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Ruth King

Criticizing Public Figures, Including Influential Journalists, is Not Harassment or Abuse As social media empowers uncredentialed people to be heard, society’s most powerful actors seek to cast themselves as victims and delegitimize all critiques. Glenn Greenwald


“Knowing that you will be vilified as some kind of brute abuser if you criticize a New York Times reporter is, for many people, too high of a price to pay for doing it. So people instead refrain, stay quiet, and that is the obvious objective of this lowly strategy.”

The most powerful and influential newspaper in the U.S., arguably the West, is The New York Times. Journalists who write for it, especially those whose work is featured on its front page or in its op-ed section, wield immense power to shape public discourse, influence thought, set the political agenda for the planet’s most powerful nation, expose injustices, or ruin the lives of public figures and private citizens alike. That is an enormous amount of power in the hands of one media institution and its employees. That’s why it calls itself the Paper of Record.

One of the Paper of Record’s star reporters, Taylor Lorenz, has been much discussed of late. That is so for three reasons. The first is that the thirty-six-year-old tech and culture reporter has helped innovate a new kind of reportorial beat that seems to have a couple of purposes. She publishes articles exploring in great detail the online culture of teenagers and very young adults, which, as a father of two young Tik-Tok-using children, I have found occasionally and mildly interesting. She also seeks to catch famous and non-famous people alike using bad words or being in close digital proximity to bad people so that she can alert the rest of the world to these important findings. It is natural that journalists who pioneer a new form of reporting this way are going to be discussed.

The second reason Lorenz is the topic of recent discussion is that she has been repeatedly caught fabricating claims about influential people, and attempting to ruin the reputations and lives of decidedly non-famous people. In the last six weeks alone, she twice publicly lied about Netscape founder Marc Andreessen: once claiming he used the word “retarded” in a Clubhouse room in which she was lurking (he had not) and then accusing him of plotting with a white nationalist in a different Clubhouse room to attack her (he, in fact, had said nothing).


Kamala Harris Called for Kavanaugh’s Impeachment, But She’s Silent on Andrew Cuomo https://www.lifenews.com/2021/03/09/kamala-harris-called-for-kavanaughs-impeachment-but-shes-silent-on-andrew-cuomo/

‘The Five’ say Cuomo is ‘hanging on by his fingernails’ as allegations continue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_DqyX1qT_s

Pelosi Task Force Seeks Permanent D.C. Military Occupation That Can Self-Deploy Without

Presidential Authorization https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2021/03/pelosi-task-force-seeks-permanent-dc-military-daniel-greenfield/

Entire Staff Of Nevada Democratic Party Quits After Socialists Win Key Leadership Positions https://thejewishvoice.com/2021/03/entire-staff-of-nevada-democratic-party-quits-after-socialists-win-key-leadership-positions/

Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer May Face Charges for Order Killing Nursing Home Residents https://www.lifenews.com/2021/03/09/michigan-gov-gretchen-whitmer-may-face-charges-for-order-killing-nursing-home-residents/

The Emerging Existential Crisis at the Border https://townhall.com/columnists/patbuchanan/2021/03/09/the-emerging-existential-crisis-at-the-border-n2585906?

How the border crisis could bring the end of the republic https://www.wnd.com/2021/03/border-crisis-bring-end-republic/

LA teachers warned to not share vacation pics as union seeks safe return to classrooms: report https://www.foxnews.com/us/la-teachers-warned-to-not-share-vacation-pics-as-union-seeks-safe-return-to-classrooms-report

Switzerland: Voters Approve ‘Burqa Ban’ by Soeren Kern


The referenda reflect the determination of a majority of Swiss voters to preserve Swiss traditions and values in the face of runaway multiculturalism and the encroachment of political Islam.

Switzerland now joins Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands and Sweden, all of which currently have full or partial bans on religious and non-religious face coverings.

“In Switzerland our tradition is that you show your face. That is a sign of our basic freedoms.” — Walter Wobmann, member of the Swiss People’s Party, the biggest political party in Switzerland.

“Some Muslims also understood that the niqab is a clear symbol of radical Islam.” — Jean-Luc Addor, member of the Swiss People’s Party.

“Saying yes to the ban on veiling is saying no to a totalitarian ideology that has no place in a democracy.” — Saïda Keller-Messahli, founder and president of the Forum for a Progressive Islam.

“The full veil, which turns the woman into a faceless being without an identity, is a symbol of misogynistic political Islam. It is the most visible symbol of an overall fascist ideology, which includes gender apartheid, but also anti-Semitism and gay hatred….” — Gisela Widmer, Swiss author and playwright.

Swiss voters have narrowly approved a proposal to ban face coverings in public spaces. The measure comes just over a decade after citizens voted to ban the construction of minarets, the tower-like structures on mosques that are often used to call Muslims to prayer.

The referenda reflect the determination of a majority of Swiss voters to preserve Swiss traditions and values in the face of runaway multiculturalism and the encroachment of political Islam.

Switzerland now joins Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands and Sweden, all of which currently have full or partial bans on religious and non-religious face coverings.

The binding referendum, approved on March 7 by 51.2% of voters, is popularly known as the “burqa initiative,” although the proposal does not specifically mention burqas or niqabs, the face-coving garments worn by some Muslim women. The ban encompasses most face coverings, including the bandanas and masks sometimes used by violent street protesters, and applies to all public spaces, including parks, restaurants, shops, and public transport.

The measure allows for some exceptions: health (anti-Covid masks); weather (scarves), safety (motorcycle helmets) and local customs (carnival costumes). Face coverings may also be worn inside houses of worship.

Chief justice Mogoeng told to retract and apologize for pro-Israel comments Andisiwe Makinana


Chief justice Mogoeng Mogoeng has been ordered to apologise for, and retract, pro-Israel comments he made during a webinar in June last year.

The Judicial Conduct Committee found Mogoeng guilty and ordered him to apologise unconditionally for becoming involved in political controversy through his utterances in the online seminar hosted by The Jerusalem Post on June 23 2020.

The committee further ordered Mogoeng to unreservedly retract and withdraw a statement he uttered after a public outcry over his initial comments. He said he stood by his comments and that he would not apologise or retract them — “even if 50 million people were to march every day for 10 years for me to do so, I would not apologise”.

“If I perish, I perish,” he said.

An NGO, Africa 4 Palestine, the SA Boycott Disinvestments and Sanctions Coalition (SA BDS Coalition) and a Durban-based Women’s Cultural Group (WCG) complained separately to the Judicial Service Commission about Mogoeng’s comments in July.

Whistleblower: Biden’s FAA Forcing Air Traffic Controllers to Wear Masks While Speaking to Pilots, Causing Serious Read-Back Errors By Debra Heine (!!!!!???###)


An Air traffic controller is ringing alarm bells about the Biden administration’s mask mandates, warning that the face coverings are creating a serious safety hazard.

Investigative journalist Alex Berenson reported on Twitter that he received an “urgent warning” from an air traffic controller who works at a major Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

The whistleblower told Berenson that the FAA issued a guidance about a month ago requiring controllers to “wear masks at all times” while at work and in position, and warned that the directive could have devastating consequences for airline passengers and pilots.

Prior to this, he said, most controllers took off masks while speaking directly with pilots.

The whistleblower noted that posters have gone up where he works that say “mask up for the mission,” and his supervisors are now insisting that they keep the masks on while speaking with pilots.

“For context, our headsets use a boom microphone that adjusts to fit somewhere an inch or two away from our face. It has created an issue where we get a lot more read-back errors from pilots on instructions because they can’t hear us clearly over the radio,” he explained.

“A bad readback or failure to even copy can cause a lot of problems when we’re busy because we use up more time to correct them,” he continued. “Worst case scenario is a pilot thinks we say something, reads it back wrong, and it results in disaster because we can’t correct them before we lose them on radios.”

Never Again: The Time to Stop China’s Holocaust is Now By Janet Levy


As early as December 1942, the Allies knew of Nazi Germany’s massacre and horrific abuse of Jews and other populations the Nazis deemed inferior.  Two million Jews had already been killed by then.  But the Allies were slow to act against the unspeakable evil.  By the time the Second World War was over, the Nazis had exterminated 20 million people, including six million Jews.

Today, the world is again displaying that willful, unconscionable blindness.  It is doing nothing as Communist China forces Uighurs and other minority groups it finds politically or culturally undesirable into prison camps with marked similarities to Nazi concentration camps.

The Nazis killed their victims by gassing them, shooting them, and subjecting them to gratuitous torture and forced labor.  Thousands died of disease and malnutrition.  With highly organized teams, Josef Mengele, also known as the Angel of Death, conducted abominable medical and “eugenic” experiments on detainees.  Out of revulsion at what had happened in Nazi-occupied Europe, there were many proclamations of “Never Again.”  Never again would the world stand by and allow a genocide of such mammoth proportions and abject evil.

Despite that pledge arising from the carnage of the Shoah, the world seems indifferent to Communist China’s network of prison camps, where the atrocities being committed may well approach or surpass those of the Third Reich.  Staring us in the face is the possibility of another monstrous genocide. In addition to Uighurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, other minorities, Christians, Buddhists, and Falun Gong practitioners are being shoved into these camps for re-education through brainwashing, rape, sterilization, involuntary abortions, torture, and forced labor.  Falun Gong adherents, a peace-loving group with over 100 million followers worldwide, banned since the 1990s, are being harvested for their organs to supply an ever-growing transplant industry.  Genetic experiments are being conducted to breed sought-after characteristics in humans and monkeys.  Replacing notions of Aryan superiority with Han Chinese supremacy, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is aiming to become the global hegemon by creating its own delusional version of a master race.

Turner Classic Movies goes woke By David Lazar


Dear TCM,

Imagine my surprise last week when I clicked on the cable listing you’d posted for a primetime airing of Gone with the Wind and found, in place of the brief synopsis you customarily provide, a trigger warning that the film contained ‘imagery and depictions that may be offensive to modern audiences.’

Just to be sure, I checked with my local cable provider to see if this was their doing and confirmed that the wording for the listing was indeed furnished by TCM. A quick web search later, I learned this treatment was part of a monthlong promotion TCM would be running for March, titled ‘Reframed: Classics in the Rearview Mirror,’ in which your on-air cast of 30- and 40-something woke sherpas would be revisiting a handful of Hollywood’s greatest productions – from Breakfast at Tiffany’s and My Fair Lady to Psycho and The Searchers – to retroactively enlighten us on why these classics, the films we’ve all come to love, are “problematic.”

This, of course, comes on the heels of cancel culture’s collective scalpings of Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potatohead, Pepé le Pew, and Mallard Fillmore as insidious avatars of violent insurrectionist, toxically masculine, militant white supremacist America – cultural touchstones every bit as dangerous to the nation’s youth and delicate sensibilities as boxes of razor wire — and fentanyl-laced Tootsie Rolls handed out by Pennywise on Halloween.

The plague of racist ‘anti-racism’ is infecting the legal profession By Andrea Widburg


Tuesday brought two stories about the pernicious influence of Critical Race Theory or racist “anti-racism” infecting the way law is being taught and practiced in America. One story concerns a college professor putting pressure on law schools to stop admitting white students. Another story involves Coca-Cola’s lead in-house counsel telling outside law firms that, if they want to do business with Coke, they need to hire blacks in huge numbers. It’s blackmail and it’s illegal. But Coke is woke (and getting broke) so it acts with “anti-racist” impunity.

The first story concerns a teacher at the University of Dayton who’s taken her pique at failing to get into law school and turned it into a woke, anti-white project:

If you’ve been eyeing law school, perhaps you wondered which ones are the whitest.

If so, a teacher at the University of Dayton’s got you covered.

She’s crafted a report ranking said schools according to the percentage of white first-year students.

But the list isn’t only to help you make an informed choice; she wants to encourage colleges to put the kibosh on whiteness overload.

As relayed by Discovery Institute Director Christopher F. Rufo, during a March 4th virtual event, Professor Emeritus Vernellia R. Randall unveiled her “2021 The Whitest Law School Report.”

China Ramps up Pressure on Taiwan by Judith Bergman


One of the “necessary means” that China employs against Taiwan is forcing the Taiwanese air force to be on constant alert… It is part of a strategy known as “gray-zone warfare” that aims to intimidate and ultimately exhaust Taiwan’s resolve to resist the Chinese takeover. Tensions in the region are now considered to be at their highest since the mid-1990s.

More recently, China has expanded its operations against Taiwan from the air to the sea.

The new law authorizes China’s coast guard to use “all necessary means” to stop or prevent threats from foreign vessels, including the use of fire weapons.

“I think the time has come to be clear: Replace strategic ambiguity with strategic clarity that the United States will come to the aid of Taiwan if China was to forcefully invade Taiwan or otherwise change the status quo across the [Taiwan] Strait.” — Senator Tom Cotton, Defense News, February 18, 2021.

“China must be, will be reunified” with Taiwan, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced in January 2019. The goal of reunification is a basic tenet of China’s policy regarding Taiwan. It forms a central part of Xi’s nationalist doctrine, according to which, reunification is “a must for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era”.

“We are willing to create broad space for peaceful reunification, but will leave no room for any form of separatist activities”, he added. “We make no promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the option of taking all necessary means.”

One of the “necessary means” that China employs against Taiwan is forcing the Taiwanese air force to be on constant alert. Chinese jets made a record 380 incursions into the Taiwanese air defence identification zone (ADIZ) in 2020 — the highest number of incursions since 1996 — thereby forcing the Taiwanese air force constantly to scramble military aircraft to head off the Chinese incursions. It is part of a strategy known as “gray-zone warfare” that aims to intimidate and ultimately exhaust Taiwan’s resolve to resist the Chinese takeover. Tensions in the region are now considered to be at their highest since the mid-1990s.

German State Govt Says No Permit Needed for Islamic Call to Prayer Over Loudspeakers Everyone in the state will hear the multiculturalism five times daily now. Robert Spencer


Here is some exciting news for those who are impatient for our glorious multicultural future to arrive. A cultural line has been crossed. And the implications of this, beyond the expected hosannas from the usual proponents of globalism and multiculturalism, are ominous. 

The German-language Junge Freiheit reported Monday that “according to the Hessian state government, muezzin calls can be made without a permit.” The Hessians have a bad record going back to serving as mercenaries in the British army during the American Revolution, and this isn’t any better. The state government explained in response to an inquiry from the Alliance for Germany (AfD), which opposes mass migration: “Contrary to the assumption of the questioner, no (immission control) approval is required for the Muslim call to prayer, with or without loudspeaker. Approvals were therefore not granted and can therefore not be withdrawn or revoked.” 

The AfD inquiry had noted that the Islamic call to prayer was broadcast over loudspeakers “in many cases with massive disapproval from the affected non-Muslim population, who saw the muezzin call as an expression of Islamic dominance and a violation of their own religious and cultural identity.”

The Hessian state government brushed such concerns aside and implied that the questioners were bigoted even just for raising such concerns: “In a society that gives room to different beliefs, there is no right to be spared from contact with deviating statements of faith or religious symbols, even under the aspect of so-called negative religious freedom.”