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Ruth King

Memorandum: How the 2020 Election Could Have Been Stolen A political scientist examines the evidence and concludes that widespread fraud took place. Claes G. Ryn


As a citizen who is also a political scientist, I have tried to do due diligence to assess what happened in the recent election. Who won what and at what level and what does it mean? And what about the charges of vote fraud? People keep asking me what I think, and I decided to write down the conclusions I have reached to date and on what grounds. Because charges of vote fraud have called the outcome of the presidential election into question, I have paid particular attention to them.

This memorandum is not written to persuade. It merely records my findings and reflections. Few people are really open to persuasion in any case—not just on political subjects but on any subject about which they care and on which they have adopted certain views. Diehard partisans for a certain outlook will refuse to have their beliefs questioned, and so will many others. They will be no less dismissive of a document challenging their opinions if it is full of footnotes and appendixes. Such a document will, indeed, make them resist it even more. As for the relatively few people who are truly open-minded, they will not find another person’s observations dispositive. They will, as they should, want to consider the evidence on a contested matter for themselves.

I hope that I am not deceiving myself when I say that I have not reached my conclusions regarding the 2020 election because of partisanship. I am a close student of politics, but have never belonged to a political party. If I have a bias, I suppose it is that of one who is largely alienated from both of the American parties and who believes that both of the presidential candidates in 2020 have major flaws.

Get Ready For The Californication Of America


Joe Biden promised Georgians a $2,000 check if they elected his party’s Senate candidates in the state’s runoff elections, and his bribery worked, with Democrats winning both, handing them control of the White House and Congress again.

But while Biden made the election all about battling COVID-19 and “healing the nation,” that is not what the far left that controls the Democratic Party cares about. It has bigger plans — namely, to turn the nation into a California-style one-party state.

By all rights, the 2020 elections should be a warning to extremists on the left. Biden eked out a victory with extremely narrow – and often questionable – victories in a handful of states after promising voters only that he would be a non-Trumpian nice guy.

Meanwhile, Democrats lost ground in the House, with the edge in their majority dropping from 36 seats to 10. And with the two Georgia wins, Democrats managed only a tie in the Senate, which is now split 50-50. (With Biden in the White House, Democrats can control the Senate because Kamala Harris will serve as the tie-breaking vote.)

Biden keeps talking about the need to “heal” the nation, which seems to fit the precarious position his party is in at the moment. Even if he believes that, his party doesn’t. And Democrats have been clear about the priorities they will pursue should they get control of the White House and Congress again.

No, we’re not talking about things like huge tax hikes or Obamacare, which is what they imposed the last two times they controlled both branches.

The stated goal today is to ensure a permanent Democratic majority so they can finally get their far-left agenda enacted.


At 11 PM on election night, Purdue (R) was ahead by 3 points, 120,000 votes, with 90% of the total vote counted.   Loeffler was ahead by 2 1/2, 100,000 votes.   3 and 2 1/2 points with only 10% left to be counted. 

Just as with the presidential election, only Atlanta had not reported. It was still counting absentee ballots…  mail-in ballots that should have been entered into the election machines immediately when the polls closed at 7.


Atlanta waited to report until all the rest of the state had reported just as on Nov 3.

 At 11 PM, Atlanta announced that it was suspending counting and announced resumption would begin at 8 AM the next morning.


Then, once again as on Nov 3, in the middle of the night, when America was sleeping, Atlanta resumed counting.  Just about all the votes, 170,000 additional  ballots from Atlanta, went to the Democrats.

America will continue to learn what fraud really happened in the 2020 elections for generations to come.  But by then, the bad guys will have done their damage. 

As Congress certifies election, evidence of these voting irregularities looms large The storyline that voting irregularities claims are “baseless” is debunked by well documented evidence from courts, state officials and affidavits. That’s why large numbers of state legislators are raising red flags.


Depending on the social circles and news sources one fancies, the 2020 election was either hijacked by fraud and irregularities, or so well run that its outcome is not in doubt and any claims to the contrary are, in the words of some reporters, “baseless.”

But if we’ve learned one lesson in the era of incessant cable TV and social media, it’s that the truth can’t be hurried — and the sensationalized early headlines are often deceiving.

Remember, Trump colluded with Russia … until he didn’t. And Jacob Blake was declared shot unarmed … when in fact he was armed with a knife.  And let’s not forget that Hunter Biden’s business scandal was Russian disinformation … until he admitted he was under criminal investigation.

That is why more than 100 state legislators from the battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Georgia sent an 11th hour letter Tuesday to Vice President Mike Pence saying they are not yet confident in the declarations that Joe Biden won their state and want 10 days to investigate further.

That’s a large bloc, yes all Republican, but one that shouldn’t be ignored when their letter includes a massive index of evidence of irregularities, some of which have been validated by court rulings, official government documents or sworn affidavits.

Just the News worked with more than three dozen journalists across the country for eight weeks trying to investigate claims of irregularities. Many got dismissed, but some were substantially documented by courts, election officials or testimony.

Georgia Election: Loeffler and Perdue Need Turnout to Exceed Margin of Fraud Peach State election integrity is the pits! Deroy Murdock


NEW YORK — Georgia Republicans reportedly are less than gung-ho about wading through molten glass to reach the polls on Tuesday. They all know that control of the U.S. Senate and, potentially, all of Washington, D.C. rides on the re-election of GOP senator Kelly Loeffler or David Perdue — and ideally both. Despite the Himalayan stakes of this runoff, a cohort of Republicans seems to believe that there is little point in casting their ballots for Loeffler and Perdue. They fear that their votes will not count. So, they reckon, why bother lining up to vote if their genuine ballots simply will be neutralized by fraudulent ones, physically thrown away, or electronically erased?

“With over 70 percent of Republicans, according to recent polling, now believing that November’s presidential election was not ‘free and fair,’” The Guardian of London reported, “there are concerns that a collapse in trust in electoral processes could cost conservatives dearly at the ballot box.”

“On social media platforms Twitter and Parler, hashtags such as #StoptheSteal show what appear to be Republican voters suggesting they will not cast a ballot in the upcoming runoffs because of a distrust in the election system,” wrote VOA News’ Matt Haines.

This perspective, unfortunately, puts things perfectly upside down: Each and every Peach State Republican, pro-freedom independent, and thinking Democrat needs to vote on Tuesday for Loeffler and Perdue. They are unlikely to win if they just squeeze by. Instead, their margins of victory must exceed the margin of fraud. A squeaker will not suffice. A tsunami of pro-Loeffler/Perdue votes will secure these priceless seats.

While this ho-hum attitude is unfortunate and potentially fatal, it’s hardly surprising. Since November 3, pro-Trump Georgians have had every right to feel a blend of resignation and rage. The evidence of rampant fraud must have them catatonic to the point of being unable to reach their polling stations on January 5. Peach State election integrity is the pits.

What should Trump do with the time he has left? By Shama Tobin


The naked truth of this election must be revealed.

Given the latest dynamic development with respect to the role of Mike Pence as the president of the Senate, the outcome of the today’s joint session of Congress may look uncertain now.  What is certain, however is that if the meeting goes in Biden’s favor, all issues of election fraud will be history.  There will be no investigation.  The media and the Deep State will declare it as the most secure election in history and Donald Trump a traitor for refusing to concede.  Worse, future elections will be meaningless.

Stealing is addictive.  So is power.  A combination of the two is the sad story of Venezuela.  This is why the extent of the fraud in this election must be fully revealed — not through scientific analysis or the testimonials of thousands of brave citizens, nor by presenting  videotapes showing that illegal vote count took place, nor by showing a stack of fake ballots.  To be sure, taken together, all of these point to irrefutable evidence of massive cheating in order to steal the election.

Under a lightly corrupt system, that evidence will have a chance for a relatively fair review and remedy through the courts or political process.  Under a badly corrupt system, the evidence will be dead on arrival.  Unfortunately, it is not an exaggeration to conclude that our system, at state and federal levels, is corrupt to the core.  Donald Trump may lose the fight, but one of his biggest contributions to the nation is that American patriots now get the idea of the full extent of corruption in our three branches of government along with the Deep State, the media, Big Tech, and multinational corporations.

Corruption is a dark practice.  Just like any dark practice, its biggest enemy is light, which can come in the form of legal consequences or people’s complete knowledge of the practice.  In the absence of the former, the only alternative solution is the latter.  It is called public humiliation, which, in some cases, is more effective than jail time.

This brings us to the way forward regardless of who will occupy the White House on January 20, but particularly relevant if Biden will be the occupant.  That is, the naked truth of this election must be revealed.  It is the truth that is no longer based on analysis, testimonials, or partial facts.  Only through a full audit of the votes and the voting machines can that truth be revealed.

Tuesday as prelude to a historic day: January 6th By Carol Brown


Updates from Tuesday are shared below, presented in the following order:

Mark Levin addresses the constitutional crisis we’re facing.
State legislators are waking up (no rush or anything).
The latest news on objections to the vote.
Mo Brooks speaks about Mike Pence’s role.
The latest crop of cowards who announce they won’t object.
Violence on the streets.

Mark Levin explains the constitutional crisis we’re facing

Mark Levin spoke with Sean Hannity yesterday about the constitutional crisis that no one wants to talk about.

He outlined how, at the state level and prior to the general election, voting laws were changed by the executive branch and the judicial branch, circumventing the legislatures in multiple battleground states. This was unconstitutional.

When it came time to certify the election results, the people who illegally changed the election laws were the same people who certified the vote, thereby certifying their own unconstitutional actions.

Levin dismissed lost legal challenges by Trump’s legal team and others, saying that what matters is the Constitution and James Madison’s notes from the constitutional convention in Philadelphia. He stated that the Framers rejected involvement of the state’s executive and/or the judicial branch in setting election laws. Yet, as Levin points out, it was in the current states in question where those were the very branches of government that wielded enormous and unconstitutional influence in choosing the President of the United States.

Levin stated that the Framers didn’t anticipate such a scenario and that they assumed the states would follow the Constitution.

What comes after Georgia? By Andrea Widburg


As I write this, it appears that Raphael Warnock, an anti-American, pro-Marxist, anti-Semitic, anti-white Democrat who has credible accusations of spousal and child abuse against him, won. Meanwhile, with Perdue and Ossoff tied, counting has stopped in Chatham County. We know what that means. They’re finding votes for Ossoff, a leftist nonentity. As matters now stand, despite Trump’s overwhelming coattails on down-ballot votes across America, Biden is poised to take the White House, the Democrats will control the Senate, and Nancy Pelosi and her squad are the Queen and princesses of the House. We are facing a hard-left, one-party federal government.

However, millions of patriots are converging on Washington, D.C., and there should be some sort of evidentiary hearing in Congress. Optimally, the hearing will result in those American people who are exposed only to the leftist media hearing information that’s entirely new to them. President Trump may also have evidence we haven’t heard before, although he did not indicate that in his phone call with Georgia Secretary of State and Chief Weasel Brad Raffensperger.

If the Democrats do barrel their way through and take control, we conservatives have two choices: We can give in to despair, which is a flat, inert emotion that renders people helpless. Or we can fight back. Remember, the leftists got where they did with a march through our cultural institutions. It’s time for us to march back.

The nature of being conservative is that we inevitably gravitate to tending our gardens. We don’t dream of changing the world. We dream of maintaining the world. We work hard, raise our children, take care of our money . . . and get walked all over by the activists. It’s time to start copying leftist tactics – up to a certain point – because they work.


Cruz on Fox News: We Have an Obligation To Protect Our Democratic System & Defend the Rule of Law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44fezNaIsl4
WATCH This BEFORE January 6th | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 100 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT_zTMdD2wM
 Trump Reminded Us What It’s Like to Have an American President https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2021/01/03/trump-reminded-us-what-its-like-to-have-an-american-president-n1301270
Joint Statement from Senators Cruz, Johnson, Lankford, Daines, Kennedy, Blackburn, Braun, Senators-Elect Lummis, Marshall, Hagerty, Tuberville https://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=press_release&id=5541

Cruz Pushes Back Against Critics Calling for His Arrest Over Election Audit https://www.theepochtimes.com/cruz-pushes-back-against-critics-calling-for-his-arrest-over-election-audit_3641432.html
Donald Trump Tears into Jon Ossoff for China Ties https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/01/04/donald-trump-tears-into-jon-ossoff-for-china-ties/

Mark Levin Warns: We’re Looking Into the Abyss https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/01/04/mark-levin-warns-were-staring-into-the-abyss-n2582516?
Who will you trust when law and order break down and the bullets start flying? https://leohohmann.com/2021/01/04/who-will-you-trust-when-law-and-order-break-down-and-the-bullets-start-flying/

Democrats Prefer Intimidation, Rather Than Validation of the Election Results https://stream.org/democrats-prefer-intimidation-rather-than-validation-of-the-election-results/



This new Glazov Gang episode features James Patrick Riley, a farmer and television producer.

James discusses Gaslighting on Covid, unveiling the real reason Americans aren’t allowed to congregate anymore:

Don’t miss it!