Am I the only one (I don’t think so) who is concerned that the First Amendment is now hanging by a thread?
YouTube appears to be – no, it definitely is – blocking links to American Thinker. When one attempts to post a comment to a YouTube video or to reply to someone else’s comment that includes a link to American Thinker, the comment cannot be posted. This is the message one receives:
We weren’t able to add your reply. Please try again.
“Trying again” achieves nothing except the same result no matter how many attempts are made. When the same comment is attempted again, but without the American Thinker link, the comment is posted immediately.
I first noticed this phenomenon on Friday as I attempted to reply to a viewer’s comment to the video of Jamie Glazov’s interview with me on the subject of “What’s Up With Fox News?” – the same topic as my feature article at American Thinker today (Sunday, February 14). When my reply didn’t go through after multiple attempts, I deleted the link to AT from my draft comment and it was posted without delay.
This is not a temporary glitch. The same result was noticed again in an attempt to post a comment to YouTube that I made this morning (February 14).