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Ruth King

A Lone Star Speech Victory The University of Texas at Austin will dissolve its bias-response team.


Political speech is under attack these days from Beijing to Berkeley, so we’ll take victories where we can get them. One arrived Tuesday when the University of Texas at Austin agreed to disband its PC police and end policies that suppress speech on campus.

Credit the nonprofit Speech First, which sued on behalf of student members in 2018. The group claimed UT and its officials had “created an elaborate investigatory and disciplinary apparatus to suppress, punish, and deter speech that other students deem ‘offensive,’ ‘biased,’ ‘uncivil,’ or ‘rude.’”

Students could anonymously report their professors and peers for “bias incidents” to the Campus Climate Response Team, which would investigate and threaten disciplinary referrals and “restorative justice” meetings with administrators. The university gave several examples of what constitutes an act of bias, including “faculty commentary in the classroom perceived as derogatory and insensitive,” and other behavior open to highly subjective judgments about what is offensive.

A federal judge dismissed the case in 2019. Citing that decision, university spokesman J.B. Bird said Wednesday that there was “no evidence students were disciplined, sanctioned or investigated for their speech” and that, “to the contrary,” there was “strong evidence of the university protecting the speech rights of conservative students and guests on campus.”

But Speech First appealed, and in October the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the ruling and remanded the case back to the district court. Circuit Court Judge Edith Jones blasted the bias-response team as “the clenched fist in the velvet glove of student speech regulation.”

Obamas spending Christmas in Hawaii and generate the best picture ever of the former first couple By Thomas Lifson


It’s no surprise anymore when our ruling class travels for Christmas or any other reason that strikes their fancy, while the rest of us are told to give up family reunions, and even church services. So seeing Barack and Michelle Obama in Hawaii, able to jet around wherever their fancy takes them, enjoying their scores of millions of dollars earned from Netflix, books and other post-presidential activities is no surprise. Obviously, Barack has not reached the point he mentioned in 2010, when he said, “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

I am actually grateful they took the opportunity to go kayaking and generate the picture in the tweet below, which is to my eyes the best, most revealing view of the couple ever taken.

Joe Biden’s continued ‘Russian misinformation’ defense of Hunter is conspiracy-level laughable By Joe Concha,


President-elect Joe Biden continued his campaign strategy of running from anything resembling a tough question from a reporter when attempting to leave the stage after another “press conference” on Tuesday, calling said reporter a “one-horse pony” while continuing to assert that his son, Hunter Biden, is the target of a smear campaign fueled by Russian misinformation. 

The exchange occurred between Biden and Peter Doocy, a Fox News correspondent, after the president-elect took hard-hitting questions that included: 

“Do you believe that you will have a honeymoon to get things right?”

“Are you concerned about [Trump] lingering around? I see you smiling, but I still have to ask it. And kind of a corollary to that, would you consider filing for reelection early next year to show that you’re not going to be a lame duck?”

“Has the issue of the investigation of your son come up in discussions with your team and with potential candidates about the attorney general?”  

You get the idea, in terms of tone and temperature. What was a hostile four years between the press and President Trump is now a hospitable period between the press and Biden. And, in a related story, the freewheeling press conferences of Trump randomly calling on anyone and everyone are gone, with Biden’s staff deciding who gets to ask questions and who gets boxed out indefinitely. 


Apposite and inspiring words from Rudyard Kipling’s Poem “If..”

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

    And treat those two impostors just the same;   

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

    Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

Hold on and Godspeed !   rsk

Trump ‘Resolved, Determined’ About Election, Says Pennsylvania Senator By Charlotte Cuthbertson


WASHINGTON—Several Pennsylvania state senators, all Republicans, met with the president in the Oval Office on Dec. 23 to discuss election fraud issues in their state.

Among them was Sen. Doug Mastriano, who said afterwards that he’s “never seen anyone more resolved or determined” as Trump, “because truth is on his side.”

“The mood was determined. We need to find out what the heck happened here,” Mastriano told The Epoch Times.

He said the group took Trump through the various concerns they had, including a dump of 570,000 votes in the middle of the night for Democratic nominee Joe Biden, during which time only about 3,200 votes appeared for Trump. “Even in the bluest of blue areas of Pennsylvania that’s statistically impossible,” Mastriano said.

“And we talked about how if this is not only fixed in the future, but if it’s not fixed for what just happened here, at what point does the republic collapse?”

Mastriano held a public hearing in Gettysburg on Nov. 25, where witness testimony outlined allegations of fraud ranging from chain-of-custody issues, lost USB cards, statistical anomalies, and poll watcher access issues.

The state legislature has been out of session since Nov. 30 and Republicans have been unable to convince Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, to call a special session to address election issues.

Video: Phill Kline—New Amistad Project Election Lawsuit; $500 Million to Increase Votes in Democratic Strongholds? By Jan Jekielek


Joining us today is Phill Kline, the former attorney general of Kansas and director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society. Kline argues that hundreds of millions of dollars were donated by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to nonprofits, which used them in ways that compromised election standards. According to an Amistad Project report, election officials who received Zuckerberg’s money put their thumbs on the scale by trying to increase voter turnout in only democratic strongholds.

We discuss ongoing efforts to expose election fraud, and we break down Amistad Project’s most recent lawsuit, which demands that legislatures in five states be allowed to certify electors prior to congressional certification.

This is American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸, and I’m Jan Jekielek.

American Thought Leaders is an Epoch Times show available on YouTube, Facebook, and The Epoch Times website. It airs on Verizon Fios TV and Frontier Fios on NTD America (Channel 158).
Follow Jan on Twitter: @JanJekielek

5 Reasons I’ll Always Resist Joe Biden and the Democrats (and You Should Too) By Matt Margolis


Is anyone else tired of the media and the left telling you that Republicans should get in line and support Biden and stop questioning the election? Well, I definitely am.

“The race is over!” they say. “Biden won!” they insist. “It’s time for unity!” they demand.

Heh. Unity? Don’t count on it.  Joe Biden, who ran claiming to be a uniter who would work with both sides, has shown he will do no such thing. As he picks his cabinet, he’s picked only loyalists and Obama administration retreads. So far, none of the so-called Republicans Biden was reportedly considering for his administration have been announced as official picks. Joe Biden won’t be president for “all Americans” like he promised he would be. But only fools would have believed him anyway—I’m looking at you, Never-Trump Republicans.

As it seems clear that the Supreme Court will not involve itself in election disputes, it seems likely that Joe Biden will be inaugurated in January. Even if that happens, that doesn’t mean we have to accept the legitimacy of his presidency. Why should we? Are we really going to be lectured by Democrats, who repeatedly refuse to accept their own defeat?

Stacey Abrams and Hillary Clinton come to mind.

So, yeah, no thanks. Trump voters put up with a lot over four years and we’re not about to forgive and forget so easily. Here are five reasons why I will resist Biden and the Democrats.

What are the new SCOTUS justices thinking? By Marlo Horne


“The  SCOTUS justices have to be aware that our United States Constitution is under attack. Yet they do nothing.”

There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.

—Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 4, Scene 3

The new SCOTUS justices have to be aware that our United States Constitution is under attack, not just from anarchists, but also from numerous politicians and the media.  Freedom of speech, the right to own a weapon, and property rights are all being attacked, and to a fundamental degree, our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is being increasingly denied.  There has been extreme violence in several of our major cities, which does not meet even token resistance from their governors and mayors.  Lives have already been lost.  In addition, the rioting has destroyed numerous businesses, thereby destroying property and denying liberty and pursuit of happiness for those business-owners.

There is a report that the chief justice, John Roberts, is afraid of inciting riots and said he would tell the other justices how to vote.  Considering John Roberts’s actions in the past that appeared to be politically motivated, he may well be concerned that a SCOTUS ruling could incite violence.  His determination to uphold the Constitution seems to be weak at best.  However, the older conservative justices, Alito and Thomas, proved that they were willing to hear cases about the fraudulent election when they dissented in the Texas v. Pennsylvania, et al. case.  So why wouldn’t the new SCOTUS justices follow the lead of Alito and Thomas, especially when the issue of free and fair elections is so vital to our Constitution?

Trump tweets out a video that sums it all up so we know what we’re fighting By Andrea Widburg

“Americans have stood up to tyranny before. We’re a less hardy race than our ancestors, but that doesn’t mean the fighting spirit is dead. It’s merely dormant.”

I made up the word “sinosization,” because “sino” means “Chinese.” We are living in a “made in China” world, which means a world with rapidly decreasing prosperity and liberty. It’s a world in which our leaders, for fame and money, or in response to being blackmailed for their sins, have sold us out to a communist nation that steals our technology, takes our jobs, drugs our citizens, exports disease, and spreads oppression and despair wherever it goes. We know this – and, finally, there is a video that sums it all up.

One of the problems with what freedom-loving Americans face today is the immensity of what’s happening. All the pieces are in place, but they got into position so incrementally, we never noticed. Still, there they are: The left controls education, the media, corporate America, and large numbers of our most powerful politicians, including many Republicans.

To define terms, when we talk about these leftists, we are talking about people who have some overarching shared values. They have disdain for our Constitution, which they view as either a dead letter or a “living” document that can be interpreted to mean everything but what it actually says.

Americans in Name Only (AINO) Linda Goudsmit


http://goudsmit.pundicity.com  http://lindagoudsmit.com

Who am I?

Identity is the universal conundrum of the human experience. We want to know who we are, where we came from, and if our lives have meaning. So, who are we?

We begin with our most basic identity. “It’s a boy!” “It’s a girl!” After sexual identity comes family identity, national identity, religious identity, educational identity, professional identity, and so on. Our identity gives us standing. We have identification cards that verify our identity. We have passports, licenses, diplomas, marriage certificates, and so on.

We verify our identity because we value our identity personally, and because ordered liberty requires verification that we are who we say we are. We trust that a hospital board certified surgeon is operating on us. We trust that a licensed pilot is flying our plane. We trust that those entrusted with our health and safety are trustworthy. American life is based on the ability to verify identity, and has established strict penalties for violating identity verification.

American jurisprudence is rooted in the motto “Trust and verify.” We give sworn testimony with an oath. “I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” Intentionally lying under oath is the crime of perjury – a felony punishable to up to five years in prison.

Identity is an integral part of the universal human experience because it defines reality. We either are, or we are not, who we say we are. In politics and international affairs, identity has both domestic and international implications.

National identity is the universal conundrum of world politics. We want to know who we are, where we came from, and if our lives have meaning. The 2020 American presidential election is redefining our national identity. What does it mean to be an American?