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Ruth King

Manchin pushes Biden to reverse Keystone XL pipeline rejection by Josh Siegel,


Joe Manchin, the most centrist Democrat in a split Senate, is calling on President Biden to reconsider his decision to cancel a permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

Manchin, the chairman of the powerful Energy and Natural Resources Committee, asked Biden in a letter on Tuesday that was shared with the Washington Examiner to consider what rejecting the pipeline means for safety, jobs, and energy security.

Biden’s decision, part of a day-one climate change executive order, has drawn backlash from union leaders who endorsed him and some centrist Democrats who say the cancellation will kill thousands of construction jobs.

The Biden administration is facing questions from these traditional allies on how its clean energy and infrastructure spending agenda will create new jobs that can replace lost work in the fossil fuel industry.

Manchin, who represents fossil fuel-intensive West Virginia, has been among the Democrats who have criticized Biden’s move to cancel the 2,000-mile Keystone XL pipeline that would have run from Alberta in western Canada to Texas.

But by going directly to Biden and calling for him to reverse the decision, Manchin is going a step further.

Soldiering on for the Jews and Israel By Ruthie Blum

A new biography reveals the lifelong battles of Australian-Israeli warrior Isi Leibler.

(February 9, 2021 / JNS) Reading a biography about a friend is a mixed experience. On the one hand, the protagonist is familiar. On the other, he’s a complete stranger, whose story unfolds like that of a fictional character being introduced in a novel.

This is the sense of duality that I had while curled up with Lone Voice: The Wars of Isi Leibler, a tome by renowned Australian-Jewish historian Suzanne D. Rutland.

Before meeting Leibler in person 20 years ago, I knew about the human-rights activist from Australia and his long-standing fight on behalf of Soviet Jewry, his tireless battle against global anti-Semitism and his connection to the World Jewish Congress—an organization from which he subsequently resigned as vice president and whose financial corruption he would launch a campaign to expose.

I was also aware that he possessed one of the world’s largest private libraries of Jewish books, certainly the most extensive in Israel. Visions of a dimly lit room covered floor-to-ceiling in volumes of bibles bound in leather and gold, alongside works of the sages and interpretations of the Talmud, came to mind.
Judging by his aptly named “Candidly Speaking” columns in The Jerusalem Post—all brutally honest and hard-hitting—I imagined the man himself to be a daunting, scholarly figure around whom I would do well to watch my intellectual step.

Greta Thunberg admits to being a puppet, is now under investigation for collusion and conspiracy  By Ethan Huff


Climate child Greta Thunberg is the subject of a new criminal investigation after she tweeted a list of her scripted marching orders, apparently accidentally, to her 4.8 million Twitter followers.

It appears as though the 18-year-old global warming activist was trying to tweet an “organic” post in support of the farmers protest in India when she mistakenly shared a document from her handlers outlining tactics for rallying left-wing Twitter users to join the movement.

“These are just some suggested posts, but feel free to tweet your own,” read the first bullet point on the document, which Greta quickly deleted once she realized, apparently, what she had done.

“It’s helpful if you add images or videos to your tweets (some images below),” the document went on to explain. “You can also tag others who can either reshare and/or the potential tags listed above to put pressure on them as well.”

Below these instructions was a series of sample tweets with a “CLICK HERE TO TWEET” button for each one. All Greta had to do, it appears, was click on one and pretend it was her own, and voila: instant support from her drone followers.

Reckless rhetoric is a reckless standard in this impeachment By Jonathan Turley


“James Comey used such rhetoric when he said, “The Republican Party needs to be burned down. It is just not a healthy political organization.” Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin likewise claimed, “We have to collectively in essence burn down the Republican Party. We should level them because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather the storm, they will do it again.”

Little more than one year since the first impeachment of Donald Trump, the Senate is poised to pass judgment on him again. There is, however, one notable difference in the trial that starts today. In 2020, his conduct when it came to Ukraine turned on his words alone. This time, a vote to convict could be seen as implicating a host of others in using similarly reckless rhetoric, including some of these Senate jurors.

The search for moral clarity will be lost if Americans cannot distinguish between the behavior of the accused and that of his jury. Polls show half the country favors conviction, so this trial could end up as an indictment of both sides for fueling our divisions. Impeachment was intended to be used in the clearest cases to secure a supermajority vote for conviction. However, Congress itself could wind up appearing like an unimpeached conspirator, not in the riots, but with our national discord.


Watch: Joe Biden Stumbles While Boarding Air Force One https://www.breitbart.com/health/2021/02/08/watch-joe-biden-stumbles-while-boarding-air-force-one/
White House Asked to Explain Killing Oil Jobs in Favor of ‘Green’ Jobs That…Don’t Exist https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/02/08/white-house-asked-to-explain-killing-oil-jobs-while-green-jobs-dont-exist-n2584403?

Hubris: Elites brazenly gloat they rigged election…and that’s good news for us https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/02/hubris_elites_brazenly_gloat_they_rigged_election__and_why_thats_good_news_for_us.html
Evidence Mounts that Capitol Breach Was Pre-Planned, Eroding Incitement Allegation in Trump Impeachment Trial https://thejewishvoice.com/2021/02/evidence-mounts-that-capitol-breach-was-pre-planned-eroding-incitement-allegation-in-trump-impeachment-trial/
Bill Maher Blames Capitol Riot on Christianity: It Was a ‘Faith-Based Initiative’ https://www.faithwire.com/2021/02/08/bill-maher-blames-capitol-riot-on-christianity-it-was-a-faith-based-initiative/
John Kerry ‘grovelling’ to the world on climate change is ‘sickening’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDqmiGuLTJk

Joe Biden’s Immigration Crisis Is Just Beginning https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2021/02/08/joe-bidens-immigration-crisis-is-just-beginning-n2584381?
 Biden has ‘defunded ICE by memorandum’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?

China on the Move Militarily, Testing Biden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iX3qqhOJ1Y

Thomas Sowell on Black History MYTHS Promoted by the Left https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDltQlrU5nE
Thomas Sowell on the Current Black Culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtyoNSmOYz
ACLU’s ‘Myths and Facts’ About Transgender Athletes Debunked https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2021/02/08/aclus-myths-facts-about-transgender-athletes-debunked/
Biden Claims ‘America Is Back’ Then Pompeo Shreds Him with Just 1 Mic-Dropping Line https://www.westernjournal.com/biden-claims-america-back-pompeo-shreds-just-1-mic-dropping-line/
US to rejoin UN Human Rights Council, reversing Trump’s withdrawal https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/us-to-rejoin-un-human-rights-council-reversing-trumps-withdrawal-658185
Biden: Closed Schools are a “National Emergency”, But Don’t Make Me Open Them https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2021/02/biden-closed-schools-are-national-emergency-dont-daniel-greenfield/
Iran cleric: People who are vaccinated for COVID have ‘become homosexuals’ https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/iran-news/iran-cleric-people-who-are-vaccinated-for-covid-have-become-homosexuals-658173
Woke Outrage as Few Scotland Players Kneel to BLM Before Historic Rugby Win over England https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/02/07/woke-outrage-few-scotland-players-kneel-blm-before-historic-rugby-win-over-england/


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BDS: Boycott, Divest and Sanction is out to destroy America by Diane Bederman


There is an attack on America, today, coming from BDS, Boycott, Divest and Sanction, with the sole intent of destroying the country by attacking her at her very foundation, the Judeo/Christian ethic, which promotes freedom, free speech and free will and underpins the American Constitution.

Remember when Obama derided people who hold on to their guns and religion?

“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them… They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion…”


This was a direct salvo against the ethic that is meant to tie Americans, together.

This revolutionary, evolutionary ethic states all people are born with equal intrinsic value and all life is sacred.  That means we never judge people based on their race, colour, creed, religion or sexual orientation; their characteristics, but rather their character. The ethic that came out of the desert 3500 years ago taught us that we are the subjects of our destiny, not the object of our fate. We are neither born into the manor nor to be subservient.  We have what Jason D. Hill, author of We Have Overcome, professor of philosophy and Honors Distinguished Faculty at DePaul University in Chicago, calls moral agency: free will.  And that same ethic promoted free speech. It was the prophet, Jeremiah, who died defending free speech.

Cybersecurity Threats: The Daunting Challenge Of Securing The Internet Of Things Chuck Brooks


The Internet of Things (IoT) broadly refers to devices and equipment that are readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable and/or controllable via the internet. This incorporates physical objects communicating with each other including machine to machine, and machine to people. It encompasses everything from edge computing devices to home appliances, from wearable technology to cars. IoT represents the melding of the physical world and the digital world.

By 2025, it is expected that there will be more than 30 billion IoT connections, almost 4 IoT devices per person on average and that also amounts to trillions of sensors connecting and interacting on these devices. State of the IoT 2020: 12 billion IoT connections (iot-analytics.com).  According to The McKinsey Global Institute, 127 new devices connect to the internet every second.

That is a whole lot of IoT devices and protecting such an enormous attack surface is no easy task, especially when there are so many varying types and security standards on the devices. The prevailing perspective from a security operations perspective on those billions of IoT devices  is that anything connected can be hacked.

What Happened to Officer Brian Sicknick? No one should discount the idea that Democrats and the news media would intentionally promote a totally fabricated story to destroy Donald Trump and vilify his supporters. By Julie Kelly


The claim is so pervasive as not to be questioned: Five people died as a result of the January 6 “insurrection” at the Capitol building, killed by blood-thirsty Trump voters at the president’s behest, out for revenge over a stolen election.

Even though only one death—the shooting of Ashli Babbitt by a still-unidentified police officer—is provable by video evidence, the other fatalities nonetheless are accepted as an article of faith to stoke public outrage about what happened that day.

The most tragic death, the media and lawmakers lament, is that of United States Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick. The 42-year-old New Jersey native was a 12-year veteran of the Capitol police force and himself a supporter of Donald Trump.

Before details about his death could be confirmed, the media quickly insisted Sicknick died after he was attacked at the Capitol. 

“A United States Capitol Police officer died Thursday night from injuries sustained when he engaged with a pro-Trump mob that descended on the U.S. Capitol the day before,” the New York Times reported January 8. The officer, according to the Times, had been “struck . . . in the head with a fire extinguisher, according to two law enforcement officials. With a bloody gash in his head, Mr. Sicknick was rushed to the hospital and placed on life support.”

Sicknick died on January 7. A statement released by the police department later that night vaguely supported the media’s emerging narrative.

Is Palestine a State? by Alan M. Dershowitz


The highly politicized International Criminal Court just declared statehood for Palestinians. They did it without any negotiation with Israel, without any compromise, and without any recognized boundaries. They also did it without any legal authority, because the Rome Statute, which established the International Criminal Court, makes no provision for this criminal court to recognize new states.

The International Criminal Court is not a real court in any meaningful sense of that word. Unlike real courts, which have statutes and common law to interpret, the International Criminal Court just makes it up. As the dissenting judge so aptly pointed out, the Palestine decision is not based on existing law. It is based on pure politics.

The Palestinians — both in the West Bank and Gaza — who have refused to negotiate in good faith and have used terrorism as their primary claim to recognition, have been rewarded for their violence by this decision.

The real victims of such selective prosecution are the citizens of these third world countries whose leaders are killing and maiming them.

All in all, the International Criminal Court decision on Palestine is a setback for a single standard of human rights. It is a victory for terrorism and an unwillingness to negotiate peace. And it is a strong argument against the United States and Israel joining this biased “court,” and giving it any legitimacy.

Iran’s Dissidents Plead with US to Keep Up “Maximum Pressure” by Judith Bergman


“[T]he Islamic Republic Theocracy is on the verge of collapse”. — Letter from 38 Iran-based dissidents to the Biden administration, February 1, 2021.

“The moment Biden joins the nuclear deal and unblocks the money for the Islamic Republic, the regime will once again dish out money even to Taliban, ISIS, Al Qaeda, but Iranians will keep remaining in a bad state.” — Fatemeh Sepehri, interview with Masih Alinejad, Twitter, February 5, 2021.

“We don’t have human rights in Iran….People are repressed in Iran… Executions, unjust sentences, abysmal prison conditions… We Iranians don’t want the Islamic Republic any longer”. — Fatemeh Sepehri, interview with Masih Alinejad, Twitter, February 5, 2021.

Returning to the JCPOA on Iran’s terms will require lifting sanctions — an act that will strengthen and embolden the Iranian regime. Lifting sanctions is what the dissidents in Iran are literally pleading with the Biden administration not to do.

Taking huge personal risks, 38 Iran-based dissidents have asked the Biden administration to retain “maximum pressure” on Iran. In a letter dated February 1, they urge President Joe Biden to maintain “maximum political, diplomatic, and financial pressure on the regime” and to support the Iranians’ “determination in seeking a secular democratic government through a non-violent, free, and fair referendum”.

“Following the JCPOA agreement, when Iran received substantial financial benefits, the Islamic Republic lost a major opportunity to implement meaningful welfare reforms for its people…” the Iranian dissidents write in their letter.