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Ruth King

Is Israel on the verge of a Hamas-abetted civil war? Ruthie Blum


Amid the barrages of Hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets – and as young Arab citizens of Israel engaged in riots across the country – Muslim and Jewish medical personnel at the Rambam Health Care Center in Haifa issued a message of unity.

In an uplifting multi-lingual tweet on Wednesday evening, the doctors and nurses of the hospital posted a photo collage in which they are seen standing side-by-side, holding up pieces of paper spelling out the Hebrew sentences: “We overcame the coronavirus. We will all come together again now.” Some members of the team, in scrubs and surgical masks, with stethoscopes around their necks, are bearing signs with drawings of hearts accompanied by the word “peace” in Arabic.
The uplifting social-media post was both welcome and jarring. On the one hand, it served as a reminder of the dedication of Israel’s doctors and nurses of all ethnic and religious backgrounds to saving lives for months on end during the pandemic.

On the other, it constituted a stark contrast to the scenes of anti-Jewish rampages taking place in Jerusalem, Lod, Acre, Jaffa and Haifa, and retaliation by vigilantes out for vengeance against Arabs in Bat Yam, Tiberias and elsewhere.

The brewing of what is coming to resemble an actual civil war, as with the missiles from Gaza, can be attributed to Hamas, the terrorist organization that rules the Gaza Strip, and to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Hostility towards Israel as functional antisemitism by Renato Cristin *****


On one thing, the recent report by Human Rights Watch dedicated to Israel is right: “a threshold has been crossed”. Yes, one limit has been crossed, or rather two, but it is Human Rights Watch itself that has exceeded them: on the one hand, its report goes beyond the limits of the caricature and the grotesque (which is inadmissible for an organization accredited to the UN), presenting a political and social reality through the distorting lens of pro-Palestinian, pro-Islamic and anti-Zionist ideology; on the other hand, the border that divides criticism of the work of the State of Israel from antisemitism as the result of an action, an analysis or an opinion has been crossed. Yes, this relationship has introduced a new level: it cleared that form of anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish hatred that I call functional antisemitism.

We know that these organizations, protected by the UN, have no problem attacking any government not aligned with the Palace, tarnishing it with hallucinating and often spurious accusations. But towards Israel there has always been, in that Palace and in its ideologies, a special aversion, which can be explained above all by the resistance that Israel opposes to the tendency to annihilate the nations that the UN has always supported and with the refusal Israel to accept the warnings (or rather: the diktats) to behave according to criteria that the UN considers politically correct.

Today, with an apparently isolated but in reality concerted action at the highest level, because it is connected with the orientation of the UN and, as we will see, with the action of the International Criminal Court, this questionable NGO puts Israel in the dock for racism and crimes against humanity (but with what credibility, then?, with what historical heritage, with what spiritual mission, with what political authority, with what popular mandate, with what ideological neutrality?), as if it were Amin Dada’s Uganda or the Central African Republic of Bokassa. Absurd, as in a piece by Beckett or Ionesco.

‘Truth,’ as Well as Israel, Is ‘Under Siege’ From Hamas, Declares NY Democratic Rep. Ritchie Torres in Solidarity Speech


Progressive Democratic Rep. Ritchie Torres of New York has delivered an impassioned defense of the State of Israel in the face of the escalating military threat from Hamas.

Speaking to a virtual UJA event on Wednesday night, the 33-year-old East Bronx native — whose 15th district includes the South Bronx and borders that of fellow Democrat and frequent Israel critic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — restated his “unwavering commitment to both the sovereignty and security of Israel as a Jewish State.”

Torres remarked that “what is under siege is not only Israel.”

He continued: “What is under siege is the truth itself. Circulating on social media is a vicious lie — a lie that deceptively reframes the terrorism of Hamas as self-defense and deceptively reframes the self-defense of Israel as terrorism. Increasingly, we seem to live in an Orwellian universe where the truth no longer matters.”

Torres — who has at times faced criticism from colleagues on the left of the Democratic Party because of his stalwart backing for Israel — then noted that “support for Israel, especially in moments like these, is not for the faint-hearted.”

From inflation to jobs to the border, Biden is flailing — when will the media notice? By Eddie Scarry


If the media could take a break from obsessing over the House Republicans choosing a new conference chair, they might have noticed that Joe Biden’s presidency is falling apart.

On every major front, Biden is flailing — even by the depressingly low bar set for him by the Washington press corps.

April just saw the highest rate of inflation in 13 years, according to the Department of Labor. Prices for everything, including food and gasoline, immediately skyrocketed after Biden’s $2 trillion welfare scheme (sometimes referred to as a “stimulus package”) went into effect and flooded the economy with more money than anyone knows what to do with.

Biden’s preoccupation? Spending even more.

The unemployment rate actually went up from March to April, even as Biden bragged that he’s the one responsible for mass vaccinations that are, at least in theory, supposed to be moving people back into the workforce. But no, his extension of the obscene amount of federal unemployment benefits has would-be workers choosing to sit pretty at home cashing government checks. Those benefits don’t end for another four months, assuming they aren’t extended again (you can never assume anything with Nancy Pelosi in charge).

Fuel is running out in several states after the US fell under attack from what appears to be a Russia-based cyber-hacking group that locked up one of the East Coast’s major fuel ­pipelines.

The White House response to the crippling of a critical energy supply has been to throw its hands up and say, “Sorry, but the pipeline is a private company.” Whaddaya do?
After acknowledging how “seriously” Biden took the matter, he said Monday at the White House that his administration is “committed to safeguarding our critical infrastructure.” But, he added, “much of [it] is privately owned and managed, like Colonial. Private entities are making their own determination on ­cybersecurity.”

Jerusalem Post Opinion ‘Holy War’: A perspective of the Arab-Israeli conflict – opinion The resurgence of Palestinian violence is inevitable because Islamists have a long-term strategic goal to eliminate Israel. By Moshe Dann


Superficially, the conflict is about who has sovereignty in Israel: “the occupation,” “colonialism,” etc. On a deeper level, however, it is about jihad, a religious obligation in Islam that many interpret as a demand to destroy Israel. That is the core and heart of Palestinianism.

From this perspective, the Arab-Israeli conflict is not only national, the desire for a state; it is fundamentally a religious conflict. Islamists consider “Palestine” to be part of the house of Islam and Jews as “dhimmis,” a subject religious community, not a nation.

Violence waged by Islamists against Israel, therefore, is not only over enclaves, neighborhoods or territory; it is also a struggle over ideology – Zionism (Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people) and Palestinianism, which advocates Israel’s destruction. As long as Israel denies Palestinianism, there will be violence, promoted by the PLO, Hamas and most Islamist groups as “resistance” or “intifada.” The struggle, therefore, is not only about who has sovereignty, or even about Palestinian statehood; it is about Israel’s existence.

The resurgence of Palestinian violence is inevitable because Islamists have a long-term strategic goal to eliminate Israel. Every move by Israel to assert its authority and sovereignty is a threat to Palestinianism. This is based on the PLO Covenant and Hamas Charter, both of which define the problem as Israel’s existence.

Any recognition of Israel’s right to exist and its sovereignty is seen as a defeat of the fundamental Palestinian narrative, the Nakba (“catastrophe”) – Israel’s creation in 1948, the failure of Arab armies to destroy it, and the flight of Arabs who became refugees. It is also interpreted as a violation of Islamic law. This explains why efforts to resolve the conflict always fail.

When a newly-elected school board member stood up to oppose teaching critical race theory… By John Klar


In a bizarre “Complaint” filed against recently-elected Vermont School Board member Elizabeth Cady, two citizens allege Cady’s inquiries about the introduction of Critical Race Theory (CRT) constitute a “clear breach” of School Board Operations Policy.  As in many states, this controversial ideology is seeping into Vermont’s curricula.  Cady’s case is instructive of the coercive pressure exerted by CRT radicals against those who dare question the hasty implementation of this novel, race-based “theory.”

Laura Taylor and Emily Franz allege that Cady “gave the impression that… she would represent special interests or partisan politics for personal gain.”  No monetary “personal gain” is identified.  Their real complaint, in my opinion, is summarized in their conclusion:

We are both strong supporters of the EWSD [East Westford School District] and its work on equity and inclusion. We feel that each and every member of the School Board should be as well.

CRT proponents oppose dissenting opinions.  A core principle of CRT asserts that free speech liberties have been used to oppress Black people, and thus White people cannot be permitted a differing opinion — free speech is an obstacle to “equity.”  (Ryszard Legutko calls this “coercion to freedom.”)  A quasi-religious ideology, CRT is being launched in Vermont schools via what scholar Christopher F. Rufo aptly identifies as an “institutional orthodoxy.”  This dogma does not tolerate disagreement, as it “feels that each and every member” of society “should” agree to use skin color as a determinant of education and public policy. If one disagrees, one is a heretic to be targeted, shunned and slandered.

The complaint falsely attributes an article written by reporter Guy Page to Mrs. Cady, which dared employ the word “uppity”:  

Biden Mocks Ancient Wisdom When an arrogant present dismisses the wisdom of the past, then an all too predictable future becomes terrifying. By Victor Davis Hanson


Human nature stays the same across time and space. That is why there used to be predictable political, economic, and social behavior that all countries understood.

The supply of money governs inflation. Print it without either greater productivity or more goods and services, and the currency cheapens. Yet America apparently rejects that primordial truism.

The United States has borrowed about $29 trillion in debt—about 130 percent of its annual gross domestic product. The government will run up a $2.3 trillion annual budget deficit in 2021—after a $3.1 trillion deficit the year before.

The Biden Administration still wants to borrow more—another $2 trillion in new social programs and “infrastructure.”

In the crazy last 100 days, the price of everything from lumber, food, and gas to cars and houses has soared. Yet many interest rates are still stuck at or below three percent.

Jobs are plentiful; workers are not. Is that a surprise when government cash handouts discourage the unemployed from taking a pay cut to go back to work?

After being freed from 13 months of quarantine, Americans are splurging. But meeting their huge pent-up demand is causing shortages.

Producers fear the Biden Administration’s loose talk of impending higher income, capital gains, estate, and user taxes, along with more regulations and cutbacks in energy development.

Are the old laws really obsolete, warning not to print money, while expanding government debt, keeping interest rates almost at zero, and discouraging employment, production, and thrift? That dangerous formula used to ensure inflation, followed by ruinous stagflation.

After the death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody, many big cities slashed their police budgets. Mayors damned or defunded their departments. In terror of being fired or ruined for any use of force, patrol officers slowed down response times to inner-city violence,

The result?

In almost every major city—Baltimore, Los Angeles, New York, St. Louis, Washington—violent crimes and homicides have grown by double digits over the previous year. 

State and local governments believed that they were exempt from primeval laws of deterrence that warned when criminals assumed they would not be caught and punished, then they committed more crimes. 

The same dangers of ignoring unchanging human nature apply to foreign policy. 

Aggressive opponents such as Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, and the West Bank expect that the new Biden Administration will ignore their brinkmanship. They assume it will cut American defenses. And Biden certainly sounds to them more critical of the prior Trump foreign policy than of America’s enemies. So why not take previously unwarranted risks? 

Biden Is Off to a Disastrous Start By David Harsanyi


A border crisis, inflation, a distorted job market, a pipeline fiasco . . . yet Biden’s in denial either about the existence of these problems or his role in fixing them.

P residents aren’t supreme beings imbued with the power to dictate economic conditions, pandemics, or international events. We give them far too much credit and blame for the vagaries of the world.

That said, there are some things that presidents do have power to influence. The location of MLB’s All-Star Game, for instance, is not Joe Biden’s bailiwick. This particular economic recovery is. The COVID downturn wasn’t an organic event precipitated by unforeseeable underlying economic factors. It was an event created by state lockdowns, coupled with widespread consumer fear. So, with lockdowns easing and vaccines entering arms, a vibrant economic bounce-back should be a slam dunk for the president.

Instead, Biden couldn’t resist the opportunity to stuff expensive, technocratic, completely unrelated agenda items into his “rescue” packages. And disincentivizing work and investments, threatening to raise taxes and spike energy prices, and pumping trillions into the economy tends to dampen growth.

Economists expected the country to add about 1 million jobs in April, but we came up 800,000 jobs short. March’s gains were also revised down another 140,000. Leftists pundits and wonks, as is their wont when Democrats hold power, were “perplexed” by the bad numbers. And Biden is simply in denial. “There’s been a lot of discussion since Friday’s report that people are being paid to stay home rather than go to work,” Biden explained. “We don’t see much evidence of that.”

There are 7.5 million jobs available in the United States, but only 270,000 were filled. And Americans are getting $300-a-week bonus checks to stay home. As Bank of America economist Joseph Song noted, even those making $32,000 a year would get a raise by going on unemployment. That seems like evidence.

“I want to put today’s job report in perspective,” Biden also explained. “Quite frankly we’re moving more rapidly than I thought we would.” So, Biden expected a bigger-than-800,000 miss on jobs? That’s quite the admission. Does anyone believe this? Former President Obama, who presided over the slowest economic recovery in history, also played this game. His Council of Economic Advisers once predicted his 2009 stimulus bill would create 4.6 percent growth by 2012. It came nowhere close, of course, yet the media kept recalibrating the definition of success. They’re doing it again.

Biden Has Emboldened Israel’s Enemies By The Editors


This week, well over 1,000 rockets have been launched into Israel by Palestinian terrorists operating out of Gaza. The rockets have been aimed at schools, at Israeli civilians in the highly populated Tel Aviv area, and — in a major escalation — at Ben Gurion Airport, which connects Israel with the outside world.

Due to the incredible performance of its Iron Dome missile-defense system, Israel has been able to minimize its casualties. But because no system is perfect, and with Hamas and Islamic Jihad launching hundreds of missiles simultaneously, some have managed to slip through, doing damage to property and killing several Israelis, including a father and daughter in the city of Lod and a five-year-old boy in Sderot.

Understandably, Israel has responded with air strikes targeting terrorists in Gaza and their infrastructure. Israelis go to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties. They have notified Gazans of impending attacks and have employed the practice of “roof knocking,” whereby they drop nonexplosive devices on buildings to alert residents that it is about to be targeted by an air strike so they have time to vacate. 

The terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad routinely fire and store rockets in civilian areas. This tactic has naturally put more Palestinians in harm’s way. Indeed, this is part of the strategy, as civilian casualties in Gaza help the groups to gain support among the international community, and on the American left.

The latest wave of rocket attacks came after escalating Palestinian riots in Jerusalem, which related to two separate issues, both of which have been completely distorted by the media.

One involves a legal dispute over several properties in Sheikh Jarrah, where Palestinian tenants with expired leases (or no leases at all) have been living. Israel’s lower court has ruled that Jewish owners had valid title to these properties, in which Jews lived prior to being driven out by Jordan during the 1948 war. The dispute, which is set to go before Israel’s supreme court, was one trigger for recent rioting by Palestinians.

CNN’s Desperation to Rewrite the ‘Biden Vaccine’ History Inoculating a country from the truth. Brad Slager


After President Biden gave his historic speech before (some of) Congress last Wednesday evening CNN hosted a panel of leftist sycophants to analyze the night. The blatantly slobbering affair was full with fulsome praise for the man, but then Gloria Borger took things to a new level. The expert analyst was being critical of some comments made by Donald Trump, where she was perturbed that the former President was not giving the current President proper credit on his pandemic response.

Borger made the astounding announcement that, “everybody understands that Operation Warp Speed happened under Joe Biden.” It is something to behold.

Over on CNN, Gloria Borger claims “everybody understands that Operation Warp Speed happened under Joe Biden.”

No one issues a correction. pic.twitter.com/cHBvTde32w

— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) April 29, 2021

Note here not only her fractured view of the facts, but that nobody on the panel made anything close to a correction to her statement. Later, Gloria did circle back and made a correction on her statement — sort of. She tries to have it both ways, saying Trump gets credit for Operation Warp Speed, but it is Joe Biden who is responsible for people actually becoming vaccinated.

The term “gaslighting” has become slightly overused these days, but Borger’s attempted realignment of facts here fits the term and it is hardly something isolated with her performance on Wednesday. CNN as a network has been hard at work over the past 100 days to recast the vaccine narrative and give full credit to Joe Biden for the three vaccines brought to market by Donald Trump — the vaccines he was mocked over when he made his bold announcement of their rapid arrival.

Just one day earlier CNN gave a lengthy report on Biden’s supposedly heroic effort to get America vaccinated, calling it “a wartime effort” and echoing another entry the day prior, describing the administration as having instituted a concerted effort to fix the vaccine rollout. If this sounds suspiciously like ad copy penned by the DNC, and filtered through the White House Press Office you are correct in that feeling:

The effort, described to CNN during in-depth interviews with three of the administration’s top Covid advisers and two other White House officials, has allowed the US to go from having one of the worst Covid responses in the world to being a global leader in getting shots in arms.