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Ruth King

Democracies Abetted Iran’s Election to a U.N. Women’s Rights Post By Jimmy Quinn


The election of Iran, China, and other countries with delinquent human-rights records to the U.N.’s Commission on the Status of Women last month kicked off an international whodunnit.

According to the NGO U.N. Watch, at least five Western democracies eligible to vote on commission membership would have needed to support Tehran’s bid. Meanwhile, the U.S. government called the development “troubling” but declined to issue a sharper condemnation.

Human-rights advocates blame this ambiguous stance on the Biden administration’s efforts to reenter the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, as ongoing talks in Vienna get closer to producing an agreement to jumpstart the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. “The Biden administration has joined Canada and Europe in a most disciplined reticence to criticize the Islamic Republic’s mounting repression, in the hope that the lack of scrutiny will be seen by the regime as another concession to curb its nuclear program,” said Marian Memarsadeghi, a senior fellow at the Macdonald Laurier Institute.

The problems with Tehran’s participation in any international entity involving women’s equality should be self-evident. At a Monday morning U.N. Watch press conference that focused on Iran’s election to the commission, panelists, including Memarsadeghi and Shaparak Shajarizadeh, an activist who was jailed twice and assaulted for speaking out against Iran’s mandatory hijab law, pointed to Iran’s manifest hostility to women, including the fact that the age of marriage for girls is 13 and that domestic violence and marital rape are not criminally punishable. (Read more on this from Isaac Schorr.)

When Can We Expect That Apology From ‘Biden Republicans’?


In the run-up to the 2020 elections, we were bombarded with stories about Republicans who were not only opposed to Donald Trump’s reelection but were actively campaigning on behalf of Joe Biden.

These Republicans didn’t just express disdain for Trump, they sang Biden’s praises, calling him a uniter, a reasonable centrist, an honest man, someone who’d reach across the aisle “to get things done.” Now, after Biden’s first 100 days in office, we can see how well those promises have held up.

Our judgment in three words: Not. At. All.

Biden is governing as the most leftist president in history. He has shunned Republicans at every turn. He’s attacked the U.S. as racist. He’s been caught in flagrant lies. And so on.

So let’s see what exactly those “Republicans for Biden” were promising that a vote or Biden would produce. And let’s compare those with what the news tells us is happening now.

“I’m sure there are Republicans and independents who couldn’t imagine crossing over to support a Democrat. They fear Joe may turn sharp left and leave them behind. I don’t believe that because I know the measure of the man. It’s reasonable, faithful, respectful.” — John Kasich

Bearing False Witness Leading civil rights organizations lend their voices to false claims about police. Ari L. Maas


After Derek Chauvin was found guilty of the murder of George Floyd, many organizations and celebrities issued press releases that went beyond celebrating justice, offering blanket condemnations of the police as universally racist and oppressive. For instance, Seventh Generation, the Unilever-owned laundry detergent maker, tweeted that to stop the “killing of Black and Brown people at the hands of the police . . . we must divest from systems of harm.” The NBA’s LeBron James tweeted what appeared to be a threat (since deleted) toward the Columbus, Ohio police officer involved in the fatal shooting of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant as she assaulted another person with a knife.

While I have come to expect this kind of anti-police rhetoric from the corporate world and celebrities, I was dismayed to see leading civil rights organizations also lending their voices to false claims about police.

As a police officer of almost 18 years, I understand the importance of conscientious and impartial policing. And as a third-generation Jewish American whose grandparents were forced to flee the rise of the Nazi Party, I have personally benefited from the hard work of civil rights organizations that champion vulnerable groups against discrimination and abuse.

When my grandfather, a Czechoslovakian, came to America after serving in the British army in World War II, there were still several anti-Jewish policies in place. Several prominent universities capped the enrollment of Jews well into the late twentieth century, and Yale didn’t have a Jewish full professor until 1946. Country clubs restricted Jews, blacks, and women from membership until the 1990s. Jews in America also faced many acts of violence. It was the civil rights organizations that stood up for us.

Corporate News Outlets Again “Confirm” the Same False Story, While Many Refuse to Correct it Journalists with major outlets know they spread a false, retracted story about the FBI and Giuliani but refuse to remove it, because their real job is spreading disinformation. Glenn Greenwald


One of the primary plagues of corporate journalism, which I have documented more times than I can count, just reared its ugly head again to deceive millions of people with fake news. When one large news outlet publishes a false story based on whispers from anonymous security state agents with the CIA or FBI, other news outlets quickly purport that they have “independently confirmed” the false story, in order to bolster its credibility (oh, it must be true since other outlets have also confirmed it).

This is an obvious scam — they have not “independently confirmed” anything but rather merely acted as servants to the same lying security state agents who planted the original false story — but they do it over and over, creating the deceitful perception that a fake story has been “confirmed” by multiple outlets, thus bolstering its credibility in the public mind. It was the favored tactic for spreading debunked Russiagate frauds and is still used. One of the most vivid examples occurred in December, 2017, when CNN falsely reported what it hyped as “a major bombshell”: that Donald Trump, Jr. had advance access to the WikiLeaks archive. Within an hour, NBC News’ Ken Dilanian and CBS News both claimed they had “independently confirmed” this fairy tale. When it turned out that it was a complete lie, all based on a false date on an email to Trump Jr., these outlets embarrassingly corrected it hours later and then simply moved on as if it never happened, never explaining how multiple outlets could possibly have all “independently confirmed” the same blatant falsehood.

On Thursday night, The Washington Post, citing anonymous sources (of course), claimed that the FBI gave a “defensive briefing” to Rudy Giuliani in 2019, before he traveled to Ukraine, that he was being targeted by a Russian disinformation campaign to hurt Joe Biden’s candidacy, yet he ignored the FBI’s warnings and went anyway. The Post also claimed that the right-wing news outlet OANN was similarly briefed. The claim about Giuliani not only predictably ricocheted all over social media and cable news — where, as usual, it was uncritically treated as Truth — but it was shortly thereafter “independently confirmed” by both NBC News’ de facto CIA spokesman Ken Dilanian along with The New York Times.

Cuomo Says Unvaccinated People Could ‘Wind Up Killing Your Grandmother’ By Caroline Downey


New York governor Andrew Cuomo implied at a briefing Monday that unvaccinated individuals could threaten the lives of their elderly family members by forgoing the inoculation.

“Maybe you go home and kiss your grandmother and wind-up killing your grandmother,” Cuomo said referring to those who have abstained from vaccination. 

At the conference, the governor addressed the hesitancy among young people and general skeptics regarding receiving the shots. He specified that the outstanding vaccination target groups in the state are the “youthful” and the “doubtful.”

“There is an attitude of ‘they’ll be fine, why should they take the vaccine’,” Cuomo said. “Maybe you will get a long haul syndrome, that we’re not really sure what it is yet, but a lingering consequence of COVID.”

Cuomo’s comments about unvaccinated citizens endangering the elderly come as he continues to face a series of scandals, including allegations of a large scale cover-up of the coronavirus death toll in New York nursing homes.

University of North Carolina Disgraces Itself with Latest Faculty Hire By George Leef


To land a professorship in American colleges and universities, you have to either have a superb record of academic achievement or espouse radical leftist ideas. The former still prevails in hard sciences (although standards there are beginning to erode), but in many other academic fields, “wokeness” is now the main consideration.

Consider, for example, the decision by the journalism school at the University of North Carolina to offer a professorship to Nikole Hannah-Jones. She was the driving force behind the New York Times’ 1619 Project, a piece of propaganda that scholars all across the political spectrum have blasted. Nevertheless, Hannah-Jones was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for it. Now UNC wants her.

In today’s Martin Center article, Jay Schalin examines the hiring of Hannah-Jones and finds it very lamentable.

What’s wrong with the 1619 Project? A lot. Schalin writes, “For instance, she claimed that ‘one of the primary reasons the colonists decided to declare their independence from Britain was because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery’ as British anti-slavery sentiment grew. There is almost no hint of that in factual history.” When called out on this false claim, Hannah-Jones has resorted to evasions and personal attacks. What a model for aspiring journalists.

Goodbye Snow White. Hello Diversity Rainbow Don Feder

Disneyland is reopening its Snow White ride to howls of protest from the Woke mob. How can she consent to Prince Charming’s kiss when she isn’t awake? #MeToo. Presumably, she’d prefer to be asleep forever than to be kissed without prior written authorization.

Frankly, I find the whole story problematic:

The very name – Snow White – suggests a connection between whiteness and purity. What about calling her Diversity Rainbow?

All of the characters are Caucasians – no dwarfs of color. It makes non-whites invisible.

Why does a man have to kiss Snow White? Why not another princess?

What’s the backstory on the Wicked Queen? Perhaps her issues arose from being dominated by a white patriarchal culture.

None of the characters are trans. Maybe Dopey and Sneezy transitioned from giants.

The dwarfs were miners. What about their carbon footprint? Noise pollution? Unsafe working conditions? Were they even unionized?

Everything doesn’t have to go. When Diversity Rainbow entered the Dwarfs’ cottage, she was homeless – and it’s good to raise awareness of their plight.

Call rewrite. We need a new script from the author of “Heather Has Two Mommies.”

Bronx judge RELEASES man, 29, who ‘smashed windows of four synagogues’ HOURS after first judge defied NYC’s bail reform laws to keep him behind bars


A New York judge has released a man suspected of vandalizing synagogues across the Bronx – just hours after another judge defied the state’s bail reform laws and ordered him locked up.

Jordan Burnette faces 42 charges he ‘terrorized Riverdale’s Jewish community’
New York’s bail reform dictates that if nobody was hurt in the attacks the suspect should qualify to be released
But Bronx Judge Louis Nock classified some of the charges as ‘hate crimes’
It saw Judge Nock impose $30,000 bail on the 29-year-old suspect 
Four synagogues in the Riverdale district of the Bronx were targeted by the rock-hurling suspect who destroyed windows and doors at the houses of worship
The suspect also caused significant damage to the Chabad of Riverdale and Riverdale Jewish Center before returned the next night to inflict more damage
The targeting of Jewish religious centers comes at a time when anti-Semitic hate crimes are at their highest levels in 40 years.

Jordan Burnette, 29, faces 42 charges over a string of attacks on Jewish places of worship. 

He appeared in court Sunday, and was expected to be freed because New York State’s bail reform laws say a suspect with his charges cannot be held on bail.

But Bronx Judge Louis Nock classified some of the charges as ‘hate crimes’ and ordered him held on a $20,000 bail.

However, the judge’s defiance didn’t last long.

Just hours later Burnette was called back to court where another justice – Judge Tara Collins – granted him supervised release, the New York Post reports.

It was not immediately clear why Burnette was called to see another judge, or why he was granted supervised release after Judge Nock’s original decision.

Jerusalem Post is Guilty of Betraying Great Friend of Israel and the Jewish People Rabbi Aryeh Spero


“Obviously the Jerusalem Post is unaware that Sean Hannity is literally one of America’s greatest supporters and advocates of Israel, more so than half of America’s Jews.  In addition, he has been a staunch friend of the Jewish community and Jewish individuals here in Long Island and other regions of the country.

“For the Jerusalem Post to imply that phraseology Mr. Hannity used to describe Bernie Sanders demonstrates anti-Semitism reveals that the Post is ignorant of Hannity’s record and the American political landscape.

“The Post suggests Hannity expressed anti-Semitism because he called Sanders ‘Bolshevik Bernie.’ Indeed, he should!  Sanders is a marxist, not simply some Swedish-style socialist. Most probably he is communist given his expressed admiration for the communist regimes of Venezuela, Cuba and the Soviet Union, and spent his honeymoon, of all places, in the communist Soviet Union’s Moscow. Listening to him over the years, the inevitable conclusion is that if possible he would institute a communist model.  

The Price Democracy Exacts for Ignorance David Catron


In an 1816 letter to his friend Charles Yancey, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves, nor can they be safe with them without information.” Jefferson was making the case for taxpayer-funded public schools. He believed an educated electorate with access to a free press would be proof against the government’s inclination to encroach upon our liberties. One wonders if he would take such a sanguine view after witnessing what passes for education and news reporting today.

It’s useful to ponder this question now, considering that our president’s first State of the Union address was a classic expression of the propensity to which Jefferson alluded. Absent the tired bromides and outright balderdash, it was a call for the expansion of an already-bloated federal behemoth. The $2 trillion “infrastructure” plan the president pitched, for example, includes numerous programs to which few taxpayers would apply that term. Indeed, it would spend far more money on entitlement programs than on roads and bridges. As Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) expressed it in his SOTU response:

Republicans support everything you think of when you think of “infrastructure.” Roads, bridges, ports, airports, waterways, high-speed broadband — we’re all in! But again, Democrats want a partisan wish list.… Less than 6% of the President’s plan goes to roads and bridges. It’s a liberal wish-list of Big Government waste … plus the biggest job-killing tax hikes in a generation. Experts say, when all is said and done, it would lower American wages and shrink our economy.… “Infrastructure” spending that shrinks our economy is not common sense.