Displaying the most recent of 90425 posts written by

Ruth King

China: Paying US Media to Publish Propaganda ‘Borrowing a Boat to Go Out on the Ocean’ by Judith Bergman


In June, China Daily filed a disclosure with the Justice Department showing that, since November 2016, it had paid $19 million to U.S. media outlets, including $12 million to newspapers such as the Washington Post and New York Times.

China Daily’s ads — in a strategy known as “borrowing a boat to go out on the ocean” — come in the form of advertising supplements, inserts called China Watch… camouflaged to look like the other news content of the media outlets in which they appear.

The practice does not seem to have caused any sort of actual uproar in those media circles that engage in it… This reticence is odd… but because so many journalists and editors consider themselves as standing up against racism, ethnic and religious discrimination, and human rights abuses. Taking money from the Chinese Communist regime in exchange for spreading its propaganda would seem to indicate that this stance is simply empty posturing.

The Chinese government-controlled English language newspaper, China Daily, in 2020 paid a variety of US media outlets nearly $2 million for publishing propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), according to a disclosure that China Daily filed in late November with the US Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), according to Daily Caller.

China Daily has reportedly been registered as a foreign agent under FARA since 1983, which means it is required to report its activities and financial transactions to the Justice Department.

In June, China Daily filed a disclosure with the Justice Department showing that, since November 2016, it had paid $19 million to U.S. media outlets, including $12 million to newspapers such as the Washington Post and New York Times. Other newspapers included the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Seattle Times, Houston Chronicle and Foreign Policy.

China Daily’s ads come in the form of advertising supplements, inserts called “China Watch,” in a strategy known as “borrowing a boat to go out on the ocean.” According to Sarah Cook, Senior Research Analyst for East Asia, Freedom House, in 2017 testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission:

“This phrase refers to disseminating Chinese state-media content via the pages, frequencies, or screen-time of privately owned media outlets that have developed their own local audiences… In recent years, its robust expansion to English-language media has garnered much attention and public debate. One of the most prominent examples has been the emergence of China Watch — a paid insert sponsored by the state-run China Daily — that has appeared both in print and online in prominent U.S. papers like the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal.”

This form of advertising is sometimes also known as advertorials, or native advertising: the stories are camouflaged to look like the other news content of the media outlets in which they appear.

Greatest Events of WWII in Colour


Release year: 2019

From the attack on Pearl Harbor to D-Day, the most pivotal events of World War II come to life in this vivid docuseries featuring colorized footage.

Pearl Harbor. 50m. …
Battle of Midway. 50m. …
Siege of Stalingrad. 51m. …
D-Day. 50m. …
Battle of the Bulge. 50m. …
Dresden Firestorm. 51m. …
Liberation of Buchenwald. 50m. …
Hiroshima. 50m. To avoid a protracted ground war, the U.S. uses atomic bombs against Japan, causing unprecedented devastation — and changing the course of history.

Proposed House Rules Seek to Erase Gendered Terms Such as ‘Father, Mother, Son, Daughter’ By Mimi Nguyen Ly


Leaders in the House of Representatives announced on Friday a rules package for the 117th Congress that includes a proposal to use “gender-inclusive language” and eliminate gendered terms such as “‘father, mother, son, daughter,” and more.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Rules Committee Chairman James McGovern (D-Mass.) announced on Friday that the rules package includes changes that would “honor all gender identities by changing pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender neutral.”

A separate announcement from McGovern (pdf) said that the Democratic rules package will make “Changes [to] pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender neutral or removes references to gender, as appropriate, to ensure we are inclusive of all Members, Delegates, Resident Commissioners and their families—including those who are nonbinary.”

James McGovern (D-Mass.) speaks during a meeting at the Capitol in Washington, on Dec. 21, 2017. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Terms to be striked from clause 8(c)(3) of rule XXIII, the House’s Code of Official Conduct, as outlined in the proposed rules (pdf), include “father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister, grandson, [and] granddaughter.”

The strange story of Georgia’s pallets of ballots By Andrea Widburg


In the aftermath of the election, the Democrats who control the election machinery in the disputed states have gone out of their way to avoid scrutiny. Americans have been inundated with stories of shredded mail-in envelopes, lost thumb drives, wiped computers, and slow-walked requests for documents that states are required to preserve for post-election reviews. No state, however, has acted with such heavy-handed desperation as Georgia when it comes to hiding ballots. We’ve already reported here twice about the Georgia ballots, but the story keeps developing and there’s always more to tell.

On Wednesday, Susan Knox and Sally Grubbs testified before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee. Grubbs reported that, because of the Wuhan virus, election counts were taking place in Jim Miller Park, which is not a secure government facility, but a fairground. For that reason, there’s zero chance that it is a repository for ballots saved from past elections. That’s why it matters that Knox saw workers wheel bin after bin filled with ballots to a shredding truck, which dutifully shredded them. These could only have been ballots from the 2020 election.

During that same hearing, Jovan Pulitzer hacked into the Dominion voting system in real-time, showing that Dominion’s CEO lied when he said the machines are not connected to the internet. After the hearing, the bipartisan Senate Judiciary Subcommittee unanimously passed a motion to embrace Jovan Pulitzer’s proposal to audit Fulton County ballots to determine whether they had actually been mailed in or had been run off a pro-Biden photocopy machine.

The decision to audit the ballots triggered new activity. On Thursday, more news broke about Georgia destroying ballots. According to Pulitzer,

The very minute that order went through, and that order was followed, and all the legal notices were done, it didn’t even take four hours later where moving trucks with this stuff was backed up to those buildings trying to get rid of the evidence.

By Friday, there was still more information about what was going on with the Georgia ballots. Patrick Byrne, the Overstock founder who recently discussed background information about the Russia hoax, announced that thanks to a tip the people asserting fraud in Georgia were able to catch red-handed the effort to destroy fake ballots.

Ruthie Blum: Tehran’s hope for a happy nuclear new year – opinion Diplomacy addicts always believe their lying eyes when a given reality is unpleasant – or when it’s touted by nemeses at home and those overseas in Israel.


The revelation by the FBI last week that Iranian cyberwarriors are behind the death threats against American officials circulating online since the US presidential election on November 3 should not have come as a surprise. One aim of the regime in Tehran and its PR soldiers is to sow internecine discord among its enemies.

To those wearing rose-colored glasses about the dawn of utopia in the United States – thanks to the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and his sidekick, Kamala Harris – the fact that one of the multiple websites set up by social-media-savvy forces in the Islamic Republic targeted such figures as Christopher Krebs makes no sense.

On November 17, US President Donald Trump fired Krebs from his post as head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency for refuting claims of massive electoral fraud on the part of the Biden campaign. It would stand to reason, then, that Iran would have no bones to pick with him.

On the contrary, the mullahs and their puppets in Tehran have made their deep hatred for Trump clear for the past four years, well before he withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – the favorable nuclear deal that it reached in 2015 with world powers, led by the administration of former president Barack Obama.

Is Georgia destroying evidence so it can’t be analyzed? By Carol Brown


Earlier this week, inventor Jovan Pulitzer testified before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections. Among other things, he explained that he had the capability of testing half a million ballots in two hours to determine which were legitimate and which were fraudulent. After confirming that the results would be 100% accurate, the committee unanimously voted to have him check all the absentee ballots from Fulton County.

The first thing that probably ran through many of your minds (I know it did mine) was if we even know and trust the status of those ballots in terms of their security.

Well, now it seems it didn’t take the left more than just a few hours after the committee voted to have him test the ballots before large trucks started pulling up at the location in question.

Shenanigans hardly unknown in Georgia ballot counting

During an interview with Monica Matthews yesterday, Pulitzer said (in addition to confirming that China was online in the voting system being used in real time yesterday):

The very minute that order went through, and that order was followed, and all the legal notices were done, it didn’t even take four hours later where moving trucks with this stuff was backed up to those buildings trying to get rid of the evidence.

Democrats Have Objected to Electoral Vote Certification for the Last Three GOP Presidents By Rick Moran


Democrats are outraged that Republicans are planning on objecting to the certification of electoral votes. It’s “conspiracy and fantasy,” says Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

 “The effort by the sitting president of the United States to overturn the results is patently undemocratic,” the New York Democrat said. “The effort by others to amplify and burnish his ludicrous claims of fraud is equally revolting.”

“This is America. We have elections. We have results. We make arguments based on the fact and reason—not conspiracy and fantasy,” he added.

There’s only one problem with Chucky’s “argument based on fact and reason.” Democrats have been challenging the electoral vote certification for two decades.

The last three times a Republican has been elected president — Trump in 2016 and George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004 — Democrats in the House have brought objections to the electoral votes in states the GOP nominee won. In early 2005 specifically, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., along with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs, D-Ohio, objected to Bush’s 2004 electoral votes in Ohio.

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin appears to be even more incensed at Senator Josh Hawley’s plan to object to the Electoral College vote.

What’s at Stake in Georgia Here’s the difference between a Democratic and Republican Senate this year.


What’s the difference in policy between a Senate run by Chuck Schumer with 50 Democrats and one run by Mitch McConnell with 51 or 52 Republicans? That’s the question that matters for the next two years, so it’s worth explaining the stakes with realistic specificity in Tuesday’s Georgia Senate runoffs.

Start with control of committees, which would shift markedly leftward. Republicans would lose their ability to investigate issues like FBI abuse and Hunter Biden’s China dealings. A GOP Senate is likely to approve most of Mr. Biden’s cabinet picks, but Democrats would whisk through even controversial nominees like Neera Tanden at the White House budget office or Xavier Becerra at HHS. There would be no check on judicial nominees.

Democratic chairmen would include Bernie Sanders, who would try to gut the Pentagon at the Budget Committee. Sherrod Brown at Banking and Elizabeth Warren on the financial institutions subcommittee would try to change rules to steer lending and capital to their priorities and punish lending to fossil-fuel companies.

Ron Wyden, who would run the tax-writing Finance Committee, wants to tax gains in capital assets each year even if they aren’t sold. The Judiciary Committee would go to Dick Durbin, who after having deposed Dianne Feinstein would target conservative nonprofits and think tanks for political attack.

Report: At Least 140 GOP House Members Plan to Challenge Electoral College Results on Jan. 6 By Debra Heine


At least 140 Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives plan to challenge the electoral vote results on January 6 when Congress meets to certify the next president, CNN reported on Thursday.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who launched the effort to challenge the “flawed election,” expressed surprise on Twitter that the number of House members joining him had grown that high.

As of Thursday, 29 House Republicans who serve, or will serve—plus Missouri Senator Josh Hawley had announced publicly that they will object to the Electoral College results.

According to Breitbart, those who have announced plans to object include:

Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), Rep.-elect Lauren Boebert (R-Co.), Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Al.), Rep. Ted Budd (R-N.C.), Rep.-elect Jerry Carl (R-Al.), Rep.-elect Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), Rep.-elect Andrew Clyde (R-Georgia), Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Rep.-elect Bob Good (R-Va.), Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas), Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Az.), Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.), Rep.-elect Yvette Herrell (R-N.M.), Rep. Jody Hice (R-Georgia), Rep.-elect Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), Rep.-elect Barry Moore (R-Al.), Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) , Rep.-elect Burgess Owens (R-Utah), Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia), Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.), Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas), Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.), Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), and Rep.-elect Diana Harshbarger (R-Tenn.)

Additionally, eight out of nine Republican lawmakers from Pennsylvania have announced their intentions to challenge the electoral results in a joint statement on Thursday: Reps. Mike Kelly, Dan Meuser, Glenn Thompson, Scott Perry, Lloyd Smucker, Guy Reschenthaler, John Joyce and Fred Keller.

“The Pennsylvania election could be summed up as a free-for-all with no oversight and different standards applied throughout the commonwealth,” the members said.

According to CNN’s Jake Tapper, two GOP House members are claiming that at least 140 congressmen are on board with the Brooks’ effort to challenge the shady results of the 2020 election.

A minimum of one representative and one senator are required to mount an objection that will force an extended debate before Congress counts the votes. So far, Sen. Hawley of Missouri is the only member of the Senate who has announced an intention to object to the 2020 election results.

Former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach told Breitbart’s Alex Marlow that “there may very well be a big fight in Congress over whether the votes of the electors of those states where they changed the rules without legislative action should be accepted.”

What Will Historians Make of Our Annus Horribilis? By Victor Davis Hanson


Amid the death, destruction, and dissension, history will show that America did not fall apart.

The year 2020 is now commonly dubbed the annus horribilis — “the horrible year.” The last ten months certainly have been awful.

But then so was 1968, when both Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated. The Tet Offensive escalated the Vietnam War and tore America apart. Race and anti-war riots rocked our major cities. Protesters fought with police at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. A new influenza virus, H3N2 (the “Hong Kong flu”), killed some 100,000 Americans.

But an even worse 2020 saw the COVID-19 outbreak reach global pandemic proportions by March. Chinese officials misled the world about the origins of the disease — without apologies.

Authorities here in the U.S. were sometimes contradictory in declaring quarantines either effective or superfluous. Masks were discouraged and then mandated. Researchers initially did not know how exactly the virus spread, only that it could be lethal to those over 65 or with comorbidities.

Initial forecasts of 1 million to 2 million Americans dying from the virus unduly panicked the population. But earlier assurances that the death toll wouldn’t reach 100,000 falsely reassured them.