Knock, knock.Who’s there?Kamala. Kamala who?Whoever you need me to be. Cackle cackle.
A mistress to a powerful San Francisco politician twice her age…or a vocal advocate for the “Me Too” movement.
A tough-on-crime prosecutor…or a “Defund the Police” cheerleader.
A likable-enough pragmatist…or “the most liberal nominee in U.S. history.”
A defender of Israel…or a supporter of Hamas terrorists.
A second-generation immigrant proud of her Indian and Jamaican heritage…or a staunch member of the African-American community who affects a southern accent.
Joe Biden’s trusted “border tsar”…or someone who barely knows where America’s borders are.
Whoever Kamala Harris needs to be in order to advance her career prospects, she will do her best to pretend that is who she has always been. Her problem — one she shares with many talentless politicians — is that she lacks both the brainpower and the charisma to convince others that she is more than an uninspiring hack. Usually, such low-caliber politicos peter out in local precincts where could-a-been dreams go to die. Kamala, however, has always had a knack for finding the right VIP to reward her ambition.