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Ruth King

Kamala Harris’s Dishonesty on Abe Lincoln By Dan McLaughlin


It was impossible to miss how Kamala Harris, like Joe Biden, refused to answer questions about their plans to expand the Supreme Court. But she also misrepresented history.

Harris claimed at the VP debate that Abraham Lincoln refused to nominate a candidate for Chief Justice in October 1864 because “Honest Abe said, it’s not the right thing to do” and wanted the people to vote first.

Lincoln, of course, said no such thing. He sent no nominee to the Senate in October 1864 because the Senate was out of session until December. He sent a nominee the day after the session began, and Salmon P. Chase was confirmed the same day. And Lincoln wanted to dangle the nomination before Chase and several other potential candidates because he wanted them to campaign for him. Lincoln’s priority was winning the election, which was necessary to win the war — and he filled the vacancy at the first possible instant.

Kamala Harris is simply inventing history.

Kamala Harris won – if the prize was awarded for the most lies in a debate By Andrea Widburg


The vice-presidential debate is over. If the winner is the person who quietly dominated the room, fought off two antagonists, never lost focus, and landed one deadly blow after another, then the winner must be Mike Pence, hands down. However, if the score was for the person who lied incessantly and refused to answer a critical question, Harris is the winner.

Before getting to the lies, the most important moment of the evening was Harris’s refusal to answer when asked about packing the Supreme Court. Pence had cornered Kamala, telling her to answer whether she and Joe would pack the Supreme Court. It was a question that required a “yes” or a “no” answer. Instead, Kamala squirmed, lied, smirked, and played the race card, all the while hoping no one would notice she hadn’t answered. Pence noticed, though, and he put it on the record:

And then, as I said, there were the lies. Pence masterfully rebutted as many as he could, but an easily uttered five-second lie may require a longer rebuttal, and the moderator worked hard to deny Pence the chance to correct the record. The following are just some truths to rebut Kamala’s many lies:

Is Warren Buffett the Wallet Behind Black Lives Matter?by Sean Cooper


The Tides Network is a powerful instrument leveraged by billionaires working to change America, while shielding their philanthropic dollars from public scrutiny. Here’s how it works.

In July of 2013, the seeds of the most powerful protest movement of the modern era were planted.

In a restless climate of nationwide demonstrations touched off by the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, an activist named Alicia Garza uttered the phrase “Black lives matter.” A few months later, in October 2013, Garza took a job with an organization called the National Domestic Workers Alliance, and the nonprofit immediately saw a dramatic increase in its funding from organizations tied to some of the wealthiest people in the world—people with names like Buffett, Soros, and Rockefeller.

This spring, in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, the movement became a global interest: Some 1.1 million individual donations worth an estimated $33 million flowed into its coffers. Large corporations, especially in Silicon Valley and retail, have been quick to follow suit, with brands like Square, Ubisoft, Google, Spanx, Tom’s Shoes, Lululemon, Nike, and Anastasia Beauty all making six- and seven-figure organizational pledges.

The received wisdom, echoing the official mythology around Black Lives Matter Global Network Inc.—co-founded by Garza along with fellow activists Opal Tometi and Patrisse Cullors—is that BLM is a grassroots movement that rose up organically out of the widespread rage sparked by viral videos of Black American men killed by police officers. According to this account, the political priorities of activists in Brooklyn screaming at cops and calling to defund the police have been fused with those of suburban moms in Peloton T-shirts, hand-painting signs with their kids using the BLM hashtags of large multinational conglomerates—an unusual union of protesters and the corporate boardroom spurred on by nothing more than everyone’s shared outrage over racism.


‘Joe Biden exercised incredibly poor judgment, placing a highly classified counterintelligence operation at risk, and undermined the incoming administration.’


The Unborkable Amy Coney Barrett


 It is a mark of how dirty Senate Democrats have played over the past four years that they and their allies have been so little criticized for their treatment of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

Certainly, they’ve floated allegations intended to sully her religious faith and fellowship from an unreliable and erratic source and boosted charges from America’s preeminent race huckster that her adoption of two children from Haiti is racist.

Meet the Biden-Supporting General Deploying Military Grade Information Warfare Tools Against Trump Supporters


General Stanley McChrystal delighted the left and the war-loving neoconservatives today by joining his name to the ranks of military-industrial complex “national security” professionals supporting Joe Biden.

Mike Pence’s Re-Election Case He told voters facts about the Biden agenda they haven’t heard.


The pre- and post-debate spin about Wednesday’s clash of vice-presidential candidates from the left was that it’s merely a sideshow. They say the appearance of rhetorical norms is an illusion with Donald Trump at the top of the ticket. But Mike Pence and Kamala Harris did a public service by offering a contrast on issues and values that voters aren’t getting from the media or the presidential candidates.

The Vice President did as well as he could playing defense on the pandemic, especially with his accurate gibe that Joe Biden’s policy sounds like policy plagiarism. Senator Harris’s main critique on the virus, as on most other issues, was less about substance than about Mr. Trump’s rhetoric and personal behavior. It’s a powerful point that Mr. Trump reinforces daily. But Mr. Pence is right that on vaccines and testing and other details, the Biden “plan” is mostly Mr. Trump’s.

Mr. Pence was most effective in pointing out how far left the Biden-Harris Democrats have moved. With Donald Trump’s personal antics sucking up all the media attention, voters haven’t heard much about Mr. Biden’s $2 trillion in spending over four years on the Green New Deal; the $4 trillion of tax increases that will reach into the working class through higher business and corporate rates; their goal of eliminating fossil fuels that would cost jobs and raise energy prices; and the Biden record on foreign policy that includes opposing the raid on Osama bin Laden.

Mr. Pence also exposed Senator Harris for refusing to answer, as Mr. Biden also did last week, whether they support packing the Supreme Court if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed. Their response that the election is the issue now and everyone should vote is embarrassing even by the standards of political evasion. If they won’t disavow Court-packing now, it’s on the table with a Democratic Senate, House and White House.

Palestinian Education Mirrors Policy and Vision Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

https://bit.ly/3lkaKHy, https://bit.ly/30HZ8Gw   

The 2020 Palestinian Authority’s Arabic Language, Vol 2, Grade 5, pp 51-61 and Social Studies, Vol. 1, Grade 9, p. 40 herald Dalal al-Mughrabi, who led – and participated in – the March 1978 massacre of 38 Israeli civilians (mostly passengers of two Haifa-Tel Aviv buses), including 13 children and wounding 72. The 5th and 9th graders are encouraged to become “martyrs” and follow in the footsteps of “the crown of the nation” and “the role model of Palestinian resistance… whose struggle portrays challenge and heroism, making her memory immortal in our hearts and minds.”

Education mirrors leadership and society

Education is the most authentic reflection of the identity, core values, culture, track record, worldview and vision of the architects of the education system and (subsequently) the society at-large. 

Education plays a major role in shaping the personality of individuals and society at-large, especially in non-democratic societies, such as the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian education system has been overseen by Mahmoud Abbas since 1993, when he established it in his capacity as Arafat’s deputy. The Palestinian education system is a byproduct of the 1959 and 1964/1968 Fatah and PLO Charters and the 1974 Palestinian Phased Plan, which stipulate the Palestinian vision.  

Education in non-democratic societies mirrors the worldview of its leaders much more credibly than diplomatic statements, briefings and media interviews. The latter constitute “screen savers,” aiming to conceal the real vision, which is lucidly expressed by the educational curriculum.

While free societies promote education in order to enhance enlightenment, expand information and upgrade the standard of living, rogue regimes employ education as a means to advance their brutal goals and brainwash the younger generation into full-submission, including the perpetration of terrorism.

While free societies foster education as a hothouse of tolerance, peaceful-coexistence and innovative ideas and technologies, rogue regimes exploit education as a hothouse of fanaticism and violent intolerance, as well as terrorism and suicide-bombing.

The 2020-2021 Palestinian school curriculum highlights

Did the VP debate change a single mind? A predictable clash between two solid professionals Charles Lipson


It was a predictable clash between two solid professionals, who said what they came to say, and not one jot more.

Both evaded the awkward questions. Pence never explained how a second Trump term would handle pre-existing medical conditions and Harris never renounced a potential court-packing scheme. Neither answered questions about abortion beyond repeating their parties’ positions.

We did learn Harris admires Abraham Lincoln. Pence admires police and first-responders. The controversy surrounding these bold positions should die down over the next week or two.

Moderator Susan Page jumped over the low bar set by Chris Wallace, but she made two predictable errors. She asked some biased questions and stuck to a formulaic format that produces two parallel interviews. When a real debate threatened to break out, she stepped in to quash it. Voters were left exactly where they were when the night began.

Oh, yes, and children are our future. The final Q&A made clear. We can all rest a little easier after that was settled.

DOJ Announces British ISIS Terrorists Will Stand Trial in U.S. for Murder of American Hostages By Mairead McArdle


The Justice Department on Wednesday announced that two ISIS terrorists are are en route to the U.S. to face charges in the the capture and murders of four U.S. citizens in Syria from 2012 to 2015.

Alexanda Kotey, 36, and El Shafee Elsheikh, 32, two former British citizens who were part of a group of four ISIS guards known as “The Beatles,” will make their initial appearance in court later Wednesday in Alexandria, Va.

The two former ISIS terrorists grew up in the United Kingdom, where they became radicalized, the Justice Department said.

They “participated in the abduction of American and European hostages in Syria” including British and Japanese nationals and “allegedly engaged in a prolonged pattern of physical and psychological violence against the hostages, including against American citizens James Wright Foley, Kayla Jean Mueller, Steven Joel Sotloff, and Peter Edward Kassig,” according to a 24-page indictment unsealed Wednesday.

“Today, we remember the victims, Jim Foley, Steven Sotloff, Peter Kassig, and Kayla Mueller, and their families who are forever affected by these senseless acts of violence,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said during a press conference. “These families have suffered with the painful loss of their loved ones at the hands of brutal killers; today’s charges demonstrate the FBI’s dedication and commitment to giving them the justice they deserve. We, along with our partners in the U.S. Government, remain steadfast in our duty to bring to justice those who have harmed our citizens — no matter where they are, and no matter how long it takes.”

Gov. Wanda Vázquez asks Puerto Rican diaspora to vote for President Trump [Miami Herald] Syra Ortiz-Blanes


Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez endorsed President Donald Trump in a televised interview on Monday and rallied Puerto Ricans in the diaspora to vote for him in the Nov. 3 presidential election.

“I ask all Puerto Ricans that are listening to go vote. They have to go vote, exercise their right to vote, and evaluate who has Puerto Ricans and their needs in the hardest moment…It’s Donald Trump,” said Vázquez in an interview with the local Telemundo station.

Regarding Trump’s throwing of paper towels at a crowd of Puerto Rican residents after Hurricane Maria in 2017, Vázquez, a pro-statehood Republican, said that people should move forward because “no one is perfect.”

Vázquez, who lost the island’s local pro-statehood primary in mid-August, was sworn in as governor after former governor Ricardo Rosselló was forced to resign in the summer of 2019, following weeks of historic protests calling for him to step down.

Vázquez was supposed to travel to Central Florida and participate in a Trump campaign rally in Sanford last Friday. However, Trump’s rally was canceled after he tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Vázquez said that besides campaigning, she had also planned to meet with the president to discuss “subjects about Puerto Rico.”

“Biden thinks so little of Boricuas that he believes that by playing ‘Despacito’ we will forget how his horrible policies hurt Puerto Ricans,” said Juan Carlos Benitez, a Latinos for Trump board member who is Puerto Rican, of Vázquez’s endorsement. “But Hispanics have not forgotten how Biden presided over the most ‘despacito’ economic growth since the Great Depression.”

New Files Highlight Brennan’s Role Promoting Clinton’s Russia Collusion Narrative By Andrew C. McCarthy


The CIA was not seeking an FBI probe of Clinton; rather, it was pushing an investigation of Trump consistent with her baseless allegations.
On Tuesday, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified and released parts of the documents underlying his earlier revelation about Hillary Clinton’s role in orchestrating the Trump-Russia collusion farce.

The new revelations are important, particularly in clarifying a suggestion, made last week by Ratcliffe, that U.S. intelligence agencies referred former Secretary of State Clinton to the FBI for investigation. That suggestion was then repeated by Senate Republicans and in media commentary (including my column, here).

There was no referral of that kind. That perhaps explains why, in his Senate testimony last week, former FBI director James Comey maintained that he recalled no such thing – to the seeming exasperation of Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.). In reality, when read in conjunction with other information that I addressed in Ball of Collusion, Ratcliffe’s disclosures underscore that the Obama administration, including its law-enforcement and intelligence agencies, was on the same page with the Clinton campaign in peddling the collusion narrative.

Ratcliffe’s revelation last week, in a letter to Senator Graham, related that, in late July 2016, Russian intelligence agents assessed that Clinton sought to blame Donald Trump, her opponent in the presidential race, for Russia’s suspected hacking of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails. U.S. spy agencies “obtained insight” into this Russian assessment through some highly classified method. That explains, at least in part, why the documents Ratcliffe has disclosed are so heavily redacted (and probably why it has taken so long for the Trump administration to disclose this crucial information).

Clinton’s alleged objective was to divert attention from the scandal over her use of a non-secure homebrew server system to conduct State Department business. According to Ratcliffe, the U.S. intelligence community (IC) judged that the Russian assessment was authentic, in the sense that it really did come from the Kremlin’s intelligence services. The IC drew no conclusion, however, about whether the Russian government actually believed the assessment was true – i.e., as Ratcliffe put it, to some extent, “the Russian analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.” For what it’s worth, I surmise that the Russians probably did believe Clinton had approved this political narrative because it lines up with contemporaneous events – it would not have taken a genius to figure it out. But that is a story for another day (coming soon).