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Ruth King


Hanukah is a universal holiday. It represents the triumph of truth and faith over cults and idolatry and oppression. Today’s Hellenist worships junk science, politically correct nostrums, speech control, “woke” progressive cant, and challenges tradition, history and our sacred Constitution.  May America prevail like the ancient Maccabees in restoring our culture, patriotism and belief in American democracy and exceptionalism.

Whatever your faith, I sincerely wish us all a Happy Hanukah and share with you two messages from our best leaders:

Ronald Reagan in 1987:

” There has been more than enough tragedy in Jewish history, but Jews have always believed in their own future. This faith brought victory to the Maccabees, accounts for the founding of the modern State of Israel, and explains the equally inspiring birth of the Soviet Jewry movement and the responsive chord it has struck among Jews throughout the world. These examples show that the message of Hanukkah is timeless. Its lessons inspire the struggles of today and the victories of tomorrow. “

President Donald Trump: Hanukah 2019:

” As the Jewish community gathers together to celebrate this special and sacred time of year, we are reminded of God’s message of hope, mercy, and love.  Throughout the coming eight days, each candle to be lit on the menorah will signal to the world that freedom and justice will always shine brighter than hate and oppression.

Today, the relationship between the United States and Israel, one of our most cherished allies and friends, is stronger than ever.  We will continue to stand with the Jewish people in defending the God-given right to worship freely and openly.

 May the light of the menorah and the fellowship of family and friends fill your hearts with happiness and a renewed sense of faith.”

A Reminder About Us:By Robert Curry


“I’m betting on America the exceptional and its exceptional people, but whether your gut tells you we are going to win or that the best we can hope for is to go down fighting, I urge you to get in the fight. We can all do our part to make every effort to light a fire under Republican officials, demanding that they fight with everything they have.  The Republicans need to get real and put up the kind of all-out political fight that can save them from political extinction, and save the Constitution while they are at it. You know what you can do to help. Do it, I beseech you.”

Republicans need to get real and put up the kind of all-out political fight that can save them from political extinction—and save the Constitution while they are at it.

In his splendid little book American Exceptionalism, Charles Murray reminds us it was foreigners who took the lead in claiming Americans are different:

For whatever else these observers might say about the United States, they all agreed on one thing: the United States was quite unlike their own or any other nation. It was exceptional.

The people who came to America were different from their neighbors who stayed behind—more self-reliant, more resourceful, more willing to face great challenges in order to seize the opportunities life in America offered. America was different because Americans were different. 

Most of us have a sense of that difference, I think, and when we travel to foreign lands we are often reminded of it. Everyone who has traveled abroad has his own stories. Here is a characteristic one from the American novelist John Updike:

Once, in Kenya, I was in a safari van that broke down. The driver, a black African, and the English passengers in the van sat back waiting in the dusty heat for the notified authorities to send a repairman to us. The Americans in the van, including me, though I know little about engines, insisted on popping the hood and trying to fix the machine themselves . . . the Americans were happily willing to go from being docile passengers to dynamic auto mechanics. They felt equal to the task.

For it to work, the American Idea—government by, for, and of the people under the Constitution—requires American citizens who have that certain something that sets Americans apart. 

Today, the brazen attempt to steal the presidential election raises a question: will Americans sit in the back of the van waiting for the notified authorities to rescue them from this breakdown in America’s constitutional order? Or will they pop the hood and set about fixing the engine themselves because they feel equal to the task? 

Georgia Democrat Raphael Warnock Says He Didn’t Praise Murderous Dictator Fidel Castro. Here’s Video Of Him Doing It By Jordan Davidson


Georgia Democrat Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock praised communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castor, who is responsible for tens of thousands of brutal state murders, in a sermon in 2016 days after the dictator passed away. A recently resurfaced video from 2016 shows Warnock behind his church’s podium, giving a eulogy for the authoritarian to his congregation.

“We pray for the people of Cuba in this moment. We remember Fidel Castro, whose legacy is complex. Don’t let anyone tell you a simple story; life usually isn’t very simple. His legacy is complex, kind of like America’s legacy is complex,” Warnock said.

“While we focus on political prisoners in Cuba, you saw the folks standing here this morning,” he continued. “If some people get slapped on the hand for the same crime and others go to federal prison, then we too have our own political prisons because politics more than the crime politics of race and class. And in that sense, many of us have sisters and brothers who are political prisoners. We are about to pray to a man who was a political prisoner.”

Will the Supreme Court ignore the stolen election? By Robert Arvay


Remember the famous football game?  It wasn’t just a pass-interference infraction that caused the controversy.  It was blatant.  It was seen on live television by millions of football fans.  The pass defender virtually crawled up on top of the back of the intended receiver before the ball reached either player.  The referee saw it, right squarely in front of himself.  There was no doubt that, because of the required penalty, the game would therefore soon be won by the passing team, the team that had been illegally interfered with.

But the referee called it an incomplete pass, no interference, no penalty, in effect ending the game in favor of the team that had committed the infraction.  In football, this is referred to as a non-call.

When millions of people see a rules violation in football, and when the violation is permitted to go unpenalized, there is controversy, anger, and much discussion, after which all is soon forgotten.

When the same thing happens in a presidential election, when millions of people see the steal, and when the legislatures and courts do nothing, it is called corruption.  More than that, it is corruption so deep, so pervasive and widespread, that we are at a loss for words.

It now appears possible that Joe Biden will successfully steal the presidency from the voters.  As ludicrous as that sounds, the reality is slowly beginning to sink in.  There is no shortage of evidence; there is no lack of witnesses.  Worse yet, the consequences of the crime we are all witnessing will not be merely one team winning and the other losing.  It may well be the end of the republic, and for those who are witnessing it, there is no hyperbole in that foreboding.

Google/YouTube is erasing all evidence of election fraud By Andrea Widburg


Google/YouTube didn’t try to be subtle. It announced on Wednesday that it would delete any videos that so much as mentioned the word “fraud” in connection with Joe Biden’s patently fraudulently ascension to the top of the ticket in the days after the November 3 election. The implications of this are so enormous it’s currently difficult to assimilate all of them, let alone understand what needs to be done to hang onto American liberty.

You cannot discuss what Google just did without first turning to George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, which he wrote as a warning about the dangers of a modern totalitarian government. The book’s protagonist, Winston Smith, is a member of Big Brother’s party who works in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth.

In fact, there is no “truth” in Oceania. Instead, the only “truth” was Big Brother’s perpetual perfection. In his job, Winston received messages telling him to find locate past predictions from Big Brother that events had proven to be wrong. He was responsible for rewriting the statements (using a method similar to today’s speech recognition technology) to conform to actual events. Then,

As soon as Winston had dealt with each of the messages, he clipped his speakwritten corrections to the appropriate copy of ‘The Times’ and pushed them into the pneumatic tube. Then, with a movement which was as nearly as possible unconscious, he crumpled up the original message and any notes that he himself had made, and dropped them into the memory hole to be devoured by the flames.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw rips into Pelosi for her moral corruption and hypocrisy By Andrea Widburg


On Wednesday, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (D-Tx), speaking in the House of Representatives, unloaded on Nancy Pelosi, whom he “unequivocally condemn[ed] in the strongest possible terms.” It’s a speech all Americans should hear because it so perfectly captures both Pelosi’s personal corruption and the horrors that the Democrats’ scientifically unsupported lockdowns have unleashed on Americans.

I could have written a post echoing Crenshaw’s statements, but that seemed silly. For that reason, I decided that the smartest thing would be to present Crenshaw’s words unadulterated but to augment them with annotations to drive home the points he so powerfully makes. Everything below this is in Crenshaw’s voice:

I rise today to unequivocally condemn in the strongest possible terms the actions of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Just last week, referring to her obstruction of bipartisan targeted relief bills that we could have voted on, on this floor, she said quote, “Don’t characterize what we did before as a mistake. *** This was not a mistake. It was a decision.” End quote.

Setting Up a Siege? Antifa Has Armed Guards, Stockpiled Weapons at Portland Autonomous Zone By Tyler O’Neil,


The antifa occupiers at the autonomous zone that sprung up in Portland this week appear to be preparing for a siege. As PJ Media’s Victoria Taft reported, antifa squatters took over a house in Portland and when the government rightly evicted them, they set up an autonomous zone.

On Wednesday, Portland’s police chief reported that antifa has fortified barricades, stockpiled weapons, set up armed guards, and threatened to kill police officers. Both the police chief and the mayor have urged the rebels to lay down their arms, but it appears they are refusing to do so.

“We want a peaceful & safe resolution to the occupation of public space on N Mississippi Ave. We are greatly concerned about the fortification of barricades, stockpiling of weapons, armed sentries, attacks on journalists & threats to kill officers in graffiti in this public space,” Chief Chuck Lovell tweeted on Wednesday. “I encourage those involved to reach out to our demonstration liaisons so we can discuss a peaceful outcome.”

“We are aware of the stockpile of weapons and the presence of firearms. We are aware of the threats to the community, to media, to police. We’ve seen the attacks. The Portland Police will enforce the law and use force is necessary to restore order to the neighborhood,” Lovell added in a brief speech about the autonomous zone.

Ravishing Propaganda Though gorgeously filmed and acted, Netflix’s Mank is, at bottom, a stale Hollywood lecture. Bruce Bawer


Since debuting with Aliens 3 in 1992, the director David Fincher has racked up an impressive list of no-nonsense, fast-moving pictures, mostly thrillers, and mostly terrific: Seven, The Game, Fight Club, Panic Room, Zodiac, Benjamin Button, The Social Network, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Gone Girl. It’s a rare filmmaker today who has such a solid list of credits.

Fincher’s latest film, the much-hyped Netflix offering Mank, is not a thriller but is, rather, the latest contribution to another major genre, the movie about Hollywood movie. Hollywood has always loved making movies about Hollywood, for the same reason that Narcissus loved looking at his reflection. Mank is about Herman Mankiewicz, nicknamed Mank, who, depending on which story you believe, either co-wrote Citizen Kane with Orson Welles or wrote it alone, only to see Welles slap his own name on the script.

When we first meet him, in 1940. Mank (Gary Oldman) is a rumpled, drunken, self-destructive has-been who’s been fired from MGM and planted by Welles in a house in the California desert, where he dries out while fitfully writing Kane. But Mank’s stay at that house turns out to be simply a frame for a story that, like Kane’s, is told mainly in flashbacks. Most of this movie, indeed, takes place in the 1930s, chiefly at MGM, where Mankiewicz wrote or co-wrote dozens of screenplays, and at San Simeon, the seaside estate of newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst, the model (needless to say) for Charles Foster Kane, who was (who knew?) a chum of Mank’s.

Facebook Hit With Antitrust Lawsuits


WASHINGTON—The Federal Trade Commission and 46 states sued Facebook Inc. on Wednesday, accusing the social-media giant of buying and freezing out small startups to choke competition.

The FTC’s sweeping antitrust case seeks to force Facebook to unwind its acquisitions of WhatsApp and Instagram, two of its landmark deals. The states filed a separate and similar lawsuit, alleging a lack of competition has harmed consumers, including by weakening privacy protections.

The lawsuits come weeks after the Justice Department brought a case alleging Google was illegally maintaining a monopoly in its search business. Collectively, the cases reflect U.S. concern about the power of dominant online platforms.

“Facebook’s actions to entrench and maintain its monopoly deny consumers the benefits of competition,” said Ian Conner, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Competition. “Our aim is to roll back Facebook’s anticompetitive conduct and restore competition so that innovation and free competition can thrive.”

New York Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat, asserted that Facebook “has used its dominance and monopoly power to crush smaller rivals and snuff out competition, all at the expense of everyday users,” and made “billions by converting personal data into a cash cow.”

Facebook fired back by noting the FTC had previously approved the Instagram and WhatsApp transactions.

Los Angeles Voted For More Crime — And They’re About To Get It ‘Good And Hard’


The acerbic wit and writer H.L. Mencken once famously said, “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” The good people of Los Angeles are about to find out exactly what he meant.

In November’s election, the city’s voters had the poor judgment to elect a George Soros-backed district attorney, far-left “justice reform advocate” George Gascon. They’ll be paying for their mistake for years to come.

The payment is coming due already, thanks to the socialist billionaire Soros. The Cuban-born Gascon had already served as both chief of police and district attorney in San Francisco, where he basically stopped prosecuting many crimes.

He was aided in that by California’s notorious Proposition 47, which after its passage in 2014 redefined many drug and theft offenses as misdemeanors.

How did that work out? The once-beautiful city by the bay’s streets are now filled with homeless drug addicts, the mentally ill and criminals of every stripe. Violent crime, drug use and theft have all soared. Residents and tourists alike must negotiate the city’s vomit- and feces-strewn sidewalks, and dodge people shooting up drugs and accosting passersby for “spare change.”

Break-ins and “property crimes” of all types are now common. Those who voted for this madness in San Francisco are now fleeing the city in droves.

Ask those who have left what kind of “job” Gascon did.