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Ruth King

A Year’s Worth of Media Malfeasance It was a dirty job, but someone had to sort through the year’s worst examples of media bias. Douglas Andrews


Putting one’s finger on the five biggest media failures in any one year is a daunting task. It’s like trying to list the five worst plays during a Detroit Lions football season or Hollywood’s five worst movies of the year — there’s just too much terrible material to sift through.

The Daily Wire’s Hank Berrien, though, has given it a thoughtful effort, while The Federalist’s Tristan Justice took the “easy” way out and built a list of 20 journalistic failures.

As an aside, if there’s a first prize for Photojournalistic Failure of the Year, it has to go to CNN, whose “mostly peaceful” footage of the Kenosha riots was mostly accurate in the same way that Baghdad Bob was mostly credible:

It’s hard to quibble with Berrien’s top five, though one might move them around a bit in order of importance and impact. There can be no argument, though, with his choice as worst of the worst: the media’s utter refusal to cover the Hunter Biden story in the weeks just prior to the election. In doing so, the media didn’t just put its finger on the scale; it put its shoulder on the scale.

Of Merit and Melanin: Identity Politics and the Balkanization of America By Caren Besner


On May 22, 2019, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams gave a speech at the Center for American Progress. Ms. Abrams spoke out strongly in her defense of Identity Politics, stating that “Identity Politics is exactly who we are and exactly how we won,” and arguing that Identity Politics “brought new folks to the process.” That is untrue.

America is based on the idea of pluralism, the notion that, regardless of our race, religion, creed, or national origin, we would all co-exist within one nation. Countless millions migrated here from every continent and continue to do so. They retained their ethnic, religious, and cultural identity, but regarded themselves as Americans. Most worked and studied hard, going to school in the evening to master English and prepare for the difficult citizenship exam. Many have said that the proudest moment of their lives was when they were sworn in as American citizens.

To this day, many families still retain old and worn naturalization certificates as part of their family heirlooms. To them, and for hundreds of millions around the world, America was and is, a source of hope and inspiration. This is the reason why protesters in Hong Kong wave American, not Chinese flags. It is why, from Central America to China, families give all they have to smugglers, sometimes having to resort to selling themselves into virtual slavery to get here. Probably, half the world’s population would emigrate here right now if they had the wherewithal to do so.

Identity Politics strips away the idea that we are all Americans first. It places race, religion, creed, sexuality, and most importantly, skin pigmentation at the forefront of one’s identity. It maintains that America is a horrible place, filled with racists, sexists, and xenophobes, and is, in fact, the source of most of the world’s problems. This is a reversion to tribalism. It repudiates everything that America stands for and could ultimately have catastrophic consequences.

Just ask the former citizens of what used to be called Yugoslavia. That nation devolved into civil war and anarchy with various ethnic and religious groups, mainly Serbs, Muslims, and Croats, competing for power and control. It ruined the city of Sarajevo and, ultimately, the nation of Yugoslavia and introduced two new terms to our language: “Ethnic Cleansing” and “Balkanization.”

COVID Relief and Trump’s Revenge A pocket veto of the coronavirus package is payback for McConnell’s perfidy. by David Catron


President Trump has been deeply dissatisfied by the reluctance of the Republican establishment to support his challenges to November’s election results that he and millions of voters attribute to vote fraud. Trump has been particularly unhappy with the laissez-faire attitude of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who has discouraged GOP senators from openly backing Trump’s effort. The president had his revenge Tuesday night when he denounced the coronavirus stimulus bill that McConnell had finally finished Monday evening and hailed as a “historic rescue package to help American families through this pandemic.” Trump demanded a “suitable” bill that includes $2,000 checks for individuals and contains no wasteful spending.

If Trump refuses to sign the McConnell legislation, which includes $600 for individuals and contains all manner of special interest funding unrelated to COVID-19, the Republicans may well lose two Georgia Senate seats and control of Congress. The McConnell bill was cobbled together largely because of the January 5 Georgia runoff for two Senate seats that protect the GOP majority. Democratic candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock have been selling themselves as alternatives to the GOP incumbents, Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, whom they accuse of being too abstemious to provide much needed assistance to Georgians hurt by the pandemic. Both Democrats immediately exploited the president’s criticism of the package. Ossoff put it as follows:

President Trump is, as ever, erratic and all over the place, but on this point, tonight, he’s right. Six hundred dollars is a joke. They should send $2,000 checks to the American people right now because people are hurting. And David Perdue … who opposed even the first single round of $1,200 checks … has obstructed direct relief for the last eight months, and now decided he wanted to cut it down to $600 when people can barely feed their families through no fault of their own. Congress should pass $2,000 checks.

Warnock issued this statement:

As I’ve said from the start, the Senate should have acted on this months ago and support for Georgians should have been far greater. Donald Trump is right, Congress should swiftly increase to $2,000. Once and for all Senator Loeffler should do what’s best for Georgia instead of focusing on what she can do for herself.

Our Upside-Down Postelection World . By Victor Davis Hanson


After Nov. 3, the meaning of some words and concepts abruptly changed. Have you noticed how new realities have replaced old ones?

Media cross-examination of the president is now an out-of-date idea. The time for gotcha questions has come and gone. Why ask a president whether he is a traitor or a crook when you can focus on his favorite flavor of milkshake or compliment him on his socks?

The old pre-election truth was that new vaccines take years to develop. The new postelection truth is that it’s no big deal to bring out new vaccines in nine months.

Impeaching a first-term president after his first midterm election — on a strictly partisan vote, for political reasons other than the Constitution’s “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors” — is now a terrible idea.

Worse would be to appoint a special counsel to harass a president on unfounded charges of collusion with China. An even scarier notion would be a conservative dream team of partisan lawyers hounding President Joe Biden — using a 22-month, $40 million blank check.

It would be unprofessional for university psychologists and physicians from a distance to diagnose, in pop fashion, the mental faculties of a President Biden.

Certainly, there would never be talk about Department of Justice officials contemplating wearing a wire as part of an entrapment scheme to remove a President Biden through the 25th Amendment. That would almost constitute a coup attempt.

Almost as bad would be for the holdover FBI director to start “memorializing” his private conversations with Joe Biden on FBI devices. He might then leak such memos to the press — just in case he were to be fired for secretly investigating Biden for “Chinese collusion” and then lying about such a probe.

What happened to the Logan Act? Not long ago it was assumed to be a critically needed guardrail. Wouldn’t it now ensure that presidential transition team members were not calling foreign leaders while Donald Trump is still president? How has it suddenly become a defunct, ossified relic?

2020 hindsight — Israel’s year in review- Ruthie Blum


As of Tuesday night, when the Knesset voted against the bill to postpone the budget, Israel began the countdown to its fourth general election in two years. Some pundits are pointing to this as a sign of political dysfunction. Others are hailing it as democracy in action. But everyone has been noting the “here we go again” aspect of the ongoing fray.

That the news coincided with a sharp spike in coronavirus morbidity, along with threats and then an announcement of another countrywide lockdown, only made matters worse for national morale. A third round of closures that demolishes small businesses and keeps kids at home is the last thing Israelis want. The latest warnings about the COVID-19 mutation, a few cases of which have arrived in Israel from Britain, further contributed to societal malaise.

The only silver lining, if you can call it that, has been the plethora of humorous coronavirus-spurred memes from around the world about everything from the hoarding of toilet paper to Zoom meetings in which participants are only dressed from the waist up.

Misery loves company, and in Israel as elsewhere, the consensus has been that 2020 is the “year that wasn’t.” A review of the past 12 months, however, reveals that this is far from the case, certainly where the Jewish state is concerned. Working our way backwards can provide a bit of perspective.

Let’s start with December. On December 9, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was at Ben-Gurion Airport welcoming the arrival of a plane bearing the first shipment of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. This was the culmination of a $237.5 million deal that he had inked in November with the pharmaceutical giant, for the purchase of eight million doses, sufficient to inoculate nearly half the country’s population. This batch is only the beginning. The prime minister also signed a deal with Moderna for six million doses, enough to vaccinate another three million Israelis. Meanwhile, Israel’s own Institute for Biological Research vaccine, BriLife, is in the midst of advanced clinical trials.



Below is a link to an Oval Office speech given by Trump.   It’s short, concise (about 11  minutes) … AND has been carried by no one.

Ex-judge: Election Justice Stymied Because Whole Court System Is Intimidated by Left Selwyn Duke


Imagine that doing your duty could not only mean losing your career, but also becoming a pariah, getting death threats, having your children harassed, and needing armed protection. This increasingly is the reality for many Americans. In fact, intimidation in the legal system, says an ex-Wisconsin judge, is hampering Republicans’ ability to get election-oriented justice.

In particular, states James Troupis (shown), pressure from the Left is stopping lawyers and judges from accepting and hearing vote-fraud cases.

No, Troupis didn’t put it as starkly as I did in my first sentence, as he alludes mainly to career and reputational destruction. But we do “‘have to acknowledge that the court system has been deeply intimidated by the left, just as the lawyers have been intimidated,’ Troupis told the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee Wednesday,” reported National File’s Frank Salvato on Monday. “And that’s a sad, sad state of affairs.”

“Troupis was just one of the witnesses who appeared before the committee to testify on irregularities and fraud they witnessed in several locations during the November 3, 2020, General Election,” Salvato continues.

Despite the rampant vote fraud tarnishing the November 3 election, Troupis said that premier law firms have declined to defend the president because they fear leftist retaliation. So while the attorney said he’s “honored” to represent Trump, he also said that he’s not “naïve.”

Democrat Andrew Yang Files for NYC Mayoral Campaign By Ivan Pentchoukov


Far-left Democrat Andrew Yang filed formal paperwork on Dec. 23 that could see him run for mayor in New York City, according to the New York City Campaign Finance Board.

Yang ran for president in 2020 in a crowded field of more than 20 Democrats. He quit the race in February and endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden in March.

The 45-year-old ran on a promise to enact “universal basic income,” a wealth redistribution scheme in which the government would dole out $1,000 checks to each person in the United States aged 18 and older. Yang argued the scheme was necessary to counteract the advent of automation.

Current New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has similarly not been shy about ideas like wealth redistribution.

“We needed to profoundly change the distribution of resources. I like to say very bluntly, our mission is to redistribute wealth,” the mayor said earlier this month. “A lot of people bristle at that phrase. That is, in fact, the phrase we need to use.”

Yang has said that the idea is not socialist.

“Universal basic income is not socialism. It’s capitalism where income doesn’t start at zero,” he argued in a promotional video. “It’s the next form of capitalism. It’s the trickle-up economy.”

Losing a Generation: Across the Country, a Frightening Number of Students Are Receiving Failing Grades By Rick Moran


Across the United States, school districts are reporting an alarming number of students who are receiving at least one failing grade, which has educators and administrators asking: Are the students really failing — or are the schools failing the students?

The “Great Experiment” in “virtual” classrooms is turning out to be a catastrophic failure.

The question is what to do about it. Here, wokeness meets reality in an unambiguous way. If teachers were to give these failing grades, a disproportionate number would be in black and brown communities. But school officials are extremely reluctant to fail so many minority children lest it makes them feel bad.

But failing any kid when the fault is not entirely their own seems unfair. Would they have failed if they had been allowed to attend in-person classroom instruction? The answer to that is almost certainly no.

Yahoo News:

In the first quarter of 2020, one school district in Charles County, Maryland, saw a 72.7% increase in failing grades for students enrolled in high school, WTOP reported. Forty-two percent of students in Houston received at least one failing grade in this school year’s first grading period, The Associated Press reported. This past year, secondary schools in Salt Lake City saw a 600% increase in the number of failing students, according to The Salt Lake Tribune.

“Obviously we’re concerned,” James Tobler, the president of the Salt Lake City teachers’ union, told Insider, adding that teachers are trying to do their best “under the circumstances we are dealt with.”

Those “circumstances” have been almost entirely created by teachers’ unions and the politicians who coddle them. They are circumstances that teachers dealt with themselves. They can’t push the blame onto anyone else.

Some educators and administrators think they should just cancel grades for this year or even eliminate the entire idea of letter grades. At one time, getting good grades was necessary to get into a good college. But colleges today don’t really care how you performed in class previously. If you’re the right color, you’re virtually in.

Still, grades are a yardstick that parents (remember them?) can use to judge their child’s progress — or lack of it.

Why Do We Continue to Follow Nonsensical COVID Rules? By David Solway


The only demonstrable result of government-imposed COVID-19 lockdowns has been the destruction of national economies, the crippling of domestic and cultural life, the suffering and death of multitudes due to untreated prior medical conditions, and the drastic rise in suicide rates. The lockdowns themselves have seemed to do little to prevent the onset of the disease, hence one lockdown after another has led to no discernible effect—apart from the fact that the virus appears to strike primarily a designated older cohort of the population already suffering from comorbidities. A recent graph charting the effects of repeated lockdowns in the province of Ontario would appear to indicate that the lockdowns themselves are super-spreaders. Texas Tech professor Gilbert Berdine sums up: “After taking the unprecedented economic depression into account, history will likely judge these lockdowns to be the greatest policy error of this generation.”

The same applies, mutatis mutandis, to the mask mandate, somewhat less destructive but equally absurd. After touting home-made, cloth, and sundry other masks for six months, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam have discovered that Canadians should be wearing three-layer masks—a tacit admission that the single- and double-ply masks we have been wearing for all this time are patently inadequate. Apparently, no-ply also works, given that our Minister of Health Patty Hajdu was spotted at Toronto’s Pearson Airport unabashedly maskless and happily smiling, like her American counterparts Anthony Fauci at a baseball game and Governor Newsom of California at his favorite restaurant.

In fact, masks do not screen out (or keep in) viral microns averaging 100 nanometers in size; the weave of all masks, with the partial exception of the medical N-95, is far too large to repel the coronavirus particle, which varies between 60nm and 140nm. Further, masks may cause hypoxia and consequent immune deficiency through the ingestion of one’s own CO2. It gets worse. A 50-state-wide controlled study showed that there is no correlation between mask mandates and fewer cases. On the contrary, there is a reverse correlation: non-masking states and counties did better than their masking counterparts. There is no weeding around the graphic evidence. One wonders if CO2 -forced immunity depletion had something to do with this.

As for home isolation and travel restrictions, they are not taken seriously by our authorities. According to the Associated Press, Denver’s mayor flew to Mississippi to spend Thanksgiving with his family, after urging others to stay home. A Pennsylvania mayor banned indoor dining, then patronized a restaurant in Maryland. The governor of Rhode Island was photographed at a wine tasting. The mayor of Austin, Texas, flew to Cabo San Lucas on a private jet after hosting a wedding for 20. It’s common knowledge that Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker & family have blatantly violated his own travel ban. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s husband was caught attempting to sidestep her shutdown.