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Ruth King

The Gaza pier debacle: it’s worse By Mike McDaniel


On July 14th, in The pier to nowhere is going away, I wrote:

When what’s left of the pier is finally removed and probably, scrapped, we can be certain, just as with the withdrawal debacle in Afghanistan, the MMPA will declare it a brilliant success and an example of the military acumen and inspired leadership of Joe Biden. Interestingly, at his recent NATO conference, Biden sort of allowed the pier wasn’t as successful as it could have been.  And like that disaster, we’ll never know the true financial and human cost.

The horror of it is Israel has ports that could have been used far more safely to offload supplies, but then the MMPA couldn’t brag about their stunningly successful relief efforts. As always, our troops suffer to enable feckless political stunts, but at least Joe got his photo ops.

Graphic: X Screenshot

Since then, the media, and the Harris/Biden Administration–Joe Biden, vanishing POTUS—have ignored the unfolding debacle. The pier, badly damaged and sort of repaired, supposedly has been dismantled, and multiple US Army(?) ships are in little better shape. Earlier reports indicated those ships had substantial difficulty, so poor was their mechanical condition, even getting to the Middle East. Now it appears they’re no longer able to return to America under their own power. 

Roughly seven months after setting sail for the US military’s troubled temporary pier mission off the Gaza coast, three US Army boats are expected to have to be hauled back to the US by contracted civilian vessels behind schedule, raising more concern about the state of the Army watercraft at the center of a major effort to bring humanitarian aid into war-torn Gaza.

Interest free, no down payment home loans for illegals? By Eric Utter


California Democrat assemblymember Joaquin Arambula recently introduced Assembly Bill 1840, a piece of legislation that would extend a first-time homebuyer loan program to illegal aliens. Should the bill become law, illegal aliens would be eligible for a new program that would offer them a loan worth 20% of the purchase price of the property… with no monthly payments. And no interest would accrue on the loan. Ever. Instead, the loan would be paid back when the borrower either refinances or sells the property. Can’t happen, you opine? Assembly Bill 1840 was approved by a key senate committee just this week. Yes, California is now one step closer to giving illegal aliens interest-free home loans with zero down payment. And preposterously generous repayment terms.

40+% of Americans approve of the job Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did in running the country. 40+% of Americans in many states repeatedly vote for candidates (and ballot propositions) that demonstrably hurt them. Are 40+% of Americans raging masochists? Or are they just that ignorant, stupid, brainwashed, or naïve? Citizens struggle to afford a home, especially in California, yet somehow illegals — not citizens — may soon get nothing down, no interest loans not payable until sale of the property?!

American citizens voting for Democrats in 2024 is akin to Jews supporting the Nazi Party in WWII. Or as if the antebellum slave population fought en masse for the South. It is insane! Speaking of insanity, maybe there was something in the COVID-19 non-vaccines that altered people’s perception and critical thinking skills. How else can one explain the insanity taking place today?

CHAPTER 33: Weaponizing Children: The Gospel of Yuval Harari Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*


goudsmit.pundicity.com  and website: lindagoudsmit.com 

Klaus Schwab and fellow members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) embrace a vision for the future that is difficult to fully grasp, but it is essential that people attempt to do just that. Yuval Harari, Israeli historian, professor, and darling of the WEF, provides a glimpse of that future and of Humanity 2.0 in his books and lectures.

Schwab and Harari embrace globalism’s supremacist replacement ideology as an evolutionary inevitability, in the same way Marx and Engels believed it was a historical inevitability that a socialist revolution would overturn and replace capitalism.

The term historical inevitability was introduced by philosopher Isaiah Berlin in his lecture “Historical Inevitability,”[i]delivered on May 12, 1953, at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Berlin argued against historical inevitability because the view that “the world has a direction” requires deterministic laws. Berlin considered determinism implausible because it requires radical changes in people’s “moral and psychological categories.”

Berlin’s view does not dissuade the humanitarian hucksters at the WEF from hawking globalism’s Unistate and Humanity 2.0, the artificial expediting of the evolutionary process, as historical and evolutionary inevitabilities. In their arrogance, globalist supremacists insist that their ideology is superior to any other ideology or social infrastructure, and will inevitably dominate the world. It is a very convenient philosophy of life for megalomaniacs and sociopaths.

Donald Trump Sensed a Trap by the Left and Didn’t Fall for It Matt Margolis


During presidential campaigns, candidates are typically briefed by the nation’s security agencies on critical matters they could face if they win the election. However, this week former President Donald Trump announced that he would refuse to take part in these standard intelligence briefings for candidates.

And the reason is actually quite genius. He explained his decision by expressing concern that Democrats would leak classified information and then attempt to accuse him of being the source of the leaks.

In other words, Trump knew a trap was being set for him.

“I don’t want them, because, number one, I know what’s happening. It’s very easy to see what’s happening,” he told the Daily Mail. “We have an incompetent leader, and we have two incompetent leaders. We have a Marxist that’s going to try and be president, and this country is not ready for a Marxist or a communist president, and that’s what she is. She destroyed San Francisco, she destroyed California, and this country is not ready for it.”

Trump continued, “So, I don’t want the briefings because as soon as I get one, they’ll accuse me of leaking it. The best way to handle that is to avoid the briefing altogether. They come in, give you a briefing, and then two days later, they leak it and blame you.”

“The only way to solve that problem is not to take the briefing,” he added. “I don’t want it, understood? I’ll have plenty of them when I get back in.”

The Left’s Swift Shift After RFK Jr.’s Trump Endorsement Kennedy’s indictment of his former party, along with his endorsement of Donald Trump, has sent shock waves through the chambers of the self-appointed elite who would rule us. By Roger Kimball


The thing I admire about contemporary deep-state Democrats is their nimbleness.

This nimbleness was on ostentatious view in the regime response to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s announcement Friday that he was 1) suspending his campaign (at least in battleground states) and 2) throwing his support behind Donald Trump.

The acrid scent of panic might have been expected among the limp-wristed, totalitarian faithful. And, in fact,  beneath the amusing cologne of anti-Trump bluster, the panic was indeed discernible.

But there was also that trademark smooth-as-a-suppository (as Saul Bellow put it) suaveness, exemplified, for instance, by former Obama strategist David Axelrod.

“Robert F. Kennedy Sr.,” Axelrod posted shortly after the deed was done, “would have been appalled to see his son cut a deal to drop out for [t]he race and endorse Trump.”

Imagine: someone agrees to drop out of a race at the last minute and support a rival candidate!  As the commentator Ned Ryan put it in response to Axelrod’s snippy post: “You suddenly seem offended by someone cutting a deal to drop out of the race and endorse someone else.”

Cast your mind back, David, to July 21 of this year.  That’s when Joe Biden, having been made an offer he couldn’t refuse by the secret committee running the country, suddenly announced that he was dropping out of the race. This was, remember, after Biden repeatedly insisted that he was staying in the race and was looking forward to the next debate against Trump. Yes, the first was a disaster, but he would show ’em!

The Quiet Before the Storms in Ukraine, Gaza, and Taiwan? Amid doubts about Biden’s ability to effectively lead the U.S. in his remaining months as president, our enemies abroad might see an opportunity to alter the global balance of power. By Victor Davis Hanson


There are three current hot or cold wars: on the Ukrainian border, in the regions surrounding Israel, and in the strategic space between Taiwan and mainland China. All three conflicts could not only expand within their respective theaters but also escalate to draw in the United States.

And all three involve nuclear powers.

Various Russian megaphones routinely threaten to use tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine. Some boast about sending strategic nuclear bombs or missiles against its Western suppliers, especially as the costs of Russian aggression mount and the humiliation of Putin escalates.

Nuclear Israel and near-nuclear Iran have both exchanged attacks on their respective homelands—and promise to do so again.

China likewise on occasion existentially threatens Taiwan. Its freelancing generals and spokesmen periodically warn Japan and the U.S. of dire nuclear consequences should they intervene on Taiwan’s behalf.

In all these theaters, there superficially appears to be stasis and deadlock: Israel is said to be bogged down in Gaza as it seeks to neutralize 400 miles of subterranean command-and-control installations and munitions, find and rescue surviving Israeli hostages, and take out the Hamas leaders. And no one believes that the degradation of Hamas will mark the end of the war, given the agendas of Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iran, to attack periodically and chronically the Jewish state.

Combined Russian and Ukrainian dead, wounded, and missing may be nearing one million. Experts argue about whether the current apparently successful Ukrainian counteroffensive towards Kursk inside Russia was merely a demonstration to gain diplomatic concessions. Or was it designed to take and hold ground inside the Russian homeland? Or intended to draw off Russian offensives to the southeast? Some call it brilliantly conceived but dangerous—given the risk of its ending like the ill-fated Battle of the Bulge German offensive of 1945 that achieved startling initial success but was soon ground down by superior numbers and ultimately weakened the overall German defense.

RFK Jr. Chooses Democracy Over Democrats “In the name of saving democracy, a Democratic Party set itself to dismantle it.” by Daniel Greenfield


On Friday evening, a Kennedy joined Trump on stage in Glendale, Arizona. The first major Trump rally after the DNC convention featured RFK Jr as an answer to the Republicans who had come out for Kamala at the showcase event for her political campaign. The Kamala campaign had enlisted a former Pence aide, Stephanie Grisham, a former discredited press secretary, and former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, while Trump brought out Camelot on stage. But what happened at the Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale went beyond a matchup of names.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was more than the heir to a storied last name and acronym, he was the most successful third party presidential candidate since Ross Perot took on Bush and Clinton. Earlier in the summer before the Biden coup, RFK Jr had been polling as high as 10% despite media coverage that veered between hostile contempt and determined disregard. And he had done it without Perot’s massive fortune or the media’s endless willingness to give the billionaire airtime in the eventually successful hopes of kneecapping Bush and aiding Bill Clinton.

While there were other third party candidates in the race, RFK Jr polled so well because he was seen by his supporters as representing a genuine alternative to the two-party system and whose idiosyncratic views were authentically his own in sharp contrast to candidates like Cornell West or Jill Stein who just represented even more left-wing versions of the Democratic Party ticket.

The Media Marketed Candidates


Until Thursday night, we did not know that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are truly supreme beings. They are the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful humans we’ve ever known. We realize this now because the media told us so.

And the American media would never try to manipulate the voters, would it? It just tells the story straight. For instance:

“Kamala Harris’ Speech Was Powerful and Heartfelt” — Variety
“One little heartbeat of hope.” — Van Jones, CNN
“If you didn’t think you knew Kamala Harris before, you may know her now. This was a powerful, strong speech.” — Norah O’Donnell, CBS
“The emotion and the feeling down here is, I don’t know. Seven-year-old birthday part is how I would put it. There is joy and there’s not a lot of thinking. It’s a good time.” — Tony Dokoupil, CBS
“Harris embraces patriotism, savages Trump in acceptance speech” — Politico
“Harris prosecutes case against Trump and pitches herself as a middle-class champion” — National Public Radio
“This is a new chapter, as she said, in the American story.” — Robert Costa, CBS
“She is interested in not just doing what the left or the right says you should be on, in terms of the ideological sides, but what she thinks is the right thing to do.” — Abby Phillips, CNN
“Kamala Harris Gave the Best Acceptance Speech I’ve Ever Seen” — New York Magazine
“A-plus. The best since Bill Clinton’s ‘Man From Hope’ remarks in 1992.” — Washington Post

And of course, the media were all in on Walz’s speech from the night before. They gushed over his “Midwest dad energy.” He’s a “relatable dad,” everyone’s favorite coach and teacher, “Midwest nice,” wears flannel better than any man before him, and no one – no one – gives better pep talks. His “plainspoken style” is to be deeply admired, his mere presence reminds us “that America is good and that we shouldn’t give in to hopelessness,” his family is so adorably irresistible that it just brings all the right people to tears.

The Israeli Imperative to Destroy Myths, Not Just Missiles by Ruthie Blum


[I]t’s crucial not to lose sight of the bigger picture: the acute multi-front assault on the Jewish state since Oct. 7 and the chronic one that’s been going on from various directions for decades.

Today’s PA leader, Mahmoud Abbas, has the same agenda as his predecessor [to annihilate the Jewish state in stages], but dresses differently for foreign consumption. Having his pocket lined with millions of dollars, euros and shekels doesn’t hurt in this effort, since the mega-wealth enables him to purchase the best that Armani has to offer. It has also provided him with the cash to fund his “pay for slay” policy.

Though Fatah, the faction headed by Abbas, is a longtime foe of Hamas, it shares the rival group’s aim of eliminating Israel. To this end, the schools, mosques and media it controls glorify “martyrdom for Allah.”

Nevertheless, the U.N. continues to treat the PA as a “moderate” entity whose goal is independent statehood, free from the ostensible shackles of Israeli “occupation…” The idea behind this fallacy is that a reformed Palestinian group can replace Hamas in Gaza when the war is over. Good luck finding anyone in the PA who fits the bill…

This hasn’t prevented the administration in Washington from clinging to the notion of a viable “two-state solution” in the la-la-land of U.S. foreign policy. This outlook poses an even greater threat in the long term than the Hezbollah drones and rockets that the IDF destroyed early Sunday.

Most sane analysts understand that Hamas and Hezbollah are Iran-backed terrorist organizations whose military capabilities have to be countered. But illusions about the PA remain dangerously intact. It’s imperative for Israel to destroy the myth along with enemy missiles.

Israel’s preemptive strikes against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon during the wee hours of Sunday morning temporarily shifted focus away from Hamas in Gaza and from the next round of bogus “ceasefire” negotiations in Cairo for the release of hostages.

Philippines Is ‘Next Ukraine’: China Escalating in South China Sea by Gordon G. Chang


With his assault on the Philippines, Xi could be finally making his own move in East Asia.

Beijing claims all the features and waters inside its infamous “cow’s tongue,” now defined by ten dashes on official maps, which encloses about 85% of the South China Sea. Those waters, the Chinese proclaim, are “blue national soil.”

It appears… that China’s leader is not planning to start hostilities with an invasion of the main island of Taiwan.

Xi, in the domestic political landscape he has shaped, knows he is vulnerable, especially because his policies are being blamed for making a deteriorating situation worse. Xi needs a quick political victory, but unfortunately for him, a takeover of Taiwan is out of reach.

That means, I think, he has decided to move on a weak neighbor. The Republic of the Philippines fits the bill.

The risk is that an attack on the Philippines will lead to general conflict in the region. As an initial matter, Manila and the U.S. are parties to a 1951 treaty. The Biden State Department has issued written warnings — the last one on August 19 — that the U.S. was willing to use force against China to discharge its obligations…

In addition, NATO members over the last several years have become involved in the South China Sea.

On August 23, China’s foreign ministry said that the country had taken “countermeasures” against two Philippine military aircraft near Subi Reef in the South China Sea.

Four days earlier, Chinese Coast Guard vessels, without justification, rammed two Philippine boats near Sabina Shoal as they tried to resupply forces stationed at Flat and Nanshan Islands.