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Ruth King

A Genocide Test Faces the West We know what China is doing in Xinjiang. It’s now official. How will woke corporations react?By Eugene Kontorovich


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s determination that the People’s Republic of China is engaged in a systematic genocide of the Uighurs was one of the most significant recent developments in U.S. foreign policy. The State Department found that the atrocities have expanded to shocking reproductive coercion: “PRC authorities have conducted forced sterilizations and abortions on Uyghur women, coerced them to marry non-Uyghurs, and separated Uyghur children from their families.”

Because the announcement came shortly before President Biden’s inauguration, its far-reaching implications haven’t sunk in. The Trump administration would have done better to issue this finding before the election, but officially invoking the “genocide” label met significant resistance within the government, as it has in past presidencies. Mr. Pompeo deserves credit for pushing it through.

The new secretary of state, Antony Blinken, also deserves credit for not making genocide a political issue: He immediately concurred in his predecessor’s determination. It is now America’s official, bipartisan position that China is engaged in “ongoing” genocide—the gravest of all international crimes.

Joe Biden was ahead of the curve, accusing China of genocide in August. At the time a Biden spokesman added, “If the Trump administration does indeed choose to call this out for what it is, as Joe Biden already did, the pressing question is what will Donald Trump do to take action.” That question now passes to Mr. Biden.

The State Department has made a finding of genocide only six times, two of them in the past quarter-century: regarding Islamic State atrocities against religious minorities in Syria and Iraq (2016) and Sudan’s campaign in Darfur (2011). But ISIS and Sudan weren’t exactly major U.S. trading partners.

Kangaroo court now in session By Larry Brandes


President Donald Trump left office on Jan. 20, 2021.  The Democrats hated the man, his family and all of his Bible-reading followers. The leftists in this country wanted you know just how much they hated him, so they impeached him for a second time, just to hate him some more.  Ironically, the impeachment is unconstitutional because 1) the president had already left office and cannot be removed, and 2) Supreme Court Chief Justice John Robert’s refuses to preside over the impeachment because, well, it’s unconstitutional. Ya think?

In a brilliant stroke of genius the Democrats have now unwittingly brought back a man who had just exited the stage with 75 million angry followers, again to center stage.

This is the same group of 75 million people who firmly believe that the 2020 election was rigged and Biden* (who’s going to go down as the president with an asterisk) is a usurper. Emperor Joe just said that this second farcical trial of Trump, “has to happen,” but whether he understands what he is saying is anyone’s guess. He might be confused with getting ice cream or taking a nap for all we know. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was not confused, and said, “I don’t think there’s a need for a whole lot of witnesses.”  That makes total sense. You don’t need no stinkin’ witnesses for what’s in reality a kangaroo court!

Democrats are pulling the old sleight of hand trick: Hey, dummies come watch our total Schiff show.  We have clowns galore and RINO elephants who just want to poop on Trump once more. Over in the center ring a bunch of preening, moronic, nincompoops will burn Trump at the stake and totally ignore slow Joe Biden.

The mystery of conservatives hating Trump By Robert Arvay


Five to six years ago, I was corresponding online, on a regular, frequent basis, with several strong conservatives.  We all advocated for policies like smaller central government; lower taxes; First, Second and Tenth Amendment freedoms; restrictions on abortion; strict control of our borders, including merit-based immigration; and many other standard conservative positions.

That was then.

Along came the 2016 presidential campaign, and the finalists were Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump.  As expected, most conservatives, as described above, were enthusiastically supportive of Trump.  Unexpectedly, however, there was a significant proportion of conservatives, or those who claimed to be, who were not only opposed to Trump, but vehement “NeverTrumps.”  “Anybody but Trump” was their mantra.  And they meant it.  Anybody. 

Why this is so is a mystery not yet fully explained.

In recent encounters (online) with some of them, I was amazed at their glee, caustically expressed, that Donald Trump had left the White House.  According to them, Trump was the devil.  He did nothing right.  He made everything worse.  He locked children in cages, then went golfing.  He was Islamophobic and xenophobic.  He was destroying the environment.  He was recklessly risking nuclear war with North Korea and Iran.  He was colluding with the Russians.  He sold much of our scarce uranium to the Russians (oh, wait — that was Hillary, but even so, Trump was bad).

There is so much more and so little room here.

And it all had to be true, because all the leftist “news” outlets were saying so.  They wouldn’t lie.  They were unbiased, science-oriented, purveyors of fact, weren’t they?

The CCP: An international thieving mafia By Uldis Sprogis


What is not obvious to most is that China is actually run by about 50 very rich families who own and control most of the choice properties and businesses in China. The 91 million CCP members are effectively a total-control Mafia ruling approximately a billion and a half Chinese people. Yes, most of the very rich are members of the CCP or are officially communists but they more truly function like the criminal Mafia with worldwide ambitions.

The latest ambition of the CCP is stealing seafood from the territorial waters of less powerful nations worldwide. China has overfished its territorial waters in short-sighted fashion and its consumption of much national wildlife is similarly shortsighted. The Galapagos Islands (part of Ecuador), Argentina, Peru, West Africa, and North Korea, are just a few of the documented thefts of recent seafood worldwide by China. It seems that the only recourse will be to sink the Chinese militia armed fishing vessels or capture them in their criminal acts.

China is trying to steal international fishing rights in the South China Sea by building artificial islands manned by the Chinese military.

China is buying leases to strategic shipping ports worldwide to monopolize commercial shipping routes. The Chinese are clever fox predators rampaging through a worldwide chicken coup that has only recently become somewhat alarmed and is waking up to the global threat, thanks partly to the covid-19 virus and China’s blatant attempts at shifting blame elsewhere.

How and Why Joe Biden Opposes Patriotic Education By Eileen F. Toplansky


Of all the executive orders that newly elected Joe Biden swiftly enacted,  nothing is more indicative of his anti-American animus and radical left-wing influence than his revoking Trump’s “1776 Commission” to promote “patriotic education.” 

The 1776 Commission to Create a Patriotic History Curriculum is in direct contrast to the “1619 Project,” which reflects a decidedly  anti-American, factually incorrect, and blatantly biased program currently being pushed through the U.S. education system.

The mission of the 1776 Commission is “to defend the legacy of America’s founding, the virtue of America’s heroes, and the nobility of the American character.”  But the left continues the mendacious onslaught of falsehoods about America.

Considering the people Biden is choosing to assist him, this move should come as no surprise.

After all, Susan Rice, his incoming domestic policy adviser, views America as a racist nation.  In fact:

[I]n 1986 she wrote an 86-page book titled A History Deferred, which claimed that because most U.S. students were ‘taught American history, literature, art, drama, and music largely from a white, western European perspective, their grasp of the truth, of reality, is tainted by a myopia of sorts.’  Hence, ‘[t]he greatest evil in omitting or misrepresenting Black history, literature, and culture in elementary or secondary education is the unmistakable message it sends to the black child,’ Rice elaborated.  ‘The message is ‘your history, your culture, your language and your literature are insignificant.  And so are you.’

Democrats Want Biden To Be The Dictator They Said Trump Was

They have a maniacal need to rule….

Donald Trump was treated by the opposition party and media (we repeat ourselves) like no other president in our memory. He was called a dictator, a tyrant, an authoritarian, and a fascist, to name a few childish invectives hurled his way. Of course his adversaries were projecting. It’s the Democrats and their media collaborators who yearn for absolute power.

Trump was accused of being a dictator at the same time he was trying to weaken the federal government through tax cuts and deregulation. The agitators – the elected, unelected, functionaries, and self-appointed – who made the allegations were never required to explain why a dictator would undermine his power base by downsizing the government under his charge; how a tyrant could be impeached twice; how an authoritarian failed to expand his authority during a pandemic; how a fascist brokered peace deals in the Middle East; how someone routinely called “Hitler” willingly walked away from his “dictatorship” after losing an election; how screaming heads could insult him and his family without fear of punishment.

Yet Trump was a dictator just because they said he was. Questioning the proposition is not allowed.

Meanwhile, Charles Schumer, the New York Democrat and Senate majority leader, said Monday “it might be a good idea for President Biden to call a climate emergency” because there are “many, many things under the emergency powers of the president” that “he could do without legislation.”

Even without declaring a climate emergency, Biden is already moving in the direction Schumer laid out for him, signing 33 executive orders within his first week. This is only months after Biden said “you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.” 

So now we know what could be reasonably assumed: He’s just another pen-and-phone president who doesn’t need the hassle of the legislative process to rush through his party’s agenda.

Biden Admin Returns to Bashing Israel Daniel Greenfield


The Biden administration marked a sharp departure from the pro-Israel policies of the Trump administration.

Richard Mills, nominated as the Deputy UN Ambassador, quickly got back to the usual program of pushing a fake “peace” with the terrorists and bashing Israel.

“Under the new administration, the policy of the United States will be to support a mutually agreed two-state solution, one in which Israel lives in peace and security alongside a viable Palestinian state. This vision, as I know we have just heard, though under serious stress, remains the best way to ensure Israel’s future as a democratic and Jewish state, while upholding the Palestinian people’s legitimate aspirations for a state of their own and to live with dignity and security,” Mills declared at the UN Security Council.

All of these are generic talking points for the same disastrous attempt to create a terrorist state that has killed thousands of people and terrorized Israel.

Then Mills shifted to more tangible policy prescriptions. “Israeli and Palestinian politics are fraught, and trust between the two sides is at a nadir. However, these realities do not relieve Member States of the responsibility of trying to preserve the viability of a two-state solution. Nor should they distract from the imperative of improving conditions on the ground, particularly the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”



Paul Sperry@paulsperry_
·Obama is behind those 30 executive orders. Biden is just the pen. #Jobama

Civic Virtues as Moral Facts: Recovering the Other Half of Our Founding The 1776 Series by Daniel J. Mahoney


This essay is part of RealClearPublicAffairs’s 1776 Series, which explains the major themes that define the American mind.

Until a half century ago or so, there was a moral consensus, however fraying, that informed and shaped the exercise of freedom in the Western world. The self-determination of human beings, of citizens in self-governing political orders, presupposed a civilized inheritance that allowed free men and women to distinguish, without angst or arduous effort, between liberty and license, good and evil, honorable lives and dissolute and disgraceful ones. Few would have suggested that liberty and human dignity could long flourish without a sense of moral obligation and civic spirit on the part of proud, rights-bearing individuals.

Few [Americans] would have suggested that liberty and human dignity could long flourish without a sense of moral obligation and civic spirit on the part of proud, rights-bearing individuals.

Since this moral consensus could be readily presupposed, Americans (and other free peoples) could – and did – abridge the language of politics to give priority to rights over duties, choice over the content of what was chosen, and the pursuit of happiness over the pursuit of truth and virtue. But this was precisely an abridgement because the other half of the equation was always more or less presupposed. The American Founders, for example, were in no way moral relativists, let alone moral nihilists. Rejecting religious sectarianism and the forceable political imposition of religious truth, they nonetheless appealed to honor, civic virtue, and the “honorable determination” of a free people to govern themselves. Facile relativism or easygoing nihilism, where all “values” are created equal, would have appalled them. The idea that moral judgments are utterly arbitrary, that distinctions between right and wrong, and better and worse ways of life, are wholly subjective, was completely alien to them. Almost all of them spoke of a human “moral sense” without which freedom degenerates into moral anarchy and despotic self-assertion.

Biden starts staffing a commission on Supreme Court reform He pushed the idea as a candidate during the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation fight. Now, he’s getting it going.By Tyler Pager


The Biden administration is moving forward with the creation of a bipartisan commission to study reforms to the Supreme Court and the federal judiciary.

The commission will be housed under the purview of the White House Counsel’s office and filled out with the behind-the-scenes help of the Biden campaign’s lawyer Bob Bauer, who will co-chair the commission. Its specific mandate is still being decided. But, in a signal that the commission is indeed moving ahead, some members have already been selected, according to multiple people familiar with the discussions.

Among those who will be on the commission are Cristina Rodríguez, a professor at Yale Law School and a former deputy assistant attorney general in the Obama Department of Justice, who will join Bauer as co-chair. Caroline Fredrickson, the former president of the American Constitution Society, and Jack Goldsmith, a Harvard Law School professor and a former assistant attorney general in the Bush Department of Justice, will also serve on the commission, those familiar with discussions said.

Fredrickson has hinted that she is intellectually supportive of ideas like court expansion. In 2019, she said in an interview with Eric Lesh, the executive director of the LGBT Bar Association and Foundation of Greater New York: “I often point out to people who aren’t lawyers that the Supreme Court is not defined as ‘nine person body’ in the Constitution, and it has changed size many times.”