has no criminal record, faced six counts of various trespassing and disorderly conduct offenses. (He did not plead guilty to any of the initial charges.)

He turned himself in to law enforcement on January 18 and has remained behind bars ever since; like many Capitol defendants, Schaffer was transported to Washington, D.C. to await trial. Schaffer’s arrest was part of the “shock and awe” manhunt the Justice Department unleashed immediately following the unrest to deter people from protesting Joe Biden’s inauguration.

In an April 15 press release, the Justice Department patted itself on the back for a job well done. “On this 100th day since the horrific January 6 assault on the United States Capitol, Oath Keepers member Jon Schaffer has pleaded guilty to multiple felonies, including for breaching the Capitol while wearing a tactical vest and armed with bear spray, with the intent to interfere with Congress’ certification of the Electoral College results,” Acting Deputy Attorney General John Carlin said in the statement. “The FBI has made an average of more than four arrests a day, seven days a week since January 6th.”

Carlin, a top deputy in the Obama Justice Department, worked for the same shop that prepared the bogus FISA application against Carter Page. An outspoken Trump critic and onetime chief of staff to ex-FBI Director Robert Mueller, Carlin clearly thrills at the idea of using his government authority against Americans on the Right.

FBI investigators, it appears, had their hands full building a case against this dangerous criminal. (Even though the Justice Department claimed Schaffer is a “founding member” of Oath Keepers, there’s some disagreement as to whether that’s accurate.)