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Ruth King

The strangest political alliance in history has brought us to this point By Jared Peterson


The radical left and corrupt big city Democrats, on the one hand, allied with the mega billionaire tech, social media, and, to some extent, “ordinary,” billionaire elites, on the other. The Bolshevik revolutionaries and their army of thugs and rent seekers, on the one hand, the globalist super rich, on the other. The Marxists and the most materially fortunate and successful in America. Weird. The richest capitalists on the planet and those who would destroy capitalism. Lenin and the Tsar. Very, very weird.

One would think there will be a price to pay for this kind of bizarre marriage between those who despise each other. Surely the couple will be sterile, and besides, will be at each other’s throats within a few months.

But don’t count on it. After all, the two are united by an intense mutual desire for money and control: The elites for even more unimaginable wealth through globalism (and for control for their purposes); the Bolshevik revolutionaries and their mob by the lust for trillions in funny money, continuously doled out to them all (and for control for their purposes). Bigger yachts and slicker private jets for one, reparations for slavery, abolition of student debt and guaranteed income for bums for the other. And tons of cash for the governmental administrators and elected officials.

So, they do have a common interest. It might make their marriage work.

And as far as a reckoning in  2022 and 2024 is concerned, don’t be so sure. The coup perpetrators proved the risk-free efficacy of their template for electoral theft this time: No electoral crime, no method of vote manipulation or theft, is too obvious as long as the media and big tech are with you.

Why can’t 2020 be endlessly replicated? Watch Georgia carefully.  2020 showed the criminals that there is no remedy for electoral fraud – absolutely none. Not in state or federal lower courts, not from local officials, not in state legislatures, not even from officials in the party that lost, and surely not from the cowardly United States Supreme Court. There’s no danger from any institution in 21st century America, regardless the enormity of the crime. So, tell me why it can’t happen again. On January 5 in Georgia. In 2022. In 2024. Ad infinitem.

Joe Biden has outlived his usefulness By Alan Bergstein


If you think Joe Biden’s term as presumed president will extend through a full four years, there are a few used Dominion voting machines I’m offering to sell you at discounted prices.  In fact, I’ll make a prediction that his trusted staff of doctors, within three weeks after the inauguration, if not sooner, will sadly come to the conclusion that the Big Man has developed some severe mysterious symptoms requiring him to resign his office and hand it over to his V.P., Kamala Harris.  Under the provisions of the 25th Amendment, enacted after President Kennedy’s assassination, it appears that when Kamala assumes the role as president, she can nominate someone to replace her as V.P.  If you recall, back in 1974, after Nixon resigned and Ford assumed the presidency, Ford nominated Nelson Rockefeller to be his V.P.

Uneasy Democrats know that Biden must leave office as quickly as possible.  He cannot face the simplest of questions from exasperated media who catapulted him into office.  They want some answers as to what Joe has planned to handle domestic and international problems.  They can no longer ask him what his favorite ice cream flavors are or give him ready-made questions about how he loves and believes in his son, Hunter.  They might even go so far as to press him on why his selection of Cabinet members and his team of burned out advisers all seem to be retreads from the regimes of Obama and Clinton.  Where are the new ideas to douse the fires of new situations?  Expect the snarling tigers at the gates, the leaders of Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran, to soon start testing Biden with military threats to our overseas allies.  Our loyal friends in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel, Egypt, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe are holding their breath, awaiting the onslaught from their enemies.  It’s coming.

Joe has already exhausted his usefulness to the party.  His job is done.  He was loyal and played out his role while entombed in his basement, letting the obviously criminal mail-in ballots, bogus voting machines, and heaven-sent Chinese virus slide him into office.  But Joe can no longer hide from view.  He appears unable to give an unrehearsed vision of his plans to re-unite a severely divided country, nor can he soothe the anxieties of a world being strangled under the virus.  He still hasn’t unveiled his blueprint covering the continual search for, distribution of, and monitoring of the efficacy of the myriad of mind-boggling cures and preventatives now pouring out of labs.

He is obviously mentally at a standstill.  He has to go as quickly as possible after being sworn in.

Tainted Tallies Tell Tall Tales By K. Lynn Lewis


Cheating and then claiming, “I won!” does not make a person a winner.  Fraud — whether organized or disorganized, isolated or widespread, individual or coordinated — disqualifies results.  When flags are thrown and violations confirmed, penalties are assessed and downs replayed.  Occasionally, violators may be rejected or time added back to the clock.  Confirmed chicanery requires vacated victories and reassignment of crowns.

Election totals fuel widespread declarations and serve as the basis for future ratified actions.  But if tallies are tainted, the claims are based on false data, and consequential actions are illegitimate.  The point of pursuing election integrity, in any election and at any and every level, is to indisputably confirm facts and incontestably dispel fiction.

Consider AP Washington Bureau chief Julie Pace’s widely shared unequivocal assertion that the 2020 presidential election is over.  She contends, “It is increasingly clear that there is no fact, no piece of evidence and no court ruling that will dissuade Trump from trying to mislead Americans about President-elect Joe Biden’s victory[.] … In reality, Biden won 306 Electoral College votes, the same number Trump carried four years ago in a victory he deemed a landslide.  Biden also outpaced Trump by more than 7 million votes nationwide.”

All About Smartmatic By Brian Tomlinson


American Thinker published my article about Smartmatic voting systems in Venezuela on Sept. 5, 2017, titled How the Venezuelan Elections Were Rigged. 

The other day Andrea Widburg published an article citing the “irregularities” that were experienced in the Nov. 3, 2020 elections with Dominion Voting Systems that use Smartmatic software.

What happened in Venezuela is highly relevant to what is happening here and now, so this is how it happened there:

On July 30, 2017, President Nicolas Maduro conjured up a vote to replace the National Assembly (where 67% of the seats were held by opposition representatives) with a new Constituent Assembly whose representatives would be handpicked by Maduro. The fix was in prior to the vote.  The president and co-founder of Smartmatic, Antonio Mugica, told the press from his office in London three years ago that his company noticed irregularities in voting during Venezuelan national elections three years ago, amounting to about one million ballots cast over the number of actual voters.  (The Wall Street Journal reported how that played out on the ground, here). Of course, this message was not released until the Smartmatic people left Venezuela. 

Why would Mugica stir this up?  Well, most likely, it was because he had not been paid.  He had vast contracts with the Venezuelan government, and Maduro wasn’t paying his bills. The press noise died down shortly thereafter since he was finally paid by Maduro.

What a mess the US Congress is! By Lynne Lechter


The U.S. Congress is a disgrace.  Democrats play dirty, and Republicans are neutered and perhaps in covert cahoots. 

The Democrat-run states and cities have shut down businesses and demanded citizens limit their movement.  Without compensation.  This is what in legal terms regarding government-asset grab is termed an “illegal taking.”  Typically, an illegal taking is a term used when government grabs private land.  But it applies to any government taking,  and current onerous government COVID restrictions have resulted in the demise of countless businesses and a plethora of bankruptcy filings.  Thus, we are witnessing  illegal COVID governmental takings on a colossal  scale.  There has been no compensation. 

After months of inactivity, Congress has come up with a big fat multi-trillion-dollar COVID stimulus dud.  Legislators have endorsed Dostoyevsky-sized legislation for soaring handouts  for foreign  gender education enhancements and millions for border walls in  foreign  lands, while our border wall is sneered at.  In fact, putative president-elect Biden has talked of tearing down the southern border wall. 

Struggling  Americans, whose businesses have been decreed nonessential and arbitrarily shut down, are being belatedly doled out a measly $600.00 per person.  What an insult.  (President Trump has called for an amendment to the bill, demanding a payout of $2,000 per person.)

These are the people who were elected to represent us.  They have forgotten.  They think they are special.  They think they are better than the hardworking people who pay their salaries, pay their staffs, pay their  transportation, pay for their offices, pay for  their mass mailings, and pay for the entitlements that enable them to feel special. 

Drug Trafficking: The Dirtiest Little Secret by Chris Farrell


In a border community like El Paso, the Mexican cartels have an insidious, silent and powerful control that few people wish to acknowledge or accept — that includes a largely compliant news media who usually report what happens, but rarely, if ever, ask “Why?” or “How can this go on, decade after decade, without accountability or resolution?”

If a population is dying from overdoses that is one-third as large as the COVID pandemic — and we don’t see, don’t hear about it, and apparently don’t really care about it, what does that say about us?

Tens of thousands of law enforcement officers, billions of taxpayer dollars, fifty years — and the highest overdose rate in history? It is terribly unpopular to blame law enforcement, especially when they are being unfairly attacked by the militant fringe elements like Antifa and various lunatic municipal officials seeking to defund them — but cleaning house within various agencies and increasing police pay would go a long way towards thwarting our greatest domestic threat.

A year ago, President Donald J. Trump declared he would name Mexican Cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. He paused his decision, and then tabled it, based on assurances from Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and a reported wave of resistance from his own cabinet. The incoming Biden administration has the cartels virtually “high-fiving” each other — they know a Biden administration will do nothing to stop cartel dominance and control of the US-Mexico border.

Here is the answer: Law enforcement corruption. The question? Why are we continuing to fight and lose the “War on Drugs,” proclaimed by President Nixon, almost fifty years ago, in June 1971?

Think about the U.S. forces arrayed against Mexican drug cartels: DEA, FBI, Homeland Security, state police forces, county sheriffs, municipal police forces, even the postal service. We have established High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area task forces with their own regional fusion centers.

Why Is Media Stoking Disinformation Campaigns By Yuri Vanetik


Americans need to insist that legacy media be held to account as a treacherous culprit in the mass deception campaigns attributed to politicians, shady public relations operatives, and foreign powers.

Disinformation media campaigns operated by the Russians and the Chinese may also have a domestic origin. It is not what one would think. They don’t come from sleeper cells. Instead, the American legacy media, by way of its greed and lack of accountability, is responsible for the deception. 

Stealth public relations operatives drive conspiracy theories and smear campaigns using the complicit media of record as their echo chamber. Whether you are a supporter of President Trump or you consider him to be a lawless authoritarian is irrelevant because all Americans should be concerned that what is presented as news may actually be part of a paid public relations campaign or a sensation-oriented spin that is not newsworthy at all. 

Often the media is doing the dirty bidding of fringe groups and paid reputation assassins solely to maximize profits, knowing that their malfeasance is relegated to that of a protected class of free speech and free press. Media today is like the clergy in the middle ages—their profession considered sacred and their actions above the law.

Yochai Benkler, a Harvard Law professor, led a team of researchers that dissected the way information is amplified. Benkler’s team just published its study, which examines President Trump’s alleged “disinformation” campaign against mail-in voting and details the techniques the Trump world used to share Trump’s opinions on the election. Benkler and his team began from the biased position that a difference of opinion on policy questions qualifies as disinformation, nevertheless, the findings inadvertently run contrary to the popular idea on the Left that it is the Russian and Chinese foreign troll factories that are interfering with our elections with “disinformation.”

Under Biden, the Term ‘Illegal Alien’ May Become Illegal By Dale L. Wilcox


Rather than adhere to what is factually and legally correct, anti-borders activists are working diligently to change the public’s perceptions about those who violate our laws.

If you agreed with President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” approach to governance, then brace yourself, as all of it could soon be subject to dismantling if Joe Biden is successful in his bid for the presidency. The changes will be of both the macro and micro variety. Some that appear minor are actually very significant. One such example is the war on language, specifically the term “illegal alien.”

“Illegal alien” has been targeted for elimination by the anti-borders Left for several years now, and that effort will kick into high gear in a Biden presidency. One of their favorite lines of attack is the mantra “no human being is illegal,” as if identifying a person’s legal status is equivalent to dehumanizing the person. There has also been much effort to classify the term as a racial slur. This is Political Correctness 101  intended to get people thinking based on emotions, not facts.

This attack on language is a modern-day version of “newspeak” from Orwell’s 1984. Violent rioters are actually peaceful protesters. Confiscatory tax rates are “investing in our children’s future,” and illegal aliens are “undocumented immigrants.”

The CDC’s Affirmative Action Eugenics for the Coronavirus Vaccine When the government decides who gets to live or die based on race. Daniel Greenfield


Before the coronavirus pandemic, the CDC was too busy fighting racism to do its job. As the vaccine rolls out, the CDC decided to build the vaccine waiting list around affirmative action

Who gets to live or die? Much like in Nazi Germany, it helps to be a member of the right race.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has announced that the priorities for distributing vaccines are to prevent death, preserve society, and help those facing “disparities”, and then maybe, “increase the chance for everyone to enjoy health and well-being.”

Vaccine distribution is to be guided by four principles, one of which is to fight “health inequities” and another is to “promote justice”. It’s not the CDC’s job to fight for social justice, but to fight viruses. Having failed miserably at its one job, which it chose not to do, it’s instead pursuing racial equity eugenics by tackling “health inequities” for “racial and ethnic minority groups”.

The CDC and NIH had turned to the National Academies to produce A Framework for Equitable Allocation of Vaccine for the Novel Coronavirus which falsely claimed that “COVID-19 illnesses and deaths are strongly associated with race” due to “systemic racism” and that a “vaccine allocation framework” had to reduce these “health inequities” with affirmative action.

The report noted that the “committee anticipates that the criteria will, in practice, tend to give higher priority to lower-income individuals… and Black, Hispanic or Latin, American Indian and Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities.”

Madison Cawthorn Vows to Contest Presidential Election Result, Help Primary GOP Holdouts By Mairead McArdle


North Carolina Congressman-elect Madison Cawthorn announced Monday that he plans to contest the presidential election results when Congress meets next month to count the electoral votes and warned other Republicans that he will fund their primary challengers if they do not call for “fair” elections.

“I will be contesting the election,” Cawthorn, a Republican, said Monday during remarks at Turning Point USA’s Student Action Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida.

“And not only that,” he continued. “I have a message for all other Republicans across the country. If you are not on the record calling for fair, free, and just elections now and in the future, I will come to your district, and I will fund a primary opponent against you.”

Cawthorn, 25, who was elected to represent North Carolina’s 11th congressional district last month, claimed that swing states with “liberal” governors and secretaries of states have “broken the law and gone against our Constitution” in the 2020 election.