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Ruth King

The political storm ahead Andrew W. Coy


It looks to me as if we are about to enter a very dark and dangerous political storm such as our nation has not seen. The sunlight of a free exchange of ideas, of thought-provoking discussion, of attending church, of tolerating a simple different point of view appears close to being extinguished.  History is being rewritten and even statues of Lincoln are being brought down.  One must wonder, how long it will be until we are no longer allowed to have cities, counties, colleges, or streets named Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jackson or Roosevelt.  Is Darkness now falling in America?

The cabal of Big Tech, the Deep State, and the progressive/socialist party is for all practical purposes ignoring and curtailing the Bill of Rights. At this time, the Thought Police appear to be winning.  This “Digital Kristallnacht” by Big Tech oligarchs is moving forward without impediment.  By the way, where is the American Civil Liberties Union?  Where is the ACLU when it actually comes to basic liberties?  They are strangely silent.  Since the controversial Election of 2020, The left has “disappeared” citizens, outlawed free association, cancelled books, had people fired or made them unemployable because they thought or voted in a different way.  This new regime has actually discussed publicly, re-education camps.  Publishers are being threatened.   

This Orwellian dystopia from the left will get worse before it gets better.  It appears the only prominent souls brave enough to take on this regime are Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump.  For the most part the opposition party, the GOP, is oddly quiet and mute.  Most of the GOP leadership seem to be hiding from this storm under the covers.  Some actually appear to resemble those Frenchman who sided with the Nazis when the Germans overran France.  Very few at this time appear to be a part of the Resistance. The rise of populism, both political and economic, has the totalitarian left scared and angry. Thus. their indiscriminate purge of American citizens who think and value differently.


For decades, America’s foreign-policy establishment has, in the name of peace, incentivized conflict in the Middle East. Now that it’s back in power, can it learn from its mistakes?

Russia: Putin Shoots Himself in the Foot by Judith Bergman


Navalny has been in and out of Russian jails more than ten times since 2011, when he first became the face of Russian opposition to Putin and coined the phrase that the ruling United Russia party was “the party of crooks and thieves”.

“We came up with this investigation, while I was in intensive care, but we immediately agreed that we would release it when I returned home, to Russia, to Moscow, because we do not want the main character of this film to think that we are afraid of him and that I will tell about his worst secret while I am abroad.” — Alexei Navalny, YouTube video, “Putin’s Palace”, January 19, 2021.

Thousands demonstrated — and were arrested by police armed with stun guns and batons — this weekend as well, voicing anger over falling living standards, shrinking political freedoms, “corruption, a skewed court system” and a political system that is rigged before “another round of fraudulent elections,” possibly this spring and no later than next fall.

Putin, ironically, may largely have himself to thank. If it had not been for the arrest and jailing of Navalny, the current protest movement might have remained dormant.

Aleksei Navalny, opposition leader, anti-corruption activist and fierce critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, returned to Russia on January 17 after recovering for five months in Germany from having been poisoned with a military grade nerve agent, Novichok. It was an event widely reported to have been an assassination attempt by Russian state agents.

Democratic Criminal Class’ Insurrection Against MAGA America By Ilana Mercer


Peace through strength increasingly is the province of the state, and not the sovereign individual. We live under the law of rule, not the rule of law.

When Uncle Sam threatens some blighted and benighted region of the world—ostensibly on behalf of the American People and for the region’s own good—our representatives call it peace through strength. 

It is then that ordinary Americans are encouraged to pipe up in praise of the state’s invariably Orwellian peace-through-strength strategies. 

Peace through strength on our front porches, while being menaced by lowbrow looters and assorted louts? For that you can be incarcerated in the land where the criminal roams free.   

And when practiced by pale faces, our Second Amendment rights, exercised on the perimeter of our properties, as we stand vigil against the vilest of human beings—that’s tantamount to white supremacy and privilege.

Witness the fate of some courageous homeowners (the McCloskeys of St. Louis, Missouri) exercising age-old rights—also American constitutional rights—when they ventured out onto their verandas with firearms, intending to stand their ground and deter mobs from overrunning hearth and home.

Why Are Progressives So Illiberal? Victor Davis Hanson *******


Progressives adopted identity politics and rejected class considerations because solidarity with elite minorities excuses them from concern for, or experience with, the middle classes of all races.

One common theme in the abject madness and tragedies of the past 12 months is that progressive ideology now permeates almost all of our major institutions—even as the majority of Americans resist the leftist agenda. Its reach resembles the manner in which the pre-Renaissance church had absorbed the economic, cultural, social, artistic, and political life of Europe, or perhaps how Islamic doctrine was the foundation for all public and private life under the Ottoman Sultanate—or even how all Russian institutions of the 1930s exuded tenets of Soviet Marxism.


To be a Silicon Valley executive, a prominent Wall Street player, the head of a prestigious publishing house, a university president, a network or PBS anchor, a major Hollywood actress, a retired general or admiral on a corporate board, or a NBA superstar requires either progressive fides or careful suppression of all political affinities.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, 98 percent of Big Tech political donations went to Democrats in 2020. Censorship and deplatforming on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media companies is decidedly one-way. When Mark Zuckerberg and others in Silicon Valley donate $500 million to help officials “get out the vote” in particular precincts, it is not to help candidates of both parties.

Google calibrates the order of its search results with a progressive, not a conservative, bent. Grandees from the Clinton or Obama Administration find sinecures in Silicon Valley, not Republicans or conservatives.

The $4-5 trillion market-capitalized Big Tech cartels, run by self-described progressives, aimed to extinguish conservative brands like Parler. Ironically, they now apply ideological force multipliers to the very strategies and tactics of 19th-century robber-baron trusts and monopolies. Poor Jack Dorsey has never been able to explain why Twitter deplatforms and cancels conservatives for the same supposed uncouthness that leftists routinely employ.

Another Promising Vaccine, This One From Johnson & Johnson But new variants pose an undetermined threat. The flu-vaccine system can be a model for regulators.


Some good news this week: Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine looks likely to become the third U.S. Covid-19 vaccine to enter the market. The company released data this week showing the vaccine is about 70% effective against the virus, and its version requires only one shot. The Food and Drug Administration will need to review the evidence thoroughly, but the preliminary data is promising. The company is collecting more information to determine whether a booster shot could provide even better protection.

Crushing Covid will require making the most of the different vaccine candidates, which come with their own pros and cons, and tweaking them to stay ahead of viral mutations. The vaccines all follow a similar basic approach, putting into arms the spike protein found on the surface of the coronavirus. But Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine takes a slightly different approach to delivery than vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna. (I am on the board of Pfizer.) The biotech company Novavax is pursuing a vaccine candidate with its own special delivery system. All four might be available by the summer, which would mean an ample supply.

Americans will wonder which one works best? It will be tempting to compare data across trials. But that isn’t apples to apples; the vaccines and the data aren’t all the same. And new variants of Covid may demand vaccines that offer slightly different layers of protection and target slightly different parts of the virus.

The regulatory process must encourage this kind of portfolio diversification, while allowing tweaks to keep ahead of the virus’s twists and turns. The FDA is working on guidance to address new variants, which will include a pathway for updating vaccines.

Texas Man Converts to Islam, Plots to Bomb New York City Yet more converts to Islam get the idea that their new religion calls for violence. Robert Spencer


We are being inundated with propaganda these days about how there is a “right-wing extremist” threat that dwarfs the jihad threat in the United States, but back in the real world, the Justice Department announced Monday that in San Antonio, “Jaylyn Christopher Molina, aka Abdur Rahim, admitted to conspiring to provide material support to the designated foreign terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham/Syria (ISIS).” Molina “pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to provide material support to ISIS and one count of receiving child pornography.” Molina hoped to commit mass murder in the name of his adopted religion. Once again, authorities will ignore the implications of this.

“By pleading guilty,” the Justice Department stated, “Molina admitted that since May 2019, he conspired with 34-year-old South Carolina resident Kristopher Sean Matthews, aka Ali Jibreel, and others to provide services to ISIS by administering an encrypted, members-only chat group for persons who supported ISIS ideology; by collecting, generating and disseminating pro-ISIS propaganda; by attempting to recruit individuals to join ISIS; and by disseminating bomb-making instructions.”

They planned to do more than that as well. In an online chat, Molina wrote “Let it be clear, I am against America. America is my enemy” as he conspired with to commit “Netflix worthy” terror attacks at Trump Tower and the New York Stock Exchange, which they thought would gain them “rock star status.” Molina also posted instructions online on how to train to handle an AK-47, as well as directions on how to build a bomb.

A Tsunami of Hate There is one party that seeks to demonize, criminalize and extinguish dissent. David Horowitz


“America will not be healed until the Democrat Party returns to its senses, repudiates its current racist attitudes, and stops demonizing its opponents as what Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called “enemies of the state.”

Everybody agrees that our country is in crisis –  and agrees that it is the worst crisis since the Civil War. But at the same time, we tell ourselves a comforting tale about the source of the crisis that perpetuates the problem instead of providing a path to ending it. We say our politics are “divisive” and talk about “unity and healing” as though that would miraculously be achieved if everybody stopped … what? Disagreeing? All politics is divisive. That’s the healthy basis of our constitutional order: the freedom to disagree. To suppress disagreement, to outlaw it – as many Democrats and their Big Tech and media allies are demanding these days – is to end democracy as we know it.

The problem is not that we disagree. We are not suffering as a nation from healthy disagreement. We are suffering from a Tsunami of Hate emanating from the Democrat Party that seeks to demonize, criminalize and extinguish dissent from the 75 million supporters of Donald Trump. It is now official Washington dogma that to question an election result – something the congressional Democrats have done in the face of every Republican presidential victory since 2000 – is now “insurrection” and “domestic terrorism,” or the incitement thereto, and needs to be prosecuted and suppressed.

Dismiss all The Populist GameStop Hype: Short-Sellers Are Heroes John Tamny


Back around 2007, investor John Paulson began to feel skeptical about the viability of mortgage securities. Though demand for them was much greater than supply, Paulson sensed that lending standards had plummeted so far that loan delinquencies were set to surge. The “third rate” hedge fund manager (that’s what those who covered him at top investment banks felt) proceeded to very inexpensively purchase insurance on mortgages. He was able to because the consensus in the marketplace was that he was very wrong.

As readers know, Paulson was subsequently vindicated in 2008. Funny about the billions he made on his bet was that all-too-many looked askance at his remarkable gains. Paulson was said to be profiting from the pain experienced by borrowers and lenders. In truth, Paulson was a hero.

His major investment gains sent a crucial signal that lenders should shrink their exposure to home loans. Realistically billions were diverted from a form of lending that, at the time, was no longer viable. Translated, Paulson’s billions helped avert what would have been a much bigger economic crash if the faulty lending had continued.

Bare-Knuckle Brawl Over GameStop Pits America’s Elites Vs. ‘Deplorables’


Only someone living under a rock hasn’t heard about the GameStop stock market shorting scandal. While the mechanics of the stock market battle are interesting, they’re nothing new. What’s new is this: The battle this time is being waged by Deplorable America vs. Elite America. And Elite America isn’t at all happy about it.

It’s well known that the stock market isn’t controlled by small investors, but by massive financial institutions. Recent data show that mutual funds, pension funds, hedge funds, Wall Street investment banks, public pensions and the like control more than 80% of all shares traded. They are always the elephant in the room.

The little guys with trading portfolios of less than $100,000 or so, often operating online at lightning speed on no-commission trading sites – such as Robinhood – have a small piece of all the trading. They win only by exploiting cracks in a system dominated by big firms.

Which makes it all the more amazing that they were able to take out a major hedge fund with a short position in GameStop, a troubled chain of computer gaming stores that still has a big following on Reddit.

First, in case you don’t know what “shorting” a stock is, it’s basically borrowing a number of shares of a given stock to sell at the current price. The borrower sells the shares, then promises to pay back the lender the same number of shares at a later date.