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Ruth King

Ex-FBI Agent Strzok Acknowledged Steele Dossier Was ‘Intended to Influence’ Media By Brittany Bernstein


In newly declassified messages, ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok, who oversaw the bureau’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s potential ties to Russia, touted the Steele dossier’s ability to “influence” media.

Senate Republicans on Thursday released a number of internal FBI messages from Strzok that provide insight into Crossfire Hurricane, the investigation into the Trump campaign. The Justice Department declassified the records on December 1 after Senators Ron Johnson (R., Wisc.) and Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) asked Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray to declassify the documents in October as part of their investigation into Crossfire Hurricane.

Strzok’s messages suggest that he was aware that former British spy Christopher Steele, whose dossier was used by the FBI to obtain surveillance warrants against Carter Page, was a source for a Yahoo! News story alleging that Page had a secret meeting in Moscow with two Kremlin insiders.

“Looking at the Yahoo article, I would definitely say at a minimum Steele’s reports should be viewed as intended to influence as well as to inform,” Strzok, who was fired from the FBI in August 2018, wrote on Sept. 23, 2016.

It was later uncovered that Steele was a source for the article and he had met with a number of journalists in Washington, D.C. as part of an opposition research campaign commissioned by the DNC and Clinton campaign.

Though Strzok expressed his suspicion that Steele was the source for the article, the Bureau continued working with the ex-spy and did not disclose Steele’s contact with journalists to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).

Ruthie Blum : The welcome extradition of Malka Leifer


It appears that the extremely lengthy extradition saga of Malka Leifer is finally coming to an end. On Tuesday, Israel’s Supreme Court rejected an appeal by the accused pedophile against sending her packing to Australia, where she is wanted on 74 counts of rape and sexual abuse.

Though she still has another chance to appeal after Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn signed off on her extradition, there is little chance that such a move would bear fruit at this point. By now, Leifer’s lawyers have exhausted every avenue and used any lame excuse to keep their client from being sent back to the scene of her “alleged” crimes.

The reason that “alleged” should be in quotation marks here is that one of her defense team’s arguments over the past six years was that her sexual relations with the girls in the Adass Israel School in Melbourne – where she served as principal – were consensual. In other words, she acknowledges that the sex took place.

Adding insult to injury, one of her attorneys, Nick Kaufman, said, “It is simply unreasonable that [the alleged victims] did not know what those sexual acts were, and that they were not able to refuse.”

To lend credence to his argument, he peculiarly quoted one witness who stated, “I was afraid to say no. [Leifer] had a powerful personality. If I hadn’t done what she wanted, she would have become angry with me.”

Kaufman argued – ridiculously – that this meant her fear had been “subjective,” as opposed to the result of an actual threat.

Not only is the assertion of the students’ “consent” preposterous, but it’s completely different from what Leifer claimed when the first complaint surfaced in 2008. At the time, she not only denied the accusation, but got huffy about how it would ruin her reputation.

Well, she was right about that. But any damage to her name is well-deserved. Someone who takes advantage of his or her position of authority to pray on subordinates for sexual gratification warrants no sympathy.

Leifer’s conduct – if an Australian court deems her guilty – was particularly heinous, however. As headmistress of a religious school, which keeps girls and boys completely separate and teaches the strictest interpretation of Orthodox Judaism, she would have been able to groom her victims without raising suspicion.

Joe Biden’s looming disaster By Grady Means *****


Pity Joe Biden. He is the dog that finally caught the bus and he is soon to be political roadkill. While he celebrates his victory in the Electoral College, powerful forces already are engaged to doom him and his presidency. His two central problems are that he has set the wrong expectations and that his policies will not work in the current domestic and international political, economic and military environment.

The only message in his “I’m-not-Trump” political campaign was that President Trump made a mess of domestic and foreign policy and that Biden would fix all of that. The deadly trap is that Trump did very well on many key measures and Biden inevitably will do much worse, creating a failed Biden presidency. 

His Day One issue of COVID-19 already is a loser. Researchers developed vaccines in record time, under Trump’s direction, and are rolling them out. The complex issue of distribution now goes to Biden. Any significant number of deaths among the vulnerable communities of nursing homes, the elderly in general, minorities, and those with pre-existing conditions will fall solely on Biden’s team. Similarly, sustained economic damage resulting from lockdowns will fall on Biden and Democratic officials.

Biden Should Beware of Nemesis Victor Davis Hanson


Joe Biden will be our next president. But he will face Nemesis in a way that few other presidents have ever encountered the cruel Greek god. Biden’s hubris and that of the media/Democratic Party fusion almost guarantee such divine retribution.

Once the last of the other Democratic primary candidates dropped out and Biden was nominated, all prior negative media stories about his apparent cognitive decline and his family’s financial entanglements disappeared. From April 2020 on, a virtual news blackout surrounded Biden. His rare interviews were scripted. Biden communiques were teleprompted. Press conferences were either nonexistent or revolved around his favorite milkshake or his socks.

Mentions of Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China and Ukraine were taboo. It was sinful to reference reports of a Hunter Biden email allegedly detailing a 10 percent distribution of such revenue to the “Big Guy” — presumably Joe Biden.

Unlike Donald Trump, Joe Biden never really campaigned. After the primaries, he outsourced his fall 2020 campaign to subordinates and pet journalists to attack Trump.

So is Biden the centrist old Joe from Scranton, or the recently reinvented hard-left running mate of Kamala Harris? Both or neither? Will he keep the booming pre-COVID-19 Trump economy to claim as his own? Or will he go full socialist to apply a Bernie Sanders-style makeover to it?

Oblivious Biden Donald L. Finley

What kind of man must Joe Biden be to accept being illegitimately put into the Oval Office?

We’ve all seen the clips.  Nearly every recent Joe Biden public appearance has been an embarrassment.  The media called his garbled statements ‘gaffes,’ as if they were innocent, harmless mistakes, but many have suggested far worse age-related cognitive failures.  We experienced embarrassment with him, and pitied a man clearly past his prime.  What seemed most prominent about Joe Biden, other than his mental decline, was his obsession with one singular goal — to be president of the United States. 

He first ran for president in the 1988 presidential election.  He didn’t last until the first primary, being forced to drop out when caught in multiple lies about his background, his upbringing, his academic record, and for plagiarizing other politicians.  Twenty years later, he ran again in the 2008 presidential election, but dropped out after coming in fifth in the Iowa caucuses, with less than 1% of the vote.  He was later chosen as Barack Obama’s running mate.  

After eight years of office there, and four years out, he announced his run in the 2020 presidential election, where his plagiarism problem came up again as some of his policy positions were lifted verbatim from other organizations.  The blame was immediately deflected to his staff, and the scandal seemed not to touch him.

For most politicians, such scandals end careers, but Joe Biden outlasted the scandals, and remained in office for more than four decades, really only rising above the noise on three occasions.  


I asked attorney Byler “What now?’ Philip Byler is a distinguished litigator and politically savvy.
This is his answer:
You asked me recently what do we do. A plan of action for the future is needed.
In formulating the plan of action for the future, the Doug Truax article at American Greatness about vote reform (https://amgreatness.com/2020/12/14/never-again/) is a must read. In the plan of action for the future, one step MUST be implementation of the vote reform agenda. Social gatherings of Republicans in support of the honest ballot initiative, like what I attended in New York put on by a well-intentioned Ed Cox, are nice, but they accomplish nothing by themselves. Actual legal change is needed. Otherwise, politics will be just a pretend game; it will not be substantively different than in radical socialist societies where votes are held but the Party of Government always wins.
As for some other elements of the plan of action for the future, part of the actual change effort as to voting must be to expose the 2020 vote fraud fully. In contrast to Trump’s massive crowds, Joe Biden could not attract a crowd when he did emerge from his basement and did not get 15 million more votes than did Hillary in 2016 and Obama in 2012. The exposure of the massive vote fraud will be necessary for there to be the demand that cannot be refused for actual legal change; and in order for there to be that exposure, we need an alternative TV media other than FOX and alternative social media platforms. We do not face a mainstream media and social media platforms that are hostile; we face a totalitarian media and totalitarian Big Tech running social media that are aiming to silence us.
Finally, as for an essential element of the plan of action for the future, President Trump must remain the leader. There are fine younger Republicans such as Cruz, Paul, Hawley, Nunes, Jordan and Crenshaw. But Trump is the only one who can summon crowds and the will of the People, which will be necessary to upend the Obama led effort to make America a radical socialist mediocrity. Trump is by far the highest and second highest vote getter for Republicans in Presidential elections in history, and he was cheated in 2020. The Republicans have no future as loser groups of self-centered, mealy mouthed RINOs, Establishment types and braying jackass Never Trumpers, and those groups need to be sidelined; they are clueless and about themselves. The Republicans have a future as the “We, the People,” “God Bless America,” free enterprise, pro-police, por life,pro-those who do the actual fighting military, anti-DC swamp party of heartland Americans wherever they live in America.

For NY Times, no news is fit to print about Rep. Swalwell and a spy By Joe Concha,


If you’re a New York Times subscriber who also watches the broadcast network evening news and considers that your news diet, there’s a very good chance you haven’t heard about Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) and his ties to an accused Chinese spy a few years ago. 

To review why this is absolutely worthy of coverage, Swalwell’s interaction with the alleged spy known as Fang Fang included, according to Axios, Fang placing an intern in Swalwell’s office and helping to fundraise for his 2014 reelection campaign. In 2015, the FBI provided Swalwell a “defensive briefing” to warn him of the threat she appeared to pose. 

So, the first obvious question is this: Given how easily Swalwell was duped, why did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) shortly thereafter place him on the House Intelligence Committee, which oversees the CIA and therefore has access to the highest level of sensitive, classified information? 

The New York Times doesn’t seem to care about getting an answer to that question. 

Of the biases we see in major media, the sin of omission is one that seems to occur only when the protagonist of a major story has a (D) next to his or her name. So, when the New York Times, which has a whopping 7 million subscribers and is considered the country’s most influential publication, doesn’t see the Swalwell story as a story at all, it tells you just as much about its moral compass as it does its editorial decisions. 

Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud ‘more than sufficient’ to swing victory to Trump by Andrew Mark Miller,


Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro published a lengthy report Thursday outlining several examples of voting irregularities that are “more than sufficient” to swing the outcome of the election in President Trump’s favor.

The 36-page report “assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states” and concludes that “patterns of election irregularities … are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election, strategically game the election process in such a way as to … unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.”

The six dimensions of voting irregularities in the report include: outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, equal protection clause violations, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical anomalies.

All six of those voting issues were present in at least two key states, according to the report, and a total of six battleground states experienced multiple examples of the other dimensions.


Here’s What Was Discovered About Dominion Machines Used in a Swing State https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/12/15/new-report-says-dominion-voting-systems-has-a-remarkably-high-error-rate-n2581624?


Fraud Analyst Finds Average of 2 to 3 Percent Shift for Biden in Counties That Used Dominion https://www.theepochtimes.com/fraud-analyst-flags-pro-biden-shift-in-counties-that-used-dominion_3619566.html?


Dominion Audit: Ballot Error Rate Was At Least 85,000 Times Higher Than FEC Allows https://www.westernjournal.com/dominion-audit-ballot-error-rate-least-85000-times-higher-fec-allows/


Did China Help Biden Win? DNI John Ratcliffe Confirms “There Was Foreign Election Interference by China, Iran, Russia in November” https://thejewishvoice.com/2020/12/did-china-help-biden-win-dni-john-ratcliffe-confirms-there-was-foreign-election-interference-by-china-iran-russia-in-november/


Media saves Joe Biden – just as they saved Barack Obama https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/media-saves-joe-biden-just-saved-barack-obama/


China exploiting mobile networks to spy on American cellphones: report https://www.foxnews.com/world/china-mobile-spy-americans-report


Inside China’s audacious global propaganda campaign https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/dec/07/china-plan-for-global-media-dominance-propaganda-xi-jinping


Corporate Media Awfully Quiet on News of Fraudulent Dominion Voting Systems Results https://redstate.com/jeffc/2020/12/15/corporate-media-awfully-quiet-on-news-of-fraudulent-dominion-voting-systems-results-n294959


2020 Election Fraud is CCP ‘Assassin’s Mace’: Patrick Byrne https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-fraud-is-ccp-assassins-mace-patrick-byrne_3619337.html?



No jab, no job: Businesses call for right to sack workers who refuse COVID vaccine https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/no-jab-no-job-businesses-call-for-right-to-sack-workers-who-refuse-covid-vaccine-c-1254167

Mo Brooks: ‘Trump Won the Electoral College’ — I Can Be a Part of the ‘Surrender Caucus’ or I Can Fight for Our Country by Jeff Poor


Monday during an appearance on FBN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) vowed not to go down without a fight despite states having certified Electoral College results earlier in the day, which paved the way for Joe Biden to become the President-elect.

Brooks told host Lou Dobbs about his effort to challenge the Electoral College, which has happened as recently as 2017 after Donald Trump won the presidential election.

“Well, it’s happened many times in the past,” Brooks said. “Apparently, some folks have not done their history. By way of example, the Democrats in the House tried it in 2017 when they tried to strike Alabama’s votes for Donald Trump. Georgia, the same way, the House Democrats tried to strike it. Barbara Boxer tried to strike Ohio for George Bush back in 2005, so this is not unusual. The law is very clear, the House of Representatives in combination with the United States Senate has the lawful authority to accept or reject Electoral College vote submissions from states that have such flawed election systems that they’re not worthy of our trust.”

And in this instance, with what has happened nationally, I’m quite confident that if we only counted lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, Donald Trump won the Electoral College, and we should not be counting illegal votes and putting in an illegitimate President of the United States.” he continued.

The Alabama Republican congressman also pledged not to be a part of what he deemed the “surrender caucus” with the GOP, adding that he needs a U.S. Senator to join his challenge to the Electoral College for it to be successful.