Yes, this one is for you. You who say you care for the poor and sick, the widow and orphan; the lower middle class and the working class and the downright poor. You care so much you want to give everyone free health care and free drugs and education, wipe out student loans, increase the minimum wage, open your borders to all “refugees” and get rid of racism.
You care alright, until their needs interfere with yours. You are the righteous calling for lockdowns. So what if people are losing their businesses, their livelihoods, their future? I mean the government labeled them non-essential. So what if people are taking their lives and dying from opioid overdose or alcoholism? I wrote about these concerns in April 2020.
So what you closed the Houses of Worship – you never went anyway. And it’s in those Houses of Worship that people find solace and aid, and AA meetings, and shelter and food. But, hey, why should you care? I mean these are the people Obama referred to as those who hold on to their guns and Bibles.The people who believe in protecting and defending the Judeo/Christian ethic that underpins their freedoms. You know, those Conservatives, who actually do care about the poor.
As long as you pompous liberals can go to Walmart and Costco, can afford anything you want that is available on Amazon, or cub-side pickup, or to your door delivery and don’t need to worry about paying rent or getting food on the table, or educating your children-because you are at home, have IT knowledge and can always pay for a private school or a tutor – that’s all that matters.