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Ruth King

So, Barry, Trump Is a ‘Sexist Pig’? By Jack Cashill


In his forthcoming book, Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump, Edward-Isaac Dovere reveals a few choice words that former president Barack Obama had for his successor, Donald Trump. As reported in the Guardian, these include “madman”, a “racist, sexist pig,” “that f—ing lunatic,” and a “corrupt motherf—er.”

In his own most recent memoir, Promised Land, Obama’s fixation on Trump is manifest. In fact, it borders on obsession. In reviewing that memoir for my own forthcoming book, Barack Obama’s Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I could not help but notice, however, just how situational is Obama’s objection to the sexual mores of others.

There is, of course, his and Michelle’s coziness with Hollywood pervert and major Democratic donor, Harvey Weinstein. In fact, their daughter Malia interned with Weinstein. Tweeted cultural critic Frank Rich after the Weinstein saga became too big to ignore, “Biggest mystery of @nytimes Weinstein story: How exemplary parents like Obamas let their daughter work there. The stories were out there.”

Said Obama long after he should have spoken out, “Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status.”

“Any man,” that is, except those who are politically useful, and none was more useful to Obama than the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. About Kennedy, Obama cannot gush enough. The Kennedy Obama came to know, he tells us in A Promised Land, was “the closest thing Washington had to a living legend.”

A new book from savagely attacks Obama from the left By Andrea Widburg

http://A new book from savagely attacks Obama from the left By Andrea Widburg

The book is Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Trump, and it may end forever the Democrats’ Obama worship.
Something has changed lately on the left. Democrats should be riding high now because they control the federal government: They’ve got the White House; the House; the Senate (sort of, with the filibuster the fragile thread keeping them from total control); and a Supreme Court that, while ostensibly conservative, has a closet leftist Chief Justice and two remarkably cowed new “conservative” justices. Nevertheless, they are an angry, fractious party. Last week, the knives came out for Kamala Harris. This coming week, a new book launches a scathing attack on that former secular saint, Barack Obama.

Since 2008, Barack Obama has been the Democrat party. He was the president who could do no wrong. Every political attack against him was discounted as “racism.” He was more charming, more intelligent, more emotionally attuned, more effective, and more just everything good than any man who had ever occupied the White House, including Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln combined. (Of course, all of them were racists.)

When Trump came along, the Democrats and their media shills weren’t merely offended by his politics. In many ways, the gravest offense was that this loud, combative, conservative-governing orange man dared to step into a White House made hallowed by the presence of a man once hailed as a “magic negro” or another crucified Jesus.

Both Biden and Kamala got reverential treatment, but it was nothing like Obama. Biden was grandfatherly, experienced, kind, stable, and he’d learned his White House politics under Obama’s aegis. Kamala was brilliant, multi-racial and multi-cultural, female, and compassionate. Kamala was sold especially hard because everyone understood that Biden, no matter what he said, wasn’t in it for the long haul. She was obviously going to be the real president, even before Biden inevitably withdrew and she got sworn in.

But as noted, something’s been happening with the Democrats. They should be a jubilant party joyously imposing Marxism on the land but, instead, they’re angry and they’re starting to turn on each other. Just last week, Edward-Isaac Dovere, a long-standing author at The Atlantic, published a very nasty attack on Kamala, although one phased in polite terms.

Reflections on the Biden vs. Begin Collision For the Delaware Democrat, mean-spirited ignorance remains the rule. Lloyd Billingsley


““As over 3,000 rockets are fired into Israel, the establishment of the Democratic Party seems paralyzed over how to respond to the latest Middle East war,” Victor Davis Hanson explains in “Why Does the Left Hate Israel?” Democrats are “in terror also that anti-Israelism is becoming synonymous with rank anti-Semitism. And soon the Democratic Party will end up disdained as much as was the British Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn.”

Back on May 10, Hamas fired seven rockets into Jerusalem, followed in short order by 3,200 rockets into Israeli cities. Targets included homes, apartment blocks, schools, kindergartens and an oil storage tank. Israel responded with strikes on targets in the Gaza Strip, and that prompted Joe Biden’s call to Benjamin Netanyahu, pushing for “a significant de-escalation today on the path to a ceasefire.”   

Biden also encountered Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who was on record that  “apartheid-in-chief Netanyahu will not listen to anyone asking nicely.” Biden told her, “You’re a fighter and God thank you for being a fighter.” Back on June 22, 1982, Sen. Biden met a fighter of a different sort, Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, a veteran of Israel’s war of independence and survivor of Arab wars against Israel from 1948 onward. 

Under the Camp David Accords, brokered by President Jimmy Carter, Israel returned to Egypt the Sinai Peninsula, occupied during the 1967 war. Begin and Anwar Sadat were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1978. On June 22, 1982, while Israel was tangling with the PLO in Lebanon, Menachem Begin appeared in a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing. Sen. Biden told Begin that if Israel did not immediately cease building settlements in Judea and Samaria, the United States would cut off economic aid to Israel. 

“Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work,” Begin responded. “I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”

Biden then raised his voice at Begin and banged twice on the table. 

“This desk is designed for writing, not for fists.” Begin said.

Palestinian Demonstrators Accost Jews in NYC’s Diamond District By Caroline Downey


“While President Joe Biden signaled his support for a “ceasefire” as well as his insistence that innocent lives be spared in recent phone conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he has yet to condemn the anti-semitic comments and verbal attack on America’s greatest peacetime and military ally in the Middle East stemming from the congressional chamber.”


Palestinian protestors paraded through the Manhattan Diamond District, a historically Jewish neighborhood, Thursday evening chanting anti-semitic language, disrupting traffic, and accosting patrons of local businesses.

Standing atop a pick-up truck waving a Palestinian flag, a demonstrator shouted, “Any Jews in here, suck my d***.”

“Get the f*** out, get the f*** out,” another reportedly told an Orthodox Jewish man hurrying away from the commotion. The demonstrators also tossed a firecracker at bystanders, sending one woman and two police officers to the hospital with injuries.

The unrest in New York City came hours after Israel and Hamas reached a ceasefire agreement, which took effect early Friday morning local time.

The latest round of violence in Gaza has divided American lawmakers. The progressive wing of the Democratic party has staunchly criticized Israel for its aggressive response to Hamas strikes on its civilian population.

The Biden administration has taken a lukewarm public stance on the existential threat posed to Israel by Hamas, although it has reiterated the nation’s right to defend itself from indiscriminate rocket assault.

Before a ceasefire was declared, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) responded to the attacks on its territory and population by launching strategic retaliatory airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, targeting weapons stockpile locations, Hamas military headquarters, and underground tunnels sheltering terrorists and supplies. Before striking an area populated by civilians, Israel notifies Palestinian civilians on the ground via multiple communication channels, warning them to evacuate to safety.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and fellow members of the progressive “squad” have pushed to cancel an arms sale to Israel, which would provide the embattled state with the mechanism to convert “dumb” bombs into precision-guided weapons.

Sen. Tim Scott’s Reply To Biden Exposes Dems’ Jim Crow Past Lew Uhler, Peter Ferrara and Joseph Yocca


These days, one can barely finish a first cup of coffee without confronting more accusations of racism in America. Cable news, print and social media, and even congressional proceedings are all now geared toward convincing the nation of its systemic bigotry.

Today, everything is racist. Biden’s congressional address in late April wallowed in assertions of our supposed collective racist ills. Even his recent Infrastructure bill defines highways as racist.

Senator Tim Scott, R-S.C., pushed back on that canard in his bold response to Biden’s congressional snooze-fest, declaring: “America is not a racist country”.  Then began the left’s racist attacks.

Within minutes, progressives on Twitter trended the hashtag “Uncle Tim”, a disturbing moniker dismissing Senator Scott’s remarks because of the color of his skin. Leftwing guests on cable news ridiculed Scott as the only black Republican in the U.S. Senate.  Odd, because the Democrats currently only field two (Booker and Warnock).  In fact, there were no Democrat Senators until 1996.  Republicans have the honor of electing the first in 1870 and several more since. 

Earlier in April, in an effort to again tar Republicans with the racist mantle, Democrats in the Senate held a day-long examination of what they identified as “Jim Crow” laws revisited, specifically those evils underpinning the new Georgia voting statutes. 

The New Furies of the Oldest Hatred Take a good look at who is speaking out against Jew-hate. And who is staying silent. Peter Savodnik


The furies have been unleashed. They were everywhere you looked these past two weeks, though you won’t read about them much in the papers.

We saw them on Thursday, when pro-Palestinian protesters threw an explosive device into a crowd of Jews in New York’s Diamond District. 

We saw them on Wednesday, when two men were attacked outside a bagel shop in midtown Manhattan.

We saw them on Tuesday, at a sushi restaurant in West Hollywood, when a group of men draped in keffiyehs asked the diners who was Jewish, and then pummeled them. And in a parking lot not far away, when two cars draped in Palestinian flags roared after an Orthodox man fleeing for his life. And in the story of the American soccer player Luca Lewis, cornered by a band of men in New York demanding to know if he was a Jew. 

Then there was the caravan careening through Jewish neighborhoods in North London carrying people screaming: “Fuck the Jews! Rape their daughters!” 

And the rabbi, outside London, who was hospitalized after being attacked by two teenagers. 

And the demonstrator in Vienna shouting, “Shove your Holocaust up your ass!” — the crowd of young people, mostly women, cheering. 

The synagogue in Skokie that was vandalized. The synagogue in Tucson that was vandalized. The synagogue in Salt Lake that was vandalized. 

The pro-Israel demonstrators in Montreal pelted with rocks. And the pro-Palestinian agitators in Edmonton driving around in search of Jews.

The teeming crowds in Washington, D.C., Berlin, Bangladesh, Philadelphia and Boston and San Francisco and, of course, across the Arab world. The seemingly ubiquitous accusations of “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing.” 

The Turkish president, reaching all the way back to the Middle Ages, accusing Israelis of “sucking the blood” of non-Jewish children. 

Every hour on the hour, the celebrities posted their memes and the elected officials and the influencers — it’s hard to tell the difference — called Israel an “apartheid” regime. Apartheid regimes, like regimes guilty of genocide and ethnic cleansing, are meant to be overthrown. Violently, if need be. So bloodshed is warranted, yes?

The hijacking of America Shari Goodman,


As of November 3, 2020, America has been hijacked and placed on life support. America’s founders—descendants of patriots who fled religious persecution and European monarchies—sought to set up a nation where all men were free. They set forth to create a government of the people and for the people with the consent of the governed. They declared that our rights did not come from man, but were God-given; thus no man can take away what was not theirs to give. The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and our Bill of Rights were the greatest legacy they left behind for future generations. This legacy guaranteed and solidified our right to live a life of liberty.

For the last few decades, we have watched the Totalitarian Left (Socialists and Communists) chip away at our framework. There were years during the Reagan and Trump presidency when we held them at bay, but here we are nearly 250 years after our founding and America is fighting for its very survival. While America continues to exist as an entity, much of the Republic has been erased.

Today, Americans are governed by an old senile con man who twice previously ran for the Presidency and lost, but we are to believe he garnished the largest amount of votes in American history without campaigning and while suffering from dementia. The vast majority of Americans do not believe Joe Biden is running the country. He is incapable! Thus, for the first time in American history, we have an outside force governing Americans without the consent of the governed.

Likewise, our three branches of government have been compromised. Congress has the sole power to legislate, but the Biden administration has decided to bypass Congress and are determined to use pen and paper to execute over 100 Executive Orders in just over 100 days. Legislating from the Oval Office on matters that require the consent of the governed has been upended and what we have is executive tyranny. Our third branch of government, the Supreme Court, has the ability and duty to safeguard our checks and balances between the two branches, but they have abdicated their responsibility and are missing in action.

Regime vs. Regime We who swear to uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic owe no allegiance whatever to the oligarchy that now runs this country.  By Angelo Codevilla


The attempt of America’s ruling class to convict 455 persons of “armed insurrection”—i.e. of waging war against the United States, a species of treason—for protesting insufficient scrutiny of the 2020 election on January 6 in the Capitol, while at the same time it excuses and even cheers the burning and looting of courthouses, police stations, and downtowns all over America, is not the exercise of a “double standard.” 

The people in and out of government who do this are not corrupt. Instead, acting as part of the regime—the oligarchy—they are replacing the American republic and waging war to crush its remains.

The sooner Americans realize that we are being governed by people at war with our Constitution and contemptuous of ourselves, the sooner those people may be treated as the enemies they are.

In the Washington Post, the Justice Department explained why the words of its indictments of those it claims trespassed on the Capitol will not result in the severe prison sentences they imply. Those words try to fit acts prima facie of mostly peaceful protest into the Democratic Party’s and associated oligarchy’s narrative of “armed insurrection against our democracy.” But in the Post story these “legal experts” mention regretfully that, their best efforts notwithstanding, what remains of the U.S. legal system cannot wholly erase the fact that “trespassing is still only trespassing, even in the U.S. Capitol,” and that “a misdemeanor is still only a misdemeanor.” Drat, still! 

Nevertheless, these prosecutors and friendly experts fill most of the article with how they combine unlimited pretrial detention under harsh circumstances and limitation of legal assistance to press the accused to accept maximum penalties and to forgo bringing cases to juries.

The Narrative vs. Reality 

How Europe Became Pro-Israel:  The most recent fighting with Palestinians has revealed a radical change in European foreign policy that’s been years in the making. By Benjamin Haddad, the director of the Future Europe Initiative at the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C.


By Benjamin Haddad, the director of the Future Europe Initiative at the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C.

Last week, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz made the unusual decision to fly the Israeli flag on official buildings in solidarity with the country facing Hamas rocket attacks on its cities. “I condemn, with the utmost firmness, the attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip,” said the conservative chancellor. “Israel has the right to defend itself against these attacks.” Kurz is known to have court Israel in the last few years, most likely to deflect criticism for his alliance with the far-right Freedom Party of Austria. On Wednesday, the European Council agreed (minus Hungary) on a resolution calling for a cease-fire, but the Austrian chancellor isn’t an outlier among European leaders in expressing support for Israel.

Since the start of this new round of violence between Israel and Hamas, European leaders have been vocal in expressing their support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called Hamas rockets “terrorist attacks,” and the German political class on the left and right, in the midst of a parliamentary campaign, has echoed her support for Israel. Green candidate and current poll leader Annalena Baerbock has called Israeli security “the national interest of the modern German state.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged these statements of support, thanking U.S. President Joe Biden but also European leaders, specifically “the president of France, the British prime minister, the chancellor of Austria, the chancellor of Germany, and others.” Netanyahu added: “They have upheld our natural and self-evident right to defend ourselves, to act in self-defense against these terrorists who both attack civilians and hide behind civilians.”

Israel Faces Hard Political Problems After the Gaza Fighting Charles Lipson


It’s hard waging war against terrorists camped out among civilians. It’s even harder when your best ally starts edging away. That was the position Israel faced after an abrupt change-of-face by the Biden White House.

Until Wednesday, the Biden team supplied the press with readouts stressing America’s “strong” and “unwavering support” for Israel, based on the president’s calls to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Those days are over. Biden buckled under growing pressure from anti-Israel factions within the Democratic Party and some allies in Europe and the Middle East.

The administration’s revised goals were Israel’s immediate de-escalation and a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. Progressives want to go further. They hope to block a huge, scheduled sale of military equipment to Israel, including Iron Dome defensive missiles. (That progressive goal is a long shot since the Biden administration publicly supports the sale.)

The administration’s pressure on Israel returns the Biden White House to Obama-era policies, much like its resumption of Obama’s policies toward Iran. The people tied to those old policies are back, too. They have learned from their mistakes and can repeat them exactly. The policies themselves have become mainstream among Democrats and represent two decades of steady effort by the party’s left wing, including some progressive Jews, led by J Street.

Netanyahu tried to resist the new White House pressure, insisting Israel would fight until it achieved its objectives. But it was difficult to hold out for long. International pressure was building, not on Hamas terrorists firing rockets at civilians but on the Jewish state defending against them. The result was a cease-fire, brokered by Egypt, that began Friday morning. Like all such arrangements, it doesn’t come with a long-term warranty. Cease-fires are fragile. In any case, it is far short of a peace deal and even farther from resolving the Palestinian conflict.

The deadly exchange of fire has drowned out public discussion of several large — and difficult — questions that confront Israel as the fighting ends. The answers to these questions will determine the political outcome of the 2021 Gaza conflict, which may be different from the military outcome.