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Ruth King

Senate approves Biden’s $1.9 trillion pandemic relief plan The victory for Democrats came after a long impasse over competing proposals for the bill’s boost to unemployment benefits.By Marianne Levine


The Senate passed President Joe Biden’s nearly $2 trillion coronavirus relief package Saturday morning after a grueling overnight session, delivering on the White House’s first major legislative priority.

The 50-49 vote, entirely along party lines, came after the Senate remained in session for more than 24 hours of marathon votes. Senate Republicans sought to amend the legislation but Senate Democrats largely stuck together to defeat any major changes to the bill — one of the largest federal aid packages in history.“A new day has come and we tell the American people help is on the way,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), shortly before passage. The bill “is broader, deeper, and more comprehensive in helping working families and lifting people out of poverty than anything Congress has seen or accomplished in a very long time.”

Schumer managed to keep his 50-member caucus mostly united throughout the process, but it was not without some last-minute drama: The so-called vote-a-rama session was delayed for more than 10 hours on Friday, as Senate Democrats reached a last-minute deal with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on the size of federal unemployment insurance benefits.

BREAKING: Antrim County Clerk and Material Witness, Sheryl Guy, DISMISSES Election Fraud Case – Judge Overrules Her Decision – Reinstates Case By Patty McMurray


On November 23, 2020, attorney Matthew DePerno of DePerno Law filed a lawsuit on behalf of Central Lake resident William Bailey against Antrim County, MI. In addition to thousands of votes that were flipped from President Trump to Democrat candidate Joe Biden in Antrim County, MI, in the November election, Bailey was concerned about ballots that were re-run through the Dominion tabulator machine after a 262-262 tie on a vote a ballot initiative that would allow a marijuana establishment to be located within the Village of Central Lake. Michigan’s radical Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson blamed the incredible vote switch from President Trump to Biden, as well as additional unexplainable errors on Antrim County County Clerk Cheryl Guy, saying it was simply a “clerical” error.

On November 12, the Antrim Review interviewed Sheryl Guy about the massive vote switch from Trump to Biden that drew national attention to the rural county in northern Michigan. Faced with inaccurate general election results Wednesday morning, the day after the Nov. 3 election, Guy and her staff, as well as several other Antrim County officials and the Antrim County Board of Canvassers, spent the next three very long days attempting to correct them, which they were finally able to do late Friday night, after starting over completely.



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Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a binary theoretical framework rooted in Marxism, that defines individuals as either oppressed or oppressors based on their skin color. Critical Race Theory insists that white people are oppressors and people of color are oppressed. CRT is an obscene and entirely unAmerican doctrine because it views every individual through the prism of race, rather than the prism of merit.

Two notable black leaders in American race relations had diametrically opposed views on the subject. Martin Luther King advocated the American ideal of judging a person on the content of his character, not the color of his skin. Malcolm X embraced the anti-American, CRT prism that judges everyone and everything through the prism of race. What could be more racist?

The entire narrative of CRT is racist. So, why is racist CRT being taught in American schools? Why is racist CRT considered woke [enlightened]? Why did President Trump ban racist CRT, and why has Biden/Harris resurrected it? What is the point? What is the motive for fomenting racism?

The goal of Critical Race Theory devotees and their cancel-culture campaign is to foment race riots and a race war in the United States. WHAT? I will repeat. The goal of CRT devotees and their cancel-culture campaign is to foment race riots and a race war in the United States of America. How is CRT and its racist white privilege narrative designed to foment a race war?? Saul Alinsky provides the answer in his infamous tactical primer, Rules for Radicals. Alinsky instructs radicals to, “Rub raw the the resentments of the people. . . . all issues must be polarized if action is to follow.” (p.116/133 Vintage)

Barack Obama Has Now Been President Longer than FDR Ayad Rahim


On March 3, 2021, Barack Obama passed Franklin Roosevelt for the longest presidential tenure in American history.

What’s that you say? — president, for longer than FDR? But FDR was elected president four times; Obama was elected president two times.

Yes, all of that is true. That’s why this record has an asterisk next to it.

For anyone with eyes to see, the current presidency is being run by Barack Obama.

Even before this presidency began, its roots were laid in Obama’s home in Washington. Over the past couple of years, Obama-House was the royal court for receiving, selecting, and anointing the party’s standard-bearer for 2020. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris were Obama’s favored candidates, and Obama-House functioned as the campaign war-room. But Harris gained no traction, and dropped out of the race on December 3, 2019, exactly two months before the Iowa caucuses. 

Hero of the Month: M. Zuhdi Jasser by Grégoire Canlorbe


The Obama Administration handed hundreds of billions of dollars to the theocrats as well as an insurance of security, as well as a future with a nuclear bomb. These, along with thousands of troops and the empowerment of the terror group Hizballah, gave Iran’s leaders a green light to spread terror into Syria.

Some may appropriately say that no real democracies evolved quickly [in the “Arab Spring”] after centuries of tyranny. In fact, there may be a need for multiple revolutions before democracy can take hold. Perhaps, though, there can be a more methodical transition towards modernity with steady benchmarks of reform and liberalization, as we have seen done so successfully with the 2020 Middle East agreements.

The challenge, as always, will be in keeping it from being too slow to the point of fiction—which has been “Plan A” for the tyrants across the Middle East since World War II. They lie to the West about reforms in order to placate each new administration with a five- or ten-year plan while transitions in power in the West along with our short-term, societal “attention deficit disorder” give them a pass.

Regardless of whether a state’s approach is top-down or bottom-up, if its raison d’être is based in Islam and the primacy of Islamic law rather than on individual rights and the protection of minorities, as in secular liberal democracies, it will always be anti-freedom and illiberal.

We will have to watch very closely if there will be new interpretations from the pulpits of the grand mosque in Mecca, or mosques in Medina and across the country. The fact that we heard this coming from the pulpits in the Emirates and Bahrain is what made the Abraham Accords a reality to believe rather than doubt.

As for Biden’s foreign policy, he is already signaling that the Pentagon will focus on diplomacy first and the military second. So, the Pentagon is a branch of the State Department? If that is not “leading from behind 3.0”, I don’t know what is. Sources say he wants to “de-emphasize the military” and lift up diplomacy. If that vision is by openly weakening our defense programming, that will signal a green light actually to usher in more war, not less. Peace through weakness doesn’t work against thugs like Khamenei and Assad across the planet. We are thus likely to see a re-emergence of Islamist belligerence and a testing of the waters as they try to make gains against Biden’s apparent appeasement strategy.

It is my hope and prayer that our work will contribute not to what the Islamists want—a revivalism of the old—but rather a genuine reform towards a Western model of Islam based in infinite diversity of thought and protection of individual inquiry and their universal human rights, rather than the oppressive collective and the proverbial Islamic state.

Canlorbe: Dear Dr. Jasser, thank you for joining me. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are the first two Muslim women to serve in American Congress. Do you think they representative of the mentality of the majority of Muslims in America?

Jasser: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) are simply byproducts of the Islamist teams that recruited them and trained them in the art of ideology and dissimulation. Those teams include the alphabet soup of Islamist organizations—”Muslim Brotherhood legacy groups”—that exist in the United States. These include, for instance, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS), and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). Future politicians, media pundits, or the many demagogic imams, they all rise up from within the Islamist populist movement in the West by telling insular Islamist communities what they want to hear while claiming to speak for all Muslims.


Judicial Watch to Facebook: End Censorship of Trump https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/03/03/judicial-watch-to-facebook-end-censorship-of-trump/

Trump Endorses Louisiana Senator John Kennedy for Re-Election https://www.theepochtimes.com/trump-endorses-louisiana-senator-john-kennedy-for-re-election_3721769.html

When Lies Matter More Than Facts https://townhall.com/columnists/benshapiro/2021/03/03/when-lies-matter-more-than-facts-n2585612?
NY Public Library Won’t Pull ‘Cancelled’ Seuss Titles Because It ‘Does Not Censor Books’ https://www.faithwire.com/2021/03/04/ny-public-library-wont-pull-cancelled-seuss-titles-because-it-does-not-censor-books/

Flashback: Rev. Jesse Jackson Narrates Dr. Seuss Audiobook as Racism Charges Fly https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/03/04/flashback-rev-jesse-jackson-narrates-dr-seuss-audiobook-as-racism-charges-fly/

Before Cancel Culture: 11 Hollywood Celebrities Who Read Dr. Seuss Books in Public https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/03/04/before-cancel-culture-11-hollywood-celebrities-who-read-dr-seuss-books-in-public/

MSNBC Host Joy Reid: White People in Red States Want Black People to Die From COVID https://www.lifenews.com/2021/03/04/msnbc-host-joy-reid-white-people-in-red-states-want-black-people-to-die-from-covid/

WHO Won’t Release Interim Report on COVID-19 Origins Amid Growing Scientific Concerns Over Legitimacy of Its Investigation https://www.theepochtimes.com/who-wont-release-interim-report-on-covid-19-origins-amid-growing-scientific-concerns-over-legitimacy-of-its-investigation_3721149.html


Citing Wikipedia’s Leftist Bias and “Propaganda,” Site’s Co-Founder Launching Competing Free-Speech Site


“The days of Wikipedia’s robust commitment to neutrality are long gone”

Long understood to be a an unreliable resource by serious academics, journalists, and bloggers, Wikipedia has more recently gained a broader reputation for leftwing bias.

Indeed, one of its co-founders notes that Wikipedia entries on socialism and communism are little more than propaganda and that he is launching a competing free-speech encyclopedia site.

Once considered a somewhat viable place to get a rudimentary handle on a topic, Wikipedia has arguably become a repository of “left-wing advocacy essays.”  This change does not sit well with one of Wikipedia’s co-founders, Larry Sanger.

Fox News reports:

Big tech has faced repeated accusations of bias and censorship, but one platform has escaped much scrutiny: Wikipedia.

The online encyclopedia, which claims “anyone can edit”, is the 13th most popular website in the world, according to Alexa’s web rankings. Google gives it special placement in search results.

But critics – including Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger – tell Fox News that many Wikipedia pages have become merely left-wing advocacy essays.

“The days of Wikipedia’s robust commitment to neutrality are long gone,” co-founder Larry Sanger said.

“Wikipedia’s ideological and religious bias is real and troubling, particularly in a resource that continues to be treated by many as an unbiased reference work,” he added.

Iranian Opposition Reveals Another Undeclared Nuclear Site in Iran By Rick Moran


A previously undeclared nuclear site was scrubbed by the Iranian government in July 2019 prior to the arrival of an inspection team at the site in August of this year, a spokesman for the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI) announced at a news conference on Tuesday. A report released by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on February 23 noted the presence of uranium particles at the site with no satisfactory explanation from Iran.

Ali Safavi, an NCRI foreign affairs committee member, told the media that the sanitized site was razed by the Revolutionary Guards but uranium traces were found, anyway.

Safavi also noted that this sanitization was noticeably similar to that which had been undertaken in 2004 and again in 2012 at two other sites that apparently had roles to play in the Iranian nuclear weapons program. In the first place, the regime received a request from the IAEA for inspection of the Shian-Lavizan site, but granted that request only after destroying onsite buildings and turning over the soil to depths as great as four meters, in an effort to conceal traces of nuclear material. In the second place, authorities began a thorough cleanup in 2012 for the Parchin military complex where they had installed an explosives testing chamber, then continued to hold international inspectors at bay until 2015.

In both cases, however, the presence of excess nuclear particles was nonetheless discerned by the IAEA. And now the process has repeated once again with respect to the Abadeh site. Safavi emphasized the repetitive nature of that process in Tuesday’s press conference and argued that it is part of a pattern of “duplicity, denial, deception, and cover-up” that has been ongoing for over 30 years and has proven to be “part of the regime’s DNA.”

The NCRI is the diplomatic wing of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), an Iran-listed domestic terrorist group. While the U.S. removed the terrorist designation from NCRI, the Biden administration is believed to be reconsidering that decision.

The NCRI’s credibility is solid, however. They unmasked the Iranian nuclear program as far back as 2002, exposing several nuclear sites previously unknown to Western intelligence.

Fox News:

As part of its findings, the NCRI said the site was first built by companies controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and was part of a project named Marivan, which it said involved a group called METFAZ that was engaged “in the research and construction of nuclear high explosive-devices.”

Additionally, the group noted that Dr. Saeed Borji, a top explosives specialist, worked with Fakhrizadeh, the regime’s former nuclear chief. It said Borji continues to conduct research for the regime’s nuclear program.

The Racism Industry’s Biggest Lies By Philip Carl Salzman


Nothing has been more common during the last years than accusations of “racism.” President Biden has said that he is going to lead a “great battle…to achieve racial justice and root out systemic racism in this country.” This great “anti-racism” crusade is not directed at anti-Semites who despise Jews and blame the ills of the world on them. Nor is it aimed at the Nation of Islam, the Black Muslims, who hate whites and especially Jews. Yet these cases would seem to qualify as racism. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines “racism” as “Belief in superiority of a particular race; antagonism between different races.” The Random House Dictionary of the American Language defines “racism” as “a belief that human races have distinctive characteristics that determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.”

But contrary to common usage as specified in dictionaries, racism has been redefined by sociologists as “prejudice plus power,” so that only white people, who are falsely claimed to exclusively hold all of the power, can be said to be racist. This is convenient for the anti-racism industry, because once racism is so defined and white people identified as power-holders, then all whites are automatically white supremacists. Now a definition cannot be said to be a lie, because it is always an arbitrary investing of meaning in a word or phrase, but it can be said to be a novel usage, deviant from common understanding, and it can be identified as tendentious, aimed at advancing a presumed conclusion prejudicial to some party. 

Congress – Israel’s Most Systematic and Challenging Ally Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger


The Israeli challenge

Since 1948, the US Legislature has systematically supported the US-Israel relationship, and pro-actively promoted enhanced US-Israel cooperation: militarily, industrially, technologically, scientifically, agriculturally, irrigation, space, etc. This Congressional position has been consistent with the worldview of most voters; and, sometimes inconsistent with the Executive Branch.

Congressional affinity toward Israel was demonstrated in February 2020, when the Senate voted 97:3 to fund and maintain the US Embassy in Jerusalem, Israel.

Moreover, in July 2019, the House of Representatives voted 398:17 to condemn the anti-Israel BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) movement.

However, the 17 House Representatives, who supported the anti-Israel BDS, included Congresswomen Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Betty McCollum (D-MN). The former is the new chairperson of the most critical Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, which overseas foreign aid and international commercial cooperation. The latter is the chairperson of the equally critical Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, which oversees the defense budget, including global defense cooperation.  These two prominent Congresswomen have been among Israel’s roughest critics on Capitol Hill. 

In 2021, they represent an expanding minority among American voters, in general, and on Capitol Hill, in particular, constituting a major challenge for American and Israeli allies of the highly productive US-Israel collaboration.

They represent a growing segment of the US population, as well as legislators and staffers, who are estranged from the 400-year-old historical, cultural, moral and civic foundations of the US-Israel kinship; unfamiliar with Israel’s role as a unique force-multiplier for the US, and its contribution to the US defense industries, high tech sector, armed forces, counterterrorism and intelligence. They overlook the US-Israel mutual threats and challenges, which transcend the Palestinian issue; inattentive of the adverse effect on US interests of the proposed Palestinian state, and are oblivious to the Arab view of the Palestinians as a role model for intra-Arab terrorism, subversion and treachery. They are indifferent to Palestinian hate-education, which mirrors the Palestinian vision and breeds terrorists. They are uninformed about the enhancement of US interests by Israel’s control of the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and the Golan Heights. And, they are unaware of the deep incompatibility between Western values and norms, on the one hand, and the unpredictable, violent, treacherous Middle East reality, on the other hand.   

American and Israeli supporters of US-Israel cooperation, should present their case on Capitol Hill and throughout the US, by focusing on “What’s in it for the USA in its ties with Israel?!” rather than on “What’s in it for Israel?”