Recently, Jagmeet Singh, a friend of Black Lives Matter agitator Shaun King and leader of Canada’s far-left party, pushed out an online petition over Twitter demanding that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declare Proud Boys Canada a “white supremacist terrorist” organization. The call came immediately after U.S. Proud Boys members were apparently found involved in the Capitol Building mêlée that led to House Democrats impeaching President Trump a second time.
Although it’s not supposed to be the Twitter followers of Singh’s New Democratic Party who decide who is and isn’t a threat to our national security, Singh’s bit of Two Minutes Hate did exactly what was intended: it pushed last week Canada’s version of Homeland Security to label the group an official “terrorist organization.” Proud Boys Canada is now apparently in the same category as the Islamic State.
It’s difficult to see the move as anything but pointless. It also drips with hypocrisy as well as alarmist, diversionary politics.
While the Perry Ellis shirt-wearing and fighting-prone Proud Boys certainly aren’t my cup of tea, the group denies being an organizational force behind the Capitol Building siege. Further, as far as I’ve read about them, the group’s membership is apparently open to all comers (of any race) and always has been. Moreover, I’ve never heard either its current leader (Enrique Tarrio, non-white) or its founder (Gavin McInnes, married to a non-white woman) state that any racial group is superior or deserves to rule supreme over others — a requirement, it would seem, for a group open to everyone.