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Ruth King

The New England Journal of Medicine is now fully woke By Andrea Widburg


Although it’s seemingly good news that there’s a Wuhan virus vaccine available, not everyone is embracing it. After all, they’ve seen the medical establishment, from Fauci on down, make one mistake after another during this difficult year. Worse, many in the medical establishment are proving to be insane as only leftists can be. The latest example is the once prestigious and reliable New England Medical Journal, which published an article declaring biological sex irrelevant.

In the latest issue of the NEMJ, two doctors and a lawyer have written that it’s time to do away with putting a newborn baby’s biological sex – as demonstrated by its external genitalia – on birth certificates. The article is behind a paywall, but the summary is there for all to see:

Sex designations on birth certificates offer no clinical utility, and they can be harmful for intersex and transgender people. Moving such designations below the line of demarcation wouldn’t compromise the birth certificate’s public health function but could avoid harm.

First, let’s meet the authors. Vadim Shteyler is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Brown University. He’s a hospitalist, which means he’s a regular internal medicine doctor who doesn’t have an office practice but works only in a hospital.

AMA Lied – How Many Died? By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.


The American Medical Association has been adamantly against hydroxychloroquine as a therapeutic for COVID for the past year. Just a few days before the presidential election they reversed course, reversing their opposition. Did they suddenly realize HCQ might have benefit in certain patient groups or were they lying for the past year? How many individuals died as a result of being denied potential lifesaving treatment?

The AMA is synonymous with organized medicine, despite myriad specialty societies that may better represent the needs of its member physicians. In fact, only 12 percent of practicing physicians belong to the AMA due to concerns that the AMA is more interested in its own finances and politics than the concerns of doctors.

When the AMA talks, media and the public listen, due to their perceived clout. Last spring, the AMA issued a statement critical of hydroxychloroquine as it was being used off-label in the treatment of COVID, not FDA-approved for this purpose with supposed “dangerous side effects.”

Quietly at the end of October, the AMA issued a new statement, conveniently overlooked by the media, giving the green light to doctors prescribing HCQ to their COVID patients.

COVID Panic To Rule Biden’s First 100 Days The old normal looks further away than ever. By Julie Kelly


It will be the perfect virtual start for the most remote presidential candidate ever elected—thanks in large part to voters who also never needed to show up.

On January 20, barring some last-minute miracle that rescues Donald Trump’s presidency, Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president of the United States. Inauguration Day once served as a symbol of hope to subjugated people around the world; the ceremony proved that democracy works, free citizens can and should choose their national leadership, and political disagreements are settled with ballots, not bullets. Sadly, like so many once-revered American traditions, the peaceful transfer of power from one political party to the other has been desecrated, hijacked by vengeful partisans intent on keeping power at any cost.

Inauguration Day also is a long and grueling event. Festivities begin in the morning; the outgoing First Couple greets the incoming First Couple at the White House for photos and tea. Beltway aristocracy attends a noon swearing-in ceremony. The new president then delivers his first official address to the nation. Parades, signing ceremonies, and inaugural balls go on well into the night. Biden, of course, has attended every Inauguration Day this century, including twice as the vice president.

But this year will be different. Team Biden will wring every last infected droplet out of the COVID-19 panic for at least the first 100 days of a Biden Administration. Democrats and the Biden campaign shamelessly exploited the health crisis to damage President Trump, push for an unprecedented volume of absentee ballots that overwhelmingly favored the Democratic presidential nominee, and leveraged “social distancing” dogma to keep Republican poll watchers far away from mischievous Democratic canvassers in several key cities.

Why give up the political gift that keeps on giving?

Hungary: “Europe’s Borders Must be Protected” by Soeren Kern •


“Hungary will only be a Hungarian country as long as its borders remain intact. Therefore, not only our thousand-year-old statehood but also the future of our children obliges us to protect our borders.” — Judit Varga, Hungarian Justice Minister, December 17, 2020.

“While the Action Plan would give immigrants more rights and entitlements, it does not seem to take into consideration the security risks associated with mass migration.” — Zoltán Kovács, spokesman for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, December 17, 2020.

“If you are thinking that all of this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. The Action Plan looks similar to George Soros’ plan to have Europe admit ‘at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future.’…. Those migrants that Europe should be admitting, according to the Soros plan, their distribution should be permanent and mandatory. He also made it clear that his plan aims to protect immigrants and that national borders are an obstacle to this.” — Zoltán Kovács, December 17, 2020.

“The Union, according to the plan, would give more support to immigrants than to its own citizens by supporting businesses established and run by the former. Moreover, the plan, by supporting the employment of migrants, would put unemployed EU citizens in an even more difficult position.” — Zoltán Kovács, December 17, 2020.

“But the Commission’s Action Plan goes even further, seeking to bring in some 34 million migrants to become EU citizens (nearly 8 percent of the current EU population). That is, 34 million migrants would be granted citizenship and the right to vote…. Who says this is what Europe wants or needs? When have the citizens of Europe voted for this?” — Zoltán Kovács, December 17, 2020.

Cuomo Wields Imperious Axe Against NYC Restaurants Restaurant owners and workers fight back. Joseph Klein


Power-hungry Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York is singlehandedly starving New York City’s restaurants. By executive edict, Cuomo ordered the city’s restaurants, which were barely getting along as it was, to once again shut down their indoor dining services completely. Cuomo the grinch did so just in time for the holidays, when restaurants were hoping to make up for at least some of the revenue they have lost this year. By decimating the restaurant industry, Cuomo is also destroying the livelihoods of low and middle-income New Yorkers. For many restaurants, Cuomo’s draconian order is their death sentence. Restaurants are closing permanently in droves.

Restaurant owners and workers have reached their breaking point. Together with industry leaders, they protested in Times Square on December 15th. “Save our restaurants! Save our jobs!” protesters chanted before marching to Cuomo’s Midtown East office, the New York Post reported.  “The situation continues to get more and more dire, and the shutting down of indoor dining during the holidays, when New York City restaurants are providing the safety measures, is the straw that broke the camel’s back,” Jeffrey Garcia, president of the New York State Latino Restaurant Bar and Lounge Association (NYSRBLA), said at the protest. “We need action immediately.”

A restaurant owner lamented that “now that we’re unable to pay rent due to the shutdown, I’m afraid that I’m going to lose everything altogether.” Another owner said, “My employees don’t have a job two weeks before Christmas. It breaks my heart.”

An executive chef/owner of two lower Manhattan restaurants pointed out the ripple effect of the shutdown. “It’s important to understand that the restaurant industry is an ecosystem, so when you shut down restaurants you are looking at a serious domino effect from the purveyors to the farmers and the employees,” he said.

“How will I pay rent, buy food, support my family?” a long-time cook at a West Village restaurant asked. “That is what I am afraid of.”

Sen. Romney’s Misguided Lament By David Limbaugh


Republican Sen. Mitt Romney is grieving over, as CNN anchor Dana Bash put it, President Donald Trump’s “very firm grip on the Republican Party.”

Bash asked Romney whether he fears the party won’t “be able to overcome Trumpism in the near future.” Romney didn’t object to Bash’s negative characterization of Trumpism. He merely responded that he believes “Trump will continue to have a substantial influence on the party” and that those other than Trump who are rumored to be GOP presidential candidates in 2024 “are trying to appeal to kind of a populist approach.”

Romney concluded: “I don’t think Trumpism is going away, but I hope that we can have disagreements over policy and a vision of our respective parties without continuing to promote a narrative which puts democracy itself in jeopardy. And when you tell people that voting doesn’t work and that democracy can’t work because we don’t have legitimate elections, that is a very dangerous thing to be saying.”

Romney seems more comfortable breaking bread with leftist CNN anchors than grassroots Republicans. He clearly believes Trump is an ill-mannered rogue, but his remarks also confirm that he objects to the current direction of his party.

GOP Challenges Absentee Ballot Procedures in Advance of Georgia Runoff By Rick Moran


Republicans have fired a legal salvo against lax absentee ballot procedures in Georgia as the GOP seeks to make sure that all legal votes are counted — and illegal ones are left out.

The party has filed 3 lawsuits in federal court in advance of the January 5 Senate runoff elections, challenging signature verification procedures as well as the use of drop boxes to collect absentee ballots.

The suits have been filed despite hundreds of thousands of votes already cast in early voting and mail-in ballots.


The net result of the suits, which are backed by a combination of local, state and national Republican Party organizations, would make successfully voting by mail harder in Georgia, which Republicans say is necessary to protect the security of the elections — and others claim is an attempt to suppress votes for Democratic candidates.

And Georgia isn’t the only state where Republicans will seek changes to absentee ballot laws.

The legal efforts are likely just the start of a yearlong push by state Republicans to tighten voting rules in response to the 2020 election, which prompted unsubstantiated claims of widespread fraud from Trump, his supporters and other GOP leaders who are convinced that the contest wasn’t fair. Republican lawmakers in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania, among others, have already announced their intention to seek changes to state election laws next year in response to perceived irregularities, and Trump’s opposition to mail voting in 2020 — coupled with the way those late-counted ballots broke against him in some key states — has destroyed the decades-long bipartisan consensus on expanding the practice.

According to Politico, there have been 378,000 absentee ballots already returned while 846,000 ballots were mailed out. That’s slightly fewer than were returned prior to the general election. But Christmas is coming and voting will not be a high priority for most people.

The Shuttering of Europe For what purpose? To what end? Katie Hopkins


At the risk of sounding like a small child being scolded by its mother for fighting, it was Germany who started it – and I am not talking about WWI. Or even WWII, though I will always hold a deep-seated grudge against the country for both of those events.

I am talking about the complete shuttering of Europe for Christmas.

One day Merkel was on German TV screens wringing her hands and imploring her people to be more cautious. (I wondered what was going on; Merkel does not do emotion.)

The next day she reverted to type and threw Germany into a hard lockdown, closing shops, schools and everything in between. (I felt some relief; at least this was the woman I knew.)

Merkel is the ginger German equivalent of Mark Zuckerberg. And by that I mean very odd.

I swear that woman could impound Santa’s sleigh and still be back in the European Parliament by 7am in a pant suit, calmly discussing Fiscal Stimulus while little children wake to empty stockings.

The vast population of Muslims she imported into Germany call her Mutti Merkel (Mother Merkel) and I am sure they are as excited as Polar elves to watch this angry woman all but cancel Christmas in a country famous for its festive season. Erdogan must be rewarding her well.

Most of the major Christmas markets in Germany have been canceled, as have New Year fireworks displays.

The Persistent Myth of Biden’s ‘Moderation’ His personnel picks are plenty liberal, despite the carping of Bernie and company. by George Neumayr


The dominant media is an unreliable arbiter of political labels. While it is quick to cast even the most prosaic Republicans as “hardline conservatives,” it is far more circumspect in its description of Democrats. To enhance the appeal of figures like Joe Biden, the media will often confer upon them the label “moderate.” This is a lever by which the media moves the ideological spectrum steadily leftward, to the advantage of liberals. A biased media would like the public to see liberalism and “moderation” as interchangeable. Hence, even though Biden ran a campaign to the left of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, many in the media still described it as moderate.

This media flattery continues as Biden rolls out his personnel picks. He hasn’t selected a veritable moderate yet. All his picks come from the ranks of liberal Democrats, and some of the most important posts have gone to the most ideological of them, from Neera Tanden at the Office of Management and Budget to Xavier Becerra at Health and Human Services. This week Biden named Jennifer Granholm, an opponent of traditional sources of energy, to head up the Energy Department, which is a bit like making a pacifist the head of the Defense Department.

It is clear that no serious dissenters from liberal orthodoxy will receive any positions in a Biden administration. Yet some in the media are still playing up “tensions” between Biden and “progressives” so that the mythology of Biden as a moderate can continue. “Progressives frustrated with representation as Biden Cabinet takes shape,” says the Hill. But the carping doesn’t amount to much. It appears more personal than ideological: Bernie Sanders and company would like to see more of their friends getting jobs. To the extent that it is ideological, it represents little more than an intramural dispute not between moderates and liberals but between leftists of varying degrees. (Neera Tanden is described in the article as “establishment,” though she is as liberal as they come.)

The Middle East’s Dual ‘Occupations’ The Israel-Morocco peace deal underscores a double standard on the West Bank versus Western Sahara. Eugene Kontorovich


Many expected the Trump administration to recognize Israeli sovereignty over parts of the West Bank before Inauguration Day. Instead, last week it recognized Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara as part of a U.S.-brokered peace deal between Jerusalem and Rabat. The new U.S. position on Morocco’s borders has a sound basis in international law and diplomatic practice, and it makes the case even stronger for doing the same with Israel and the West Bank.

Morocco took control of Western Sahara in 1975. The territory had been a Spanish colony, but when Madrid abandoned it, Mauritania and Morocco invaded. Hundreds of thousands of Moroccan settlers followed.

The United Nations has described Morocco’s presence as an “occupation,” but much of the international community has taken a more ambiguous view, describing the territory as “disputed.” The Polisario Front, a Saharawi rebel movement, also claims the territory. In 2016 U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon apologized after referring to the territory as “occupied,” in what the U.N. described as an accident.

Traditionally, the law of occupation applies only to sovereign territory of foreign states. This covers most cross-border conflicts but not some post-colonial transitions where there is a gap in sovereign control. Thus, while the international community strongly opposed Indonesia’s 1975 takeover of East Timor (a similarly orphaned former Portuguese colony), it didn’t treat it as an occupation. Indonesia’s 1962 takeover of the former Dutch New Guinea gained universal acceptance.