My purpose here is to establish that we are in a war, and explain how we must fight. Because fighting effectively depends heavily on President Trump, my remarks also constitute the case for Trump, a case that has nothing to do with his policies but everything to do with his character and personality. These fit the crisis we face.
In May of 1940, conquering German armies were only separated from Britain by the English Channel. Britain had 350,000 men trapped in Dunkirk. The Luftwaffe controlled the air. America, despite Churchill’s urgent pleas, would not provide desperately needed military assistance. This was Britain’s darkest hour.
Fortunately, the British dug deep into their national grit and almost overnight conjured up a largely civilian armada, which rescued their men at Dunkirk. Britain would have fallen without the resolve of its people. America may not have been far behind. Today, a deadly enemy besieges America. But unlike 1940 Britain, America has not yet grasped the magnitude of its danger. Our home is under attack.
‘Home’ was the theme of the recent Republican convention. This theme was nicely encapsulated by the 98 year-old marine and D-Day veteran who said, “America is our home.” But largely missing at the convention was mention of the mortal danger that today threatens our home. Our American home is what our enemy wants to destroy. Our home is what we must fight for.
Unfortunately, our enemy does not yet even have a name. We need one. For the moment let’s call the enemy “Kamalism.” Trump is a great namer — maybe he will come up with a better one. You can’t defeat an enemy if you can’t name it.
The 2020 riots showed Kamalism in action. The regime’s paramilitary operation, BLM and Antifa among others, sparked the fire that lit the riots; the regime’s intellectuals justified them; corporations and foundations funded them; the media covered them over; politicians fanned the flames; and the regime’s justice apparatus, including Kamala herself, freed law breakers. Even the military got into the act, denying Trump needed resources.