For Joe Biden/Kamala Harris devotees, the 2020 ubiquitous election lawn signs in my neighborhood read “Truth Hope Decency.” While most of these moralizing bromides did not survive the winter, some are still implanted, reminders of how cheap political speech was soon enough self-repudiated.
Exhorting “Decency” was the refrain decrying President Donald Trump’s occasional crude and coarse cloudbursts, usually unfiltered via Twitter. Yet the substance of decency has eluded Joe Biden and his Democrat handlers, ushering instead a new era of grotesque depravities, where at the top Biden/Harris have endorsed, supported, and invited the unrestrained abject horror of drug trafficking, sex trafficking, and human trafficking via a deliberately porous open southern border, resettling unaccompanied children all across America.
Illegal alien sex and child trafficking continues with impunity under Biden’s open borders policy while a surge in overdose deaths from methamphetamine,and oxycontin laced with fentanyl — all managed by Mexican cartels given sanctuary by Joe Biden — merits a VP Kamala Harris response that “climate change is the root provocation for the border challenges, and Mexico should plant more trees.”
Decency? No, neither stupidity nor incompetence, instead an abomination and disinformation by design.
And why is the Biden/Harris regime, obsessed by race and cultural Marxism, aligned with BLM, and the fraudulent 1619 project — where modern-day slavery and indentured servitude, from the Mexican cartels to South Sudan to Communist Chinese subjugation of the Uyghurs, elicits nary a peep?
Where is “working class/lunch bucket union guy” Joe, whose executive orders and indifference have destroyed thousands of union jobs from pipelines to rare earth mining, induced Weimar Republic-style inflation on food, building supplies, and gasoline — all taxes on regular Joes and Marys? While Joe’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm tells motorists facing 1979-like gas shortages, “well if you drove an electric car gas shortages wouldn’t matter,” and his Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg touts riding a bicycle to work, accompanied by two black GMC Tahoe SUVs.
Working class Joe is seeing gas prices at the pump from less than $2.00 a gallon to over $3.00 a gallon in 100 days. Nice job, Joe, in knee-capping your favorite constituents. Imagine if working class deplorables were loathed and ignored.