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Ruth King

Around the World of Woke in 80 Days Jeff Cruere


The first 80 days of the Biden administration have been a nightmare for Americans who love our constitution and appreciate limited government. On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced another batch of executive orders, in this case, dealing with expanding gun control. It follows a blizzard of executive orders he has issued since his inauguration.

Biden is proving his “woke” credentials by pursuing a full-fledged progressive agenda. Although all leftist dreams have not been realized, dramatic action on their agenda has occurred in the first 80 days of the Biden administration.

To say Biden has been a disaster is an understatement

This has happened despite a disputed election in which Biden did not achieve anything close to a mandate. Even accepting the official election results show that Biden lost 25 states and his party barely maintained control of the U.S. House of Representatives, while achieving 50 seats in the U.S. Senate. With Vice President Kamala Harris voting, Democrats can control both houses of Congress; however, it is the slimmest of margins.

Instead of showing moderation and trying to work with Republicans, President Biden is dealing with Democrats only and acting like he achieved a 50-state landslide. In the process, he is working overtime to overthrow as many actions of President Donald Trump as possible.

The overwhelming flood of illegal immigrants at our southern border is the biggest crisis facing the country. Prior to Biden’s invitation for illegal immigrants to surge into the country, President Trump had the border under control. Unfortunately, Biden stopped construction of the border wall, reinstituted the failed “catch and release” program and wanted to enact a 100-day moratorium on all deportations, until his actions were challenged in court by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.



In September, 1988, Keene, New Hampshire sex crimes detective James F. McLaughlin received a letter from Ms. Sylvia Gale, a New Hampshire child protection social worker. Ms. Gale’s letter reported third-hand information that Catholic priest, Gordon J. MacRae, had once been a priest in Florida “where he molested two boys, one of whom was murdered and his body mutilated. The case is supposed to be still unsolved.”

According to Sylvia Gale’s letter, the information was passed to her by an unnamed employee of New Hampshire Catholic Social Services who claimed that she had been told this information by her employer, Monsignor John Quinn, on condition that she would be fired if she ever divulged it.

Detective McLaughlin skipped the logical first steps that such a letter might have set in motion. He did not consult the priest’s personnel file – which revealed nothing about his ever being in Florida. And he did not consult Monsignor John Quinn, the named originator of the story.

Instead, armed with the explosive Florida murder-molestation letter, McLaughlin set out to interview dozens of parents and their adolescent sons who had prior contacts with MacRae. Within a week, the entire community was in a state of alarm about the murderous lecher-priest in its midst.

Among those McLaughlin interviewed about Ms. Gale’s letter in 1988 were four young adult brothers, Jonathan, David, Thomas, and Jay Grover, the adopted sons of another state social worker, Ms. Patricia Grover, a colleague of Sylvia Gale. According to McLaughlin’s 72-page report, she vowed to question each of her sons about their interactions with MacRae. None of them reported knowing or suspecting anything of a criminal nature.

McLaughlin’s report on this investigation was filled with innuendo, but no substance. He repeatedly attributed untrue information about MacRae to unnamed “informants” and other “subjects.” Toward the end of the report he finally quoted a “Sgt. Smith” from an unnamed Florida police agency.

Israel’s Cyberattack On Iranian Nuclear Facility So ‘Severe’ That Facility Might Be Down Till 2022: By Ryan Saavedra


A cyberattack allegedly conducted by Israel’s Mossad caused damage to Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility that was so “severe” that the facility might not be able to continue enriching uranium until next year.

The strike came only a day after Iranian officials bragged on the nation’s National Nuclear Technology Day about its new centrifuges, which expedite the process needed to create nuclear weapons.

“Two intelligence officials briefed on the damage said it had been caused by a large explosion that completely destroyed the independent — and heavily protected — internal power system that supplies the underground centrifuges that enrich uranium,” The New York Times reported. “The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a classified Israeli operation, said that the explosion had dealt a severe blow to Iran’s ability to enrich uranium and that it could take at least nine months to restore Natanz’s production.”

The debilitating strike comes as President Joe Biden seeks a nuclear deal with Iran, leading top former officials to warn that acts of desperation will give up America’s leverage on Iran. Former President Donald Trump, concerned about Biden’s weakness on Iran, reportedly considered launching a strike on the facility before he left office in an attempt to prevent Biden from going back to the Iran nuclear deal. One of Iran’s top nuclear scientists was assassinated during the final weeks of Trump’s term, an event that many believe that Israel was behind.

Following reports last week that Biden was going to lift sanctions on Iran, Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Rebeccah Heinrichs told The Daily Wire that “undoing the strategy that was working in the Middle East, and giving Iran what it wants, encourages nuclear blackmail, hostage taking, and terrorism against US bases.”

“What a waste of our leverage,” Heinrichs added. “If this is a preview of the larger Biden Mid East strategy, and it is, forget more normalization agreements between Arab states and Israel. Correctly identifying Iran as the primary source of instability and treating it as such was the bedrock of that success.”

Andrea Stricker, Research Fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told The Daily Wire that the cyberattack was proof that Israel will do everything in its power to protect itself.

I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated Children are afraid to challenge the repressive ideology that rules our school. That’s why I am. Paul Rossi


I am a teacher at Grace Church High School in Manhattan. Ten years ago, I changed careers when I discovered how rewarding it is to help young people explore the truth and beauty of mathematics. I love my work.

As a teacher, my first obligation is to my students. But right now, my school is asking me to embrace “antiracism” training and pedagogy that I believe is deeply harmful to them and to any person who seeks to nurture the virtues of curiosity, empathy and understanding.   

“Antiracist” training sounds righteous, but it is the opposite of truth in advertising. It requires teachers like myself to treat students differently on the basis of race. Furthermore, in order to maintain a united front for our students, teachers at Grace are directed to confine our doubts about this pedagogical framework to conversations with an in-house “Office of Community Engagement” for whom every significant objection leads to a foregone conclusion. Any doubting students are likewise “challenged” to reframe their views to conform to this orthodoxy. 

I know that by attaching my name to this I’m risking not only my current job but my career as an educator, since most schools, both public and private, are now captive to this backward ideology. But witnessing the harmful impact it has on children, I can’t stay silent. 

My school, like so many others, induces students via shame and sophistry to identify primarily with their race before their individual identities are fully formed. Students are pressured to conform their opinions to those broadly associated with their race and gender and to minimize or dismiss individual experiences that don’t match those assumptions. The morally compromised status of “oppressor” is assigned to one group of students based on their immutable characteristics. In the meantime, dependency, resentment and moral superiority are cultivated in students considered “oppressed.”

All of this is done in the name of “equity,” but it is the opposite of fair. In reality, all of this reinforces the worst impulses we have as human beings: our tendency toward tribalism and sectarianism that a truly liberal education is meant to transcend.

Recently, I raised questions about this ideology at a mandatory, whites-only student and faculty Zoom meeting. (Such racially segregated sessions are now commonplace at my school.) It was a bait-and-switch “self-care” seminar that labelled “objectivity,” “individualism,” “fear of open conflict,” and even “a right to comfort” as characteristics of white supremacy. I doubted that these human attributes — many of them virtues reframed as vices — should be racialized in this way. In the Zoom chat, I also questioned whether one must define oneself in terms of a racial identity at all. My goal was to model for students that they should feel safe to question ideological assertions if they felt moved to do so. 

China: Compromising U.S. Elected Officials by Peter Schweizer


China is certainly not the only foreign government that has made American politicians wealthy, either directly or indirectly. Given the size of their economy and the wealth of commercial ties between U.S. business and China, however, they do it bigger and more broadly than anyone else. This beneficence, I believe, poses potentially serious questions about China’s influence, China’s access to American policy makers, and China’s activities in the halls of power. Further, it shows the toothlessness of American ethics watchdogs that these issues have not been more thoroughly reviewed and challenged previously.

The financial relationship between the McConnell-Chao family and the Chinese government has since only deepened. In 2017, as Elaine Chao joined the Trump administration, the Chinese government signed several new agreements with the Chao family.

The terms of the deal were not disclosed, but similar CSSC deals with other companies have recently cost about $47 million per vessel, which would place the total value of the deals Foremost has with the Chinese at nearly half a billion dollars. Under current disclosure laws, which do not apply to adult relatives, neither then-Secretary Chao nor Senator McConnell was required to report their family’s dealings with a major foreign military contractor.

Closer Chinese financial ties for the benefit of one of America’s most powerful political families also occurred in 2018 amid an aggressive push by Beijing for infrastructure deals around the globe. These deals are part of the strategic “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) initiative, a massive plan to expand China’s influence across Asia and Africa.

Mitch McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao, have operated for decades at the highest levels of American government. As the Senate Republican leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has long been a part of the power elite. His wife has been a member of the cabinets of two Republican presidents: secretary of labor in the George W. Bush administration and, most recently, as transportation secretary under President Donald Trump.

In the past dozen years, McConnell’s and Chao’s wealth has grown dramatically. In 2004, the couple was worth an average of $3.1 million, according to their required financial disclosures. Ten years later, they had a net worth of between $9.2 million and $36.5 million. The key to that growth was a 2008 gift from Chao’s father, James, who immigrated from China to continue his education in 1958, then brought his wife and three young daughters, including Elaine, to join him in 1961.

The Chao family’s fortune comes from their ownership of the Foremost Group, a shipping firm founded in 1964 and still run by her father and her youngest sister, Christine. “Shipping is our family tradition,” Elaine Chao said in a speech at National Taiwan Ocean University in 2016.

The source of this money is China. The Foremost Group operates bulk shipping vessels built in China and which primarily operate under the watchful eye of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and through contracts with it. The Chaos operate through agreements with the CCP and their business depends on these agreements to thrive.

The book Secret Empires, published in 2018, devoted an entire chapter to the McConnell/Chao family and their personal wealth through these connections. Yet, most of the press attention the book received was focused on the Chinese business dealings of Hunter Biden that happened while his father Joe served as Vice President and as President Barack Obama’s “point man” on foreign policy with China. In a recent television appearance, Maria Bartiromo of Fox News asked some of the first questions I have ever gotten about the McConnell-Chao financial connections with China.

Tucker’s magnificent statement about Democrats disenfranchising Americans By Andrea Widburg


The words “epic” or “magnificent” are becoming cliched because they’re constantly used as clickbait headlines for things that are anything but “epic” or “magnificent.” That’s a shame because both words apply with their original force to Tucker Carlson’s opening monologue on Monday night. He brought both logic and passion to explaining that the Democrat party’s open borders policy is deliberately intended to import people who will vote for Democrats. In hindsight, what he said is completely obvious but too few people think about illegal immigration in the terms Tucker did. [Full transcript below.]

More must do so if we are to preserve our liberty-oriented, merit-based, constitutional republic.

The genesis for Tucker’s monologue was a discussion he had with Mark Steyn on Thursday, during which he noted, accurately, that the Democrats are encouraging illegal aliens to enter because they see them as a replacement for Americans who refuse to vote for Democrats. He explained, rightly, that this statement is not racist because the old voters who are being rendered obsolete through this illegal activity aren’t just whites. In many ways, the people most affected are Blacks. Every American who is a legal citizen, regardless of race, is affected.

The usual crowd of leftists instantly assaulted Tucker as a rabid white supremacist who should instantly be taken off the air. I wrote yesterday about how Jonathan Greenblatt, an Obama-era hack who is now head of the Anti-Defamation League, an organization dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism, tried to claim that Tucker was speaking in code to anti-Semitic white supremacists. Greenblatt’s statement was completely dishonest.

One of the things I like about Tucker, who is fortunate to have the weight of the Fox News company behind him, is that he cannot be bullied into backing down from his principles. Unsurprisingly, then, he came back swinging against this latest charge of white supremacy.

The Roadmap for the ‘Great Reset’ By Janet Levy


As far back as 1996, Mikhail Gorbachev laid bare the agenda driving climate alarmism: “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.” He was underscoring the importance of advancing Marxist objectives by creating an emergency to convince people they must surrender freedom to be safe. That idea has been parlayed over the decades into a global campaign of the Left to control vibrant economies, end individual freedom and national sovereignties, and impoverish the world. In America, it is being served up as the Green New Deal (GND).

Author Marc Morano exposes that elaborate con game in Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think. Morano is a former senior staff member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and narrator of the film Climate Hustle. His book shows how the GND — which dovetails with the U.N.’s Agenda 21 — has nothing to do with “saving the planet” and is actually about “transforming modern America into a centrally planned and managed society and imposing an ideology that will rein in the freedoms of individual Americans.”

Like Gorbachev, GND champions admit as much. Morano quotes Saikat Chakrabarti, former chief of staff to debutant Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, as saying, “We really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.” And he cites Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign aide Waleed Shahid explaining the GND as “a proposal to redistribute wealth and power from people on top to the people at the bottom.”  

For an agenda so ambitious, the name ironically draws on FDR’s failed New Deal of the 1930s, a massive program that expanded the size and scope of the federal government to stimulate an economic recovery but ended up prolonging the Great Depression. The prognosis for the GND — which includes components like universal healthcare, guaranteed annual income, affordable housing, clear water and air projects, and special social and racial justice goals — is worse. Says David Ridenour, president of the National Center for Public Policy Research, “To reach zero net-carbon emissions in 10 years, the government would regulate and ultimately prohibit the use of affordable energy sources. This would trigger a massive decline in industrial productivity and result in mass layoffs.”

Hong Kong Epoch Times Forced to Suspend Printing After Violent Attack Lawmaker condemns attack’s ‘direct assault on Hong Kong’s free press’ By Eva Fu


The Hong Kong edition of The Epoch Times is temporarily suspending distribution to repair damaged equipment after an attack on April 12—the fifth attack on the printing plant since it was established in 2006.

In the early hours of April 12 local time, four masked intruders barged their way into the warehouse, wielding two sledgehammers and a knife hidden inside a plastic bag.

The four men smashed printing press equipment and tossed construction debris on the equipment before fleeing in a white van. Among the items damaged were multiple computers and the printing press’s central control panel. The men warned a print shop employee to “go away,” with one saying, “Don’t force me to do anything.” They also stole a computer as they left.

Police officers arrived shortly afterward and told Epoch Times employees that the department’s crime unit would investigate.

The Hong Kong edition of The Epoch Times has decried the attack as a crime against Hong Kong’s liberties and the rule of law.

“These thugs are not just targeting The Epoch Times Hong Kong, but also the independent media outlets in Hong Kong,” the outlet said in a statement. “It’s a malicious attack on basic societal norms such as … press freedom.”

Rep. Michelle Steel (R-Calif.) described the break-in as “a direct assault on Hong Kong’s free press.”

“The Chinese Communist Party cannot continue to intimidate and infringe on freedom of the press in Hong Kong,” she told The Epoch Times. “If it is true that the CCP was behind these attacks, they must be held accountable.”

PEN America, a New York-based nonprofit that advocates for press freedom, said the armed attack represents “an alarming escalation of the threats to press freedom in the territory.”

“Coming amidst arrests, prosecutions, and convictions of critics of the Chinese government, these lawless attacks seem to fit the paradigm of an all-out effort to suppress dissent,” the group said in a statement to The Epoch Times.

Indefinite Incarceration for Protesters With ‘Wrong’ Politics As a Minneapolis suburb devolves into chaos, Americans are once again reminded of the different set of rules that applies to protestors on the Left. By Julie Kelly


Joe Biden’s Justice Department wants to keep Richard Barnett in jail—indefinitely.

The Arkansas man, photographed showboating inside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office on January 6, has been behind bars for more than three months. Barnett occupied Pelosi’s office for six whole minutes; he absconded with a piece of mail and left her a note that read “Nancy, Bigo was here, you Bitch.”

The desk belonged to a Pelosi aide, not the speaker herself. Several reporters and photographers who also happened to be in Pelosi’s office at the very same time prompted Barnett to sit at the desk and “act natural” as they took a series of photos.

Death threats against Barnett’s family immediately started when a press photograph of Barnett went viral that afternoon; Pelosi’s daughter tweeted the picture right after it was taken. Upon his return home, Barnett met with FBI investigators without an attorney present, allowed for a search of his home, and turned himself in.

He was taken into custody on January 8 and charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, and possession of a “deadly or dangerous weapon,” to wit, a walking stick that also can be used as a stun gun. He never used it.

A local judge authorized Barnett’s conditional release a week later but federal prosecutors, as they’ve done in many cases, immediately appealed to the chief judge of the D.C. district court, which is handling every Capitol breach case, to deny Barnett’s release.

The Transformative Magic of Wokeness How it twists MLK’s vision of racial brotherhood into a shared contempt for white “deplorables.” Bruce Bawer


Last Wednesday, on BBC’s TV debate program Newsnight, host Emily Maitlis interviewed two American guests about the allegedly racist new Georgia voting law that led Major League Baseball to move the All-Star Game, scheduled for July 13, from that state to Colorado.

Now, anyone who’s taken the trouble to learn the truth about the law, which was passed in the wake of widespread ballot fraud in the 2020 election, knows that it’s thoroughly unremarkable. Voters – all voters – are required to show ID before they can cast their ballots, just as baseball fans are required to show ID when picking up their tickets to an MLB game. But the Biden Administration and its allies have obscured this fact, painting the law as an effort to suppress the black vote. The premise of their argument is that an ID requirement is particularly hard on blacks – apparently because, unlike whites and Asians, they can’t be expected to get their act together well enough to secure proper ID.

They claim the law is racist. No: their argument is racist. But the CEOs of Coca-Cola, Delta, Dow, Hewlett Packard, ViacomCBS, and dozens of other major corporations have publicly gone along with it.

On Wednesday’s Newsnight, Eric Bolling, formerly of Fox News, defended the law. He argued that moving the All-Star game out, supposedly for anti-racist reasons, robbed many black-owned businesses of desperately needed income. He noted that Colorado’s black population is relatively low, and that Georgia’s two senators – both Democrats, one of them African-American – have opposed the MLB’s pullout.

Taking the other side was a black woman named Aisha Moodie-Mills. Instead of even trying to make a rational argument, she followed the current woke playbook from the git-go – which is to say that she accused Bolling of racism. “I think it’s really rich for any Republican, especially a white man, to run around and claim that they care about the economic condition of black communities and black businesses when that’s all a lie,” she said. Bolling called her comments “disgusting”; she doubled down.

As it happens, the clash on Newsnight came one month to the day after the airing of another dramatic three-hander – namely, Oprah Winfrey’s March 7 sit-down with Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, at their $15.5 million mansion in exclusive Montecito, California (which also happens to be the site of one of Oprah’s seven residences). Meghan charged that while in Britain among her royal in-laws and palace servants, she’d been subjected to racism. Oprah was empathic. After all, Oprah (#1174 on the Forbes billionaires list, with $2.6 billion in assets) knows what it is to be a victim. And Meghan (who, with Harry, recently inked a nine-figure deal with Netflix) is nothing if not a victim.