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Ruth King

Trump and the Failure of the Expert Class They were right about his character, but his defects were obvious to almost everyone. They were wrong about virtually all else. By

Even so, the most salient theme of the past five years was not any challenge to democracy. The great theme of the Trump years, the one historians will note a century from now, was the failure of America’s expert class. The people who were supposed to know what they were talking about, didn’t. 

The failure began with the country’s top consultants and pollsters. Candidate Trump did almost everything lavishly paid political consultants would have told him, and did tell him, not to do—and he won. The most respected pollsters, meanwhile, predicted a landslide for Hillary Clinton. America’s best and brightest political adepts turned out to know very little about the elections they claim to understand.

Also during the 2016 campaign, an assemblage of top-tier academics, intellectuals and journalists warned that Mr. Trump’s candidacy signified a fascist threat. Timothy Snyder, a historian of Nazism at Yale, was among the most strident of these prophets. “Be calm when the unthinkable arrives,” he warned in a Facebook post shortly after the election. “When the terrorist attack comes, remember that all authorities at all times either await or plan such events in order to consolidate power. Think of the Reichstag fire.” Many experts stuck with the fascism theme after Mr. Trump’s election and throughout his presidency. That these cultured authorities couldn’t tell the difference between a populist protest against elite contempt and a coup carried out by powerful ideologues will go down as one of the great fiascoes of American intellectual history. 

The fascism charge was only the most acute form of the claim that Mr. Trump was carrying out an “assault on democracy.” Some semantic clarification is in order here. When intellectuals and journalists of the left use the word “democracy,” they typically are not referring to elections and decision-making by popularly elected officials. For the left, “democracy” is another word for progressive policy aims, especially the widening of special political rights and welfare-state provisions to new constituencies. By that definition any Republican president is carrying out an “assault on democracy.”

Joe Biden’s Inaugural Purge The firing of Peter Robb belies all the happy talk about unifying the country. By Kimberley Strassel


The “unity” lasted all of a couple of minutes. Then, hours after President Biden pledged in his inaugural address to show “tolerance and humility,” the brass knuckles came out.

One duster was aimed at Peter Robb, general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board. Within minutes of Mr. Biden’s swearing-in, and as the new president told the nation it needed to “be better,” the new White House delivered Mr. Robb an ultimatum: resign by 5 p.m., or be fired.

The general-counsel position is a Senate-confirmed four-year appointment at an independent agency; Mr. Robb had 10 months left in his term. No NLRB general counsel had ever been fired, and the Biden White House provided no cause for the action. Mr. Robb pointed all this out in a return letter and respectfully declined to step down. So Mr. Biden (“we must end this uncivil war”) canned him.

For four years, the media and Democrats cast every action of the Trump administration as something law-breaking or verging on a constitutional crisis. This week’s headlines, by contrast, were a mass media celebration of the return to “normalcy.” Mr. Biden ran on, and won on, a promise to restore norms to Washington.

Rush Limbaugh :The Establishment Thinks They Have Their Power Back — But They Know It’s Tenuous****


RUSH: Greetings to you, music lovers, thrill-seekers, conversationalists all across the fruited plain. Man, oh, man. I have such a range of emotion flowing through my arteries and veins, going to my heart and away from my heart. I’m watching these people at the Biden inauguration. They think they got it all back. They think they finally have vanquished all of their opposition. And they haven’t the slightest idea.

You can hear it in the words they’re saying to each other. You can hear it in the way they’re singing their songs. You can see it in the people that showed up for this inauguration who didn’t show up four years ago for the Trump inauguration, and I have to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, I just — (crowd chanting “We love you! We love you!”) Wait a minute. What’s this? That was obviously audio from a Trump rally, one of the many that occurred before the election last November. “We love you.”

Anyway, greetings, folks. It is good to have you here. We’re gonna try to get through the day here as best we can. I’m looking for the words to most perfectly capture the range of emotion that I feel. And I’m watching these people as they have assembled on the stage for the inauguration of Plugs. And this inauguration looks like what you would expect from a one-party state. This inauguration looks like the Chinese Olympics with hundreds and hundreds of flags to replace people who were not allowed to show up.

Now, why do you think people weren’t allowed to show up? People are not allowed to show up because of COVID. People aren’t allowed to show up because the threats of the National Guard might open fire on everybody. That’s not why. The reason that they put up all these replacements for people is that I don’t think they were confident a bunch of people would show up for this because I think they know. I think they know that they are not — I gotta be very careful here in the words I choose.

I think they know that this is something that’s been arranged rather than legitimately sought and won. And you can see this in their attitudes, in their smiles. You can see it, hear it in the words that they are uttering. It’s like, I remember the 1984 Democrat convention was in San Francisco. I happened to be there, I was covering it. And one of the speakers on one of the nights was the mayor of Washington, D.C. His name was Marion Barry. And the sum total of his speech was, “Tonight we’re on the inside.” Meaning, finally the minorities that really are the Democrat Party have made it to the power base. We’re on the inside. We’re not on the outside looking in.

Who’s Attacking Our Democracy? January 21, 2021/ Jane Menton


The breach of the Capitol on January 6 by pro-Trump demonstrators took Americans by surprise. There have been many reactions in the aftermath, but responses by the mainstream media completely miss — or intentionally misrepresent — the underlying issues. The Capitol breach felt like a turning point, but not because Trump supporters are particularly dangerous or violent as the media would like us to believe. If their demonstration attacked our democracy, it’s because we are living in a democracy so divided we no longer share any goals in common. As long as the party in power seizes opportunities to silence or oppress its opposition, that divide can only widen. 

Even while the January 6 events were still unfolding, the mainstream media started talking about the breach of the Capitol as a “violent siege,” conducted by a far-right mob. During the time that protestors were in the building, my iPhone was flooded with breaking news alerts from CNN, NBC, NPR all letting me know first that the Capitol had been breached, that Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi had been moved to a “secure location,” while those on the House floor were told to “shelter in place.” Rioters “vandalized” “occupied” and “ransacked” the building, and attempted to disrupt the certification of the Electoral College votes.

It took a few days for any counter-perspective to come out. Matt Keener, an opinion columnist who was in DC as a peaceful demonstrator, had a different experience. He wrote for American Spectator that: “the atmosphere outside [the Capitol] resembled an open air concert or festival more than a ‘riot.’” He also linked to a video of protestors being let into the building by police.  He believes “the true story [of the demonstration] is getting lost in the propaganda.” 

Were Pelosi, McConnell warned of potential violence before Capitol riot? Offices remain mum Representatives of the Speaker of the House and Senate Republican Leader are also silent on whether the leaders weighed in on having National Guard troops bolster security at the Capitol prior to the events of Jan. 6.


The offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell won’t say whether the congressional leaders were briefed on potential violence ahead of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol — or whether they weighed in on requesting help from the National Guard to bolster Capitol security.

Just the News reached out to representatives for Pelosi and asked if the speaker was briefed about threats of violence in advance of the rally. Her office was also asked if the speaker favored or opposed having National Guard troops help Capitol Police to protect the Capitol Building before the rally. Her office didn’t provide a response.

McConnell’s press office was asked the same questions, but they did not return a request for comment. 

Security sources told Just the News that Pelosi’s staff was briefed on threats of violence, but it is unclear if Pelosi herself was briefed directly or indirectly on the situation.

In a timeline of events from the Pentagon, defense officials wrote that U.S. Capitol Police twice said that they did not need help from the military. According to the timeline, Capitol Police confirmed that stance to Defense Department officials and to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. 

U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reportedly asked House and Senate security officials if they wanted National Guard troops to assist the Capitol Police in protecting the Capitol complex in advance of the Jan. 6 rally. According to The Washington Post, House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving said he was not in support of declaring an emergency ahead of the rally. Sund and Irving have since resigned. 

Mitch McConnell Needs To Go The Senate Minority Leader no longer represents conservative voters. By David Marcus


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has done very good service for the American people. His Merrick Garland gambit was one of the riskiest and best political plays in congressional history. He has seated an enormous amount of conservative judges. He deserves our thanks for that.

But he also has to sit down now and let the conservative movement grow into its new form — a form he seems completely opposed to.

McConnell is playing a ridiculous game of footsie with the idea of convicting Donald Trump in his absurd impeachment. It’s a bridge too far and an obvious power play, and he lacks the power to pull it off.

American conservatives know that after Democrats all but cheered on violence and rioting for months, the idea that Trump incited an insurrection is pure nonsense. It’s a lie and McConnell’s parroting of it is disqualifying for leadership.

So why is McConnell playing along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s charade of impeachment? He thinks he can get the conservative movement back on his and the Chamber of Commerce’s team.

He can’t. If he pushes this impeachment conviction, as he seems to be, he should have no place in Republican leadership. It is nothing short of a betrayal of Republican voters.

I don’t know who McConnell thinks he is appealing to here. It is obvious that conservative voters have not abandoned Trump, even if he has. He seems to think that we will just go back to the pro-war, pro-corporate party he came up in. We won’t. That party was destroyed by Trump and good riddance.

And why did Cocaine Mitch get the opportunity to fill all these judgeships? Why did his Garland gambit pay off? Only because of Trump. Maybe he forgot but Mitt Romney, his buddy in dragging Trump, lost his bid for the presidency in 2012. But luckily for conservatives, Trump won. And yeah, we have a lot of judges to show for it — because of Trump.


Biden’s America: One nation, or us vs. them? https://www.wnd.com/2021/01/bidens-america-one-nation-us-vs/
China Applauds Biden Inauguration: ‘Kind Angels Can Triumph over Evil Forces’ https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2021/01/21/china-applauds-biden-inauguration-kind-angels-can-triumph-over-evil-forces/
Tucker Carlson: Biden cancels Keystone Pipeline, opens the border and shows who he really is https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-biden-first-day-immigration-keystone-pipeline
Inauguration Day 2021 – A Dark Cloud Rolls Out Across America https://canadafreepress.com/article/inauguration-day-2021-a-dark-cloud-rolls-out-across-america
Brennan: Biden moving with ‘laser-light’ speed to ‘root out’ opposition https://www.wnd.com/2021/01/john-brennan-biden-moving-laser-light-speed-root-opposition/
McConnell: Biden ‘took several big steps in the wrong direction’ on Day One https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mcconnell-biden-took-several-steps-in-the-wrong-direction-on-day-one
Biden’s Appointment of Climate Change Czar, John Kerry, Will Usher In the True Agenda of the Globalists https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/bidens-appointment-climate-change-czar-john-kerry-will-usher-true-agenda-globalists
U.N. Agencies Swoon as Joe Biden Rushes to Globalist Embrace https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/01/21/u-n-agencies-swoon-as-joe-biden-rushes-to-globalist-embrace/
Pompeo is worried about Middle East peace under Biden | EXCLUSIVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQp5uP2EGf0

‘We stood tall against the bully’: Palestinians hail end of Trump, welcome Biden https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-biden-takes-charge-palestinians-hail-end-of-adversarial-trump-era/

US already in Iran deal talks, officials met in New York – report https://www.jpost.com/international/us-already-in-talks-of-returning-to-iran-deal-report-65635
Ted Cruz Grills Pete Buttigieg on Biden Killing ‘Thousands’ of Keystone XL Jobs https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/01/21/ted-cruz-grills-pete-buttigieg-biden-killing-thousands-keystone-xl-jobs/
Thousands Call for Franklin Graham to Be Fired Over His Support of Trump https://www.faithwire.com/2021/01/21/thousands-call-for-franklin-graham-to-be-fired-over-his-support-of-trump/
Academic Study Finds Big-Tech Elites Are In Their ‘Own Class’, Different To Rest Of Humanity https://summit.news/2021/01/21/academic-study-finds-big-tech-elites-are-in-their-own-class-different-to-rest-of-humanity/

ISIS Celebrates Biden Inaguration w/First Big Suicide Bombing in 3 Years https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2021/01/isis-celebrates-biden-inaguration-wfirst-big-daniel-greenfield/

Hunter Biden-Burisma Scandal Comes Back to Bite Joe Biden By Tyler O’Neil,


A House Republican officially filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on his second day in office. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — infamous for supporting the QAnon conspiracy theory on a blog before running for Congress — launched a Quixotic attempt to impeach Biden over the Hunter Biden-Burisma scandal.

“President Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the Presidency. His pattern of abuse of power as President Obama’s Vice President is lengthy and disturbing. President Biden has demonstrated that he will do whatever it takes to bail out his son, Hunter, and line his family’s pockets with cash from corrupt foreign energy companies,” Greene said in a statement on Thursday after filing the articles.

“President Biden is even on tape admitting to a quid pro quo with the Ukrainian government threatening to withhold $1,000,000,000 in foreign aid if they did not do his bidding. President Biden residing in the White House is a threat to national security and he must be immediately impeached,” the congresswoman insisted.

Greene’s impeachment effort is unlikely to gain any traction, but it does once again point out the notorious Burisma scandal.

Industrial-Scale Election Fraud – Did It Happen? By Jay Valentine


I’ve read pieces from congresspeople, CEOs of tech companies, from hacks on television (like Karl Rove) that there was no election fraud, let’s move on. 

Wait just a minute. 

I led the team that built the fraud detection engine for the largest online auction house on the planet.  They were on the front page of USA Today because some mother never received that gift for her child after sending in her last dollar.  The auction house publicly said their multi-billion-dollar brand was in jeopardy.

I led industrial-scale fraud investigations in the biggest of the big leagues, and proved fraud.

Cyberauction fraud is really complicated. A perp runs a scam where they sell a computer, for instance, get paid and ship the product.  They do this for weeks, building trust.  Then they sell 20 computers, keep the dough, ship nothing, and off they go.

What can the auction house do? 

They kick the perp off the site. What does the perp do?  He changes his name, credit card, mailing address, every bit of information about himself and rejoins as a new, clean seller.  And another bunch of customers gets screwed!

The Secret Service, the FBI, about every fraud detection company tried to solve a problem where the perp changed every identifier thus left no trail.  No pattern recognition.  No matching on any field.  Neural net = zero. Nothing.

Well, my team built a cyber-fraud technology and solved the problem.  We broke insurance fraud rings where the insurance firm’s 30-person, police trained, 25-year experienced fraud team said there was no fraud.  The funniest example is where we flagged a doctor, the recipient of a decade’s worth of six figure checks from this insurer.  The fraud team said the guy was clean.  Nothing to see here!

The Problem Isn’t in Palestinian Numbers By Shoshana Bryen


Outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted out a number this week — <200,000 -- that he says is the State Department estimate of “original” Palestinian refugees from 1948-50 still living. They are differentiated from the descendants of those people, which the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) says is 5,663,790. UNRWA’s numbers are notoriously unreliable, but go with it for a moment. That means there are 5,463,790 extras -- more or less. The incoming administration has made it clear that it hopes to restore aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA), cut off by the State Department for Palestinian financial mismanagement and support for terrorism. There are also reports that the Biden team wants to reopen the PLO Washington office and to increase its contact with the PA in Ramallah. Restoration of the “peace process” is, clearly, on the agenda. But therein lies the dilemma for the U.S. and the irrelevance of the number of actual Palestinian refugees. The notion of a “peace process” presumes that “peace” is the goal. The “two-state solution,” postulates Palestinian acceptance of a split, rump state squeezed in between a hostile Israel and a more hostile Jordan. That they accept that Acre, Jaffa, and the Galilee Triangle will be sovereign territory in the Jewish homeland; Jerusalem, too. Hamas and Fatah, however, are clear about three goals. An independent state without recognizing a legitimate and permanent State of Israel in any territory. Both factions would accept a temporary agreement with Israel on the way to the fulfillment of the PLO Charter to which both are committed. (Reading the Charter will tell you what else they are committed to, and it isn’t a “two-state solution.”) Sovereign control of East Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state. The right of entry for all remaining 1948–1950 Arab refugees from Britain’s Mandatory Palestine, as well as their descendants, to any place within pre-1967 Israel in which they or their antecedents claim to have lived. The possible outcomes of the Palestinian refugee issue are also only three: to allow them to go to Israel as they choose (the so-called "right of return"); to formulate their resettlement (and compensation) in the new State of Palestine; or formulate their resettlement (and compensation) somewhere else. The first means the dissolution of the State of Israel. Only in the other scenarios would the actual number of people be important. The problem for American diplomacy is that the Palestinians have rejected the second and third outcomes. Out loud. Often.