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Ruth King

The intimidation of Mellissa Carone By John Dietrich


Dominion Voting Systems is presently going on attack.  Attorneys Thomas Clare and Megan Meier, representing Dominion, sent letters to President Donald Trump’s supporters demanding that the cease making false and “defamatory” claims about the company’s role in voter fraud.  Their letter to Mellissa Carone, dated 22 December 2020, has been posted on the internet.  The letter reveals that Dominion may not be competently represented.  The attorneys claim that Carone was Giuliani’s “star witness” who made outlandish accusations “without a shred of corroborating evidence.” Who designated Mellissa Carone a “star witness”?  Giuliani had several witnesses.

The attorneys claim that Carone was “hired through a staffing agency for one day to clean glass on machines and complete other menial tasks.”  She was simply a cleaning lady.  John Poulos, Dominion CEO, testified that her role was “really limited to a type one type of technician who provides — she would have been told how to clean the glass read heads or at least she should have been.”  Poulos concedes that Carone was a “technician” but still minimized her role.  Wikibious describes her as a “contracted IT worker who was responsible for fixing malfunctioning vote-counting machines at Michigan’s TCF Center.”

Carone is warned of possible litigation.  “Litigation regarding these issues is imminent.”  They present her with a list of demands that would require a full-time staff to meet.  She has to “preserve all documents relating to such claims,” including “any and all communications she may have had with Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Jenna Ellis, Rudy Giuliani and any other member of the Trump campaign.” They also demanded “preservation of records for every person who has compensated her—or any entity related to her—for making public statements about Dominion.”  

The demand for various documents is nearly 400 words long.  They then inform her that, “The laws and rules prohibiting destruction of evidence apply to electronically stored information in the same manner that they apply to other evidence.”  The laws are spelled out clearly in 18 U.S. Code§ 1519.  The only problem is that this statute deals with Federal litigation.  Clare and Meier have not even begun their court case.  Perhaps they believe Carone will not be advised by several attorneys that they have no authority.  They are simply trying to intimidate her.

A Supreme Court in Hiding is Dangerous for Our Country By Jerome Michaels


In accordance with Art VI of the Constitution, every sitting Supreme Court justice has taken an oath swearing that he or she will “support this Constitution.” The Constitution the justices have sworn to protect is predicated upon free and fair elections so that the government reflects the will of the People. When the justices refuse to protect election integrity, they are violating their sworn oath and putting our constitutional republic at grave risk.

I recently wrote a suggested Supreme Court opinion. It said the Court must decide “credible and significant” claims of election wrongdoing on their merits before elected officials are sworn in—-except for the President, where the Constitution provides a fallback political method of election. My article suggested what the Supreme Court should do. This article discusses their inaction and warns of the consequences if the justices continue to run and hide.

Americans paying attention to the 2020 Election must be baffled by our courts. A thousand sworn statements about election wrongdoing, bizarre 4 a.m. “vote spikes” for one candidate, hundreds of thousands of ballots driven from one state to the another, counting machines with 68% error rates, etc., etc. Such claims should at least get a day in court.

Yet so far, they can’t get a sniff. With few exceptions, no state or federal court in our country has had the courage to look at the merits of these claims. The most significant challenge to our Constitutional Republic since the first Civil War can’t get a parking ticket.

The Pennsylvania Supremes liked “laches” or simply put, “you waited too long.” The claim asserted was simple—- the Pennsylvania Constitution does not authorize mail-in voting so the legislature can’t do it. (One brave judge said “good point” and was promptly swept away by her betters). The Pennsylvania Supremes said you had to sue before the election. Of course, if you had, they would have said “go away you haven’t been injured.” Welcome to the legal Land of Oz.

What Denying Election Fraud Accomplishes By Mark Andrew Dwyer


There were voluminous reports, from eyewitnesses and experts, of widespread election fraud in the so-called battle states and beyond.  Specific allegations were made, and evidence of election rules violations and statistical anomalies were collected.  Yet the courts refused to listen to virtually all witnesses and experts, rejected most of the evidence, and refused to subpoena more evidence requested by the plaintiffs.  Many state government officials and some top representatives of companies supplying voting machines and software categorically denied any election fraud.

So, on the one hand, there is plenty of evidence strongly suggesting that the widely observed election fraud took place during the 2020 presidential elections.  On the other hand, all we have are assurances of the election fraud–deniers that there was no election fraud, which were later changed to admissions that although election fraud did take place, it wasn’t large enough to sway the results.  No verifiable facts that would clearly invalidate the specific election fraud allegations were presented to the public as of time of this writing, while quite a lot of obstruction of investigations, like denials to subject the vote-counting software and hardware to examination by independent experts, took place.  Some of this obstruction had all appearances of a cover-up.

I must say that anyone who, knowing the above, claims that Joe Biden has received required majorities of legitimate votes to become a duly elected president is either stupid or willing to cover up the truth about the rigged elections that we have allowed to continue in America.

I am not going to analyze the stupid.  However, I would like to look into possible reasons why an intelligent observer would opt for cover-up of election fraud if it did take place.

Legal Memo Outlines Strategy for Trump to Succeed Having Supreme Court Hear Election Dispute By Matt Margolis


The Western Journal has published a legal memo written by William J. Olson & Patrick M. McSweeney that, they say, “outlines a possible legal strategy for the Trump campaign to follow in the coming weeks.” The legal memo was reportedly sent to President Trump prior to it being published on The Western Journal.

The authors of the memo contend that by refusing to hear Texas v. Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court” abdicated its constitutional duty to resolve a real and substantial controversy among states that was properly brought as an original action in that Court,” resulting in intense criticism that they had evaded “the most important inter-state constitutional case brought to it in many decades, if not ever.”

“However,” the authors say, “even in its Order dismissing the case, the Supreme Court identified how another challenge could be brought successfully — by a different plaintiff.”

Just because Texas did not persuade the Justices that what happens in Pennsylvania hurts Texas does not mean that the United States of America could not persuade the justices that when Pennsylvania violates the U.S. Constitution, it harms the nation. Article III, § 2, cl. 2 confers original jurisdiction on the Supreme Court in any case suit brought by the United States against a state. Thus, the United States can and should file suit against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. Like the Texas suit, that new suit would seek an order invalidating the appointment of the electors appointed by those four defendant States that refused to abide by the terms of the Presidential Electors Clause.

Olsen and McSweeney say that if this happened, it would “leave it to the state legislatures in those four states to “appoint” electors — which is what the Constitution requires. The United States suffered an injury when those four states “violated the Constitution by allowing electors who had not been appointed in the manner prescribed by the state legislature.”

Here’s How a Republican Could End up Speaker of the House Instead of Nancy Pelosi By Matt Margolis


According to a report, Democrats are panicking, fearful that the COVID-19 pandemic could prevent Nancy Pelosi from being re-elected as House speaker despite Democrats holding a majority in the chamber.

Is this really possible? Well, let’s see.

While House members can vote by proxy due to emergency rules adopted in May to protect members from getting and spreading COVID-19, but, as The Hill reports, “the proxy-voting rule expires with the new Congress, requiring lawmakers to be in the Capitol in person if they want to participate in the Jan. 3 floor vote for Speaker.”

New rules governing the 117th Congress happen after the vote for speaker.

House Democrats have been taking advantage of this proxy-voting rule in significant numbers. On December 18, nearly 90 Democrats voted by proxy.

This means that candidates for speaker of the House must receive a majority of the votes cast in person to be elected speaker. Democrats already have a thin majority of 222 seats following the 2020 election, and three moderate Democrats say they don’t intend to vote for Pelosi when the vote takes place on January 3. In addition, several Democrats have health conditions that have kept them from the Capitol in 2020. It would only take a small number of Democrats being exposed to COVID-19 prior to the vote for Pelosi to potentially be in trouble.

“COVID is a wild card,” said Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.). “If we have sick members who cannot come back, and we only have a four-vote majority, it throws our entire advent of the 117th Congress in peril — a smooth advent.”

The Emperor Has No Clothes: A Tale for the Times By David Solway


Hans Christian Andersen’s celebrated folk tale The Emperor’s New Clothes serves as a parable for our ideological age and in particular for the current political environment in the U.S. in which a presidential election has been stolen from the people by massive and undoubted electoral fraud.

We remember how the tale begins. A team of weavers come to town and convince the Emperor that they can weave him a magical suit of clothes of unsurpassed magnificence that can also serve to distinguish the foolish from the wise. Only those unfit for the jobs and positions they hold will not be able to see it; the rest will be in awe of the beauty of the apparel. The weavers pretend “to work at the empty looms until late at night…cutting the air with their scissors and sewing with needles without any thread in them.”

The Emperor sends his emissaries to examine the wondrous cloth. Unwilling to admit that they see nothing, thus exposing themselves as nitwits, they return full of praise for the invisible stuff. “What a splendid design! What glorious colors!” they gush. Meanwhile “the thieves ask for more silk and gold to complete what they had begun and put all that was given them into their knapsacks.” When all is ready and the Emperor properly fitted, he appears in public “walking under his high canopy” in a grand procession “through the streets of his capital.” The people are amazed by the spectacle. “‘Oh! How beautiful are our Emperor’s new clothes!’ they cry. ‘What a magnificent train there is to the mantle; and how gracefully the scarf hangs!’ No one would admit that these much admired clothes could not be seen because, in doing so, he would have been saying he was either a simpleton or unfit for his job.”

Except, of course, for the proverbial “little child,” the incarnation of innocence and honesty, who speaks the truth—“But the Emperor has nothing at all on!”—and manages to convey his message to the crowd. “What the child has said was whispered from one to another.” The Emperor realizes that he has gone from riches to rags. He has no choice but to accept his disgrace and “walk on in his underwear,” while his attendants go through the motions of holding up his train, “although, in reality, there was no train to hold.”

Obviously, the tale cannot be applied point by point to the current situation unfolding in the political theater that passes for an election. As Samuel Taylor Coleridge said in his Biographia Literaria, “No metaphor runs on all four legs.” Nonetheless, there are enough similarities to establish the story as a political primer, with variations and idiomatic applications, for the sordid scene we are witnessing daily. The sartorial travesty is or should be plain for all to see.



Since most Americans have not had the chance or inclination to read 5,000+ pages of the latest stimulus package, we owe Jesse Watters a debt of gratitude for his accounting of how politicians are misusing taxpayer money.  Instead of assisting Americans, many of whom are on the brink of disaster, the virtue-signaling Democrats want to give

$700M to Sudan
$10M to Pakistan for gender studies
$506M to Central America to fight corruption
$300M to Caribbean countries to study how many fish are in the sea
$500M to build a border wall between Jordan and Syria
$86 million to Cambodia
$1.3 billion to Egypt

Watters emphatically asserts that these politicians are “stealing our money to send it to other countries.”  Moreover, the politicians also dream of the following distributions.

$1.3 million to see if Americans will eat bugs
$2 million to see if going in a hot tub will reduce stress
$150K on Kenyan art classes
$37M to stop Filipino students from playing hooky
$3M to send Russian students to American community colleges
5M to walk lizards on a treadmill
$4.5M to spray alcoholic rats with bobcat urine

If Americans were not hurting so much, I would have thought that the above list of disbursements was actually a comedy skit to relieve the tension of living from check to check or no check as the case might be.  Gender studies in Pakistan — the land where women are murdered for any Islamic infraction.  As Bruce Thornton explains,

U.S. “Driving Stake Through Heart” of German-Russian Pipeline by Soeren Kern


“We continue to call on Russia to cease using its energy resources for coercive purposes. Russia uses its energy export pipelines to create national and regional dependencies on Russian energy supplies, leveraging these dependencies to expand its political, economic, and military influence, weaken European security, and undermine U.S. national security and foreign policy interests. These pipelines also reduce European energy diversification, and hence weaken European energy security. — U.S. Department of State, “Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act,” October 20, 2020.

On December 24, the Kremlin admitted that U.S. sanctions may succeed in preventing completion of the pipeline. The U.S. government is now readying a fresh round of congressionally mandated sanctions that could deal a fatal blow to the project, according to the Reuters news agency.

A report by the Swedish Defense Research Agency found that Russia has threatened to cut energy supplies to Central and Eastern European more than 50 times. Even after some of those states joined the European Union, Russian threats continued.

The United States is ratcheting up the threat of sanctions against European companies in an effort to deal a death blow to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany. The pipeline would double shipments of Russian natural gas to Germany by transporting the gas under the Baltic Sea. U.S. President Donald Trump, like his predecessor Barack Obama, has criticized the project because it would make Germany “captive” to Russia for its energy supplies.

Hypersensitive Covid tests, ‘sick’ fruit, and the mendacious Dr. Fauci By Andrea Widburg


The Wuhan virus has been politicized around the world, but America has taken politicization to nuclear levels because the Democrats weaponized it against Trump. It’s been in the establishment’s interests to inflate Wuhan virus numbers by manipulating the RT-PCR test used to diagnose people with the virus. In Europe, they’re figuring out the false positives problem, but that information is hidden in the US. A new video, however, explains what’s going on — and the ‘sick’ kiwis help prove it.

The current diagnostic test for the Wuhan virus is based upon the Polymerase Chain Reaction (“PCR”) technique that Kary Banks Mullis, a biochemist, invented in 1983. The technique is so important that Mullis won a Nobel Prize in chemistry – and, unlike the Nobel Peace prize, that is a prize with a legitimate cachet.

Here, shorn of any scientific language at all, is what the PCR technique does: It takes a molecule and repeatedly “cycles” it, with each cycle making the molecule twice as large as before. The first cycle doubles the size (2 x 2); the second cycle creates makes it eight times as big as the original (2 x 2 x 2); the third cycle makes it sixteen times as big (2 x 2 x 2 x 2); and so on, to theoretically indefinite numbers of cycles.

The point of the test is that there will come a point at which you’ve enlarged the molecule enough that you can see what’s inside it. Keep in mind, though, that the more you magnify a thing, the more you see things you wouldn’t have noticed before. For example, the pictures below all show a drop of blood with the magnification increasing from an ordinary camera shot to a regular microscope to an electron microscope:

What’s happening with the PCR test when it’s used to diagnose the Wuhan virus (the “RT-PCR” test) is that there’s no standard for the number of cycles being run to enlarge the molecule inspected. Some labs are doing as many as 30 cycles, which means they’re blowing up the molecule as if it’s in an electron microscope and finding all sorts of things, including minute and meaningless virus particles.

Did Americans Come to Love Big Brother? Millions of Americans may come to resemble Winston Smith, the defeated hero of Nineteen Eighty-Four, who at last accepts the calm. By Victor Davis Hanson


In less than a month, there will likely be no more President Trump for the media to obsess over. No more false stories about him overfeeding koi fish or headlines screeching that Trump told Americans to inject bleach to combat COVID-19. No more Trump-fixated media worries over how to best accentuate bad news and downplay good. 

There will be no more frenzied mockery that Trump was lying about a vaccination delivery date in 2020. Instead, imagine a happier world of 2021 where Dr. Anthony Fauci is the genius behind the vaccination. Joe Biden is the master logistician who inoculated the nation. And COVID-19 disappeared with Trump to Mar-a-Lago. 

There will be no more news blackouts of the first lady, no more snide suggestions that the elegant and quite stunning Melania Trump lacked the beauty and grace of Vogue cover star Michelle Obama and the education and academic authority of Jill Biden.

There will now be no more media bombshells about “Russian collusion” mythologies. There is only the effort to downplay the real, frightening, China collusion narratives. And they involve U.S. Representative Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), Hunter Biden and the Biden family, and a host of American corporations, universities, and multibillionaires. Nothing to see here, move on.

There will be no more anger over Trump’s use of the term “China virus.” There is only the deadly suppressed truth of the COVID-19 virus that originated in Wuhan, and Beijing’s outright lies about the virus ensured its spread and lethality. No matter, troublemakers. Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg will reassure us that a non-authoritarian China did as well as it could. 

There will be no more media “walls are closing in” frenzies that Trump is crazy and should be removed under the 25th Amendment. There will be only the underground whispers that he seemed a lot more hale than incoming President Joe Biden. 

The real question is not how or even whether the media can exist without its obsessions with Trump, but what will it now do with Joe Biden? To put it another way, the media assumes that its creation of a new fake hero can become even more believable than the construct of its old false villain.