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Ruth King

Biden’s bad foreign-policy deals His diplomats, like former President Barack Obama’s, give without getting Clifford May


Because Barack Obama struck me as a clever fellow, I never understood why, when negotiating with despots, he failed to utilize the leverage available to him.

For instance, he might have said to Russian President Vladimir Putin: “I want to reset our relations, but many Americans haven’t forgotten the Cold War. So, I need you to make clear that Russia today isn’t just the USSR 2.0.”

To Raul Castro, he could have said: “It’s high time for us to open diplomatic relations, but you know the Miami crowd! If you’ll just ease up on dissidents a little, we can meet and go to a baseball game together in Havana, and maybe I’ll even have my picture taken under a portrait of Che Guevara!”

To Iran’s rulers, he should have said: “Many members of Congress, even within my own party, won’t approve the deal you want me to sign off on. So, at a minimum, I need you to demonstrate—verifiably—that you’re permanently out of the nuclear weapons business and won’t threaten your neighbors anymore.”

Instead, of course, Obama gave without getting and then postured as though he’d achieved spectacular victories. President Joe Biden is now doing likewise. A few examples follow.

In February, the Biden administration lifted the foreign terrorist designation of the Houthi rebels in Yemen. Since then, they’ve been launching missiles and armed drones at Saudi cities and oil facilities, and have turned down proposals for ceasefires. Mission unaccomplished.

The United Nations Human Rights Council has become a club for chronic human rights abusers—China, Russia and Cuba among them. The Trump administration withdrew from it. The Biden administration plans to return. What reforms have been undertaken in exchange for the United States again lending its legitimacy to the UNHRC? None.

The Israel Prize is a privilege, not a right – opinion By Ruthie Blum 



The brouhaha surrounding this year’s Israel Prize serves as a prime example of the way in which the Left falsely decries being denied free speech.

The controversy began last month, when Education Minister Yoav Gallant asked the committee that selected Prof. Oded Goldreich, of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, to win the country’s highest civilian honor in the category of math and computer science to reconsider its choice. Gallant pointed to a May 2019 letter that Goldreich had signed – along with many other “Jewish and Israeli scholars” – calling on the German Bundestag not to pass legislation equating the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement with antisemitism.

The missive reads, in part, “The opinions about BDS among the signatories of this statement differ significantly: Some may support BDS, while others reject it for different reasons. However, we all reject the deceitful allegation that BDS as such is antisemitic…. We also call on all German parties not to exclude NGOs that endorse BDS from German funding. As also confirmed by the European Union, statements and actions in the context of BDS are protected by freedom of expression and freedom of association, as enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU…. The equation of BDS with antisemitism has been promoted by Israel’s most right-wing government in history. It is part of persistent efforts to delegitimize any discourse about Palestinian rights and any international solidarity with the Palestinians suffering from military occupation and severe discrimination.”

Gallant said that it would be “absurd and unacceptable” to award the Israel Prize to someone who promotes the BDS movement that undermines the very existence of the state. The selection committee disagreed. They argued that Goldreich was chosen for his work on computational complexity theory, which has nothing to do with politics, and that he has the right to voice his views.

Orchestrated Anarchy Democrats are shamelessly using anti-police mob violence for political gain. Arnold Ahlert


“It wasn’t an accident. Policing in our country is inherently & intentionally racist. Daunte Wright was met with aggression & violence. I am done with those who condone government-funded murder. No more policing, incarceration, and militarization. It can’t be reformed.” —Michigan Democrat Representative Rashida Tlaib, April 12

“All employees working for the City of Brooklyn Center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline. This employee will receive due process and that’s really all that I can say today.” —Brooklyn Center City Manager Curt Boganey

Following the shooting and killing of 20-year-old Daunte Wright by officer Kimberly Potter, a 26-year veteran of the force, during a traffic stop Sunday afternoon — which Police Chief Tim Gannon described as “an accidental discharge” of a handgun instead of a taser — one of the above politicians still has a job.

Unfortunately, it isn’t Boganey. For daring to support due process, the city council voted to give authority over the police department to the mayor’s office so Boganey could be fired. Councilmember Kris Lawrence-Anderson admitted the action was taken to appease rioters. “He was doing a great job. I respect him dearly,” she said. “I didn’t want repercussions at a personal level.”

Thus, Lawrence-Anderson opted for anarchy.

It is anarchy best described as formulaic. Ever since George Floyd died following his own confrontation with police — and a similar effort to resist arrest that was allegedly part of the equation here — such confrontations have not been seen as tragedies but as opportunities.

Opportunities to riot and attack police, as well as loot some businesses and burn others to the ground. And over the course of a year, rioters have done so while feckless Democrat politicians either looked the other way or condoned the mayhem, even as their media allies pushed precisely the same kind of rank propaganda embraced by Rashida Tlaib.



America’s CEOs may believe that election integrity is unimportant, but voters across the political spectrum disagree. Rasmussen finds that 51% of voters believe that voter fraud impacted the 2020 presidential election:

A majority (51%) of voters believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 35% who say it’s Very Likely cheating affected the election.

Seventy-four percent (74%) of Republicans believe it is likely last year’s presidential election was affected by cheating, a view shared by 30% of Democrats and 51% of voters not affiliated with either major party.

The question asked was: “How likely is it that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election?”

Voters want election integrity and don’t buy the Democrats’ claim that it is somehow too hard to vote:

Asked which is more important, making it easier for everybody to vote, or making sure there is no cheating in elections, 60% of Likely Voters say it’s more important to prevent cheating, while 37% said it’s more important to make it easier to vote.

Only 22% of voters say it is currently too hard to vote, while 34% said it’s too easy to vote, and 41% say the level of difficulty in voting is about right.

Majorities of all racial groups – 59% of whites, 56% of Blacks and 63% of other minority voters – say it is more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections than to make it easier to vote.

BLM Protesters Attack Media near Brooklyn Center Police Building by Bob Price


BLM protesters attacked news media during the fourth night of demonstrations outside the Blanchard Center Police Department headquarters on Wednesday night. A CNN news crew member fell to the ground after being struck in the head by a thrown water bottle.

A video tweeted by Washington Examiner reporter Nic Rowan shows a member of a CNN news crew being attacked by protesters. Someone off-camera throws a water bottle striking the CNN worker in the head. He stumbles to the ground for a few seconds as people mocked him.

“A bottle of water knocked you out?” a protester yelled while laughing at the man.

“Get the f**k out of here,” someone else yelled in a video showing the crowd chasing the CNN news crew away from the police building.Fox News national correspondent Lauren Blanchard tweeted that the crowd was becoming more hostile. She said a group was targeting media, including Fox News, demanding to see credentials and then telling them to leave.

Hundreds of people gathered late Wednesday afternoon outside the Brooklyn Center police headquarters. National Guardsmen and State police moved in to protect the building during the fourth night of protest following the shooting of 20-year-old Daunte Wright by police on Sunday.

Why Is Everyone Swallowing Biden’s Lies?


How did this happen? How did the nation go in an instant from disbelieving every utterance of Donald Trump to robotically repeating — and acting on — every claim that falls out of Joe Biden’s mouth, no matter how disconnected from the truth?

The most glaring example involves Biden’s fact-challenged tirade against Georgia’s new voting law. At his first and only press conference, Biden declared the state’s efforts to protect against voter fraud were worse than Jim Crow, “un-American,” “sick,” and “despicable.” (This was the same press conference where moments later Biden bragged about how much time he’s spent with China’s genocidal communist dictator before calling him “a smart, smart guy.”)

In any case, everything Biden said about Georgia’s voting law was either a gross mischaracterization or an outright lie.

Even the Washington Post’s notoriously biased fact-checker had to admit as much, giving Biden four “Pinocchios” — its worst rating on the truth scale — for his claims.

Yet, Biden’s blatant falsehoods were enough to convince Major League Baseball, an army of CEOs, and various other leaders to threaten to punish Georgia and threaten any other state that dares try to protect their elections from fraud.

The Ambassador of Blame America First We’ve come a long way from Pat Moynihan and Jeane Kirkpatrick.


he U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations is supposed to speak for American values and interests. But judging by her recent remarks, new Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield is going to speak mainly about the faults of her own country.

President Biden’s Ambassador spoke Wednesday to Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, and her recitation of America’s sins could have come from China’s Global Times. She said one of her priorities will be addressing racial injustice and spoke of her own experience with discrimination.

Fair enough, but then she kept going: “I shared these stories and others to acknowledge, on the international stage, that I have personally experienced one of America’s greatest imperfections. I have seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.”

How about American progress on race since the founding, such as the Civil War that ended slavery or the civil-rights movement? Ms. Thomas-Greenfield has other ideas.

Biden’s Country-by-Country Tax Canard His idea for taxing overseas profits is too much even for Europe.


We’re spelunking our way through the Biden Administration’s corporate-tax plan so you don’t have to, and how the plan would calculate tax bills is even worse than the higher rates. Nowhere is that clearer than its “country-by-country reporting” for taxing foreign earnings.

Under the 2017 tax reform, American companies pay U.S. tax on global profits as those profits arise each year. This is done largely via the global intangible low-tax income, or Gilti, regime that imposes an effective tax rate of at least 13.125% on overseas profits arising especially from intellectual property held by offshore subsidiaries. The Biden plan would increase the Gilti tax rate to a statutory 21% (and an effective 26.25% after accounting for quirky tax mechanics).

But wait, there’s more. The Biden plan also would overhaul how companies calculate Gilti liability. Currently companies aggregate overseas earnings, losses and foreign tax credits in various markets into a single global calculation. The Biden plan would go country-by-country, meaning that for each jurisdiction in which a company does business it would have to compute its Gilti taxable profit, work out any local tax credits, and then figure the tax due.

Progressives favor this approach because they think the aggregate method allows companies to use higher tax payments in high-tax jurisdictions to offset tax windfalls in low-tax jurisdictions. But it’s not that simple.


Biden is the most anti-American president in US history https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/biden-is-the-most-anti-american-president-in-us-history?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=standard

What kind of People are Running America? https://canadafreepress.com/article/what-kind-of-people-are-running-america

She Wrote a Report About Discrimination Against Religious Workers, Then Biden Fired Her https://www.faithwire.com/2021/04/13/she-wrote-a-report-about-discrimination-against-religious-workers-then-biden-fired-her/

Our culture of death: The darkness is getting darker https://www.wnd.com/2021/04/our-culture-of-death-the-darkness-is-getting-darker/

NCAA Will No Longer Allow Championships to Be Held in States That Protect Female Athletes https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2021/04/13/ncaa-will-pull-events-from-states-that-protect-female-athletes-n2587832?

Pentagon Halts Usage of COVID-19 Vaccine on Military: Official https://www.theepochtimes.com/pentagon-halts-usage-of-covid-19-to-military-official_3774352.html

 Jen Psaki bizarrely stereotypes white conservatives, gets brutally mocked in response https://www.wnd.com/2021/04/jen-psaki-bizarrely-stereotypes-white-conservatives-gets-brutally-mocked-response/

WATCH: Meet America’s Most Anti-Israel Lawmaker https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-meet-americas-most-anti-israel-lawmaker/?

Rashida Tlaib’s Finance Director Gives Props to PFLP Terror Group Reps https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/04/rashida-tlaibs-finance-director-gives-props-pflp-joe-kaufman/

How Palestinian Leaders Treat Their Refugees by Khaled Abu Toameh


These Palestinian officials, in other words, would rather see their people continue living in devastating poverty as refugees rather than improve their living conditions and search for new opportunities in Western countries. They want millions of Palestinians to remain stuck in refugee camps so that the Palestinian leadership can continue milking the world for money.

The assault on the woman triggered a wave of condemnations by Palestinian activists, who took to social media to express outrage over the Palestinian leadership’s decision to use force against Palestinian refugees.

The Palestinians who protested outside the PA embassy in Beirut, however, seem somewhat dubious that this new American money will go into the right hands. The protesters have been in Lebanon for several years now and the Palestinian leadership has done precious little to assist them.

Judging from experience, it is safe to assume that the Palestinians in Lebanon would be lucky to see a single dollar of the Biden administration’s new aid package. This is what happens when Western donors shower money on a corrupt and ruthless Palestinian leadership that sends its thugs to beat up starving refugees who are begging for help.

The Palestinian leadership, which is about to receive tens of millions of dollars from the Biden administration, has once again proven that it does not tolerate any form of criticism, even if it comes from impoverished Palestinian who fled their homes in Syria.

This leadership has also shown how it cares nothing about the problems facing its people, especially those who were forced to flee their homes in Syria after the beginning of the civil war there in 2011.

The number of Palestinian refugees from Syria in Lebanon is estimated at 27,000, according to statistics from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). These refugees suffer from harsh living conditions as a result of the scarcity of relief aid and lack of stable financial resources.

About 87% of the Palestinian refugees displaced from Syria to Lebanon suffer from absolute poverty, according to UNRWA.

On April 12, members of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction in Lebanon used force to disperse dozens of Palestinians who were demonstrating outside the PA embassy in Beirut.

The protest was organized by Palestinian refugees who fled from Syria to Lebanon in the past decade. The protesters came to the embassy to ask for help in solving their humanitarian and economic crises. They also demanded that the embassy issue them Palestinian passports or travel documents so that they could leave Lebanon to start a new life in other countries, including the European Union and Canada.

The message the protesters sought to relay to Abbas and the Palestinian leadership: If you do not want to give us financial aid, at least help us move to other countries where we might live in dignity and earn a decent living.

Embarrassed by the protest, the PA embassy summoned its security guards and scores of Fatah activists from different parts of Lebanon to disperse the refugees.