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Ruth King

What’s Happening in US Election Matches What Happened in Venezuela, Expert Says By Gq Pan


Irregularities that have taken place in this year’s U.S. presidential election are eerily similar to voting manipulation that helped Hugo Chávez stay in power in 2004, according to a senior former CIA official.

He described Chávez, who ruled Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 2013, as a “new kind of dictator.” Upon his taking power, Chávez revised the country’s constitution to increased the presidential term of office from five to six years, but also allowed people to call off his presidency in a referendum, which required 20 percent of signatures of all 11 million voters.

By 2003, opponents of Chávez managed to collect enough signatures to trigger a referendum. “That’s when he started to panic,” the former intelligence official—who is also an expert in Latin American politics and counterterrorism—told The Epoch Times. “So he started talking to a company called Indra, which is a Spanish company that runs elections.”

The technology used by Indra at that time, according to the expert, wasn’t “flexible” enough to do what Chávez wanted to do. He said that the regime then turned to Smartmatic, a company registered in Delaware and founded by three young Venezuelan engineers. After receiving a contract for $150 million to overhaul the country’s election system ahead of the 2004 referendum, Smartmatic bought machines from Italian lottery machine maker Olivetti.

Arizona legislature demands forensic exam of Dominion machines: ‘Voters believe fraud occurred’ by S.A. Miller


The leaders of the Arizona State Legislature on Friday demanded an independent audit of the Dominion Voting Systems machines used in the Nov. 3 election.

They said voters’ suspicions of fraud in the presidential election deserved the government’s full attention.

The Trump campaign and its allies have accused the Dominion ballot scanners and vote tallying software of manipulating the vote in favor of presumed President-elect Joseph R. Biden.

“A significant number of voters believe that fraud occurred and with the number of irregularities it is easy to understand why,” said Arizona State House Majority Leader Petersen. “Especially concerning are the allegations made surrounding the vendor Dominion. It is imperative that the County immediately do a forensic audit on the Dominion software and equipment to make sure the results were accurate.”

Mr. Petersen and other leaders of the Republican-led legislature called for the forensic examination of the Dominion machines in Maricopa County, the state’s most populous county which includes Phoenix.

England’s Top School Fires Teacher for Thought Crimes By Cameron Hilditch


If Eton College sticks to its ejection of one of its finest teachers, progressive rot has truly set in.

Will Knowland is now the most famous man in England, having been fired from his job at the country’s top school for “questioning radical feminist orthodoxy” in a remote video lesson.

However, his cancellation has not been as smooth a process as the perpetrators might have hoped. Mr. Knowland’s students, for one thing, are fighting to get him reinstated. Their devotion to their teacher won’t surprise anyone who knows the man in question. It certainly hasn’t surprised me. Five years ago, I was fortunate enough to study under Will Knowland’s tutelage for a brief time, during which he changed the whole course of my education. He taught me for just two weeks, but in that time he persuaded me that studying what I wanted where I wanted was a goal within my reach. Imagine my horror, then, when I found out some weeks ago that he had been fired for thought crimes during a lesson set aside for discussing controversial topics.

Knowland teaches at Eton College in England, one of the most famous schools in the world. Since its founding in 1440 by Henry VI, it has produced 20 prime ministers, 37 recipients of the Victoria Cross, and, if the Duke of Wellington is to be believed, victory for Great Britain in the Napoleonic wars. If someone had put a gun to my head a few weeks ago and asked me where I thought resistance to woke cancel culture would make its last stand in the U.K., without hesitation I would have said “Eton.” And if Will Knowland isn’t reinstated, we’ll have to conclude that the long march of the cultural Left through England’s institutions is complete. The Battle of Waterloo may have been won on the playing fields of Eton, but the culture war will have been lost in its classrooms.

But to view what’s going on at Eton right now exclusively through the prism of the culture war would also be a mistake. At the center of this story is not an issue, but a man, and right now, the story is being shaped by the impact he’s had on his students and his community as much as it is by larger social forces. Knowland is not an epiphenomenon of cancel culture writ large, a hapless victim of the times. His personal conduct and professional excellence over the past decade have triggered a huge response on his behalf by parents, donors, staff, and, especially, students. I spoke recently with an anonymous Eton alumnus who has connections with the current generation of parents. He had this to say about how the boys themselves have reacted to the dismissal:

The boys are being really careful about this. They wanted to keep the petition for Knowland’s reinstatement in house until it had reached a critical mass of students before opening it up to the wider public. They wouldn’t have done that if they were just looking to grandstand politically. They really care about the man and the injustice – it’s almost like a Dead Poets Society dynamic.

It’s the Biden People You Don’t See Who Ought to Worry You Obama power brokers run the show from backstage. Jack Cashill


These past, few, head-spinning weeks, journalists have rushed to identify Joe Biden’s next “historic” staffing choice with the gusto once reserved for finding Malaysian Air 370 or Lindbergh’s baby. This is all window dressing.

A more useful headline for those keen on ignoring election fraud might have read something like, “Who Will Pull Strings in Biden Puppet Regime (Presuming There Is One)?” I will attempt to answer that, but first some sample headlines:

ABC News: “Biden announces historic picks for foreign policy and national security Cabinet posts.”

NPR: “Biden Announces More Historic Picks For His Economics Team.”

CBS: “Biden announces key cabinet picks, including historic firsts.”

Going deeper still, CNN’s Kate Sullivan cites seven “historic firsts” in Biden’s administration, including such exotica as “first Latino and immigrant” Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and “first woman of color and first South Asian American” to serve as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

What might make these seven individuals even remotely newsworthy is not their sex or ethnicity, but the fact that all were appointed to previous positions by Barack Obama. Four of them also served under Bill Clinton—one presumes just figuratively.

The Hate That Can’t Be Contained By Blake Flayton


Jewish students like me thought not being on campus would at least spare them some drama. We couldn’t have been more wrong.

For Jewish college students like me who were sent home from our colleges and universities last March, the effect was at first chaotic. We were, like everyone else in the nation, afraid for the health and safety of our families and of our communities. Add to this that we were about to process all of the madness away from our campus Jewish communities—the social gatherings, Shabbat services, and holiday meals that anchor our lives.

But for some of us, I confess, there was a bit of relief. As outspoken opponents of anti-Semitic activity on campus, we suspected we were in for at least a little reprieve. We wouldn’t have to worry about divestment debates, or student organizations targeting Jewish students and professors. We wouldn’t have to stay up until the wee hours, comforting a distraught student at Hillel because of a strangely personal anti-Israel comment made in her political science course. Most importantly, we wouldn’t have to worry about hiding our Jewishness or love of Israel.

We couldn’t have been more wrong. 

The animosity against “Israel” on campus, used to mask animosity against Jewishness, did not cease, even as the classroom was replaced with the Zoom call. The controversies and scandals kept coming, from California to Massachusetts. Designated terrorists were invited to virtual lectures. Zionism was denounced as racism in official organization statements. And the harassment campaign against Jewish students persisted—only now, the harassers were behind screens. 

Donald Trump: A Street-Fighting Man . By Alan Draper


Politics is like boxing. Prize fighters maneuver and look for weaknesses to attack within a set of rules that are designed to protect them and limit mayhem within the ring. But Donald Trump is not a boxer performing in the ring by a sanctioned set of rules. He is a street fighter who flouts the rules. He showed Republicans they can win by breaking the conventions that set limits on party conflict — limits that protect us by preventing party competition from dissolving into civic turmoil.

After the 2012 elections that gave President Obama a second term in the White House, the Republican National Committee did an autopsy, “The Growth and Opportunity Project,” to examine why Republicans lost to Obama. Again. The party concluded that it needed to do a better job appealing to Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, and gays if it wanted to be competitive in the future. The GOP needed to modernize its program to attract growing segments of the American electorate. 

But another analysis, called “the missing white voter” thesis, circulated. It offered a different explanation for the GOP’s defeat. Political analyst Sean Trende argued that 6 million downscale white workers were missing in action; they didn’t vote, costing Mitt Romney the election. In other words, there was another path forward for the GOP to win other than trying to keep up with demographic trends as outlined in the “Growth and Opportunity Project.”

Enter Donald J. Trump, the street fighter who ignores the rules of political combat. 

He articulated a program and perfected a style that attracted and mobilized these missing white voters. His norm-shattering nihilism matched perfectly this group’s lack of faith in a Democratic Party that reflected the “woke” obsessions of educated elites, mistrust in a government that was captured by special interests, lack of hope in a future that consisted of dead-end jobs, and little confidence in democracy that didn’t work for people like them.

Denigrating Hoover: Victor Davis Hanson


Matt Larson (“Hoover has gone too far,” Nov. 19, 2020) cited me among others in his Stanford Daily angry attack on Hoover Institution scholars. He alleges that we at Hoover are purportedly “more interested in making money and promoting right-wing politics than in doing actual academic research.” Larson also charges that “Hoover fellows constitute a veritable wall of shame. They have been involved in just about every type of skeezy behavior imaginable.” These are serious writs against our institution and yet mostly leveled without substantiation.

My colleagues can address these particular loaded charges of “every type of skeezy behavior imaginable” in their own fashion. But to the degree that these unfounded stereotypes pertain to me, and for the record, I have never received any compensation for media appearances. I am not “making money” on corporate boards. Nor have I ever worked in “right wing politics” — or on any campaign of either party. I am a registered independent voter without party affiliation, and the author of over 20 scholarly books on classical, agrarian and military history and culture. Scholarship, and its dissemination among the broader public, are the major criteria by which all Hoover senior fellows are annually reviewed.

Writing additional political, cultural and social commentary, or appearing on air to discuss written work, is not spreading “disinformation.” That is a false charge that Larson also lodged by focusing solely on one particular television interview I did on Fox News — in part, ironically critical of election coverage on Fox News. But even within such a narrow focus, Larson’s allegations are an unfortunate conglomeration of falsehoods, misrepresentations and half-truths. 

Facts — not fear — will stop the pandemic By Jay Bhattacharya and Christos A. Makridis,

The media relish negative news. “If it bleeds it leads” still holds, and perhaps it’s never been truer than in the COVID-19 era. Every day the news highlights the spread of the virus and tells the sad stories of some of its victims.

And yet, much of the media does not pay sufficient attention to the good news regarding improved treatments and survival of patients with the coronavirus. In contrast with the international media, the American press has been unrelentingly negative in its COVID coverage, even when there is good news to tell. That negativity is part of what fuels a culture of fear that affects local, state and federal politicians and the decisions they make.

But there is a lot of good news to tell. The case fatality rate from the virus has dropped sharply since March. The infection survival rate is 99.95 percent for people under 70 and 95 percent for people over 70. Hospitals are much better equipped to handle patients, with improved ventilator protocols, improved management of outpatients and new therapeutic strategies to provide relief and recoveries. Moreover, thanks to multiple ongoing clinical trials around the world, there may soon be a safe and effective vaccine.

By contrast with their focus on COVID deaths, the media have paid scant attention to the enormous medical and psychological harms from the lockdowns in use to slow the pandemic. Despite the enormous collateral damage lockdowns have caused, England, France, Germany, Spain and other European countries are all intensifying their lockdowns once again.

By lockdowns, we mean the all-too-familiar shuttered schools and universities, closed playgrounds and parks, silent churches and bankrupt stores and businesses that have become emblematic of American civic life these past months. The relative dearth of reporting on the harms caused by lockdowns is odd, since lives lost from lockdown are no less important than lives lost from COVID infection. But they’ve received much less media attention.

The harms from lockdown have been catastrophic. Consider the psychological harm. Reader, since you’re reading this in lockdown, you can undoubtedly relate to the isolation and loneliness that these policies can cause by shutting down typical channels for social interaction. In June, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that one in four young adults had seriously considered suicide. Opioid and other drug related deaths are on a sharp and unsurprising upswing.

The burden of these policies falls disproportionately on some of the most vulnerable. For example, isolation led to a 20 percent increase in dementia-related deaths among our elderly population. Moreover, retrospective analysis of the lockdown in the United States shows that patients skipped cancer screenings, childhood immunizations, diabetes management visits and even treatment for heart attacks.

Internationally, the lockdowns have placed 130 million people on the brink of starvation, 80 million children at risk for diphtheria, measles and polio, and 1.8 million patients at risk of death from tuberculosis. The lockdowns in developed countries have devastated the poor in poor countries. The World Economic Forum estimates that the lockdowns will cause an additional 150 million people to fall into extreme poverty, 125 times as many people as have died from COVID.

Though there has been some coverage of lockdown harms, the media have not paid the same attention to it as they have to COVID deaths. If there is a COVID-death tracker, there should be side-by-side with it a lockdown-death tracker.

The lack of balanced media attention towards the good news about the virus and the costs of lockdowns comes with its own cost. Without a balanced approach to COVID news, the public cannot make informed choices about COVID policy, such as school closures. Even a diligent citizen cannot make an informed judgment about the wisdom of continuing lockdowns if only their benefits are emphasized and their costs downplayed. The media have an obligation to show both.

Latino seniors suffering from COVID-19 need help now
Florida officials were asked to avoid public statements on…

Finally, the neglect of the good COVID news breeds panic and fear, which is never a good public health strategy. The public should know that the pandemic will not be here forever. While these are challenging times – and, for many families, life-changing times – like every other pandemic in human history, the COVID-19 pandemic will end. With wise and informed policy choices, we can reduce its ultimate toll of death and human misery.

Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD is a professor of medicine at Stanford University and a research fellow at the National Bureau of Economics Research. Prof. Bhattacharya’s research work focuses on the epidemiology of COVID-19 and on effects of COVID-19 lockdown policy. He is the co-author of the Great Barrington declaration.

Christos A. Makridis, PhD is an assistant research professor at Arizona State University, a non-resident fellow at Baylor University, a visiting fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and a senior adviser at Gallup. Christos previously served on the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram @camakridis.

The Road to Hell … is paved with government intervention. by Melissa Mackenzie *****



The Trump Phenomenon

While the Republican establishment didn’t accept that the media would destroy any Republican, no matter how moderate, their base voters did. The voters had enough of conventional politicians looking the part and then selling them out with legislation that is exactly the opposite of what they wanted all the while seeking the hateful media’s approval. In a crowded field of solid Republican talent, newbie politician Donald J. Trump came to the fore. Many in the Tea Party wanted a fiscal conservative like Ted Cruz. And, in fact, Sen. Cruz won his home state. Even Cruz, though, couldn’t overcome Trump’s formidable abilities, the chief being his pugilistic interaction with the media. He, more than any other living Republican, knew both the cultural and political establishment and the media. Like most Americans outside the Beltway, he had little use for either.

Trump’s honest outrage at the political classes’ failures reflected the feelings of many Americans. Had the working class been destroyed? Yes. Had the middle class been abused and harmed? Yes. Had small business owners been frustrated, inhibited with regulations and taxation? Yes. Were corporations encouraged to move production overseas due to taxation, regulation, and rhetoric? Yes. Had stupid wars sapped America’s strength? Yes.

Trump laid bare their corruption for all to see. He knew their contempt and what they said behind closed doors. He knew the stupidity and mendacity of the media.

Many establishment Republicans, especially, think that Trump’s rhetoric is a ruse. They think that he postures at populism and is simply sloganeering to gain power for its own sake. They view him as an empty charlatan pretending and using the American people to feed his egotistical need to run things — America as his most recent business acquisition. They’re wrong, both about Trump and about the people he represents.

President Trump’s voters saw, for the first time, a Republican who kept his promises against a tsunami of opposition from the media, the Democrats, and, worst of all, his own party. Trump’s rhetorical and policy loyalty to his voters has garnered fanatical loyalty in return.

Lin Wood Is a Democrat Troll GOP voters must ignore his crazy advice to sit out January’s Senate runoff. David Catron


Attorney Lin Wood appeared at an Atlanta press conference Wednesday wearing a red MAGA hat while imploring Georgia Republicans to do the dumbest thing they could possibly do in the state’s upcoming Senate election. He told them to boycott the January 5 runoff in which incumbent GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler will face far-left challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. Wood’s advice is far worse than bad counsel. If Georgia Republicans follow Wood’s advice, the Democrats will gain majority control of the U.S. Senate, establish one-party rule in Washington, and begin destroying everything President Trump has accomplished.

This is why the president himself is traveling to Georgia to hold a rally on behalf of Sens. Perdue and Loeffler. It is why he has come out against the crazy boycott Wood has called for. Last Friday he tweeted, “No, the 2020 election was a total scam … but we must get out and help David and Kelly, two GREAT people. Otherwise we are playing right into the hands of some very sick people. I will be in Georgia on Saturday!” Moreover, as Fox reports, “Vice President Mike Pence is heading back to Georgia to rally in support of Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.” Why, then, is Lin Wood encouraging Republicans to do something so self-destructive? He’s a Democrat troll. As Breitbart points out:

Wood has long backed Democrats for federal office and especially for Georgia offices. Donations to Democrat Party politicians from Wood over a decade plus total more than $40,000, and span from as far back as 2004…. Wood has donated thousands and thousands of dollars to top Democrats like former President Barack Obama, who he gave $2,300 to in 2008…. In 2014, he donated $5,000 to state Sen. Jason Carter — a Democrat candidate for governor of Georgia.… In 2017, Wood gave a whopping $12,600 to Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Evans.