Displaying the most recent of 90425 posts written by

Ruth King

Chris Hayes, Jeff Goldberg Smear Madison Cawthorn Using Fake Quote By Tobias Hoonhout



Soon-to-be the youngest member of Congress, North Carolina Republican Madison Cawthorn has already faced a media onslaught that dishonestly cast a 2017 Instagram post, which showed his visit to Adolf Hitler’s World War II retreat, as neo-Nazi propaganda. Members of the elite press rekindled their misguided outrage on Monday in response to a quote that was falsely attributed to Cawthorn.

In a wide-ranging interview with Jewish Insider, Cawthorn admitted that “it does not look like Donald Trump is going to be the president,” described sharing common ground with Joe Biden on “infrastructure reform,” and expressed an interest in reforming America’s “terrible” foreign policy. He also said he was “looking forward” to meeting Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) — whom he described as someone “of conviction.”

For the mainstream press, however, the major takeaway was Cawthorn’s comment about his religious convictions.

“Newly Elected GOP Congressman Madison Cawthorn Has Tried to Convert Jews to Christianity” reads a fear-mongering headline in the Daily Beast.

Third Georgia County Finds Memory Card With Uncounted Votes, Most for Trump By Ivan Pentchoukov


A third county in Georgia discovered a memory card with uncounted votes most of which were cast for President Donald Trump, according to Georgia GOP Chairman David Shafer.

“Our monitors tell us that Walton County election officials have found a memory card that was apparently not uploaded. The number of uncounted votes is not as large as in Floyd or Fayette but the President will pick up votes,” Shafer wrote on Twitter.

According to Walton Tribune, a tally of the uncounted votes added 176 votes to Trump’s lead.

At a press conference on Monday night, Gabriel Sterling with the Georgia secretary of state’s office told reporters that, in Walton County, “there may be a memory card with 224 votes on it from an Election Day polling location.”

“We’re still trying to see if that was a batch that might have been missed, or there’s actually memory cards that we—I don’t have a final answer on that,” he added.

Second Georgia County Finds Thousands of Votes With Majority for Trump By Mimi Nguyen Ly


A second Georgia county has uncovered thousands of votes that were not included in the election results.

The Georgia Secretary of State’s office said on Tuesday that 2,755 votes were uncovered in a memory card that were not included in the initial count for Fayette County.

The discovery was part of Georgia’s statewide audit involving a manual hand recount of nearly 5 million paper ballots in each of the state’s 159 counties.

The ballots found in Fayette County were scanned onto the memory card but did not get uploaded, said Gabriel Sterling, who manages the state’s election system for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican.

Of the votes, 1,577 were for President Donald Trump, 1,128 were for Democratic nominee Joe Biden, and the remainder included 43 for Libertarian presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen, and seven write-ins, Sterling said.

Trump outpaced Biden nearly 2-to-1 among 2,600 uncounted ballots found in Georgia by Emma Colton


President Trump outpaced Joe Biden by nearly 2-to-1 among the more than 2,600 uncounted ballots found in Georgia this week.

Georgia’s voting system manager Gabriel Sterling revealed on Monday that out of the 2,600 ballots found in Floyd County, 1,643 were for Trump, 865 were for Biden, and 16 were for Libertarian Jo Jorgensen.

The ballots were not originally counted due to county election officials failing to upload votes from a memory card, according to Sterling.

“It’s not an equipment issue,” Sterling said. “It’s a person not executing their job properly. This is the kind of situation that requires a change at the top of their management side.”

VIDEO: Trump Attorney Sidney Powell Reads Statements From Smartmatic Whistleblower


Sidney Powell has been such a fearless warrior during the investigation into the 2020 election. She has been unafraid to expose corruption. America could use more patriots like Powell to help expose the lack of election integrity.

Powell reportedly told Mark Levin tonight that even Trump administration officials have been trying to stop her effort to expose the fraud in this year’s election. The Deep State runs deep in DC.

Sidney Powell joined Lou Dobbs tonight and read statements from the Smartmatic whistleblower:

“The Struggle for Palestine” by Asaf Romirowsky


“The struggle for Palestine” has long been an axiomatic slogan in the Arab-Palestinian narrative and continues to be used to this day to galvanize the masses—but as the Middle East changes, the power of the phrase may be diminishing.

In his 1974 book Palestinians and Israel, the late Yehoshafat Harkabi wrote that following the Six-Day War,

The collision with the Palestinians is presented as the essence of the conflict, for this is allegedly a struggle for national liberation. Arabs explain, especially to foreigners, that the antagonism is not that of large Arab states versus a small state like Israel but of an oppressed people against a strong, colonialist oppressive state…The focus of the conflict has shifted. It is not between states but between a government and a people struggling for its liberation, which by definition is a just war that deserves support.

Over the years, the struggle became not only just but even divine.

A binary understanding of the Arab-Israeli conflict has dominated thinking for decades. The conflict is presumed to be unsolvable as it is caught between demands for Israel’s total destruction and the inevitability of Arab-Palestinian exile and political oblivion.

But the paradigm may have shifted following the Abraham Accords and Israel’s normalization with the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan. Even the Saudis have noticed the change, as illustrated by a recent statement by Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz. He openly criticized Palestinian leaders with these words:

The Palestinian cause is a just cause but its advocates are failures, and the Israeli cause is unjust but its advocates have proven to be successful. There is something that successive Palestinian leadership historically share in common: they always bet on the losing side, and that comes at a price.

This damning statement from a traditional Palestinian ally raises the question of the Palestinian endgame and, more importantly, the centrality of—and fatigue with—the Palestinian struggle in the Arab world.

Attorney Lin Wood Takes a Flamethrower to Georgia Gov. Kemp By Jeff Reynolds


In a tweet Monday afternoon, attorney Lin Wood announced that he had filed an amended complaint against the secretary of state of Georgia alleging due process violations in regards to the contested presidential election in that state. In that tweet, he also said Governor Brian Kemp “better come out of his basement.”Wood has been hammering Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, over the perception that they aren’t doing enough to reject invalid ballots in the recount of the presidential election. Kemp and Raffensperger are both Republicans, but have been accused of blocking President Trump’s attempts to investigate allegations of election fraud in Georgia.

Wood, who represented Nicholas Sandmann in his defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post and currently represents Kyle Rittenhouse in his murder defense, joined the Trump legal team to litigate suspected election fraud in several battleground states. He has adamantly claimed that Trump won in a landslide, but that the Democrats stole the election via surreptitious means.

Wood has mounted an unrelenting public relations campaign against Brian Kemp.In fact, Wood accused Kemp and Raffensperger of receiving kickbacks from the state elections software contract.

As an outspoken critic of the election process, Wood has, naturally, suffered social media shadowbans.

The Abraham Accords Transform the Middle East by Daryl McCann


The Abraham Accords, officially ratified at the White House on September 15, have diminished the sway of the Palestinian political leadership in the wider Arab world. The concept of a future Palestinian state has not been abandoned, although the rejectionist policy of the Palestinian leadership has been emphatically discarded. The presence of the Jewish state in the region is now accepted by the vast majority of the twenty-two Arab states as an irrevocable reality—like it or not. In the case of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, at least, it is a case of accepted and liked. Already the attitude of the Emiratis and the Bahrainis towards Israel looks very different from the cold peace that has existed between the Egyptians and Israel since 1979 and between the Jordanians and Israel since 1994. The story of Zionism and the Arabs is taking an unexpected turn.

The anti-Israel brigade, from the BDS movement and the Palestinian Authority to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Republic of Iran, are right to be dismayed. Rapprochement between UAE/Bahrain and Israel constitutes a sevenfold triumph for the Zionist project.

In the first instance, it is a crushing blow to the rejectionist argument that the Jewish state, founded on March 15, 1948, is an alien entity imposed on the region. If the broader Arab Sunni world is happy to give its imprimatur to the existence of Israel, then who are we to disagree? The League of Nations formally accepted the right of a Jewish nation to exist in the “historical Land of Israel” in July 1922. No less significant was the decision of the United Nations, in November 1947, to recognise a Jewish state within the territory of Mandatory Palestine (Resolution 181). The Abraham Accords further affirm the legitimacy of Israel. Theodor Herzl, Zionist prophet and author of The Jewish State (1896), would be pleased.

There is a second reason why the Abraham Accords are a triumph for Zionism and a defeat for the political leadership of Palestinian Arabs. Normalisation suggests that Sunni nations are now less prone to being taken hostage by the most radical or maximalist wing of Palestinian nationalism, which either repudiates the lawfulness of Israel’s existence or professes acceptance of the Jewish state but thwarts every overture to establish a complementary Palestinian Arab state. For the Palestinian rejectionists, the practice of spurning UN Resolution 181 and the partitioning of British Palestine—starting with Haj Amin al-Husayni in 1947 and maintained by the likes of Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas—remains in force. The PLO/PA has rebuffed offers of statehood (based on clearly defined borders) in 2000, 2003-04 and 2013-14. To this day it does not endorse Resolution 181. The UAE and Bahrain know it suits the Palestinian Authority  (PA) leadership to (a) perpetuate the unresolved Israel-Palestinian Arab dispute and (b) exploit this unresolvedness to slander Israel as an “occupier’, an “ethno-coloniser” and an “apartheid state” and, by so doing, prevent formal links between Israel and the wider Arab world.

If Americans Can No Longer Trust Our Elections, We’re In Big Trouble This is an incredibly dangerous moment for the country and may be a pivotal point in the future of America’s democratic republic. Did we just cross the Rubicon?By Willis L. Krumholz


The polls from the major networks and universities promised a blue wave. President Trump was down by at least 10 points nationally, and by nearly that much or more in the major swing states. The few pollsters, including Trafalgar, who got 2016 and 2018 right and called 2020 a close race, were widely ridiculed.

Nate Silver, a leftwing poll analyst, was chief among the critics. Silver gave former Vice President Joe Biden a nearly 70 percent chance of winning Florida.

Immediately on Election Day, turnout looked good for the GOP. Trump won Florida decisively and by 8:30 p.m. Central Time, and made huge inroads in urban areas. While Hillary Clinton won Miami-Dade County by 30 points in 2016, the 2020 Trump ticket was down only single digits in the county.

That’s because Trump made significant gains among nonwhite Americans, and according to exit polls had the second-highest nonwhite share of the vote of any Republican since 1976. Cuban Americans are a big reason for Trump decisively winning Florida, but Trump’s gains with minority voters are a nationwide trend. The flipside was lower black and Hispanic turnout for Democrats—except for several major Democratic cities in contested swing states.

In other words, a significant margin of minority voters who didn’t defect to Trump decided not to vote. Indeed, a Bloomberg article days before the election cited anonymous Biden officials who said the campaign was worried about black and Hispanic turnout due to a lack of a ground game in these traditionally Democratic strongholds. But the warnings had gone unheeded.

Turley Warns: The Biden Transition Team Just Took an Ominous Turn Katie Pavlich


Democrat and George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley is warning that the Biden transition team has taken an “ominous turn” after former Vice President Joe Biden hired a number of anti-free speech zealots. 

“For those of us who have been critical of the growing anti-free speech movement in the Democratic Party, the Biden transition team just took an ominous turn.  The New York Post reports that Biden tapped Richard Stengel to take the “team lead” position on the US Agency for Global Media, including Voice of America, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty,” Turley writes on his website. “As I previously addressed in a column, Stengel has been one of the most controversial figures calling for censorship and speech controls. For a president-elect who just called for everyone to “hear each other,” he picked a top aide who wants to silence many.  Since it would be difficult to select a more anti-free speech figure to address government media policy, one has to assume that Biden will continue the onslaught against this core freedom as president.  This is not the first Biden aide to indicate a crackdown on free speech in the new Administration and Biden himself has called for greater censorship on the Internet.”

“Last year, Stengel wrote a chilling Washington Post op-ed that denounced free speech as a threat to social and political harmony.  Like a number of liberal and Democratic figures, Stengel struggled to convince readers that what they need is less freedom:  “All speech is not equal. And where truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails. I’m all for protecting ‘thought that we hate,’ but not speech that incites hate,” he continues. “In January, Biden called for greater speech controls on the Internet and denounced Twitter for allowing others to speak freely. In insisted that tolerating such views in the name of free speech is same as “propagating falsehoods they know to be false.” Biden called for companies to bar Trump views on such things as mail-in voting as an invitation for fraud.  He is not alone. Congressional leaders like House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff have called for labeling and removal of material with some members directly threatening a legislative crackdown.”