Displaying the most recent of 90425 posts written by

Ruth King

2020 Election: I’m not mad, I’m furious By Suburban Lawyer


I am not mad about the massive election fraud. I am furious with the white-hot fury of a thousand suns. This Republic cannot long endure if its electoral system is thoroughly discredited by the widespread, and successful fraudulent schemes of big-city political machines in six swing states. It’s all out there in plain sight, no matter how hard the DemMedia tries to hide it.

Within a week after the election, the alarm was sounded. Larry Correia, novelist and retired accountant, asked on his website for a response from auditors and anti-fraud veterans to this question: “In your entire career, have you ever seen a case that threw up this many flags that DID NOT turn out to be fraud?” Over 50 people responded. All of them said with this many flags it was always fraud. 

The obvious response to these flags should have been for Republicans at the state level in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to immediately seize the evidence to forestall a cover-up. Ballots and voting machines in eight big cities should have been seized by investigators and forensically examined by anti-fraud experts.

The only forensic audit of the Dominion Voting Systems was held in Antrim County, Michigan. The report found the machines were spitting out 68% of ballots as “in error” so that an “adjudication system” could reassign them to a candidate, chosen by a computer algorithm or by a human somewhere in the world connected (locally or remotely) to the system. Contrary to lies from Dominion, the voting machines were connected to the Internet. A whistleblower in Michigan testified to that in a legislative hearing. Read the report. That was just one of many ways Dominion cheated the system.

How can anyone ignore how vote counting was stopped in the middle of the night? In Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Nevada officials mysteriously quit counting after midnight. Once that only happened in Cook County, Illinois. Now it’s all over the country. 

Ukraine press conference explicitly ties Hunter and Joe Biden to corruption By Andrea Widburg


A video from a press conference in Ukraine is going viral. It is the follow-up to a video press conference that Ukraine released over a year ago, in which Members of the Ukraine Parliament demanded that President Zelensky and President Trump investigate billions of dollars of corruption in Ukraine that is tied to the U.S. The newly released video is meant to provide documentary and eyewitness information about the corruption – and the Biden family figures prominently in the story.

The video is long – over an hour – and not all of it involves the Biden family. This post quotes those portions of the press conference that address Biden family corruption. The gist of it is that, while Democrats obsess about Trump’s purported criminality, despite the absence of any evidence, their chosen standard-bearer is extraordinarily corrupt.

Indeed, I would argue that Biden is one of the most corrupt politicians ever in America. In the past, corrupt politicians have confined themselves to playing dirty in their own back yard, making money from deals with fellow Americans.

I believe that Biden is the first person ever to serve in the highest reaches of government – the Senate and the Vice Presidency – who sold his country out to the highest foreign bidders. It’s an insult to everything America has stood for since its inception that massive election fraud might allow this person to set foot in the oval office.

With that intro, here’s the video, followed by quotations from the video regarding Joe and Hunter Biden. I recommend Nabu Leaks for more information, enlarged pictures of the relevant documents naming the Bidens, audios of phone calls between Biden and former President Poroshenko after Trump won the election, and the full transcript of the press conference.

Holding Strong in 2021 and Beyond By Rabbi Aryeh Spero


“Most shocking of all was the brazen, in-your-face theft of the 2020 election by the Deep State, the media, and Democrat party.  Evidence has shown that the election was stolen from President Trump and given to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  It was a betrayal of America and the American people.  It has made us wonder for the first time ever if America remains a place where we Americans determine who will be our officeholders and representatives. ”

This past year has been exceedingly difficult for many whose relatives and acquaintances unexpectedly passed away or became ill due to the worldwide COVID-19 plague.  Many “progressive” governors have in strongarm fashion exploited the situation for political power purposes, callously subduing our population. 

We watched as our cities and innocent people were violently attacked by Antifa and BLM, all the while being excused, justified, and even exalted by the media and opinion shapers.  American history, indeed Americanism itself, was maligned, the statues of our founding heroes toppled. It became fashionable to call for defunding the police and uprooting the last line of defense we citizens have against those who would severely harm us and damage our property.

Being white, or male, was indicted as a condition for guilt, and Israel and young Jewish students were maliciously attacked on campus and by academia as the latest target of the political and social left.  Left-wing anti-Semitism was pronounced, though rarely spotlighted or specifically condemned by establishment liberal Jewish organizations whose loyalty to left-wing causes most often overrides the security of American Jewry.

Most shocking of all was the brazen, in-your-face theft of the 2020 election by the Deep State, the media, and Democrat party.  Evidence has shown that the election was stolen from President Trump and given to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  It was a betrayal of America and the American people.  It has made us wonder for the first time ever if America remains a place where we Americans determine who will be our officeholders and representatives. 

In the aftermath of this fraud, we daily are shocked as the institutions historically established to protect us from such blatant disregard of the law and Constitution have remained silent and shirk their responsibility when asked to intervene — be they state legislatures, the media, and even the courts. 

Throughout this turmoil, most patriotic conservatives have remained steadfast and vigorously engaged in the battle against those tyrannical and cynical forces intent on stripping us of our birthright.  After all, as I continually remind people: “It’s your country… fight for it.”



Ukraine Press Conference December 27th 2020
English Subtitles included.

Georgia Lawmaker Jones Weighs Run to Be State’s Secretary of State By Li Hai


Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones, a Democrat who is a supporter of President Donald Trump, indicated recently that he may be open to running for election in 2022 to be the state’s secretary of state.

“A lot of people have been urging me to run for Georgia’s Secretary of State,” Jones wrote on Twitter on Dec. 23.

“The people of Georgia deserve to have faith in the integrity of our elections again. It might just be time to help #DrainTheSwamp right here at home.”

Jones, a lifelong Democrat, delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention on Aug. 24, in support of Trump’s reelection.

He believes there was fraud during the general election in November.

“There are too many sworn affidavits, there are too many people who have felt like their rights have been infringed upon, their voting rights,” Jones told The Epoch Times during a rally in Washington on Dec. 12.

Trump referred to the current secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, as an “enemy of the people” and claimed that Georgia had a “fraudulent system” in late November.

Running the elections is one of the main responsibilities of a state’s secretary of state.

PA GOP: 2020 Election Numbers ‘Don’t Add Up,’ Certification of Presidential Results ‘In Error’ By Debra Heine


A group of Republican Pennsylvania state lawmakers announced Monday that the certified results of the 2020 election for president in the Keystone State were off by more than 200,000 votes—more than twice the margin of Biden’s alleged victory.

The PA Republicans are now are questioning “how the results of the presidential election could possibly have been certified by Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar and Governor Tom Wolf,” according to PA State Rep. Russ Diamond.

A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on November 3, 2020 as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted. Among the 6,962,607 total ballots cast, 6,931,060 total votes were counted in the presidential race, including all three candidates on the ballot and write-in candidates.

The difference of 202,377 more votes cast than voters voting, together with the 31,547 over- and under-votes in the presidential race, adds up to an alarming discrepancy of 170,830 votes, which is more than twice the reported statewide difference between the two major candidates for President of the United States. On November 24, 2020, Boockvar certified election results, and Wolf issued a certificate of ascertainment of presidential electors, stating that Vice President Joe Biden received 80,555 more votes than President Donald Trump.

The PA lawmakers who participated in performing the extensive analysis of election data were State Reps. Frank Ryan (R-Lebanon), Russ Diamond (Lebanon), Dave Zimmerman (R-Lancaster), Barb Gleim (R-Cumberland), Stephanie Borowicz (R-Centre/Clinton), Dan Moul (R-Adams), Paul Schemel (R-Franklin), Dawn Keefer (R-York/Cumberland), Eric Nelson (R-Westmoreland), Mike Jones (R-York), Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin), David Maloney (R-Berks), David Rowe (R-Snyder/Union), Kathy Rapp (R-Warren/Crawford/Forest), Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler), Jim Cox (R-Berks/Lancaster) and Brett Miller (R-Lancaster).

Heroes, Villains, and Victims of the 2020 Horror Show Who were the year’s heroes, its villains and, above all, its victims? And which figure in American politics fits the bill for all three? By Julie Kelly *****


The year began with so much optimism.

Record low unemployment, rising wages, and a strong stock market buoyed the outlook for business owners and consumers alike. The president earned all-time high approval ratings following the Democrats’ impeachment farce. In February 2020, Republicans enjoyed a seven-point lead over Democrats in party affiliation, an advantage the GOP hadn’t seen in at least 15 years. The Democratic presidential primary field was a clown show; party elders publicly worried that none of the candidates could prevail over President Trump in November.

And then—disaster.

The ongoing catastrophe related to COVID-19 is mostly caused by human malice and hubris, not the virus. The year 2020 featured many villains, a handful of heroes, and millions of defenseless victims harmed by heartless authoritarians of both parties—politicians and bureaucrats consumed with power, arrogance, and an insatiable lust for the media’s approval.

The Heroes

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: After barely beating Andrew Gillum in 2018, DeSantis landed near the top of the Left’s hit list and has stayed there ever since. DeSantis resisted calls in the spring to shut down Florida amid a vicious smear campaign by the news media, which continue to vilify him to this day.

DeSantis navigated a summer surge that also hit other parts of the Sun Belt without coming close to the fatality rates endured in states such as New York and New Jersey, which were hailed as models by the Left. In September, DeSantis lifted all restrictions on bars and restaurants and opened up nursing homes for family visits, later promising never to shut down again. People and businesses are flocking to the Sunshine State from failed blue states. DeSantis, 42, now is viewed as a 2024 Republican presidential contender.

Dr. Scott Atlas: A neuroradiologist and Hoover Institution fellow, Atlas joined President Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force in August, six months too late. An early proponent of a more realistic approach to COVID-19, Atlas has been torched by the press, Democrats, public health “experts,” his Stanford colleagues, and even some in the White House.

But his views about herd immunity, mask use, and the human toll of lockdowns are scientifically sound. The people who push lockdowns, Atlas told me this year, “have blood on their hands.” Sad, but true: History will be much kinder to Atlas than to the current tyrants in the media and “expert” class.

Alex Berenson, Team Reality: Only a very small handful of journalists and commentators objected in March to shutdown orders to “flatten the curve.” Former New York Times reporter and author Alex Berenson led the pack this year, challenging the groupthink of his peers and focusing on data as opposed to fear. Amazon briefly banned the sale of his ebook critical of lockdowns. Others on Team Reality include Jordan Schachtel, Justin Hart, Aaron Ginn, Phil Kerpen, Daniel Horowitz, Steve Deace, Jesse Kelly, Tracy Beanz, and many others behind the scenes studying the actual science.

China’s Green NGO Climate Propaganda Enablers Climate change is a national security threat—but not in the way the national security elite assumes. By Rupert Darwall


Shortly before the Soviet Union collapsed, Greenpeace opened an office in Moscow. It enjoyed the patronage of a leading member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and enjoyed Kremlin funding, laundered through a state-owned record company. The green activist group made clear that it would have nothing to do with environmental groups in the Baltic republics. Recycling standard Soviet propaganda, Greenpeace denounced them as little more than separatist organizations.

This was by no means a one-off. The inconvenient truth: the environmental movement fought on the wrong side of the Cold War. In the early 1980s, it used the “nuclear winter” scare to try to stop Ronald Reagan’s nuclear build-up and undermine the West’s ability to negotiate the arms agreement that effectively ended the Cold War. It turns out that nuclear winter had been concocted by the KGB and transmitted to America by executives of the Rockefeller Family Fund. A nuclear winter conference held in 1983 was supported by 31 environmental groups, including the Environmental Defense Fund, Friends of the Earth, and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

This pattern, wherein the West’s enemies use the environmental movement—whether NGOs like Greenpeace, foundations, or “concerned scientists,” to undermine Western interests—is now being repeated, this time in respect to China. A report by Patricia Adams for the London-based Global Warming Policy Foundation released earlier this month lays bare the role of the green movement in acting as China’s propagandists.

Since Xi Jinping became general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party eight years ago, almost everyone who believed China’s Communist regime would become more benign internally and less threatening externally has revised his opinion—everyone, that is, apart from climate activists.

Palestinians: An International “Peace” Conference to Displace Israel by Bassam Tawil


While Abbas is talking to the international community about his desire to achieve a peaceful settlement alongside Israel, his Fatah faction is sending messages to the Palestinians that glorify the “armed struggle” against Israel and that promise a “revolution until victory” — meaning replace Israel.

The poster chosen by Fatah to celebrate the January 1, 1965 anniversary of the first terrorist attack against Israel depicts a map of “Palestine” superimposed over the entire state of Israel.

It is important to note that Fatah is one of the groups forming the Unified Leadership of the Palestinian Resistance. When the Palestinians talk about “resistance,” they are referring to actions such as throwing rocks and firebombs at soldiers and settlers, as well as stabbings, shootings and car-ramming attacks.

Abbas has long been dreaming of a multi-party conference that will impose a solution on Israel. He does not want to hold direct negotiations with Israel.

Abbas claims to the international community that he just wants to establish a Fatah-controlled Palestinian state next to Israel, with the help of the UN, Russia, China, and the European Union…. He does not want Biden and other world leaders to hear the messages of violence that Fatah is spreading (in Arabic), including his pledge to “liberate Palestine.”

What Fatah is saying in Arabic is infinitely more important than what Abbas writes in a letter to the UN secretary-general or to any world leader…. Failure to call out the Palestinians for their self-contradictory messages will not advance any cause of peace, but, on the contrary, only further embolden Palestinians to carry out more terrorist attacks and thwart the way to peace.

The Palestinian ruling Fatah faction has just celebrated the 56th anniversary of the launching of its first terrorist attack on January 1, 1965 by promising, in Arabic, to continue the fight to do away with Israel. On that day, Fatah terrorists attempted to bomb Israel’s National Water Carrier.

Two Newly-Elected Progressives Decline to Say if They’ll Back Pelosi for Speaker By Brittany Bernstein


Representative-elect Cori Bush (D., Mo.) and Representative-elect Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.), both of whom are progressives, declined to say Sunday if they will vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker.

“I am going to make sure that voices of the people of St. Louis are heard and we have what we need. And so you will find out then,” Bush said in an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Host Dana Bush then asked Bowman, who said, “You will find out when my vote is tallied and, again, organizing with our community to figure out what’s best.”

Bush beat out Representative William Lacy Clay Jr. in August before handily winning election in November. Bowman defeated longtime New York Representative Eliot Engel in the Democratic primary in July.

Pelosi is looking to serve her fourth two-year term as Speaker of the House, where Democrats hold a small majority after losing ten seats in the November election. Meanwhile, some Democrats will leave their posts to hold positions in the Biden administration.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has emerged as the de facto spokeswoman for House progressives, criticized her party’s leadership in an interview earlier this month for refusing to cede power to a new generation of lawmakers.

“I do think that we need new leadership in the Democratic Party,” Ocasio-Cortez said on The Intercept’s podcast Intercepted. However, there aren’t any alternative candidates for House leadership positions because the party didn’t invest in “real grooming of a next generation of leadership.”