Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King

A Global Calamity: 340,000,000 Christians Persecuted by Raymond Ibrahim


The “extreme persecution” that Christians experience in 10 of the absolute 12 worst nations comes from “Islamic oppression” or is occurring in Muslim majority nations. These include: Afghanistan (#2), Somalia (#3), Libya (#4), Pakistan (#5), Yemen (#7), Iran (#8), Nigeria (#9), Iraq (#11), and Syria (#12).

Eighty percent of India’s Christians “were passed over for food distribution.” — Open Doors, World Watch List.

Considering that for the first time in over a decade, China has made it among the top 20 persecutors—up to #17 from #23 last year—this does not bode well for Christians, who are already “intensely monitored by the state.” — Open Doors, World Watch List.

Similarly, in Turkey, which rose to #25 from #36 last year, every citizen’s “religious affiliation is recorded on the electronic chip of identity cards, making it easy to discriminate against Christians.” — Open Doors, World Watch List.

“More Christians are murdered for their faith in Nigeria than in any other country.” — Open Doors, World Watch List.

Every day around the world, 13 Christians are killed for their faith; 12 are illegally arrested or imprisoned; 5 are abducted; and 12 churches or other Christian buildings are attacked.

These are among some of the disturbing findings of the recently released Open Doors’ 2021 World Watch List (WWL-2021). This annual report ranks the top 50 nations in which Christians are most persecuted for their religion.

The Desperate Twilight of Donald Trump Peter O’Brien


” Why the US Supreme Court decided Texas lacked standing to challenge voter fraud in other states will never be known beyond the justices’ curt refusal to take up the matter. With hindsight’s benefit it was the moment Donald Trump should have accepted grim reality and conceded defeat — defeat not in a bent election but in his doomed efforts to overturn its tainted result.”

“Well OK, apart from deregulation, fuller employment, cheaper energy, return of industry, the First Step Act, standing up to China, rejection of the Paris agreement, control of illegal immigration and a Covid vaccine in record time, what has Trump ever done for us?”

“Given us peace.”

“Ah, shuddup!”

In the build-up last week to the US Presidential inauguration, Sky News (and probably others) reported that “tonight there are more troops in DC than there are in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.”

I wonder if anyone appreciated the irony of that comparison, only made possible by the fact that President Trump, in line with one of his many electoral commitments, had gradually withdrawn US troops from overseas deployment and, unlike all many of his immediate predecessors, declined to be involved in any new wars.  And he did this at the same time as he defeated ISIS and junked the Iran nuclear deal.

Trump’s record of achievement is considerable but his detractors ignore that and point to his crassness, his misogyny, his stubbornness and many other personal flaws to argue that he should never have been President. He is now accused of dividing the country by trashing sacred public institutions.  It is said he was unsuitable to hold the office because he did not act in a Presidential manner.

It’s often said that newly appointed leaders all make mistakes and have to be given some leeway to ‘grow into the role’. Unfortunately, Trump was never afforded that luxury. It was not his policies that were targeted but his very election.  He suffered unprecedented personal abuse from day one.  One of the sacred institutions of the US is the Presidency itself.  The man has always been treated with respect because of the office he holds.  Not so with Trump.  It was the Democrats who trashed that – the most vivid example of which was Nancy Pelosi standing behind the President and tearing up his State of the Union address. 

Resisting Cancel Culture Wanda Skowronska


“With the West’s leading cultural institutions infiltrated, seized and colonised by the Left, it will often seem to those concerned for their careers that silence is the best policy. That is a mistake, for there are ways to fight back — ways that, like the West itself, arise from the individual. Take heart. Speak up. Fight back. If not you, who?”

Former CIA agent Kent Clizbe, who worked in covert operations, has said the infiltration of Marxist notions into the West of is one of the “the most effective influence operations of all time.” It is one thing to speak of political ideas, but here Clizbe is addressing the psychological effectiveness of Marxist linguistic and social engineering which found willing listeners from the time of the Frankfurt School, established in 1923, in order to destroy the West from the inside.  Similarly Polish philosopher and EU member Ryszard Legutko, in his excellent study, Totalitarian Demons in Democracy (2016), noted that although Communism’s economic system had failed,  Marxism’s ideas of discontent with Christendom and all traditional institutions and mores had not. Clizbe and Legutko were particularly focused on the psychological dimension of power groups and how their perspectives seep into a culture’s mindset, demoralising opposition and acting to silence resistance. As an example, consider the reaction in an ABC newsroom were a reporter foolish enough to jeopardise his or her career by suggesting a story on the many false prophecies of climate alarmist Tim Flannery. It wouldn’t be pretty.

Make no mistake, the post-modern Marxist culture war goes beyond political debate and reason. It pretends to debate but, in reality, only uses buzz words. Don’t you wish you had a dollar for every time ‘consensus’, ‘sustainability’ and the ever-popular ‘inappropriate’ are used to limit and define what may and may not be discussed?  These are zombie mantras, which are not invitations to reason about anything, as clearly seen in Cancel Culture outrages and on programs such as Q&A. The decades-long growth of the West’s hatred of the past in Cancel Culture is appropriately termed cultural Marxism for such a worldview wants the West to cease existing, long seen as an aim of Marxism itself. We see battalions of woke ‘experts’  angrily denounce history and every word uttered by someone who disagrees with them. Thus when Kamala Harris sides with certain kinds of rioters — see the clip below — it is one thing, when anyone disagrees with her, it is deplorable. Furthermore the current COVID crisis and its its daily menu of media echoed alarms has provided extra groundwork for more widespread political control. Of course, yes, there is a genuine virus and, yes, we must be careful, but we are being ‘reset’ under a political-technocratic paradigm that is way beyond a mere ‘nanny state.’

COVID-19: A realistic approach to community management Robert Clancy


” This not the time for those who should know better to publicly argue for one or other COVID-19 vaccine, not when full and adequate evidence for any such choice is well down the line. What the current moment most definitely does demand is early treatment, especially for the aged and most vulnerable, and for this two cheap, proven and off-patent drugs are readily available — hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.”

Historically, pandemics generate suspicion, speculation and emotion, before logic and empirical decisions determine optimal management. The current COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Twelve months on, there is an emerging consensus supporting an integration of a four-pillar plan: public health strategies; vaccination; early pre-hospital treatment; and hospital treatment. This position replaces an early confusion, with supporting data appearing on a near daily basis.

Public health strategies are well understood and highly effective, forming the bedrock for disease control, while hospital management is a work in progress but with progressive improvement in outcomes. Typical data for high risk subjects (over 50 years of age with one or more co-morbidities) in the US is currently 18-20 per cent hospitalisation, with mortality around 1 per cent. Less attention has been given to ongoing symptoms, with about 80 per cent of hospitalised patients having profound fatigue and/or breathlessness 3-4 months after discharge. Many are unable to return to full time work six months after the infection is controlled.

The area of intense disagreement is community management combining prevention by vaccine and reduction of hospital admission, using pre-hospital treatment. There is a global expectation that vaccines will dramatically change the current face of COVID-19 while there is broad-based denial that any of the available (unpatented) drugs beneficially alter the natural history of infection. Expectation of a vaccine nirvana alongside therapeutic nihilism are both incorrect, although each is promoted with a vigour rooted in socio-political conviction (and supported by the Pharma industry).

The conclusion, based on logic and data, is that vaccines and early treatment strategies are both necessary for optimal disease control. As a result, a community plan has been formulated, aimed at keeping patients out of hospital. Experienced physicians have developed protocols based on evidence, with sequenced multi-drug regimens  that support over 80 per cent reductions in admissions to hospital and death. Implementation of this approach would effectively end the US, UK,  Canada, and EU hospitalisation crises.

The objective of this brief review is to argue in support of these conclusions, based on an untangling of the pathobiology of COVID-19 over the last 12 months; review of the available data on the three vaccines used in the Western world; and current data supporting significant benefit of pre-hospital drug treatment.

A Party of Faction and Fantasy by Roger Kimball


“It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.”— David Hume

There are many lessons to be drawn from the 2020 election. The transformation of the United States of America from a republic into an oligarchy is a large and portentous lesson. 

Why are there some 21,000 troops and oodles of razor wire in Washington D.C.? 

Really, it is an amazing, not to say an ominous, spectacle. As one Twitter wit put it, Donald Trump brought peace to the Middle East, Joe Biden brought war to Washington. 

The ostensible reason for turning the capital of the United States into an armed camp is to protect the mostly virtual inauguration of China’s Big Guy, Joe Biden, against the onslaught of all those “right-wing extremists,” “white supremacists,” etc. that the magical magus Donald Trump is mobilizing through secret “dog whistles” and other shamanistic practices. 

The trouble is, all those “right-wing extremists,” like President Trump’s supposed “incitement” of the crowd at his “Save America” rally on January 6, are a figment of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s addled imaginations. Yes, that meme is assiduously, not to say preposterously, circulated and amplified by the media, social and anti-social alike. But those threatening hordes do not exist.

Just so, the violent mob scene at the Capitol on January 6 was not an “insurrection” or an act of “domestic terrorism” but rather, as Tucker Carlson put it, a political protest that “got out of hand.” 

Here’s something else that has got out of hand: the American political order. 

Locked Down And Locked Out “Deep Tech” restricts speech to comport with its censorious, progressive, and politically correct, do-or-die guiding lodestars. By Ilana Mercer


As a coinage goes, “Deep Tech” is superior to “Big Tech.” It better captures the deforming power and tentacular reach into state and civil society of the high-tech monopolists. 

That reach notwithstanding, many libertarian-minded and “small-government conservatives” (a contradiction in terms, considering the national debt is $28 trillion) have been stalwart defenders of the rights of Deep Tech to deploy unprovoked financial force to kneecap those users who don’t conform to the tech oligarchy’s monolithic image of the new Ideal Citizen.

David French, writer at The Dispatch—and one of the many political dwarfs tossed periodically at Donald Trump by NeverTrumpsters (hey, dwarf tossing is a cruel sport)—emphasized the immutable right of private platforms to deplatform (limit and throttle) “millions of Americans who engage in wrongthink,” the president included.   

Let Dissidents Eat Cake 

Let the disenfranchised—those of us who’re routinely blocked from being able to grow our appeal and peddle our intellectual products, now fearful that our books will be digitally burned—create platforms of their own, exhorts French, from the comfort of his conformingly banal, pixelated perches. 

“Find other off-ramps,” exhorted podcaster David Rubin. 

Coming from the conformist mediocracy that runs Conservatism Inc., this cynical suggestion is the equivalent of, “Let them eat cake,” which in practice means “let political dissidents go dark or resort to a barter economy.” 

You might not know it, but financial deplatforming has been a staple of many a long-suffering American dissident’s working life. Financial deplatforming is when you are barred from banking or transacting via PayPal. It is an “existential threat to free speech in America,” inveighed Revolver News. 

This observation both trivializes what’s afoot and misses the point, for financial deplatforming teeters on violating another’s natural right to make a living. 

Fox News reportedly considering top executive firings over their post-election ratings collapse By Thomas Lifson


If Fox News wants to restore its cable news ratings dominance, changes will have to be visible far lower in its organization than what is being reported.

Though I was angry over its election night coverage and have been dismayed at the behavior of a number of its on-air personalities, I take no joy in the ratings crisis that seems to be engulfing Fox News. For all its faults, its reach, resources, and stable of outstanding talent like Tucker Carlson make it an essential voice in a nation with a media scene that is getting scarier by the day. There is no doubt in my mind that, if FNC disappeared or lost its cable system distribution, as at least one of its rivals seems to be advocating, conservatism would be in a much weaker position.

Yesterday, The Daily Beast published an article with four authors, one of them a departed FNC staffer who charged sexual harassment and settled for an undisclosed sum, claiming:

Amid ongoing ratings struggles, Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott and President Jay Wallace are fighting for their jobs as their boss Rupert Murdoch has swooped in to take a more hands-on role at the network in recent days, multiple network insiders told The Daily Beast.

FBI, State officials aware early on Steele made major mistake in Russia reporting FBI kept silent about flaws in Steele reporting, one of which widely known. John Solomon


Shortly before the FBI used his dossier to secure a surveillance warrant targeting the Trump campaign, Christopher Steele met with State Department officials and relayed information suggesting Moscow was running an operation out of the Russian consulate in Miami.

There was just one problem with his intelligence: The Russians didn’t have a consulate in Florida’s largest city.

The anecdote, captured in contemporaneous memos and newly released testimony, illustrates just how bad some of Steele’s intelligence reporting was and how widely that was known inside the FBI, even as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court was being assured by the bureau that Steele was deemed credible and there was no derogatory information about his work.

Kenneth Laycock, the FBI’s current Executive Assistant Director, was a section chief for Eurasian intelligence in fall 2016 when Steele made a visit to Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec at the State Department.

During the October 2016 meeting, Steele admitted he was leaking to the news media while working as an FBI informant, a violation of his confidential human source agreement. (He later was terminated for it.) And he also relayed the anecdote about the Russian operation out of the Miami consulate, which officials immediately flagged as false, according to Kavalec’s own notes of the meeting.

America’s New Corporate Tyranny by Michael Lind


“Oh, and one more thing. If you thought this essay was worth reading, you might wish to print out a paper copy before it vanishes from the Internet.”

The American political and legal systems are working just fine, despite a few hiccups. Meanwhile, American corporations are depriving citizens of basic rights and freedoms and destroying our democracy.

Imagine that you are a resident in a low-population county in 1950. You run afoul of the small group of families who are effectively in charge. Your political and legal rights are unimpaired. You are free to vote and you are free to sue in municipal and county and state courts. The police treat you with unfailing courtesy and respect.

But strange things start to happen. The only newspaper in the county refuses to take ads for your business. The only bank in the county announces that it is closing your account and calling in your mortgage. Your car breaks down and the only garage and service shop in the county refuses to repair it. The only general store in the county refuses your patronage and the few restaurants in the county turn you away at the door. After you lose your business to the newspaper advertising boycott, you try to get a job, but discover that you have been blacklisted by all of the employers in the county. Nobody will hire you.

Are you free, in this scenario, just because there is no official interference with your voting rights and your civil rights? Private power is power, no less than government power. You can be immobilized, impoverished, humiliated, tormented, and perhaps driven to suicide by hostile businesses and banks in an otherwise functioning liberal democracy, just as surely as by the police or military in a dictatorship.

Refuse to Be Silenced-by Kurt Schlichter


Parler’s gone for now, the victim of a conspiracy to silence, but it will return. The fascists can try, but they can’t shut us up forever. Truth flows like water around obstacles. The Twitbookgram decided to start playing whack-a-prole to bonk unapproved ideas on the noggin and pretty soon too many heads will be popping up out of too many new holes. They will pop up on Gab, or Clouthub, or Dave Rubin’s Locals.com. People will find a way to be heard.

Once you leave their personal domains, the tech overlords become…irrelevant, and powerless.

Now, they can conspire, collaborate, and likely violate antitrust laws, though it is hilarious to assume that a Biden* DoJ will find anything out of sorts about that. The Democrat Party, and far too many Fredocon hacks in the GOP, are bought and paid for. They are happy to auction themselves off in a bidding war between Silicon Valley and Beijing. And there are a few remaining Muh Free Enterprisers who confuse capitalism and monopoly corporatism, and who are happy to surrender their sovereignty if their twisted principles so demand. But there is only so much the silicon villains can do. Eventually, some enterprising entrepreneur in Latvia is going to have a server farm no one in Cupertino can switch off.

They are shooting their wad, as far as the corporate tech censorship goes. It’s a hassle right now, but we will not be gagged.

And we have some plays too. The feds are all on the side of censorship, sure, but what about our red states? Every single state that has a GOP majority has the chance to pass its own laws to protect freedom of thought and speech. And they should. They should do it yesterday.