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Ruth King

The Georgia Runoffs and Our Embattled Constitution By Charles Lipson


If Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff win Georgia’s Jan. 5 Senate runoffs, Democrats will control both houses of Congress as well as the presidency. The Republican Party, which won nearly half the national vote, will have no check on the Democrats, aside from the Senate’s filibuster rule. Although that rule requires a supermajority to pass some legislation and appointments, it can be abolished by a simple majority when the new Senate convenes.

Preventing one-party rule is one of the strongest arguments advanced by Republican incumbent Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. They are reminding voters of the threat posed by Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, who proudly announced: “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world.” That might be a winning line for national fundraising, but it’s more problematic for the Georgia electorate. Not many voters there want to “change the world,” so Warnock and Ossoff are downplaying it. Don’t expect to seek to see Schumer on the stump in Atlanta, Augusta, or Macon.

It’s understandable that the national debate should focus on which party will control the Senate and just how radical the Democrats’ program will be if they do. But just beneath the surface lurk potential constitutional issues, which have received almost no attention. The basic problem is this: although America’s Founders were deeply concerned about tyranny, centralized power, and the suppression of individual rights and constructed institutional barriers to prevent those abuses, they never envisioned the mechanisms that pose serious threats today.

“The Undoing” according to the NYTimes By Marilyn Penn


While the Times offers David Kelley and Hugh Grant a chance to slap each other on the backs for the finale of “The Undoing,” word of mouth offers an abundance of disgruntled watchers who sat through the multiple inaccuracies of life on the upper east side expecting something unexpected as a payoff. Not only did we find out that the obvious was the right answer all along, but we learned that there were hidden references in this mediocre melodrama. Turns out that “The Undoing” was really about Trump, another narcissistic man who of course can be compared to a psychopathic killer because in the words of Hugh Grant, “he knows intellectually that he lost the election, but when he’s arguing that it was fixed, he believes every word of it.” (NYTimes 12/2/2020) Other deep thoughts are offered by screenwriter Kelley, ” Power and money accomplish results that are not available to ordinary people.” And this “He (actor Hugh Grant) really wanted him to be a monster….He really wanted to go for it. He urged us to make him a monster.”

Perhaps Trump Derangement Syndrome may explain some of the other inscrutable plot points that occur throughout, particularly Nicole Kidman’s somnambulistic walks through Harlem and Central Park at night, once in her bathrobe; Hugh Grant’s “doctor” appearing at school next to his paramour and their baby while the children are being dismissed; the lovely Elena coming to the benefit committee meeting after all its preparations have been completed; the young son choosing to protect his father – not by throwing the bloody hammer in the CEntral Park reservoir across the street, but by giving it two runs in the dishwasher; and perhaps most peculiarly, Nicole Kidman’s flaming hairstyle worn by this Harvard educated doctor of psychology as she counsels her troubled patients. Never mind penis envy – here’s something female patients can really lash into.

EUCOM or CENTCOM for Israel? Shoshana Bryen


The United States is Israel’s ally of first choice. And Israel remains one of the few countries the US can rely on to defend itself by itself and in coordination with American interests. Today, Israel lies in EUCOM – the United States European Command – while some analysts suggest it belongs in CENTCOM – the Central Command, encompassing the Middle East and parts of Southwest and Central Asia.

Historically, having Israel in EUCOM had its downsides – American military personnel in CENTCOM were, at one point, prevented from visiting Israel despite common interests. Their knowledge of Israel was skewed by Arab states with which they worked.  I had the honor for years of accompanying recently retired American Flag and General Officers to Israel – and tried to choose CENTCOM officers to “right the ship” a bit. One Marine general was a tough sell, ultimately convinced to go by another participant.  About three weeks after the trip, he called; it went like this:

Him: I didn’t want to go on your trip.

Nov. 3, 2020: The Day The Lie Became The News By Judi McLeod —


One month ago tomorrow, the Lie Became The News.

The cadillac chauffeuring the soon to be media-crowned President-Elect Joe Biden drove straight from the Election booths to the front door of Fox News—where it has been double parked ever since.

Sometime late on Election Night, while millions of voters drifted off to sleep thinking that their vote reelected President Donald Trump, the vote-counting stopped.

By the time Hillary’s vote-robbed deplorables awoke in the morning,  Joe Biden—who had holed up in his Delaware basement during most of the 2020 Election Campaign—was somehow the winner—and within days, a media-christened “President-Elect”.

Since that day, we’ve all been waiting for the Administration, the media, the Republicans, the patriots and the brutally robbed to do something—like find out why all the swing states only counted votes with Biden’s name on them.

But when good people who pointed out that the number of votes often exceeded the number of eligible voters, they were immediately censored by Google, Twitter, Facebook and most talking heads in the mainstream media.

There’s really no mystery about why it happened, because knowing that they couldn’t possibly win the 2020 Election, the Democrats stole it instead.

DOJ Not Done Investigating Election Fraud, Spokesperson Says


The Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a statement on Tuesday in response to the backlash from an article by The Associated Press which quoted Attorney General William Barr saying that “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

“Some media outlets have incorrectly reported that the DOJ has concluded its investigation of election fraud and announced an affirmative finding of no fraud in the election. That is not what the Associated Press reported nor what the Attorney General stated,” a DOJ spokesperson said, according to CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge.

“The Department will continue to receive and vigorously pursue all specific and credible allegations of fraud as expeditiously as possible.”

The Epoch Times reached out to the DOJ to confirm the statement but did not immediately receive a response.

WHISTLEBLOWER: I Drove ‘Thousands of Ballots’ From New York to Pennsylvania By Tyler O’Neil


On Tuesday, a truck driver testified that he had driven thousands of ballots from Bethpage, N.Y., to Lancaster, Pa., two weeks before Election Day. Phill Kline, a former attorney general of Kansas and director of The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, said The Amistad Project had corroborated the truck driver’s story.

“The evidence demonstrates, and it’s through eyewitness testimony that’s been corroborated by others by their eyewitness testimony, that 130,000 to 280,000 completed ballots for the 2020 general election were shipped from Bethpage, New York, to Lancaster, Pennsylvania,” to a facility incapable of processing them, Kline explained in the press conference. A spokeswoman later clarified that the estimate ranges from 144,000 to 288,000 ballots.

“This evidence demands investigation. This evidence demands answers,” Kline insisted. He reported that The Amistad Project is working with the FBI and U.S. attorneys in various jurisdictions to get to the bottom of the story.

Jesse Morgan, the truck driver involved, told his story at the press conference.

“I drive a tractor-trailer for U.S. postal service, a subcontractor. I drive a route route from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to Bethpage, New York, to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and back to Lancaster,” he explained.

“On October 21, when I arrived for my usual route for Bethpage,” he recalled, “an expeditor made three references to ballots that were to be loaded into my trailer, including saying, ‘Hey, you have ballots today.’”

He recalled receiving 24 Gaylord boxes full of ballots, stacked on top of each other. He saw that “envelopes had handwritten return addresses.”

GAME CHANGER: Former FBI Special Agent Finds 17,514 Georgia Voters with Out-of-State Forwarded Mail Addresses


Derek Somerville, former FBI special agent spent hours pouring over voting records in Georgia which is public information. What he found is a real game-changer. He found that over 17,000 requests for mail-in ballots came from addresses in other states. That sounds like an organized effort one way or another.

There are two main reasons this could happen. 17,000 people who moved from Georgia could have all illegally voted for Biden, understanding the penalty for voter fraud. Or, poll workers could have been armed with the list the state keeps on people moving to other states. They could then use their information to fill in illegal ballots so they would be accepted.

Another curious thing he found was that over 57,000 cast ballots in a county different than where they reside.  Now, why would 57,000 people drive to another county to vote when they could vote in their own county? Remember, the deficit for Trump in Georgia is less than 13,000 votes. If you just throw out the 17,000 Biden votes cast illegally from out of state, Trump wins.

FACT: at least 57,793 Georgia voters cast their vote in a county that is DIFFERENT than where they previously instructed the USPS to forward their mail.

FACT: 43,507 (75%) of these individuals DID NOT vote in person on election day.

It’s been a few years, but most of you know I’m a former FBI Special Agent. Prior to that I worked in the US intelligence community. I’m a trained federal investigator who was assigned to Public Corruption cases. There are others more experienced than me, but this if far from my first rodeo.

With few exceptions, a person submits a USPS Change of Address request because they have permanently moved and want their mail rerouted to their new address. Under the 1993 National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), states may use that USPS Change of Address request to “identify registrants who may have changed residences” and “remove the registrant from the voter rolls after satisfying all requirements of the [NVRA]”.

What will happen? It’s anyone’s guess but I suspect Democrats will call liberal privilege and no one goes to jail and the judiciary allows the race to possibly be stolen in my opinion. There is no such thing as gravity at the DNC. They just suck is all.

Arabs Warn Biden: Do Not Embolden Hezbollah by Khaled Abu Toameh


The message they [the nationals of Lebanon] are sending to a new US administration is: The Lebanese people are hoping that you will help them get rid of Hezbollah. Cozying up to Iran would further embolden Hezbollah and allow it to destroy Lebanon by turning it into an Iranian-controlled colony.

“The Lebanese people… are being held hostage today by a militia that is financed by Iran, whose weapons are coming from Iran, and even whose leader, Hassan Nasrallah, is stating clearly and publicly that he takes orders from Iran.” — Samy Gemayel, leader of the Christian Kataeb Party, kataeb.org, November 23, 2020

“Hezbollah is the only party in Lebanon that has 20,000 soldiers on the ground….it can do a lot to make our democracy totally fictive. Today, we are being treated as hostages, and therefore the international community must help us.” — Samy Gemayel.

Rabi’s expressed hope that Biden would refuse to follow the policies of former President Barack Obama toward Iran. “This mistake needs to be corrected,” Rabi wrote, referring to Obama’s policy of appeasement toward Iran. “Correcting it can only be done by adopting a policy different from the Obama policy.”

The Lebanese and Arab warnings about a possible return to the nuclear deal with Iran and the resulting empowerment of Hezbollah need to be taken seriously by the new US administration. The Lebanese and Arabs are trying to tell Biden what they and the Trump administration have known for the past few years, namely, that Iran and its proxies — such as Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Houthis — are poised to wreak havoc in the Middle East.

The Iran-backed Hezbollah terror organization in Lebanon will be the first to celebrate if and when a Biden administration returns to the 2015 nuclear deal between the world superpowers and Iran.

Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, has called on Biden to give Iran more money and return to the nuclear deal. “Now, an opportunity has come up for the next US administration to compensate for past mistakes and return to the path of complying with international agreements through respect of international norms,” Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency quoted Rouhani as saying.

Prince Harry Makes Climate Plea: ‘What If Every One of Us Was a Raindrop?’


Prince Harry admits his world view has changed since parenthood, urging humans to care more  and be “like raindrops” which “relieve the parched ground” to tackle climate change.

The Duke of Sussex, 36, who lives with his family on a $14.65-million estate in California, spoke of his passion for nature and Africa during a television exchange to feature in an upcoming documentary, continuing his love of offering advice on climate matters that peaked 12 months ago with his enthusiastic endorsement of Greta Thunberg, as Breitbart News reported.

Facts Matter : Election Raffles Exposed By Roman Balmakov


After several weeks of investigating, we have uncovered a cash-for-votes scheme that was being played out across multiple states.

In Facebook posts that have now been deleted, The Nevada Native Vote Project put up photos—on Election Day—of smiling voters holding up $25 gift cards after handing over their ballots.