President Joe Biden’s empty boasts about his economic plan are going to make Americans long for the understatement of Donald Trump. They may already be longing for Trump-era policies on job creation.
One Trump proposal that never came to fruition is nonetheless instructive in demonstrating the modesty of the Trump economic team compared with the Biden braggadocio.
In March of 2018, the Trump White House’s Council of Economic Advisers sketched out a plan and described the likely results:
In this paper, CEA investigates the likely impacts from a comprehensive public infrastructure program. The program includes a 10-year, $1.5 trillion program of infrastructure investment as well as new administrative and regulatory policies intended to increase efficiency and speed delivery of infrastructure projects…
The President’s plan would likely result in the employment of 290,000 to 414,000 additional infrastructure workers, on average, over a 10-year window, although these employment gains may be offset by losses elsewhere in the economy.
As President, Mr. Trump did implement some valuable regulatory reforms, but never reached an agreement with Congress on new infrastructure spending. Now consider the $2.7 trillion Biden plan, which doesn’t include the Trump regulatory reform agenda and spends far more in total but less on actual infrastructure. On Thursday in Lake Charles, Louisiana President Joe Biden said, according to the official White House transcript:
Everything we’re — we’re gone through is now the, sort of — the blinders have been taken off the American people. They know how bad of shape things are in. But it creates — if we move — all the economists, including the liberal as well as conservative think tanks, point out what we’ll create when we pass this Jobs Plan — we’ll create up to 16 million good-paying jobs. Not $8 an hour or $12, not $15 — prevailing wage jobs. Wages you can raise a family on.