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Ruth King

A Nobel Peace Prize for President Trump and His Majesty King Mohammed VI? by Mohammed Habib


Salmi Gailani, who was born in 1991, the year of the ceasefire, “blames the U.N. for the fact that for 30 years, Western Sahara has been a frozen conflict…. ’30 years is long enough to place ballot boxes,’ he said.” — Euronews, November 17, 2020.

The international community has been trying to broker a peace for the Western Sahara for 30 years. Some observers, however, suggest that “if the Polisario Front were to have sovereignty over the Western Sahara, it would mean that Algeria was effectively surrounding Morocco.”

Along with last week’s the triumph for President Trump and King Mohammed VI, there have also been charges that Morocco could have joined the Abraham Accords without the US recognizing Morocco’s sovereignty over the Western Sahara. So far, however, no one has quite said how.

Last week, US President Donald J. Trump and His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, in a move that immediately prompted calls for a Nobel Peace Prize, agreed that Morocco would be the fourth Arab country — joining the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan — in establishing a solid peace with Israel this year. A felicitous reciprocity is that Morocco was the first country to recognize the United States.

Since 1975, when Spain gave up its colony in the Western Sahara, the sovereignty of the territory has been under dispute. The area, about the size of Britain, wedged between Morocco and Mauritania, runs southward along the Atlantic Ocean. The territory and its waters are rich with phosphates, bauxite, fish, and possibly offshore oil reserves. Although Morocco has officially administered the area for the last 30 years, it has been claimed by the Polisario Front, (an abbreviation for “Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Rio de Oro”), an Algerian-backed group composed of a nomadic people, the Sahrawis.

Tehran Should Ask ‘Then What?’ by Amir Taheri


Reacting to the killing of Major-General Qassem Soleimani and Brigadier-General Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, regime “thinkers” promise “revenge” and suggest this could be done with a single deadly blow to the “enemy”…. Needless to say, when Khomeinists speak of “the enemy,” they mean the American “Great Satan” and its sidekick Israel.

Even Ghulam Esmaili, spokesman for Islamic Judiciary, has joined the armchair strategists by suggesting “the clearing out of America and Israel” with a “single blow.”

Launching the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the Japanese high command also forgot to ask “what next?”.

[T]he Kayhan editorialist who urged the attack on Haifa… says because the Islamic Republic has “all US bases within range”, cowardly Americans won’t react to a destructive attack on Israel. And if they did, he says, Tehran could pour missiles against US bases in Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, the US 5th Fleet headquarters in Bahrain, the CENTCOM in Qatar, bases in Omani part of Musandam Peninsula. The editorialist believes the US would simply grin and bear each attack.

In the One Thousand and One Night tale of the princes of Serendip, all three have one desire: To achieve all their wishes with a single throw of the dice.

However, not confined to the world of oriental tales, that dream has dictated quite a few tragic, comical and tragi-comical events in history.

The latest appearance of the “one throw” theme could be witnessed in Tehran these days, where Islamic Republic leaders offer both tragic and comical versions of it.

Trump greeted at Army-Navy game with chants of ‘USA! USA!’ Game hosted at West Point due to COVID-19 pandemic


President Donald Trump’s arrival at the annual Army-Navy game on Saturday was greeted with sustained cheers and rolling chants of “USA! USA!” 

Trump waved to the crowd amid the cheering that greeted his arrival. The storied Army-Navy matchup began in 1890 and has regularly been attended by sitting presidents. 



A new Israeli stem cell treatment can halt and reverse MS.
Israel has received its first deliveries of coronavirus vaccines.
An Israeli-Ethiopian immigrant has won a scholarship to Oxford University.
Over 130 Israeli hi-tech companies have been exhibiting in Dubai.
New investment in Israeli startups is at record levels.
An Israeli has won the NASCAR European championship for the 3rd time.
Morocco and Israel are to establish diplomatic relations.


Stem cell treatment can help MS patients. (TY Nevet) Jerusalem’s Hadassah-University Medical Center and Israel’s NeuroGenesis have developed a stem cell treatment for patients with progressive multiple sclerosis. A Phase II human trial not only halted progression of the disease but led to improvement in neurological ability.


https://www.hadassah.org/news-stories/hadassah-and-neurogenesis-announce-groundbreaking-results-ms-study.html  https://academic.oup.com/brain/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/brain/awaa333/6012789


Hope for stroke and dementia patients. Israel’s BrainsGate (reported briefly here previously) has developed a technology for the treatment of ischemic strokes and vascular dementia. The Ischemic Stroke System is based on an implantable electrode stimulator that increases blood flow to the brain. Clinical trials are in progress.

https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3879615,00.html  http://www.brainsgate.com/eng/

Hackathon for autism. Israeli innovators and entrepreneurs participated in Hackautism 2.0 – a virtual tech marathon to create innovative technological solutions for the challenges of children and adults on the Autism Spectrum. The winning teams addressed sleep quality, non-verbal communication and job finding,


Israeli blood tests for the Gulf. The OLO finger-prick blood tests from Israel’s Sight Diagnostics (reported here previously) will soon be available in medical centers across the Gulf region. The Israeli company is partnering with Dubai’s Phoenix Capital who will install OLO initially in the UAE and then other Gulf states.


Games to fight diabetes and cognitive decline. Israel’s Maccabi Healthcare Services research and innovation center has initiated KSM Playzone – focusing on the field of health gaming. KSM has awarded $25,000 to the developers of two health education games – Diabattle (for diabetics) and Memento (cognitive rehabilitation).


http://www.diabattle.mobi/  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-ibwc4ziBw



Israeli doctors in Gaza. (TY Hazel) Israeli-Arab orthopaedists, neurologists, heart surgeons, and mental health experts are in the Gaza Strip relieving the strain on hospitals fighting coronavirus. They are conducting urgent (previously postponed) surgeries on non-Covid-19 patients and training up Palestinian Arab medical teams.


First vaccines arrive in Israel. An end to the coronavirus pandemic is in sight as hundreds of thousands of doses of Pfizer vaccines were flown into Tel Aviv. Vaccinations are due to begin on Dec 27. Israel is scheduled to receive 4 million doses of the vaccine by end Dec.


Israel’s vaccine is vital. Progress has been made with the Israeli-developed vaccines and treatments. The MigVax oral vaccine is ideal for developing countries as it easy to transport and distribute. It is also much safer, e.g., for those who have allergies or compromised immune systems.



Media’s pre-election burial of Hunter Biden story proves dereliction of duty By Joe Concha,


There are two kinds of bias in the media. First there is the kind we regularly see from many – not all – outlets in broad daylight, which includes openly rooting for one political party while echoing rapid-response opposition research against another. And then there is the more invisible, insidious variety — the bias of omission.

If teaching a class in the latter, as it pertains to the bombshell admission that President-elect Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, has been under grand jury investigation for “tax affairs” by the U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware, then the bias of omission absolutely has been applied in the most blatant manner. 

To be clear, omission-bias is when an outlet or publication purposely suppresses or outright ignores a newsworthy story that is carried by others. In this case, the “others” initially was an exclusive in the New York Post, which was dismissed immediately by other media outlets and by Democrats as Russian disinformation or a smear campaign by the Trump administration.

And not just dismissed, either. The story was outright banned from public discourse by social media giant Twitter, which limited its members from sharing a New York Post report on Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine and China. This New York Post report wasn’t just the usual “he-said, she-said” hearsay that we once saw on a daily basis as it pertained to alleged Russian collusion and the Trump campaign. It contained actual emails from Hunter Biden’s own laptop.

Irregularities, Fraud Caused Trump to Lose Wisconsin: Election Commissioner Zachary Stieber


A member of the Wisconsin election board said Friday that irregularities, fraud, and “Democrat tricks” caused President Donald Trump to lose the state after narrowly winning it four years ago.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden beat Trump in this year’s election by approximately 20,000 votes.

Bob Spindell, a Republican commissioner on the Wisconsin Elections Commission, said the vote difference stemmed from allegedly outdated voter rolls. Plaintiffs in an ongoing court case say about 130,000 voters should be removed from the rolls, asserting the commission ignored state law by adopting policies that allow voters who have moved to maintain active voter registrations at old addresses beyond 30 days.

A circuit court judge ruled for the plaintiffs early this year but the commission ignored the ruling, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court eventually overrode the lower court.

“These 130,000 were kept on the rolls for the November election, presumably sent absentee ballot applications by outside groups,” Spindell told state lawmakers during a hearing in Madison. “Hopefully it will be determined by the parties how many of these people actually voted by mail or otherwise.”

Of the 2.7 million absentee ballot applications sent out by the state, Spindell, added, tens of thousands were returned, marked saying they were sent to invalid addresses.

Attorney: Michigan Vote Flip Happened Due to Computer Program, Not Human Error By Zachary Stieber


An attorney in a Michigan election case on Friday said that an infamous vote flip happened because of a computer program, not human error.

“Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said it happened by human error. We discovered that’s not true, that’s a lie. It didn’t happen by human error. It happened by a computer program called Dominion Voting System[s],” Matthew DePerno said on Newsmax.

DePerno is representing plaintiff William Bailey in a lawsuit against Antrim County. Bailey noted that the county initially reported Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden winning the county by more than 2,000 votes over President Donald Trump, but later changed the results to show Trump received nearly 4,000 more votes than Biden.

Officials claimed what happened was due to a human error, after initially suggesting it was in part because of a software issue.

DePerno said that through the lawsuit, his team was able to get access to the Dominion Voting Systems program. They went earlier this month and retrieved 16 thumb drives and 16 data cards, as well as the forensic image of the actual tabulation machine in the Antrim County clerk office.

“My team has been running analysis through that forensic image since Sunday,” he said.

Michigan AG and Sec. of State Block Results of Forensic Audit of 22 Dominion Machines in Antrim County By Debra Heine


Aloha, Electors! If the Supreme Court will not provide a remedy in the Texas lawsuit, what is the remedy? A law is not a law if it does not provide a remedy. By Jay Whig


The “Office of the President Elect” is on a collision course with the Hunter Biden corruption scandal. The media turned off the radars when the New York Post broke the news that Hunter Biden had an addiction, prostitution, tax, bribery, and corruption issue that went all the way up to the “Big Guy.” Now with screws turning full ahead, the Office of the President Elect is headed straight for the rocks.

Biden’s inaugural address, if it happens, will be a valedictory speech. The Supreme Court on Friday made it likely that it will happen. But maybe it won’t happen. The media will bury the idea, like it buries everything that contradicts its narratives. But let’s explore a little.

“Aloha, motherfuckers!”

Former Detroit Mayor Coleman A. Young, never short on colorful speech, chose this salutation for Detroit media in a press conference televised from Hawaii. Young, like Trump, had a healthy contempt for the media. He knew them to be an enemy of the people, and he said so, to their faces. 

Too many Republicans lack the fortitude necessary to tell the media and the Left to shove off. It is an unfortunate fact that a defining feature of folks like Senators Mitt Romney (R-Utah), Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), and the 70 Republican members of the House who declined to sign on to an amicus brief in support of Texas, is fear. They fear parting with norms that the Left respects only when it suits the Left’s purposes, which are—pay attention now—winning, winning, and winning. In their fearso doing, these Republicans set conditions to the contest which perpetually foreordain their own defeat.

How NBC News Helped the Biden Campaign Ruin an Innocent Man and Bury the Hunter Laptop Story By Jeff Reynolds


Hunter Biden was the October Surprise that wasn’t. A report so explosive, so potentially damaging, so dangerous for national security that it should have destroyed Joe Biden’s bid for the White House. In any other election, fleets of investigative reporters would have been unleashed to verify the claims in the report. Instead, in the ultimate expression of Trump Derangement Syndrome, a major media company set out to personally destroy the man who they thought put the report together and thereby discredit the report to the point that the entire media complex in America took turns ridiculing the story instead of investigating it. The results could have dire implications for national security.

But hey, at least they got rid of the Bad Orange Man.

The week before Election Day, RedState published a series of articles about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, based on a 64-page report from researchers who combed public records to reveal how compromised the Biden family is to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). You can read Part 1 here. The four-part series lays out deeply disturbing connections between Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and the CCP.

The pro-democracy news outlet Apple Daily, based in Hong Kong, used an earlier 40-page version of the report and was the first to report on its findings. In response, NBC News launched a coordinated attack on one of the publishers of the report, Christopher Balding. This attack had all the appearances of being coordinated with the Biden campaign and it had the effect of benefiting the CCP.


The report goes into intimate detail about the deep connections between the Biden family and the CCP. In fact, Hunter Biden’s company BHR is listed as a subsidiary of the Bank of China, owned by the CCP.