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Ruth King

YouTube is now blocking links to American Thinker By Peter Barry Chowka


Am I the only one (I don’t think so) who is concerned that the First Amendment is now hanging by a thread?

YouTube appears to be – no, it definitely is – blocking links to American Thinker. When one attempts to post a comment to a YouTube video or to reply to someone else’s comment that includes a link to American Thinker, the comment cannot be posted. This is the message one receives:

We weren’t able to add your reply. Please try again.

“Trying again” achieves nothing except the same result no matter how many attempts are made. When the same comment is attempted again, but without the American Thinker link, the comment is posted immediately.

I first noticed this phenomenon on Friday as I attempted to reply to a viewer’s comment to the video of Jamie Glazov’s interview with me on the subject of “What’s Up With Fox News?” – the same topic as my feature article at American Thinker today (Sunday, February 14). When my reply didn’t go through after multiple attempts, I deleted the link to AT from my draft comment and it was posted without delay.

This is not a temporary glitch. The same result was noticed again in an attempt to post a comment to YouTube that I made this morning (February 14).

The Sins of Cuomo A deadly cover-up and executive order. Joseph Klein


Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial has concluded with an acquittal, just like his first impeachment trial a year earlier. Both impeachments were travesties of justice in which Democrats weaponized the impeachment process to exact political revenge on Trump. But there are times when government leaders have so badly abused their powers and violated the public trust that they must be held fully accountable for their misdeeds and removed from office if necessary. New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo is a prime example. 

Thousands of elderly nursing home residents in New York lost their lives last spring because of Cuomo’s reckless disregard of human life in exercising his emergency powers to deal with the coronavirus crisis. He ordered last March that elderly patients infected with the coronavirus be sent from hospitals to nursing homes. “No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to [a nursing home] solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19,” the order stated. “[Nursing homes] are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.”

As previously uninfected nursing home residents began to drop like flies in the wake of Cuomo’s directive, the governor reversed course last May. But Cuomo took no personal responsibility for the tragic loss of life. Instead, after shifting blame to anyone but himself, Cuomo and his top aides covered up the true extent of the human toll the nursing home directive had inflicted. 

The first shoe that dropped evidencing a possible coverup was New York State Attorney General Letitia James’ release of a damaging report last month. The report estimated that if deaths of nursing home residents in hospitals from the coronavirus had been counted, the total tally of nursing home resident fatalities would have increased by more than 50 percent.

Pathogen Pipeline: Chinese Agents In Canada Shipped Deadly Pathogens To The Wuhan Institute Of Virology The most likely source of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19. Lloyd Billingsley


It is “extremely unlikely” that the virus causing Covid-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), but for the World Health Organization there’s more to the story. According to WHO mouthpiece Peter Ben Emerek, the issue does not even warrant further study. 

“Phew. That’s China off the hook, then,” wrote Miranda Devine of the New York Post.

Contrary to Emerek, a food safety and nutrition specialist, not a virologist, the WIV warrants plenty of further study. Consider, for example, recent revelations from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

“Two Canadian government scientists escorted from the National Microbiology Laboratory amidst an RCMP  [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] investigation and internal review have been let go from the Public Health Agency of Canada,” Karen Pauls of the CBC reported on February 6. Canada’s health agency gave no explanation for the dismissal of Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, a virologist from Tianjin, China, and her husband, Keding Cheng.

As Pauls explains, in 2017-18 Qiu made at least five trips to China, including one to train scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, “which does research with the most deadly pathogens.” According to Canadian government officials, Qiu was acting in response to the WIV’s request for virus samples.

In July, 2019, Cheng, Qiu and her students from China were removed from the National Microbiology Lab (NML), Canada’s only Level 4 lab, over a possible “policy breach” and administrative matter.

The Left’s Sinister Conspiracy to Silence Conservatives What are leftists afraid of? David Limbaugh


Why does the left want to silence conservatives? Why do rank-and-file Democrats go along with this abomination? Leftists have bad intentions, but how about the Democrats who enable them? I prefer to think they’ve being manipulated.

As worried as we should be about the hyperexploding national debt and our inevitable fiscal catastrophe, I am even more worried about the left’s success in turning America into a police state (ironic, given its simultaneous war on the police).

People still able to summon their rational faculties during this pandemic have to be concerned about this insane, concerted effort to control people’s thoughts and speech. How can those who purport to rage against the fascism of former President Donald Trump, which was an abject Democratic and media myth, promote actual fascism in our culture?

It strains the mind to imagine that fair people can deceive themselves into believing that silencing and canceling people for “offensive” views is consistent with our liberty tradition. Some rationalize that because government is not the moving agency in this censorship, and because the Constitution only restricts state action, not that of private entities, there is no violation of our constitutional principles.

Video: What’s Up With Fox News? An investigative reporter provides his findings.


This new Glazov Gang episode features Investigative Reporter Peter Barry Chowka.

Peter discusses What’s Up With Fox News?, providing his findings after his investigations and analysis.

Don’t miss it!

Slouching Toward Post-Journalism Martin Gurri


Traditional newspapers never sold news; they sold an audience to advertisers. To a considerable degree, this commercial imperative determined the journalistic style, with its impersonal voice and pretense of objectivity. The aim was to herd the audience into a passive consumerist mass. Opinion, which divided readers, was treated like a volatile substance and fenced off from “factual” reporting.

The digital age exploded this business model. Advertisers fled to online platforms, never to return. For most newspapers, no alternative sources of revenue existed: as circulation plummets to the lowest numbers on record, more than 2,000 dailies have gone silent since the turn of the century. The survival of the rest remains an open question.

Led by the New York Times, a few prominent brand names moved to a model that sought to squeeze revenue from digital subscribers lured behind a paywall. This approach carried its own risks. The amount of information in the world was, for practical purposes, infinite. As supply vastly outstripped demand, the news now chased the reader, rather than the other way around. Today, nobody under 85 would look for news in a newspaper. Under such circumstances, what commodity could be offered for sale?

During the 2016 presidential campaign, the Times stumbled onto a possible answer. It entailed a wrenching pivot from a journalism of fact to a “post-journalism” of opinion—a term coined, in his book of that title, by media scholar Andrey Mir. Rather than news, the paper began to sell what was, in effect, a creed, an agenda, to a congregation of like-minded souls. Post-journalism “mixes open ideological intentions with a hidden business necessity required for the media to survive,” Mir observes. The new business model required a new style of reporting. Its language aimed to commodify polarization and threat: journalists had to “scare the audience to make it donate.” At stake was survival in the digital storm.

Yet Another Big Lie Behind Biden’s $1.9 Trillion COVID Bill


Last week, governors and mayors from around the country came to the White House with cups in hand for COVID aid and found a president eager to listen to their pleas of poverty.

“They’ve been working on their own in many cases,” President Joe Biden said, promising to come to the rescue with $350 billion in federal “relief” funds.

It was a good act.

But back home, states across the country are reporting huge surpluses, thanks not only to previous federal COVID handouts (which totaled more than $400 billion) but because tax revenues are surging as the economy rapidly rebounds.

As the City Journal reports, “Undoubtedly some states and cities have faced challenges, but nationwide, state and local governments have seen tax revenue rebound to pre-pandemic levels, even as they have continued to receive a large influx of federal funds.”

Don’t believe it? Look at this sampling from recent news accounts about states’ running budget surpluses, some of them at historic levels, many of them a surprise to local lawmakers.

Police call for apology after U of M student fabricates account of police misconduct


One has to start wondering how many anti-police lies are gotten away with because there’s no video to show what really happened. I’d feel a lot better if the organizations which profess to want better interactions between police and civilians would come out and condemn this student because what he did will inevitably cause people to question others’ stories claiming police misconduct. DPS

Police leaders are calling for an apology after a University of Minnesota student falsely accused campus police of mistreating him because of his race.

Earlier this month, a student posted on Instagram that he was stopped by campus police because he is “a brown man” and said he was afraid he “would be shot.”

Officers with the University of Minnesota Police Department were searching for a suspect in an armed robbery just before 2 a.m. on Feb. 1 and believed the student in question matched the suspect’s description. The student was stopped about a block away from the site of the robbery.

“I was able to show the officer my University ID saying that I was a university student just trying to clear my mind by taking a late night stroll but they wouldn’t believe me. After multiple questions, they turned off their lights and left me alone: no apology, no explanation, nothing. Just me: mentally and emotionally tormented with an experience that will last a lifetime,” the student said, claiming he had his “hands up” while the officers had their “hands on their guns.”

Impeachment: McConnell’s Verdict


It is one of the ironies of the trial of President Trump on a charge of incitement of insurrection that the remarks most likely to be studied by historians is the speech delivered after the verdict — not guilty — was brought in. It was after the Senate ordered the outcome be sent for safekeeping with the Secretary of State, and the court of impeachment was adjourned, that Senator Mitch McConnell unloaded.

His speech is likely to go down as one of the most remarkable ever delivered in the Senate. It was a constitutional highwire act worthy of the Great Wallenda. And, not to put too fine a point on it, it might well prove to be more damning to Mr. Trump than anything said by the prosecution — more damning, even, than a guilty verdict from the Senate would have been, though that can be but guesswork.

Mr. McConnell had just finished voting to acquit a former president he has clearly come to detest. He evidently felt that he had to say something to justify, or explain, that decision. So he opened with a five-word sentence. “January 6th,” he said, “was a disgrace.” Americans “attacked their own government,” “used terrorism to try to stop a specific piece of domestic business they did not like,” and “beat and bloodied our own police.”

They also, Mr. McConnell said, “tried to hunt down the Speaker” and built a “gallows” while chatting “about murdering the Vice President.” They did this, he added, “because they’d been fed wild, falsehoods by the most powerful man on earth because he was angry. He lost an election. Former President Trump’s actions that preceded the riot were a disgraceful, disgraceful dereliction of duty.”

The Far Left, the Far Right, and Democracy in Germany James Kierstead


“Out of the ruins of one of history’s most destructive tyrannies, West Germans built one of the modern world’s most advanced and successful examples of the liberal democratic state, the city of laws, the Rechstaat. They did it while an offshoot of the other of the great tyrannies of the twentieth century carried on its work behind the Iron Curtain in the country’s eastern half.”

On February 5, 2020, Thomas Kemmerich, of the centrist Free Democratic Party (FDP) was elected premier (Ministerpräsident) of Thüringen, the former East German state (Land). Elections of state premiers don’t usually make headlines, but this time was different. Kemmerich was elected after the incumbent premier, Bodo Ramelow of the far-left Left Party (Die Linke), had failed to gain a majority in two previous rounds of voting. In the third round, the far-right AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, “Alternative for Germany”) dropped its own candidate for the premiership and voted for Kemmerich, who was then elected as premier with the support of members from the AfD, FDP and the CDU (the centre-right Christian Democratic Union). It’s not clear whether the FDP and CDU members knew that the AfD were going to support Kemmerich.

Whether they did or not, in accepting the votes of the AfD, these parties (or at least their Thüringen caucuses) violated a clear taboo in contemporary German politics. Ever since the emergence of the AfD as a significant force in the 2017 federal elections, all of the country’s major parties have agreed to lock out the newcomers, refusing to ally or co-operate with them. In accepting votes from the AfD, even if they also accepted votes from two other parties, Thomas Kemmerich was seen as having broken that compact, as were the Thüringen caucuses of the FDP and CDU.

And since the CDU is currently the senior partner in Germany’s coalition government as well as the party of Angela Merkel, things didn’t stop there. The day after Kemmerich’s election, Merkel, speaking from South Africa, pronounced the vote “unforgivable”. Merkel has been Chancellor since 2005, making her the longest-serving current head of government in the European Union. She’s widely respected both internationally and in Germany, where she’s often known affectionately as “Mutti” (Mum). It should come as no surprise, then, that her swift and clear condemnation of Kemmerich’s election made waves, in Thüringen and in the CDU.