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Ruth King

An Administration Of Plagiarists: What This Means For The Country


Sen. Kamala Harris has fallen into the same frying pan Joe Biden found himself in 1987 when he stole a speech from a member of the British Parliament. But Harris’ appropriation of someone else’s story is indicative of more than a deep character flaw. It’s confirmation these people have nothing to offer but old, tired ideas, some of them taken from history’s worst people.

In a story published in October, the Democratic California senator recounted an incident from her childhood, in which she was “being wheeled through an Oakland, California, civil rights march in a stroller” and at “some point” fell out. Her fall went unnoticed by “the adults” who were “caught up in the rapture of protest,” and “just kept on marching.” When she was eventually found, her mother, says Harris, asked her what she wanted and what she needed.

“And I just looked at her and I said, ‘Fweedom.’”

Compare that tale to the words of Martin Luther King Jr. from a 1965 interview:

I never will forget a moment in Birmingham when a white policeman accosted a little Negro girl, seven or eight years old, who was walking in a demonstration with her mother. ‘What do you want?’ the policeman asked her gruffly, and the little girl looked him straight in the eye and answered, ‘Fee-dom.’ 

Anyone Notice That Biden Tried To Bribe Georgia Voters With $2,000 Checks


At a speech in Georgia on the eve of two runoff elections that will determine the control of the Senate, Joe Biden tried to woo voters to his side by promising them $2,000 in cash if they voted for the Democratic contenders.  

What he didn’t tell Georgians is that if they elect those two Democrats – Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock – Biden will take all that money away, and more, to pay for his radical leftist agenda.

“If you send Jon and the reverend to Washington, those $2,000 checks will go out the door, restoring hope and decency and honor for so many people who are struggling right now,” Biden said during his speech. “If you send Sens. Perdue and Loeffler back to Washington, those checks will never get there. It’s just that simple.”

Has vote-buying ever been more flagrant?

Never mind that passing out deficit-financed checks will do little to help the economy recover.

What Biden is hoping to buy with that money isn’t “decency and honor.” What he’s wishing for is a blank check to impose the most sweepingly radical agenda ever proposed by a presidential candidate. With Democrats in control of the House and Senate, he will have that blank check.

Biden only hinted at this in speech, saying: “With their votes in the Senate, we’ll be able to make the progress we need to make on jobs, on health care, on justice, on the environment, on so many important things.’

What he means is, Democrats will be able to:

Eliminate the filibuster in the Senate, removing any chance for the Republicans to stop the Democrats’ leftist agenda.
Pack the Supreme Court with liberals who will rubber stamp unconstitutional intrusions into our lives.
Impose the Green New Deal on the country, which will effectively give the federal government control over every aspect of our lives in the name of fighting “climate change.”
Raise taxes through the roof, and steal money out of people’s retirement accounts.
Pass a raft of mandates on businesses in the name of “fairness.”
Finish the job of nationalizing health care.

The Cheat In Plain Sight Kevin McCullough


It’s in the data. It was “certified.” It was “recounted.”

Independent data scientists who are able to spot much more complex data manipulation for clients—who have the most to lose (banks and financial institutions)—were able to easily contextualize and explain the proof from the data itself.

Proof of what?

Election cheating—the data proves it!

Justin Mealey, is a former electronic warfare specialist for the U.S. Navy and the CIA. David Lobue is a data scientist whose skills have been in demand across a wide variety of industries. This past week the two appeared before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on elections for the State of Georgia. 

Georgia is a state where Biden supposedly “won” by 12,000 votes. 

Yet in their simple—easy to understand—no conspiracy theories needed (though they might exist and explain some things) explanation—these data scientists proved inaccuracy in the certified results large enough to immediately cancel the “certification” and award the state to President Trump. 

In fact the data is so clear that they were able to flip the state in three counties without involving Fulton County.

Communist China Is Preparing To Eat Joe Biden’s Lunch Ben Weingarten


Communist China is betting on a return to the status quo ante of American acquiescence to, and support of, its hegemonic ambitions through comprehensive “engagement” and outright appeasement under a Biden administration.

That is the primary takeaway, if the recent remarks of Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi are any indication.

In the waning days of 2020, Wang delivered a speech at the Asia Society entitled, “Reorient and Steer Clear of Disruptions for a Smooth Sailing of China-U.S. Relations.” The title itself gives away the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) game: It seeks a reversion to the ostensibly pacific relations with the U.S. under which our ruling class aided, abetted and enabled its rise from trifling concern to our most formidable geopolitical adversary.

Wang would make this view even clearer in a subsequent interview published in CCP mouthpiece Xinhua, in which he said “China-U.S. relations have come to a new crossroads, and a new window of hope is opening.” As Xinhua summarized it, “The Chinese side hopes that the next U.S. administration will return to a sensible approach, resume dialogue with China, restore normalcy to the bilateral relations and restart cooperation.”


Clearly, Beijing would only deliver such a message if it believed it had a willing partner. That partner would be Joe Biden, the vessel of America’s globalist ruling class who spent his career at the highest levels of government cheering on a vision much in line with China’s own.

What does China’s desired relationship look like?

Georgia: Dominion voting machines ‘in three of the largest Republican precincts are down’


Reports out of Georgia say that Dominion Voting Systems machines in key Republican-dominated areas in the state were not working.

There are no reports of Dominion machines being down in Democrat precincts.

“Dominion machines in 3 of the largest Republican precincts are down.They are told they can’t scan their ballots because the machines don’t work.The poll workers are saying ‘When it’s fixed we’ll scan it for you’. There’s all kinds of red flags,” radio host John Fredericks reported.

President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday at 1:18 p.m.: “Reports are coming out of the 12th Congressional District of Georgia that Dominion Machines are not working in certain Republican Strongholds for over an hour. Ballots are being left in lock boxes, hopefully they count them. Thank you Congressman @RickAllen!”

Other reports cited the Georgia Secretary of State’s office as saying the Dominion software loaded on security keys was corrupt and new programs were created and were being delivered to polling locations by law enforcement.

Newsmax reported that Dominion voting machines were down or malfunctioning in at least 3 GOP counties and workers were not able to reach anyone through the Dominion support number.

The Swamp Returns to Washington By Dr. Alex Joffe,


The incoming Biden administration has begun to appoint personnel and articulate policies, both directly and through the extended voice of the foreign policy establishment and the media. The return of second-tier Obama administration personnel and the marginalization of left-wing progressives portends a return to the process-laden policies of the past. International agreements and institutions, and a return to 20th century “rules” and “norms”, are unlikely to be adequate to confront rogue states like China and Iran.

Washington, DC is built on a swamp at the convergence of the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers. Like all swamps it is subject to periodic flooding.

The DC foreign policy swamp has well and truly returned. The presumptive Biden administration has made a series of appointments that, along with a growing number of pronouncements from insiders and hangers-on, is beginning to give shape and color to its foreign policy.

What are some of its salient features? First are three interlinked phenomena: the return of second-tier players from the Obama administration, the explicit marginalization of overt progressives and radical ideas, and the empowerment of progressives in lower-level staff positions.

The appointment of Anthony Blinken as Secretary of State and Avril Haines as Director of Central Intelligence returns faithful Obama apparatchiks to power. Blinken, former Deputy National Security Advisor and Deputy Secretary of State, epitomizes, in the words of European analysts, a “Europeanist, multilateralist, internationalist” viewpoint. The fulsome praise for his public service, “Jewish roots, European conscience,” and flawless, unaccented French neatly, if not parodically, sums up the viewpoint and expectations of the European elite.

Congressmen Beating the Drum for Iran’s Mullahs by Majid Rafizadeh


More than 100 Congressmen recently signed a letter expressing their support and urging presumptive President-Elect Joe Biden to rejoin the nuclear deal, which, incidentally, Iran never signed.

Biden… also appears to be on board with the lawmakers to appease the mullahs: “I will offer Tehran a credible path back to diplomacy. If Iran returns to strict compliance with the nuclear deal, the United States would rejoin the agreement as a starting point for follow-on negotiations. With our allies, we will work to strengthen and extend the nuclear deal’s provisions, while also addressing other issues of concern.” — CNN, September 15, 2020.

This means that as sanctions will be lifted against the Iranian regime, the ruling clerics will ensure the survival of their theocratic establishment and militia groups across the Middle East.

Have these lawmakers and Biden learned nothing from recent history? Some may argue that Iran’s mullahs would change their destructive behavior if they were rewarded in advance with appeasement policies and financial incentives. This argument, however, has been proven to be breathtakingly wrong.

Tehran also used that influx of revenues to expand its influence throughout the region, including in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon — and as far away as Venezuela. Iran apparently sees Venezuela as its “beachhead for diplomatic and commercial expansion into Latin America,” including “underground ‘missile cities'” along the Gulf coast.

“You young people should be assured that you will witness the demise of the enemies of humanity, meaning the degenerate American civilization, and the demise of Israel”. — Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on his official website after a meeting with students, Reuters, May 22, 2019.

Amid the pandemic, some US Congressmen already appear to be spending their political capital on one thing: Appeasing the Iranian regime and pushing for a softer policy towards the mullahs. More than 100 Congressmen recently signed a letter expressing their support and urging presumptive President-Elect Joe Biden to rejoin the nuclear deal, which, incidentally, Iran never signed.

There’s evidence of vanished votes in Pennsylvania By Andrea Widburg


As we’ve seen, proving election fraud is difficult. Often, the data is in the hands of Democrat politicians and bureaucrats who refuse to make it available. Additionally, computers mean that a lot of suspected changes take place invisibly and, even if the Democrat pols and bureaucrats allowed a deep dive into the computer systems, it can be impossible to track what happened. However, the one thing that cannot be hidden is negative vote counts. In a system that adds votes, irrefutable evidence that Trump kept having thousands of votes subtracted would prove that the system was being manipulated.

On January 3, I wrote about evidence during the hearing in Georgia from the Data Integrity Group, which is made up of scientists, engineers, and machine learning experts. According to the group, aside from precincts with highly suspicious returns (e.g., Biden receiving more than 95% of the votes), the biggest tell that something funny was going on in Georgia was the fact that Trump lost votes during the vote count.

Voting should always be an additive process. We cast our ballots for a candidate, not against one. This means that every ballot cast should be a +1 for the candidate.

Put another way, in an election honest system, there is no such thing as a “-1 ballot” that would see Trump lose a vote every time this imaginary negative ballot was cast. Likewise, there’s no such thing as a “transfer ballot,” that would effective have the voting announce, “I want you to take one vote from Trump and give it to Biden.”

What the Data Integrity Group revealed, though, is that it looks as if the magic “-1 ballots” and “transfer ballots” were used in Georgia. How else can we explain the still-unrefuted claim that Trump’s votes vanished or were magically transferred to Biden?

Scott Adams got very excited about this negative trend. In his January 3 Coffee With Scott Adams video, he asked “Is there ever a reason that the cumulative vote count could turn negative under normal non-hacked conditions?” As far as Adams was concerned, all of the other allegations about election fraud can take a back seat. “Your Kraken isn’t big. Your Kraken is that simplification.”

Patrick Byrne is back with more astonishing election assertions By Andrea Widburg


Patrick Byrne published a Twitter thread on Monday making two really shocking claims: First, he says that a legitimate ballot-printing shop in Michigan was printing excess ballots for fraudulent purposes – and there’s documented evidence proving it. Second, he says that there’s now evidence that Georgia had faked ballots from China and was busy shredding them. I have no idea if any of these latest assertions are true, but I do have footage of Georgia’s Voting System Implementation Manager rebuffing the second claim. Since the truth is still unknowable for all of us, we can call this post “I report and you decide.”

I’ll start with Byrne’s claim about the fake ballots from a Michigan print shop, because Byrne claims that there’s documentary evidence, including affidavits, that prove this assertion. Here’s his story:

The election will not stand By David Solway


This election isn’t going to stand.

It will not stand up to the facts pouring in from every quarter that a fraud of unprecedented magnitude has been perpetrated on the American people — or, at any rate, on those who may still be considered, and who consider themselves, as loyal Americans.

It will not stand against an unmitigated force of a million or more American patriots flooding the streets of Washington, DC in a massive display of support for a legitimate president and a threatened Republic.

It will not stand against the raw determination, the Jacksonian character, and the astute and resourceful intelligence of a president like none in modern American history, despite the orchestrated campaign of unrelenting media slander launched against him.

Licit resistance against a pervasive electoral hoax will, of course, be contested by a veritable army of those either too invested in pulling of a swindle that dwarfs anything ever seen before — not excluding the 1824 “corrupt bargain” that cheated Andrew Jackson of the presidency — or those too cowardly, fearful, indifferent and morally invertebrate to oppose the “Olympian” machinations of the elite classes or to face down the specter of mob violence.

Licit resistance is also potentially undermined by many well-meaning, ostensible “pragmatists” who have already conceded victory to a flagrant impostor in the belief that it is inevitable and that various subsequent “workarounds” may be possible to dilute or parry the political repression of a Democratic administration. The delusion persists. But in the last analysis loyal Americans in their multitudes will not be daunted by domestic enemies or confounded by ideological fissures in their own ranks.

If the word “American” is to mean anything at all, including the pledge to defend the Constitution against enemies both domestic and foreign as per the Oath of Office, to contribute to the nation’s prosperity and maintain its traditions, to preserve its history, to defend its borders, and to love the ideal of greatness which is its patrimony, then the word does not apply to those who practice treachery or who are too timid and abject to rise to the defence of the nation in its time of trial and turbulence, wherever such tergiversators may be found.

This election will not stand. It is too corrupt to withstand scrutiny. Many may regard it as too big to fail. But it is not big enough to stand against the will of those who still consider themselves American.