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Ruth King

The Money that Fuels Jew-Hate at a Top Jesuit University Can you guess the source? Jules Gomes


A prestigious Jesuit university, which receives millions in funding from the hardline Islamic regimes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, is facing accusations of promoting pro-Hamas propaganda and fomenting antisemitism through its Gaza Lecture Series.

Georgetown University, which has thus far received $934 million from Arab-Muslim sources, is being slammed by Israel for inviting UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese to deliver the October 28 presentation in the series titled “Anatomy of Genocide in Gaza.”

In an August 30 tweet, Israel blasted Georgetown, noting that the UN representative “justified the October 7 massacre and has spread countless antisemitic blood libels against Jews.

“And the cherry on top? This event will be held in October, exactly one year after the most horrific massacre against Jews since the Holocaust,” Israel lamented.

The Jesuit school boasts of campuses in Washington D.C. and Qatar.

Academics Condemn Georgetown’s Antisemitism

Several academics joined Israel in condemning the school, which promotes itself as the “oldest Catholic Jesuit university in the United States,” for the antisemitic stance of its lecture series.

Bibi’s Fault? The answer should be obvious. Cal Thomas


President Biden says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not doing enough to win the release of the remaining hostages held in Gaza by the terrorist group Hamas.

As the saying goes “with friends like these, who needs enemies?”

In his first statement since the recovery of six hostages murdered by Hamas, including American-Israeli Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Netanyahu refused all entreaties by the U.S. administration and other governments and protesters in Israel and the U.S. to agree to a ceasefire as a way to gain the release of the other hostages. What critics forget is that Hamas has refused all ceasefire offers, largely I suspect, because it knows the world will keep pressuring Israel to”do more” and not the terrorists to do less.

Too many seem to have forgotten, or ignored, the real culprits. It was Hamas that kidnapped and murdered innocent Israelis and took hostages last October. It is Hamas that has a covenant which calls for the creation of an Islamic state in all of Palestine and the obliteration of Israel. How do you negotiate with an enemy who believes their god has given direct orders to eliminate the Jewish state by any means necessary?

The answer should be obvious, but it isn’t to many who have the false view that what Israel does or does not do matters to her enemies. Pressuring Israel has also been the incorrect approach over several U.S. administrations and Labor governments in Israel. Hamas and other terror groups get land, ceasefires, prisoner exchanges and financial help, but give nothing in return.

A Wall Street Journal editorial puts the blame where it belongs: “(the hostages) were killed in Rafah, where Biden and Harris delayed Israel’s entry with threats and by withholding weapons.”

Now Available: The first practical guides for students on Free Speech Academic Honesty in the Age of AI Charles Lipson

I want to let you know about two new books, published just in time for the new school year.

Free Speech 101: A Practical Guide for Students 
Academic Honesty 101 in the Age of AI: A Brief, Practical Guide for Your Papers, Exams, Labs, and Citations, 

Both books are the first of their kind for college students. Their tables of contents are below. (Both books have “live links” above to their Amazon sites.)

Free Speech on Campus: A Much-Needed Guide for Students

Although there are lots of books about free speech, none of them has been directed at the students who need them most. 

Free Speech 101 is.

It is specifically meant for students. It is designed to help them understand and respect the rules that govern speech on campus and, equally important, appreciate why those rules matter so much for their education. 

The First Guidebook for Academic Honesty in the Age of AI

The second book, Academic Honesty 101 in the Age of AI, is the first to explain with what it means to do honest work now that artificial intelligence is readily available to students.

Students need to know that different teachers will set different rules for how their students can use AI tools for particular classes and assignments. And they need to know that, powerful as AI is, it sometimes provides them with the wrong answers and invented citations. The message is to use AI with care, use it only in ways their instructors permit, and be transparent about its use in any assignment.

For Republican Candidates, Media Hit Jobs Are a Fact of Life By Becket Adams


Media outlets took J. D. Vance’s words out of context and made him look heartless as a result. Should we be surprised?

The press’s coverage of Republican vice-presidential nominee J. D. Vance has a peculiar quality to it.

Marc Caputo, national political reporter for the Bulwark, last week put it well: The reporting is not merely “negative” but “reliably” so.

Case in point: The Associated Press on September 5 grossly misrepresented the Ohio senator’s response to a school shooting in Georgia in which four people were murdered.

“JD Vance says school shootings are a ‘fact of life,’ calls for better security,” said an AP headline.

The Hill likewise declared, “JD Vance calls for tightened school security, calls school shootings a ‘fact of life.’”

Here’s what Vance actually said (my emphasis):

I don’t like to admit this. I don’t like that this is a fact of life. But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets. And we have got to bolster security at our schools. We’ve got to bolster security, so if a psycho wants to walk through the front door and kill a bunch of children, they’re not able.

There’s Nothing New About Kamala’s ‘New Way Forward’ — Except Stuff She Stole From Trump


Fifty days after Joe Biden quit his re-election campaign – and one day before she debates Donald Trump — Kamala Harris finally posted an “Issues” page on her website, detailing her plans if she wins the election in November. Now we know why she waited so long.

She calls this “A New Way Forward.” But it’s actually just the Biden plan with a few added wrinkles — which either have been widely panned or were stolen from Donald Trump.

The day after Biden made his announcement, Harris had her own campaign website set up. And it included an “Issues” page, which was a copy of what Biden had put up on his campaign website. You can still find this page on the Wayback Machine. (To the left is a screenshot of that page. The Harris campaign deleted it after a few days, and it remained blank until Monday.)

Her new Issues page is a bit more fleshed out than Biden’s, but looking through the proposals, you see that she is offering nothing new at all. It’s just stuff copied over from the Biden plan, with a few added details. Examples:

Harris says she’ll “cut taxes for middle-class families” and make “the wealthiest Americans and the largest corporations pay their fair share.”  Biden-Harris said they “are fighting to give tax cuts to the middle class while making the ultra-wealthy and big corporations finally pay their fair share.”
She promises that “no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay more in taxes.” Biden-Harris promised that “Under their plan, nobody earning less than $400,000 will pay an additional penny in federal taxes.”
She says she “will make affordable health care a right, not a privilege by expanding and strengthening the Affordable Care Act.” Biden-Harris said they “believe health care is a right, not a privilege” and are “fighting to expand affordable care.”

UK: Starmer’s Dictatorship? by Robert Williams


Britain’s new leader, Prime Minister Keir Starmer, in the tried-and-true way of Communist dictators, has begun his first term by initiating a great purge of British dissidents.

British protesters, denounced as “far right thugs,” are being put behind bars faster than the prison services can absorb…. The youngest child arrested and charged is just 11 years old.

Because the prisons, already overflowing, cannot handle the sudden influx of mass sentenced wrongthinkers, Starmer’s government has announced that to make room for the dissidents, it will be freeing early roughly 5,500 criminals …[including] members of grooming gangs.

The mass arrests and trials are occurring at the same time as “Police are increasingly letting knife and sex offenders escape prosecution if they say sorry,” according to an August 26 report by The Telegraph.

Peter Lynch, 61, a grandfather in Rotherham, a place where children have for decades been experiencing rape, other sexual abuse, and torture at the hands of mainly Muslim grooming gangs while police and the city council looked the other way, shouted at police, “you are protecting people who are killing our kids and raping them” and “scum”. Judge Richardson told Lynch: “You did not yourself attack any police officer, as far as can be detected, but what you did was encourage by your conduct others to behave violently and you were part of this mob. What a disgraceful example you are as a grandfather”…[and] sentenced him to two years and eight months. .

Lynch was simply telling the truth: In cities such as Rotherham, Telford, Rochdale, Oxford, Peterborough, Keighley, Newcastle and Birmingham local police and councils knowingly allowed mostly Muslim grooming gangs to rape, abuse, torture and even murder thousands of little children and teenagers for decades because they said that if they stopped the crimes, they might appear “racist”.

Does the Starmer government really have so much contempt for the British? They are not even allowed to protest the rape of their children.

“At least one murder, sex assault or crime of violence is committed every two days by convicted criminals under supervision of the probation service after being released from jail, research has revealed.” — The Telegraph in July 1, 2024.

“Ideas are more powerful even than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas….” Those words appear to have become Starmer’s motto… — Josef Stalin, Soviet dictator 1924-1953, mass murderer, medium.com

Speaker of the House of Commons Sir Lindsay Hoyle recently made it clear that he thinks everything the with which the government disagrees should be banned on social media. There seems to be no awareness of the essential problem: who chooses what is misinformation?

Starmer’s methods were once exclusively reserved for dictatorships such as China, Russia, and North Korea; Western democracies did not use to sentence people to long prison sentences for speech crimes.



When mainstream news about Israel is biased and bleak, I always turn to Michael Ordman for positive news. Here is another dazzling compilation to lift one’s spirits. Israel lives and enjoys the many blessings of democracy and freedom and success with incredible advances in medicine and technology that benefit the entire world. rsk

The breath of life. (TY Sam Kramer) Kfir Zar’s lungs were badly damaged when Hamas fired a rocket at his tank in Gaza. He was put on a heart-lung machine until he received a double lung transplant at Sheba Medical Center from fallen soldier Dor Zimel. Kfir has now been discharged after nine and a half months of recovery.
Volunteers saved $50 million of produce. Israeli charity Leket Israel reported that since Oct 7, hundreds of thousands of volunteers, from Israel and around the world, helped rescue over 35,000 tons of Israeli agricultural produce that otherwise would have gone to waste.
Navigating the “new normal”. Interesting article highlighting the resilience of Israelis who continue their “normal” lives in a war situation. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israelis-navigate-normal-life-amid-danger-and-anxiety-from-war-and-iranian-threat/
Respite in Connecticut. World ORT Kadima Mada brought a group of 21 Israeli teens to the USA for a two -week break with summer camps, parks, and counselling. Each student had lost a family member or friend in the Hamas-led terrorist attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7 or in the months of violence against Israel since.
Robot surgery to remove pancreas (and more). (TY Aubrey) Surgeons at the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya are the first in Israel to use a robot to completely remove a patient’s pancreas and other organs. The 78-year-old patient had multiple cystic (non-malignant) tumors. After a few days, he was discharged home.
Robot can help rehabilitate stroke patients. Ben Gurion University researchers published the first long-term study of stroke patient rehabilitation using Socially Assistive Robots (SARs).  The robots used speech, facial expressions, and gestures to guide and coach patients and improve outcomes.  (See also here previously).
Hope for colorectal cancer patients. (TY Ron) Early results of a study at Israel’s Rabin Medical Center of 29 patients showed new treatment for colorectal cancer eradicated tumors in 65% of patients and prevented surgery for most. Combined immunotherapy and chemoradiotherapy substantially improved survival and quality of life.
Big data is revealing. A 2-year study by Tel Aviv University researchers is being hailed as a test for vaccines and also to give early warning of a potential pandemic. Smartwatch sensors from Israel’s Biobeat (see here previously) monitored the heart, lungs, blood oxygen, temperature, blood pressure, etc. of some 5,000 patients.
New AI medical solutions. Israel’s AIDOC (see here previously) has announced seven new CE-approved AI solutions for European healthcare. They help analyze blocked blood vessels; a tear in the aorta; spinal fracture; a malplaced tube for opening the airway in the throat, and three cardiovascular and neurological conditions.
Papaya to treat cystic fibrosis? Israel’s ODE Pharma has discovered that a molecule, code named ODE-001 and derived from the papaya fruit, reduces inflammation and deterioration in organs adversely affected by cystic fibrosis. One scientist who originally suggested the molecule is Nobel laureate Aaron Ciechanover.
https://pollen-group.com/portfolio/   https://odepharma.com/
Looking to stop cancer at cell level. Dr Gabriel Frank at Israel’s Ben Gurion University employs microscopy – examining cells using BGU’s powerful cryo-electron microscope, He has discovered that cancer cells rely on iron ions. The body’s Nuclear Receptor Coactivator 4 (NCOA4) controls the ion level and can kill the cancer.
Upgrading emergency dispatch. Israel’s volunteer emergency medical organization United Hatzalah has just enhanced its dispatch center’s capabilities by upgrading to the APEX cloud-based system from Israel’s Carbyne (see here previously). United Hatzalah partnered with Carbyne (see here) after the Turkish earthquake.
Oncologists base decisions on Israeli tech. (TY OurCrowd) A study published in Clinical Lung Cancer finds that 93% of oncologists adjust their treatment recommendations with the help of PROphetNSCLC, a test developed by Israel’s OncoHost (see here previously).

N. S. Lyons Twilight of American Democracy? A new book argues that an elite class of influential Americans took control of the ship of state.


It’s been a confusing summer for those who still believe nothing is amiss about the American republic. One moment the sitting president was, according to the near-universal insistence of mainstream media, sharp as a tack—all evidence to the contrary declared disinformation. The next he was suddenly agreed to be non compos mentis, unceremoniously ousted from the ballot for reelection, and replaced through the backroom machinations of unelected insiders. Overnight, the same media then converged aggressively to manufacture a simulacrum of sweeping grassroots enthusiasm for that replacement, the historically unpopular Kamala Harris. To call this a palace coup via the New York Times would not seem to stray too far from observable events.

What, some may wonder, just happened to our supposedly sacred democracy? A growing group of dissident right-wingers has sought to supply an explanation. United around the premise that the governance of the United States doesn’t function as we’re told it does, this group believes that the country has not operated as a constitutional republic for some time; it is only the façade of one, effectively controlled by a cadre of plutocratic elites, party insiders, unelected bureaucrats, and subservient media apparatchiks—in short, an unaccountable oligarchy.

Among the sharpest recent guides to this argument is a slim new book by the columnist and influential young New Right thinker Auron MacIntyre, titled The Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies.

Mark P. Mills The Political Cost of the Energy Transition Elected leaders will pay a price for green policies that hit citizens in the pocketbook.


For physicists, energy is about the laws of nature; for engineers, it’s about manufacturing prowess. For citizens, however, energy is generally about money. Energy purchases are unavoidable—whether directly, by paying our electric bills or for gas in our cars, or indirectly, by paying for the energy costs embedded in food, vacations, and everything else. Politicians often use “pocketbook” language when talking to voters because they know how important lowering everyday costs are for most Americans. But does anyone believe that there won’t be a political cost from the embrace of “bold” energy policies that are sharply raising citizens’ energy bills?

To understand where current federal energy policies are taking the nation, we can look to the states, the “laboratories of democracy,” and especially to a group of them eagerly following California’s lead, putting into effect massive changes to energy policies.

Consider New Jersey. As its website brags, it has “one of the most ambitious Renewable Portfolio Standards in the country.” Earlier this summer, headlines featured news about citizens shocked at soaring electric bills, thanks to a state-approved price hike. And that’s just for starters. Early in August, PJM, the grid administrator that manages electricity for a 13-state region that includes New Jersey, reported the results of its auction for supplying next year’s wholesale power: the bids came in nearly ten times as high as last year.

The Biden-Harris World Is Afire A confused but also encouraged world of enemies watches the listless United States and wonders whether to try something stupid. By Victor Davis Hanson


Somehow the United States ended up this summer with no engaged president and an absent vice president who avoids the missing president and is frantically repudiating everything she co-owned the last three years.

The world was already confused over how President Joe Biden was apparently declared by unnamed Democratic insiders and donors unfit and unable to continue as their presidential candidate—as if he were a dethroned Third-World usurper.

It further wondered how those who staged his removal had no problem allowing him, in his debilitated state, to continue as America’s commander-in-chief until January 20, 2025. They demonstrated their priorities that focus on retaining power, not the welfare of the nation or the will of over 14 million Biden primary voters.

Vice President Kamala Harris, until Biden’s forced abdication, was judged by these same backroom fixers as too incompetent to ever be commander-in-chief and thus for three years a good reason why Biden apparently was not forced out earlier.

Now nominal Vice President Harris is on the campaign trail nonstop, while Biden has taken the most vacation time off and worked the shortest workweek in presidential memory.

The world again wonders who is in charge, what they believe, who is a friend, and who is an enemy. Harris is busy trying to get elected on three premises: disowning her prior co-ownership of what was mostly a disastrous Biden term and certainly no recommendation for reelection; reinventing her affluent radical past and present as moderate and working-class; and keeping absolutely silent about any detailed agenda or policy plan for governance as president.