The new catchphrase these days to bully people into compliance is “trust the science.” We are continually told, we must “trust the science”, and if we don’t “trust the science”, we are some sort of conspiracy theory nut jobs.
I have some questions:
● Isn’t it “the science” that created this Covid-19 pandemic in the first place?
● Isn’t it “the science” that is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide?
● Isn’t it “the scientists” that have lied and covered up the origins of Covid-19 for a year and a half to protect themselves?
● Isn’t the reason why we had a pandemic is because “the science” believed it was infallible?
● Didn’t “the science” believe that it could genetically manipulate a deadly virus, and no harm would be done?
● Didn’t Mary Shelley warn us of this over 100 years ago in her novel, Frankenstein?
● Isn’t hubris one of the biggest deadly flaws to which “scientists” continue to fall victim?
Maybe when scientists start acting honestly, responsibly, and ethically, then the rest of us would be willing to “trust the science” they produce. The pure discipline of science is not the problem. Many unbelievably great things for humanity are a result of science.
The issue is the unabashed arrogance that science displays from time to time, as evidenced in the phrase “trust the science”. That arrogance is where science goes off the rails. So, we need to take a contradictory stance towards science. We need to believe in the importance and potential of science, but at the same time continue to view science with a skeptical eye.
Science is made up of scientists, human beings who are fallible, imperfect, who are susceptible to human frailties like the rest of us; greed, pride, arrogance, selfishness, fear, short-sightedness, bias.
Scientists are not immune to the corrupting forces of the world to which the rest of us humans fall victim.
We have seen that on full display over the last year and a half. People can no longer hide behind the moniker of “scientist”, and assume that it makes them infallible, or immune to criticism.