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Ruth King

Sen. Braun Defends Election Fraud Probes, Says Legal Process Must Play Out By Isabel van Brugen


Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) on Sunday said he supports the ongoing probes into alleged voter fraud in the Nov. 3 presidential election, saying that half of the country is “uncertain” about the election outcome and that legal processes must be allowed to play out.

Braun made the remarks during an appearance on ABC News’ “This Week,” which saw host George Stephanopoulos ask Braun why he isn’t accepting yet that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden beat President Donald Trump in the election, despite ongoing legal challenges nationwide.

Stephanopoulos noted that at least 38 of more than 50 lawsuits brought by Trump’s legal team and his allies, have been dismissed by judges in the lower courts.

“I think it’s easy to say it’s played out because that might be the most convenient thing to say,” Braun challenged back. “Whether we dismiss it, reflexively, whether we would find widespread fraud … there’s a wide gulf in between. And I think that when you just say that there’s nothing there, you’re going to have half of the country uncertain about what just happened and disgruntled going into the future.”

A number of states and news outlets have declared Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election. The Epoch Times won’t declare a winner until all results are certified and any legal challenges are resolved.

While media outlets can make their own projections as to the winner of the election, state electors and the Electoral College are the bodies that are officially tasked with declaring a presidential winner. Each state has different deadlines for when officials must certify their election results, and the Electoral College votes on Dec. 14. The Joint Session of Congress will then read the votes on Jan. 6, 2021, which can be challenged. The president-elect is then sworn in on Jan. 20.

Georgia Elections Supply Web Store Hosted on Canadian Platform By Ivan Pentchoukov


The website used to order blank ballots and other election supplies from the office of Georgia’s secretary of state is hosted on Shopify, a Canadian e-commerce platform that admitted it was breached not long before Election Day.

The unique address of the website appears on the bottom of order records from local elections offices, some of which were discarded near the secretary of state’s distribution warehouse.

The shop’s landing page is protected by a password.

“The Georgia Elections Supply Store is for Georgia Election Officials only. It is password protected. If you do not know the password and you would like access to the store, please contact Rachell Simmons at the Secretary of State’s office,” the page states, before listing the email and phone number for Simmons.

Exposing the emails and phone numbers of officials involved in disseminating the password for the website leaves them vulnerable to phishing attempts.

An order slip discarded near the Georgia secretary of state’s warehouse in Atlanta shows that the Georgia Official Elections Supply Store is hosted on Shopify. (Anonymous Submission via Epoch Times)

Local election officials use the website to order blank absentee ballots, ballot envelopes, oath envelopes, applications for voter registration, signs for ballot drop boxes, and other items. The Epoch Times can confirm that boxes appearing to contain these and other supplies were being loaded from the warehouse into a UPS truck. The UPS has not responded to a request for comment.

Shopify announced on Sept. 22 that two rogue members of its support team had breached the data of some 200 members. The company said at the time that it had referred the matter to the FBI.

Judge Denies Request for Hearing Extension to Allow Experts to Testify By Janita Kan


A federal judge in Arizona has denied a request by attorney Sidney Powell’s team for an extension in an upcoming hearing so that expert witnesses can testify before the court.

Powell’s team made the request in its recently filed Arizona case, which alleges that manipulation to election software and other fraud in the state resulted in violations in the U.S. Constitution and state election laws. The lawsuit also claims that at least 400,000 illegal ballots were counted in the state’s 2020 general election.

The suit was filed on behalf of several Republicans in the state, including 11 electors. Powell’s team also filed a temporary restraining order seeking to immediately block Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey from delivering the certified election results to the electoral college while the court hears the case. Arizona certified its presidential election results on Nov. 30.

Judge Diane Joyce Humetewa subsequently filed a hearing to consider the temporary restraining order for Dec. 8 but later converted the hearing so that she could consider the defendant’s request to dismiss the case. Powell’s team then asked Humetewa whether she would extend the length of that hearing from one hour to three hours to allow three expert witnesses to testify over the vulnerability and risks of the state’s election software Dominion Voting Systems.

Among the witnesses named is Russell Ramsland, a former Republican Party candidate who currently works with the Allied Special Operations Group. He claims an affidavit that his company found vulnerabilities linked to Dominion, including weaknesses for “hacking and tampering.”

Schumer’s Wages of ‘Resistance’ Senate Democrats did everything they could to delay Trump’s nominees. Republicans won’t forget. By John Barrasso


Mr. Barrasso of Wyoming is chairman of the Senate Republican Conference.

Thousands of angry protesters gathered on Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn, N.Y. Camped out in front of Chuck Schumer’s apartment building, the mob used bullhorns and signs to jeer the Senate minority leader.

The activist left was sending a message to Democrats: President Trump was unacceptable. They accused Mr. Schumer and his colleagues of being soft. Signs urged him to “show some spine” and to resist “by any means necessary.”

Nearly every Democratic senator eventually complied. Oregon’s Sen. Jeff Merkley vowed to obstruct the president’s nominees purely as “a protest” against Republicans. Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut promised to “shatter precedent” to stymie nominations.

The result was unprecedented. As had been tradition, Presidents Clinton and Obama had nearly all of their cabinet confirmed in January. Mr. Clinton had 13 out of 14; Mr. Obama, 11 out of 15. Senate Democrats made sure Mr. Trump had only three.

Trial Lawyers vs. Arab-Israeli Peace Schumer and Menendez block a deal to bring Sudan closer to the West


When the White House announced in October that Sudan planned to normalize relations with Israel, it showed that the peace movement could extend beyond the Persian Gulf. The northeast African country is changing for the better, but a pair of self-interested Senators could derail this progress.

Sudan had been a geopolitical nightmare for most of dictator Omar al-Bashir’s 30 years in power. He fell last year, and Abdalla Hamdok, an economist and reformer, became Prime Minister. A quarter-century after the country hosted Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, the transitional government is opening up civil society and promising democratic elections in 2022.

Washington and Khartoum have negotiated a broad deal to improve ties. On top of the agreement with Jerusalem, Sudan has put $335 million in an escrow account to pay victims of al Qaeda’s 1998 U.S. embassy bombings. In exchange the U.S. would lift its state sponsor of terrorism designation and restore Sudan’s sovereign immunity. The deal would open the country to foreign investment, which its shrinking economy desperately needs. But Congress needs to approve.

Mr. Hamdok leads a fragile government and has survived an assassination attempt. Many Islamists are unhappy with his turn to the West, and some problematic officials from the Bashir era remain influential. It could be tough for the reformer to keep pushing change—or even remain in office—if the agreement falls through and his legitimacy becomes questionable. Israeli-Sudanese normalization would be off the table, and Sudan’s currently poor ties with Iran would likely warm up.

Georgia County Can’t Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots


BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV:Georgia’s Dekalb County does not know if it is in possession of the ballot transfer forms used to record the chain of custody for absentee ballots dropped into some 300 drop boxes around the state.

Dekalb County responded to an open records request for the transfer forms from The Georgia Star News by writing that “it has not yet been determined if responsive records to your request exist.”

“DeKalb County and [the DeKalb County Department of Voting, Registration and Election] VRE are currently operating within its COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan. These remote operations and VRE’s current workload greatly impact how soon responsive records can be provided,” the response from the department stated.

“VRE is expected to make this determination within thirty business days.”

The Georgia Star News requested the ballot transfer forms from several counties. Cobb County and Cook County have complied with the request, each providing copies of the forms.

A spokesperson for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger told Breitbart News last week that the ballot transfer forms are in the possession of individual counties.

Georgia election rules require ballots from drop boxes to be picked up by teams of at least two people who must complete a transfer form upon doing so.

Trump Team Begins Forensic Examination of Dominion Machines in Michigan By Jack Phillips


President Donald Trump’s legal team began a forensic analysis of Dominion voting machines in Michigan after a judge on Friday permitted the examination.

“Our team is going to be able to go in this morning at about 8:30 [a.m.] and will be there for about eight hours to conduct that forensic examination and we’ll have the results in about 48 hours, and that’ll tell us a lot about these machines,” attorney Jenna Ellis told Fox News on Sunday.

“A judge actually granted our team access … to conduct a forensic audit,” Ellis added.

Ellis was referring to a ruling from a judge in Antrim County, Michigan, who authorized the audit of 22 Dominion Voting Systems machines, said Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. It’s not clear which of the several election lawsuits the order originated from.

Later, Antrim County spokesperson Jeremy Scott told the Detroit Free Press that forensic images will be taken from voting machines used during the Nov. 3 election. Judge Kevin Elsenheimer issued the order regarding a challenge from voter William Bailey, who filed a lawsuit alleging that ballots were damaged in a recounting of ballots in a marijuana proposal that narrowly passed, reported Fox News. Elsenheimer’s order doesn’t mention the presidential race, and it’s not yet clear if the order allows Trump’s team to examine the machines.

The Michigan GOP last month noted that voting machines in Antrim County incorrectly switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Joe Biden. The Secretary of State’s office said it was due to a technical error and non-updated software, adding that the issue was later corrected.

Ellis, in the Fox News interview on Sunday, cast doubt on the Secretary of State’s claims, saying that it was “an unexplained and so-called ‘glitch.”

Justice Alito Moves up Supreme Court Deadline in Key Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Case By Jack Phillips


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito asked officials in Pennsylvania to file briefs by Tuesday at 9 a.m. in response to a lawsuit filed by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) in a bid to overturn the state’s election results.

Tuesday, notably, is the “safe harbor” deadline that requires controversies surrounding elections to be ended so states can choose their electors before the Dec. 14 meeting of the Electoral College. Alito initially called for response arguments by 4 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 9, before it was changed.

The Tuesday, Dec. 8 deadline could be a signal that the Supreme Court takes up Kelly’s case, which was shot down by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court last weekend. Kelly has argued that the 2019 Pennsylvania law, Act 77, violates Pennsylvania’s state Constitution and the U.S. Constitution with its “no-excuse mail-in” voting provision. Kelly’s lawsuit was joined by GOP congressional candidate Sean Parnell and others.

Their lawsuit argued that the only way to increase mail-in voting was via a constitutional amendment, saying the Pennsylvania Legislature’s passage of the bill was illegal. They are seeking to have hundreds of thousands of ballots disqualified as a result, which would be more than enough to flip the result of the election in the state.

“Pennsylvania’s General Assembly exceeded its powers by unconstitutionally allowing no-excuse absentee voting, including for federal offices, in the Election,” Kelly’s attorney wrote to Justice Alito, according to Law & Crime. “The opinion below forecloses any means of remedying Petitioners’ injuries.”

“With respect to elections for federal office, both state legislatures and the Congress have specified roles inscribed in the Constitution as fail-safes for state failures in conducting elections,” their petition also said.

What We Neglect in Tocqueville By Harvey C. Mansfield


Democracy in America is about a lot more than democracy .

Alexis de Tocqueville (1805–1859) was a French aristocrat and one of America’s very best friends, the special, rare kind that tells you the truth. His Democracy in America is quoted often for support, but less often sought for advice. Here are a few points in his great book, often neglected, from which we can learn. (An anniversary is a time to celebrate, but any time is a good time to learn.) 

The meaning of democracy. Many readers today wonder how Tocqueville could speak of “democracy” in 1835, when women had no vote and blacks were enslaved. Tocqueville specifies “equality of conditions” to define democracy, a state in which each individual thinks he has sufficient intelligence to rule himself, resulting in the rule of the majority of such individuals. It’s not that individuals are equal, but that they think they are. Others are held to be “similar” to oneself, neither inferior nor superior. Democracy is not a self-evident truth taken from nature’s God but a plausible convention held to be true. Democracy can become more equal — give women the vote and abolish slavery — when the majority rules it to happen, but the majority can also accept imperfections and inequalities if it wishes and still remain democratic. Such inequalities, for example offices filled by elections, often make democracy work better. Even in its normal functioning, even when officials have powers unequal to those of citizens, democracy has hidden aristocratic aspects necessary to its good functioning.

Democracy and aristocracy. Tocqueville — an aristocrat himself, living just after the French Revolution — knew the contrast between the Old Regime and the democratic future that he found in America in a way we cannot today. For us there is only one way to live justly and reasonably — in democracy. Even the hateful regimes we know, such as communism and Nazism, are perversions of democracy. Tocqueville refers to the “providential fact” that democracy in our time is inescapable, but he explains democracy to itself in constant contrast with its rival, aristocracy.

The Folly of Renewable Energy The West needs to go nuclear By Matt Ridley


If you judge by the images used to illustrate reports about energy, the world now runs mainly on wind and solar power. It comes as a shock to look up the numbers. In 2019 wind and solar between them supplied just 1.5 percent of the world’s energy consumption. Hydro supplied 2.6 percent, nuclear 1.7 percent, and all the rest — 94 percent — came from burning things: coal, oil, gas, wood, and biofuels.

As Mark Twain might say, reports of an energy transition away from combustion as a source of energy are greatly exaggerated. True, carbon-dioxide emissions are rising more slowly than energy consumption, but that is mainly because gas is displacing coal. The rise of renewables has so far not even compensated for the recent decline of nuclear — a decline renewables have contributed to causing because intermittent renewable energy hits the profitability of nuclear power hardest. Nuclear cannot be easily switched on and off.

So the thermodynamic explanation of the world economy remains the same as it has since the industrial revolution liberated us from reliance mainly on the (renewable) muscles of people, horses, and oxen or the vagaries of (renewable) trade winds. We use the heat of flames to do useful things, such as move stuff around, light and heat our homes, manufacture goods, grow crops with tractors, power the Internet.

The main change in recent years has been that energy is increasingly centrally planned. Instead of a market deciding between fuels, the government picks favorites to subsidize, and then subsidizes the old ones, too, when it finds it has poisoned the market against them. Throughout the Western world energy markets are coerced. The development pipeline, corporate rhetoric, and fuel-market shares are all determined by policy.

This has some perverse consequences. Lobbied by firms such as General Electric, Sylvania, and Philips, governments all over the world forced consumers to give up incandescent light bulbs in favor of expensive compact fluorescent bulbs, ostensibly to save energy. All this achieved was a delay in the voluntary replacement of both by a much more efficient, safe, and reliable form of lighting: LEDs.