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Ruth King

The defense-industry swamp is eager to engulf the Biden administration By Peter Schweizer and Jacob McLeod


Just days after the presidential election, a new investment firm called Pine Island Acquisition Corporation quietly began trading on the New York Stock Exchange, with the prospect of becoming a notable player in the $2 trillion defense and aerospace industry. The company’s greatest asset was not its relatively modest bankroll goal of $200 million, but its connections — deep ties to policy establishment figures shaping the incoming Biden administration.

In describing itself to potential investors, Pine Island’s prospectus boasted a leadership team with “extensive access, insight, expertise and management skill” in the defense sector.

In the dawning Biden era, that might be an understatement.

Pine Island was established as a “blank-check company” by Pine Island Capital, a small private-equity firm based in Fort Lauderdale. Among that firm’s partners are Michèle Flournoy and Antony Blinken, two of the president-elect’s top foreign-policy advisers. Blinken, who served as Vice President Joe Biden’s national-security adviser and, later, deputy secretary of state, is Biden’s pick to lead the State Department. Gen. Lloyd Austin, Biden’s nominee for defense secretary, is also listed as one of the firm’s “DC Partners.”

Pine Island recently lowered its fundraising goal from an initial target of $300 million, a move that appears to have expedited its listing on the New York Stock Exchange. While that move will reduce its available capital, it appears to position the company’s shareholders to benefit from any positive news stemming from a potential nomination of any of its partners.


Mene mene tekel upharsin-“God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end.”

Court-Packing Would Be the Very Tyranny Democrats Have Warned About By Charles C. W. Cooke


Democrats are threatening to pack the Supreme Court by enacting legislation to expand its size if they take the White House and Senate in 2020.


Sidney Powell is still out there fighting By Andrea Widburg


“Those of you who are downhearted are also forgetting one of the most important weapons we have: Each other. We are fighters who believe in our constitutional, free-market, morally-governed democratic republic. We matter.”

As I write these words in the wee hours of Saturday morning, it’s tough not to be disheartened by the Supreme Court’s refusal to take up Texas’s challenge to those states accused of running corrupt elections. Still, that was just one of many efforts to return sanity to the election. One of the most interesting actors now, as before, is Sidney Powell. (The other is Lin Wood, with whom she works.) This post sums up Powell’s most recent pronouncements.

First, late Friday night, after the Supreme Court had already dismissed the Texas case, Powell told people to “Pay attention!”

I did pay attention and was able to get a link to the 97-page emergency petition she filed – except that I can’t get it to load. You can find it here and it may work for you.

Incidentally, even without reading the petition, I believe absolutely that Powell is correct that the American people have standing. In our federal republic, the votes in 50 stand-alone states are combined to elect a president. When a state engages in unconstitutional cheating for Biden in a way that affects the election outcome, that conduct not only invalidates votes for Trump within the state, it destroys the vote of all Trump voters who participated in constitutionally-run elections in other states.

We Don’t Need SCOTUS to Win By James Arlandson


The Texas suit, later joined by other states, against Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia, was a nice try, but it was always a long shot.  Of course SCOTUS would be reluctant to grab so much power by ordering state legislatures to seat the right electors.  Why?  Because the power is already in the hands of the legislatures to do this. 

Though we are non-lawyers, let’s read these laws together, interpreting them minimally and plainly (something lawyers seem incapable of doing).  The first federal law for our purposes, titled “Determination of controversy as to appointment of electors,” says:

If any State shall have provided, by laws enacted prior to the day fixed for the appointment of the electors, for its final determination of any controversy or contest concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors of such State, by judicial or other methods or procedures, and such determination shall have been made at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors, such determination made pursuant to such law so existing on said day, and made at least six days prior to said time of meeting of the electors, shall be conclusive, and shall govern in the counting of the electoral votes as provided in the Constitution, and as hereinafter regulated, so far as the ascertainment of the electors appointed by such State is concerned.

So this provision, if I understand it correctly, says that states may appoint electors after a controversy (“controversy or contest”).  Now, what happens when fraud and illegalities are so egregious that they help one candidate exclusively and harm only one candidate in such a way that it is unclear which electors shall be appointed?  That definitely qualifies to become a “controversy or contest.”  The provision opens the door to each state legislature having the right to determine how the state can appoint electors (“appointment of electors” and “ascertainment of electors”).  (This is already clear in the Twelfth Amendment, but here this provision gives more clarity after a controversy.)  Bottom line: The electors for Biden, the “fake winner,” can be set aside if that is what each individual state law allows. 

After SCOTUS’s knife in the back, what Trump must do now By C. Edmund Wright


Today, Donald Trump is the most dangerous man on the planet.  At this moment, America needs him more than he needs America.  Trump could shoot the biggest middle finger ever to the entire nation, retire to a private island, or his penthouse, or his Florida compound, overcook his prime steaks and douse them with ketchup, and really — who could blame him?  It’s not as if he’ll outlive his money.  He doesn’t need us.  He doesn’t need anyone.  He has “F-U” money, and unlike others with big money — such as Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein and everyone ever named Kennedy — he doesn’t have this sick psychotic need to rule over others for 60 years of government life.  Trump is the freest man on the planet tonight.  He needs nothing. 

We, however, are no longer the freest people on the planet.  We need some help.

Our feckless Supreme Court has chosen guaranteed cocktail party invitations with the beautiful people in the swamp over the Constitutional Republic — and favored phony pieces of mailed ballots and theoretical Dominion algorithms over flesh-and-blood voters.

As it stands, President Donald Trump faces what may be the most distasteful test of patriotism any president has ever faced.  And it may be among the most important ever as well.  To be fair, this is not the horrible choice of instantly killing hundreds of thousands of non-combatant citizens — including kids — the kind of decisions surrounding the bombings of Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki in World War 2.  Clearly not.  But on a personal gut level, it must be an even more bitter choice.  And again, in this, we need him more than he needs us — or anyone, or anything. 

We will find out whether or not Trump can maintain his love of country and commitment to duty, just hours and days after that country’s core institutions have proven to be incredibly corrupt and immovably stacked against him and his voters.  Can he muster enough love of America to overcome what must be a well earned deep well of hate and resentment toward this nations’ highest court, its entire media complex, the entertainment industry, and the entire educational establishment?  After four years of unprecedented and unimaginable hate and lies from all quarters, can he possibly still give a damn? 

Bedfellows: Iran and Al Qaeda by Majid Rafizadeh


In addition, a trove of 470,000 documents, released by the CIA in late 2017, point to close ties between the Iranian regime and Al-Qaeda…. According to the documents, Iran also provided Al Qaeda with “money and arms and everything they need, and offered them training in Hezbollah camps in Lebanon, in return for striking American interests in Saudi Arabia.”

Eight of the 9/11 attack hijackers passed through Iran before coming to the US. Tehran provided funding, logistical support and ammunition to Al-Qaeda leaders, and sheltered several of them in exchange for attacks on US interests.

As sanctions against Iran were lifted during the Obama administration, it quickly became clear that those actions, instead, gave Iran’s brutality to its own people and its adventurism abroad a global legitimacy in the eyes of the international community. This newfound legitimacy and the lifting of sanctions generated billions of dollars for Iran’s military institution, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, as well as for Iran’s militia and terror groups. Tehran used those revenues to expand its influence throughout the region, including in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon. The expansion campaign proved to be immensely successful.

If Biden becomes the next US president and if he pursues the same policies towards Iran as former President Barack Obama, he will not only embolden this predatory regime, but also empower its allies, as well as terror groups such as Al Qaeda.

While the presumptive President-Elect Joe Biden is advocating for pursuing appeasement policies with Iran’s ruling mullahs as did his former boss, President Barack Obama, it should be noted he will be assisting a regime that has close ties not only to Shia militia groups but also to the terrorist group Al Qaeda.

Some people might attempt to convince you that Iran and Al Qaeda are enemies because the Iranian government is Shia and Al Qaeda is Sunni, but evidence shows strong collaboration between the two.

The Windermere Children: Safe at Last: Joe Dolce


The Montefiore Home in the Melbourne suburb of St Kilda is a Jewish residential aged-care facility that opened in 1897, and was named after Sir Moses Montefiore, 1st Baronet (1784–1885), a philanthropist, British banker and Sheriff of London.

Montefiore was from an Italian-Jewish family and had no children of his own, but his long and active life got him a mention in the letters of George Eliot, the diaries of Charles Dickens and James Joyce’s Ulysses. His great-grandnephew Leonard G. Montefiore (1886–1961) was the founding member of the Central British Fund for Jewish Relief, and the driving force behind the Windermere Children Project, a scheme in 1945 to allow young Jewish concentration camp survivors into Britain.

Montefiore had previously helped to bring 10,000 Jewish children to the UK before the Second World War, in a scheme known as the Kindertransport. But Britain was now in an economic crisis and practically bankrupt from six years of war, and assisting foreign refugees was not a priority.

Through persistent letter-writing and lobbying, he secured an agreement with the Home Office to allow 300 children to be air-lifted on two RAF Stirling bombers from the liberated concentration
camp and ghetto of Theresienstadt in northern Czechoslovakia (right). They would be housed in a former seaplane factory, closed at the end of the war, known as Calgarth Estate, on the banks of Lake Windermere in England’s Lake District. The workers’ barracks-style accommodation of the factory would allow each child to have their own room. A team of counsellors, led by German-Jewish psychoanalyst Oscar Friedmann, was tasked with the social experiment of rehabilitating the traumatised children in four months. The Home Office stipulated that Montefiore had to arrange the finance to support the project. He appealed to Britain’s Jewish community and donations started arriving from rich and poor.

This inspiring true story is dramatised in a movie, The Windermere Children (2020), directed by Michael Samuels, co-written by Samuels and Simon Block, and produced for BBC and ZDF.

China’s leaders understand all too well from their historical experience how to control America: Use compradors By Thomas Lifson


There is a very large, rich, and influential class of Americans who owe their wealth and standing to China, having mightily prospered through business ties to the Middle Kingdom.  Every educated person in China understands the way such ties linking a wealthy elite beholden to foreign interests can be used to bring down even the mightiest of nations.

The word “comprador” (买办, pronounced mǎi bàn), referring to the Chinese businessmen who allied themselves with Western imperialists, becoming wealthy and, in the view of the Chinese Communist Party, betraying the nation, is a curse word among Communists.

[T]here are two kinds of bourgeoisie — the national bourgeoisie and the comprador-bourgeoisie[.] … The comprador-bourgeoisie is always a running dog of imperialism[.] 

—Mao Tse-tung  Some Experiences in Our Party’s History, 1956

Dex Bahr, elsewhere in American Thinker today, correctly ties minimal media coverage of (and the previous suppression of) the story of the Swalwell spy scandal to the business interests of their corporate and individual masters:

What does Google/YouTube have in common with media outlets that have ignored the Swalwell Chinese spy scandal? CNN (WarnerMedia), NBC, MSNBC (Universal/Comcast), ABC/ESPN (Disney) and CBS (National Amusements) are all owned by companies that have been reported extensive business ties with Chinese Corporations which in turn are tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  The owners of the New York Times, which include Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim who as of 2018 had a 15.4% stake, and perhaps as much as 17.4% if this account has it right, and at the Washington Post, where Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos bought it outright, also have business ventures with China based companies (Read this May 2020 story from the Federalist for further details)

The Restaurant Lockdown Massacre New shutdown orders punish minorities and low-income workers.


New York’s Andrew Cuomo on Friday joined the stampede of Democratic governors shutting down restaurants despite scant evidence that they are driving a surge in Covid cases. Their shutdowns are hitting minorities the hardest and increasing economic inequality.

Democratic governors in Michigan, Illinois, Oregon and Washington in recent weeks have closed indoor dining. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has banned outdoor patios in most areas too. Mr. Cuomo said Friday that he’s shutting down indoor dining in New York City as of Monday.

According to state contact tracing data, restaurants and bars account for 1.4% of the virus spread in the state while household gatherings make up nearly 74%. That’s not surprising. In New York City, restaurants were limited to 25% capacity. Who limits capacity in their living rooms during football watch parties or Thanksgiving?

Restaurants and other small businesses have spent heavily to comply with government Covid regulations, including buying personal protective equipment for staff and improved ventilation systems. But now they are being punished because, well, government can’t control the virus and Democratic leaders feel they must appear to be doing something.

As Swalwell Spy Scandal Spirals, Pelosi Won’t Say How Many Other House Intel Dems Had Sexual Relationships With Spies December 11, 2020 By Jordan Davidson


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will not say if any other Democrats sitting on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have had political or sexual relationships with foreign spies.

This week, reporting by Axios revealed that suspected Chinese spy Christine Fang cultivated deep connections with U.S. Democratic politicians in the Bay Area for years, including with California Rep. Eric Swalwell, to send political intelligence and personal information back to China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS), one of the country’s primary spying agencies.

Fang reportedly developed a relationship with Swalwell, raising millions for Swalwell’s re-election in 2014 and assisting in placing at least one intern in his Washington, D.C. office before abruptly leaving the country in 2015, around the same time a counterintelligence investigation was opened on her.

The Federalist previously reported that in addition to bundling donors for the congressman, officials believe Fang may have been sexually and romantically involved with Swalwell.

The Federalist asked Pelosi if she knew how many other Democrat members of the House Intelligence Committee have had political, sexual, or relationships with spies for hostile foreign countries. Her office did not comment and instead pointed to her statement that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s questions about the influence Fang had on Swalwell, a sitting member on multiple intelligence committees, are simply a distraction from QAnon conspiracy theories.

“You know what he’s trying to do? He’s trying to deflect attention from the fact that he has QAnon in his delegation over there. And that I think is a danger in terms of our debate here about, you know, what the possibilities are for undue influence to Members of Congress,” she said at a Thursday press conference.